77 research outputs found

    Budidaya Lamtoro Sebagai Bank Pakan Sumber Protein di Kecamatan Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    : Currently, the Lamtoro plant has become the prima donna of forage for ruminants in NTB Province. This plant is able to grow in relatively dry land and can be a source of protein for ruminants, maintenance and maintenance is relatively easy because it does not require a lot of water. On the other hand, the use of lamtoro as a source of protein for ruminant feed is an efficient step in meeting animal feed needs. Through the utilization of lamtoro, the use of less productive land can be utilized as well as a reforestation tree to prevent erosion, on the other hand, the use of lamtoro can increase farmers' income because the cost of foraging for food in the dry season can be minimized, the quality of feed given to livestock is maintained so that livestock productivity is maintained. The dry season remains high, therefore the Maju Bersama Group in the Filter Village of North Moyo District as one of the livestock groups in North Moyo District where the population does a lot of raising ruminant livestock, it is deemed necessary to carry out community empowerment service activities through counseling on “Lamtoro Cultivation As a Protein Source Feed Bank in North Moyo District, Sumbawa Regency. " Providing counseling in the form of demonstrations, speeches (lectures and questions and answers), and distribution of leaflets attended by 20 participants including members of farmer groups and local residents. The results of the counseling were considered very useful. This could be seen from the enthusiasm of the extension participants who attended both the question and answer session and the demonstration session. The output of this counseling result is an ISSN service journal and a brochur


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    This study aims to examine the preferences of residents of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province, in choosing and consuming premium beef. Premium meat has recently been produced from cattle on Sumbawa Island and also from cattle developed on Lombok Island in recent years. This study used a survey approach. Interviews were conducted with 86 small-medium income residents of Mataram with an income range of Rp 5 million - Rp 30 million per month. Respondents consisted of housewives and several men. Premium meat consumption in this study was in the form of beef purchased in a special place in fresh or processed form or in the form of premium meat enjoyed in restaurants or cafes. The results showed that the preference of Mataram City residents towards premium meat was relatively good as reflected in the recognition of residents that premium meat is classified as tender, more juice and soft. The frequency and intensity of premium meat consumption by residents of Mataram City, especially in restaurants and cafes, is still relatively limited. More than half (55.81 percent) of Mataram residents enjoy premium meat 1-5 times per month and as many as 23 percent of Mataram residents rarely enjoy premium meat. The rest of the premium meat enjoys quite intensely. &nbsp

    Weaning and Supplementation Increase Liveweight Gain of Bali (Bos javanicus) Cattle of Small-holder Farmers in Central Lombok, Indonesia

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    Abstract. One of the constraints for improving productivity of Bali cattle in west Nusa Tenggara Province is the low growth rate of weaned calves. Results of on-station experiments showed that Sesbania grandiflora (sesbania) supplementation can significantly increase live weight gain of weaned calves. The objective of this experiment was to investigate whether sesbania supplementation can increase live weight gain of weaned calves and improve farmer income. This experiment was carried out in Tandek, Labulia Village (treatment village) and in Kelebuh and Sukaraja villages (control villages) central Lombok District from April to October 2008. A total of 21 calves (9 males and 12 females) aged 237±7 days with initial live weight of 122.3±4.5 kg were monitored in Kelebuh and Sukaraja villages (control villages). During the same period, 25 calves (13 males and 12 females) aged 237±6 days with initial weight of  108.8±4.1 kg were monitored in Tandek Village (treatment village) and fed fresh sesbania at 1% dry matter of live weight. To ensure that sesbania was fed at the recommended level, regular weighing of sesbania offered by each farmer was conducted 2-3 times per week. All calves were weighed every month to determine live weight gain. Farmers from the control villages and other villages were invited to a field day conducted in the treatment village at the end of the experiment. The results showed that sesbania supplementation significantly increased live weight gain (0.36±0.01 kg/day for calves in the treatment village compared to 0.22±0.01 kg/day for those in the control villages), increased body condition and health of the calves and improved farmer income. Weaning management and supplementation with sesbania was very easy to implement so most of the farmers participated in this study stated that they were willing to continue this feeding management.Keywords: Bali calves, growth, early weaning, Sesbania grandiflora, LombokAbstrak. Salah satu permasalahan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas sapi Bali di NTB adalah rendahnya tingkat pertumbuhan pedet lepas sapih. Hasil kajian di pusat penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi dengan pakan lokal seperti daun turi terbukti dapat meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan pedet lepas sapih secara nyata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah suplementasi dengan daun turi pada peternakan skala kecil dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan pedet lepas sapih dan meningkatkan pendapatan peternak. Penelitian dilakukan di Dusun Tandek, desa Labulia Lombok Tengah (lokasi intervensi) dan di Desa Kelebuh dan Sukaraja Kecamatan Praya Tengah (lokasi kontrol), Kabupaten Lombok Tengah mulai bulan April sampai Oktober 2008. Sejumlah 21 ekor pedet (9 jantan dan 12 betina) yang berumur 237±7 hari dengan bobot badan awal 122,3±4,5 kg diamati di Desa Kelebuh dan Sukaraja (lokasi kontrol). Pada saat yang sama, 25 ekor pedet (13 jantan dan 12 betina) berumur 237±6 hari dengan bobot badan awal 108,8±4,1 kg diamati di Tandek (lokasi intervensi) dan diberikan pakan tambahan berupa daun turi (sekitar 1% BK dari bobot badannya). Untuk memastikan jumlah daun turi diberikan sesuai dengan rekomendasi, dilakukan penimbangan daun turi yang diberikan secara acak dua sampai 3 kali seminggu. Penimbangan bobot badan dilakukan setiap bulan dan pada akhir penelitian dilakukan temu lapang dengan mengundang peternak dari lokasi kontrol dan lokasi lainnya di Lombok Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyapihan dan suplementasi daun turi secara nyata meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan lepas sapih (0,36±0,01 kg/hari pada kelompok intervensi dibandingkan dengan 0,22±0,01 kg/hari pada lokasi kontrol), meningkatkan kondisi dan kesehatan pedet dan meningkatkan keuntungan peternak. Manajemen penyapihan dan suplementasi dengan daun turi sangat mudah dilakukan sehingga sebagian besar peternak yang berpartisipasi dalam temu lapang menyatakan bersedia menerapkannya.Kata kunci : Sapi Bali, pertumbuhan, penyapihan, Sesbania grandiflora, Lombok Dahlanuddin et al/Animal Production 14(3):173-179, September 201

    Pelatihan Teknik Pembuatan Pakan Sapi Bali di Kelompok Peternak Patut Patuh Patju Kelurahan Ampenan Selatan Kecamatan Ampenan Kota Mataram

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    As an effort to improve the knowledge and skills of farmers in rural areas, service activities have been carried out with the topic "Training on Bali Cattle Feed Making Techniques in the Patut Patuh Patju Farmer Group, South Ampenan Village, Ampenan Sub-district, Mataram City". This service activity was held on the grounds that farmers in Ampenan Selatan Village often have difficulty meeting the needs of their livestock for forage, especially during the dry season, so this sometimes has an unwanted negative impact such as the occurrence of cases of death and disease in livestock as a result of declining livestock conditions. This is due to the ignorance of the farmers in an effort to overcome the shortage of forage during the dry season. This community service activity will be carried out with three methods, namely the lecture, written and demonstration methods. With the lecture method delivered on the understanding and explanation of silage and Ammoniation Fermentation (Amofer). Through the written method, it was delivered by giving a brochure containing how to make silage and make Amofer rice straw. Meanwhile, with the demonstration method, the farmers immediately practiced the preservation and processing method with Silage and Amofer technology. Based on the results of monitoring during the activity, the results of the questions and answers and the enthusiasm of the participants, it was seen that the farmers had just realized the importance of the role of nutrition for livestock, were willing to apply feed preservation and processing technology, and it could also be seen that they had no difficulty in adopting the material provided. So overall this activity can be said to be quite successful. Recognizing the limitations of breeders in terms of conservation and feed processing which is an alternative for providing feed in the dry season, the service team suggests that this kind of activity should be continued so that the expected livestock production can be achieved

    Penggunaan Daun Lamtoro Sebagai Pakan Untuk Penggemukan Sapi Bali

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    Farmers are not used to giving leucaena leaves to the cattle they keep. This is because lack of information about benefits of leucaena is not widely known. Whereas leucaena leaves have high nutritional value and palatable. Cattle body weight can grow well, so farmers get an advantage when using leucaena as feed.Extension activity was conducted in Kelompok Tani Ternak Aik Kolong, Mura Village, District of Brang Ene, West Sumbawa Regency.  Selection of places at the request of community leaders from this place. After the extension activities, farmers have begun to understand and realize that the maintenance cattle for fattening efforts absolutely need quality feed intake.  Farmers will seed and a plant leucaena seed given in the cage area, yard, or in their fields after the rainy season arrives.  This was conveyed in discussions (Q&A) events that developed during extension activities and technical guidance conducted in a simulation. In the end of activities, the farmers still hope that this kind of activity is more often done, so that their skills and knowledge on how to raise cattle fattening can be applied in the Group in particular and in Mura Village-Brang Ene, West Sumbawa Regency generally

    Penggunaan Daun Lamtoro Sebagai Pakan Untuk Penggemukan Sapi Bali

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    Farmers are not used to giving leucaena leaves to the cattle they keep. This is because lack of information about benefits of leucaena is not widely known. Whereas leucaena leaves have high nutritional value and palatable. Cattle body weight can grow well, so farmers get an advantage when using leucaena as feed.Extension activity was conducted in Kelompok Tani Ternak Aik Kolong, Mura Village, District of Brang Ene, West Sumbawa Regency.  Selection of places at the request of community leaders from this place. After the extension activities, farmers have begun to understand and realize that the maintenance cattle for fattening efforts absolutely need quality feed intake.  Farmers will seed and a plant leucaena seed given in the cage area, yard, or in their fields after the rainy season arrives.  This was conveyed in discussions (Q&A) events that developed during extension activities and technical guidance conducted in a simulation. In the end of activities, the farmers still hope that this kind of activity is more often done, so that their skills and knowledge on how to raise cattle fattening can be applied in the Group in particular and in Mura Village-Brang Ene, West Sumbawa Regency generally

    Weaning and supplementation increase liveweight gain of Bali (Bos javanicus) cattle of small-holder farmers in Central Lombok, Indonesia

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    One of the constraints for improving productivity of Bali cattle in west Nusa Tenggara Province is the low growth rate of weaned calves. Results of on-station experiments showed that Sesbania grandiflora (sesbania) supplementation can significantly increase live weight gain of weaned calves. The objective of this experiment was to investigate whether sesbania supplementation can increase live weight gain of weaned calves and improve farmer income. This experiment was carried out in Tandek, Labulia Village (treatment village) and in Kelebuh and Sukaraja villages (control villages) central Lombok District from April to October 2008. A total of 21 calves (9 males and 12 females) aged 237±7 days with initial live weight of 122.3±4.5 kg were monitored in Kelebuh and Sukaraja villages (control villages). During the same period, 25 calves (13 males and 12 females) aged 237±6 days with initial weight of 108.8±4.1 kg were monitored in Tandek Village (treatment village) and fed fresh sesbania at 1% dry matter of live weight. To ensure that sesbania was fed at the recommended level, regular weighing of sesbania offered by each farmer was conducted 2-3 times per week. All calves were weighed every month to determine live weight gain. Farmers from the control villages and other villages were invited to a field day conducted in the treatment village at the end of the experiment. The results showed that sesbania supplementation significantly increased live weight gain (0.36±0.01 kg/day for calves in the treatment village compared to 0.22±0.01 kg/day for those in the control villages), increased body condition and health of the calves and improved farmer income. Weaning management and supplementation with sesbania was very easy to implement so most of the farmers participated in this study stated that they were willing to continue this feeding management

    Pemberdayaan Peternak Perempuan Melalui Transfer Teknologi Pakan Komplit

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    Feed is still a major problem in the development of the livestock sub-sector. So far, farmers are still relying on animal feed needs from natural grass which causes low livestock productivity and limited livestock rearing capacity. To overcome these problems, the purpose of this community service activity is to provide training and assistance to female breeders to make complete feed and implement the use of complete feed for livestock. This training activity was carried out in Wanasaba Lauk Village, East Lombok Regency. Participants in the training activity were 15 female breeders under the Ridho Ilahi Center for Animal Husbandry. The method used in this study is the delivery of materials and the practice of making complete feeds. The training activity was carried out for 2 days and assistance for the application of complete feed technology was carried out for 3 months. The result of this training is that female farmers gain knowledge and skills in producing complete feed and in terms of capacity calculations, breeders are able to maintain a minimum of 5 heads of livestock which previously was only a maximum of 2 heads. Then in terms of productivity, average daily gain (ADG) of livestock reached 0.42 Kg/day


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    Improving nutritional value of feed using Leucaena leucocephala is attainable for everyone as it could easily grow in agriculture land and often found as tree fences in farmers’ residential area. Leucaena leaves contain high valuable nutrition, which favored by the cattle and likewise the increase live weight cattle thoroughly. A community-service based program was carried out at farmer group of Pade Genem in Sekarbela district, Mataram. This program aimed to provide training for cattle farmers on how to feed cattle using leucaena, introducing the methods of reducing anti-nutritional factors that naturally producing by leucaena, as well as planting strategy for feeding and environmental greening. Participative approach was used in the education and training activities through counseling, discourse and illustration methods. Success of program is indicated by enthusiasm and involvement of participants, as well as implementation and adoptio

    Growth of Bali Bulls Fattened with Forage Tree Legumes in Eastern Indonesia: Leucaena leucocephala in Sumbawa

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    The contribution of West Nusa Tenggara Province to domestic beef supply in Indonesia is relatively small, however, beef cattle are very important for the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the region. Bali cattle (Boss javanicus) are the predominant breed as they are adapted to harsh nutritional conditions, are highly fertile and have low calf mortality (Toelihere 2003). While genetically capable of achieving a growth rate of 0.85 kg/d (Mastika 2003), Panjaitan (2012) identified poor nutrition as a severe limitation to animal growth in traditional village systems. Improving feed quality and supply is vital to increasing growth rates and product quality. Forage tree legumes such as leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) offer the best chance of providing high quality feed to fatten Bali bulls in village systems where leucaena is well-adapted. Indeed, the feeding of leucaena has been practiced for about two decades in Sumbawa district of West Nusa Tenggara although the practice is limited to specific villages, mostly Balinese, even though farmers nearby have similar biophysical conditions and nutritional problems. The objective of this work was to characterize the best practices employed by farmers in Sumbawa that maximize growth rates by feeding leucaena so that their detailed knowledge can be passed onto other villagers in a pilot roll-out program (Kana Hau 2013)