185 research outputs found

    Hubungan Intensitas Pencahayaan dengan Kelelahan Mata pada Pekerja Penjahit di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Mata dapat bekerja secara efektif menerima cahaya dengan rentang intensitas yang sangat lebar sekitar 10 milyar cahaya. Kelelahan mata timbul sebagai stress intensif pada fungsi-fungsi mata seperti terhadap otot-otot akomodasi pada pekerjaan yang perlu pengamatan secara teliti atau terhadap retina sebagai akibat ketidaktepatan kontras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada pekerja penjahit di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional study. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 51 pekerja. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penagambilan data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil dalam penelitian ini jumlah penjahit pekerja 51, yang mengalami mata lelah ada 36 pekerja sedangkan yang tidak mengalami mata lelah 15 pekerja, sehingga penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada pekerja penjahit di Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dengan nilai p value = 0,019 < 0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada pekerja penjahit di Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Disarakan kepala pasar setempat bekerja sama dengan pekerja penjahit untuk memberi penerangan diruang penjahit sesuai dengan standar cahaya minimal 100 lux

    Perancangan Aplikasi Frontdesk Server Assistant (Fosa)

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat turut memajukan media komunikasi sebagai media penyampaian informasi dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya, sehingga memudahkan orang dalam mengakses media komunikasi.Dalam faktor keamanan ini biasanya Perusahaan menempatkan administrator untuk menjaga tetapi fungsi administrator tentunya akan terbatas waktunya, saat jam kerja.perancangan aplikasi yang melayani para administrator server dalam hal menjaga dan memelihara kestabilan server tanpa membutuhkan keahlian tertentu dalam memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut oleh penulis system tersebut diberi nama Frontdesk Server Assistant (Fosa)

    Students’ Learning Obstacles and Alternative Solution in Counting Rules Learning Levels Senior High School

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    The counting rules is a topic in mathematics senior high school. In the learning process, teachers often find students who have difficulties in learning this topic. Knowing the characteristics of students' learning difficulties and analyzing the causes is important for the teacher, as an effort in trying to reflect the learning process and as a reference in constructing alternative learning solutions which appropriate to anticipate students’ learning obstacles. This study uses qualitative methods and involves 70 students of class XII as research subjects. The data collection techniques used in this study is diagnostic test instrument about learning difficulties in counting rules, observation, and interview. The data used to know the learning difficulties experienced by students, the causes of learning difficulties, and to develop alternative learning solutions. From the results of data analysis, the results of diagnostic tests researcher found some obstacles faced by students, such as students get confused in describing the definition, students difficulties in understanding the procedure of solving multiplication rules. Based on those problems, researcher analyzed the causes of these difficulties and make hypothetical learning trajectory as an alternative solution in counting rules learning

    Forensic Bird-Strike Identification Techniques Used in an Accident Investigation at Wiley Post Airport, Oklahoma, 2008

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    On March 4, 2008, a Cessna Citation 1 (Model 500) crashed in a wooded area near Wiley Post Airport, Oklahoma, killing all 5 people on board. This paper describes the detailed forensic methods and expertise used by the Smithsonian Institution’s Feather Identification Lab to identify the bird that caused this bird-strike incident. We used standard methods of whole-feather analysis, microscopic examination, and DNA barcoding in this case to identify American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) as the bird species involved in this fatal crash. We also report the importance of proper field investigation and evidence collection for accurate results, particularly for this case, and generally for all bird-strike identifications

    Operative temperature and thermal sensation assessments in non-air-conditioned multi-storey hostels in Malaysia

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    This study assessed the influences of operative temperature on occupants’ perceptions of indoor thermal condition in three non-air-conditioned multi-storey hostels in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The thermal conditions of 24 measured rooms were recorded with and without an operating ceiling fan from May until July 2007. Measurements were made simultaneously at three different floor levels, namely, at the first, fifth and top floor of each of the case study hostels. A questionnaire survey was completed by 298 female student occupants of the same case study hostels. The results suggested that even though a significance above p < 0.01 was recorded between the operative temperatures with and without fan operation, the temperature difference remained small, i.e., from 0.5 K to 1 K. The findings of the questionnaire survey showed that the occupants perceived the thermal conditions in rooms that were shaded with a projected balcony (shading ratio of 0.9), a long roof overhang (shading ratio of 1.6) and an operable window-to-wall ratio of 0.3 to be thermally comfortable

    Evidence base prioritisation of indoor comfort perceptions in Malaysian typical multi-storey hostels

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    This study focuses on assessing the effects of the indoor climate in typical multi-storey hostels in Malaysia on student occupants through objective, subjective and evidence based prioritisation measurements. The objective measurements consisted of operative temperature; daylight ratio; luminance and indoor noise level. The subjective measurements were sampled from the student occupants' thermal, visual, acoustics and overall indoor comfort votes. The prioritisation measurement using Multiple Linear Regression and Friedman Tests assessed the relationship between physical indoor thermal, visual and acoustics conditions and students' overall indoor comfort perception vote. Findings suggest that subjective sensor ratings were significantly more reliable than objective measurements at predicting overall indoor comfort. Moreover, students living in hostel rooms with projected balconies voted that they were more satisfied with their indoor condition than the ones living in rooms without projected balconies. The results of this study also provide evidence that student occupants were more concerned with their rooms' thermal condition then followed by acoustics and finally visual conditions

    Enhancing Students\u27 Communication Skills Through Treffinger Teaching Model

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    This research aims to investigate, compare, and describe the achievement and enhancement of students\u27 mathematical communication skills (MCS). It based on the prior mathematical knowledge (PMK) category (high, medium and low) by using Treffinger models (TM) and conventional learning (CL). This research is an experimental study with the population of all students of Mathematics Education Department who took Discrete Mathematics subject matter of one university in the city of Ternate. The results show that (1) the achievement and enhancement of MCS students that used TM are higher than the students learning using CL; (2) Based on the categories of PMK, the achievement and enhancement of MCS of students using TM are also higher than those learning with CL; and (3) There was no interaction effect between learning (TM and CL) and PMK to the achievement and enhancement of MCS of the students

    Tamoxifen Suppresses the Growth of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Cells.

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    INTRODUCTION: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare but highly aggressive malignancy most often associated with exposure to asbestos. Recent evidence points to oestrogen receptor (ER)-β having a tumour-suppressor role in MPM progression, and this raises the question of whether selective modulators of ERs could play a role in augmenting MPM therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the action of tamoxifen in inhibiting the growth and modulating the cisplatin sensitivity of four MPM cell lines. RESULTS: Tamoxifen inhibited the growth of MPM cells and also modulated their sensitivity to cisplatin. The MPM cell lines expressed ERβ, but the actions of tamoxifen were not blocked by antagonism of nuclear ERs. Tamoxifen treatment repressed the expression of cyclins by MPM cells, resulting in cell-cycle arrest and caspase-3-coupled apoptosis signaling. CONCLUSION: The ER-independent actions of tamoxifen on MPM cell proliferation and cell-cycle progression may have clinical benefits for a subset of patients with MPM

    ND2 as an Additional Genetic Marker to Improve Identification of Diving Ducks Involved in Bird Strikes

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    Knowing the exact species of birds involved in damaging collisions with aircraft (bird strikes) is paramount to managing and preventing these types of human–wildlife conflicts. While a standard genetic marker, or DNA barcode (mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome-c oxidase 1, or CO1), can reliably identify most avian species, this marker cannot distinguish among some closely related species. Diving ducks within the genus Aythya are an example of congeneric waterfowl involved in bird strikes where several species pairs cannot be reliably identified with the standard DNA barcode. Here, we describe methods for using an additional genetic marker (mitochondrial DNA gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, or ND2) for identification of 9 Aythya spp. Gene-specific phylogenetic trees and genetic distances among taxa reveal that ND2 is more effective than CO1 at genetic identification of diving ducks studied here. Compared with CO1, the ND2 gene tree is more statistically robust, has a minimum of 1.5 times greater genetic distance between sister clades, and resolves paraphyly in 2 clades. While CO1 is effective for identification of most bird strike cases, this study underscores the value of targeted incorporation of additional genetic markers for species identification of taxa that are known to be problematic using standard DNA barcoding