4,486 research outputs found

    Trust in the US-EU fruit and vegetable chain: Do US exporters understand EU importers?

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    Research on organizational and inter organizational trust has become an important field in management and marketing literature, as it is perceived as a pivotal aspect of business transactions. However, clarifications are still needed on the issue of whom we trust; is the person whom we are trading with trusted, or the organization, or just the product‐quality? Not only has this question not been answered within this field of research, neither have cultural differences have been described to any great extent. Additionally, if the perceived factors important to establish trusting relationships may or may not be the same on the buyers and the sellers side in international business transaction in food chains. The primary objective of this research study therefore is to identify how well US exporters understand the elements of trust that establish strong relationships with EU importers. The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to evaluate the importance of different trust elements in interviews conducted with US exporters and EU importers of fruits and vegetables. Results are compared, providing both a picture of the important facets of trust, as well as whether the partners understand the perspectives of the other partner

    Lake Erie 1993, Western, West Central and Eastern Basins: Change in Trophic Status, and Assessment of the Abundance, Biomass and Production of the Lower Trophic Levels

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    The western and west central basins were mesotrophic and the eastern basin was oligotrophic, based on many biological and chemical parameters measured in 1993. Gradients were observed for most parameters, with chlorophyll a, nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and light extinction decreasing from west to east. In the western basin, phytoplankton biomass declined by 51% from 1983-85. Phytoplankton photosynthesis (g C·m-2), predicted from total phosphorus (TP) using a relationship developed in other offshore productivity studies in Lake Ontario, declined by 35% in 1993, without a corresponding decline in phosphorus (P) loading or TP. Diatoms decreased and there was a shift towards smaller phytoplankton species. These changes were attributed to zebra mussel filtration, but were not of sufficient magnitude to reduce zooplankton biomass. In the west central basin, the reductions in phytoplankton biomass were modest. Photosynthesis (g C·m-2) in 1993, was in line with that predicted by TP and the empirical relationship developed in other offshore studies. Limited mussel populations in the west central basin, resulting from low hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations, caused little change in the phytoplankton. There also were no reductions in mean biomass of zooplankton from 1984-87. In the eastern basin, phytoplankton biomass declined by 49% from 1983-85. Photosynthesis (g C·m-2) declined by 50% from the value predicted, from TP and the empirical relationship developed for other studies, for 1983-85, without a decline in P-leading. TP was lower in 1993 and was attributed to filtering by Dreissena and subsequent redirection of pelagic material to the sediments. Phytoplankton species indicative of eutrophy were reduced and there was an overall shift towards smaller species. Zooplankton biomass was also reduced. Mean zooplankton community size and the loss of Daphnia sp. suggest that predation by planktivores as well as a reduced food supply, affected zooplankton biomass in 1993. The Dreissena population also affected the benthic community structure as Diporeia were virtually eliminated from the eastern basin and Gammarus increased in all basins. Benthic biomass was 40% higher on average than in 1979. Dreissena dominated benthic production at all stations except offshore in the west-central basin

    Assessment of Abundance, Biomass and Production of the Lower Trophic Levels in the Eastern Basin of Lake Erie, 1994

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    The Lake Erie Biomonitoring (LEB) program conducted in 1994, focused on the eastern basin of the lake, resampling the same sites as in 1993. Nutrient conditions were similar in the two years. Responses differed between the stratified offshore and unstratified nearshore. At the offshore station, seasonal phytoplankton biomass was 56% higher in 1994 than in 1993 and apparently resulted from a reduction in grazing pressure by Dreissena. Dreissena biomass and their potential clearance rates at the offshore station were much lower in the spring of 1994 than in the spring of 1993 (2.5 vs. 14.9 m3·m·2·d·\u27), respectively. Despite this increase in phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll (Chi) and phytoplankton photosynthesis (PP) were not significantly higher in 1994. Dinoflagellates, which have lower Chl:C and lower photosynthesis:Chl ratios than other groups of phytoplankton, accounted for much of the increase in biomass. Rotifer biomass decreased by 50% and zooplankton biomass by 40% between the two years. Calanoids were responsible for much of the decrease in zooplankton biomass. Composition also shifted towards larger bodied cladocerans, such as Daphnia and Bythotrephes, and away from Bosmina. This shift coincided with changes in predation pressure. Age-one smelt abundance was extremely high in 1993 and low in 1994, while the reverse was true of the YOY smelt. Age-one smelt consume mainly cladocerans and the YOY, copepods (REF). At the nearshore stations, seasonal PP and Chi were well below that expected given the total phosphorus (TP) concentration, indicating that Dreissena had an important impact on phytoplankton photosynthesis in this region. Low transparency due to suspended sediments also contributed to the low PP at station El. Zooplankton biomass was lower in 1994 than in 1993, and species composition and size shifted. Daphnia increased and calanoids and Bosmina decreased in the nearshore as in the offshore, presumably in response to changes in the smelt population. However, Bythotrephes decreased and rotifer biomass increased unlike in the offshore

    E-cadherin and cell adhesion: a role in architecture and function in the pancreatic islet

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    Background/Aims: The efficient secretion of insulin from beta-cells requires extensive intra-islet communication. The cell surface adhesion protein epithelial (E)-cadherin (ECAD) establishes and maintains epithelial tissues such as the islets of Langerhans. In this study, the role of ECAD in regulating insulin secretion from pseudoislets was investigated. Methods: The effect of an immuno-neutralising ECAD on gross morphology, cytosolic calcium signalling, direct cell-to-cell communication and insulin secretion was assessed by fura-2 microfluorimetry, Lucifer Yellow dye injection and insulin ELISA in an insulin-secreting model system. Results: Antibody blockade of ECAD reduces glucose-evoked changes in [Ca2+](i) and insulin secretion. Neutralisation of ECAD causes a breakdown in the glucose-stimulated synchronicity of calcium oscillations between discrete regions within the pseudoislet, and the transfer of dye from an individual cell within a cell cluster is attenuated in the absence of ECAD ligation, demonstrating that gap junction communication is disrupted. The functional consequence of neutralising ECAD is a significant reduction in insulin secretion. Conclusion: Cell adhesion via ECAD has distinct roles in the regulation of intercellular communication between beta-cells within islets, with potential repercussions for insulin secretion. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Measurement of Spin Correlation Parameters ANN_{NN}, ASS_{SS}, and A_SL{SL} at 2.1 GeV in Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering

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    At the Cooler Synchrotron COSY/J\"ulich spin correlation parameters in elastic proton-proton (pp) scattering have been measured with a 2.11 GeV polarized proton beam and a polarized hydrogen atomic beam target. We report results for ANN_{NN}, ASS_{SS}, and A_SL{SL} for c.m. scattering angles between 30o^o and 90o^o. Our data on ASS_{SS} -- the first measurement of this observable above 800 MeV -- clearly disagrees with predictions of available of pp scattering phase shift solutions while ANN_{NN} and A_SL{SL} are reproduced reasonably well. We show that in the direct reconstruction of the scattering amplitudes from the body of available pp elastic scattering data at 2.1 GeV the number of possible solutions is considerably reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Inter-laboratory comparison of methods to measure androstenone in pork fat

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    Today, different analytical methods are used by different laboratories to quantify androstenone in fat tissue. This study shows the comparison of methods used routinely in different laboratories for androstenone quantification: Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay in Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NSVS; Norway), gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in Co-operative Central Laboratory (CCL; The Netherlands) and in Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA; Spain), and high-pressure liquid chromatography in Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux Research Station (ALP; Switzerland). In a first trial, a set of adipose tissue (AT) samples from 53 entire males was sent to CCL, IRTA and NSVS for determination of androstenone concentration. The average androstenone concentration (s.d.) was 2.47 (2.10) μg/g at NSVS, 1.31 (0.98) μg/g at CCL and 0.62 (0.52) μg/g at IRTA. Despite the large differences in absolute values, inter-laboratory correlations were high, ranging from 0.82 to 0.92. A closer look showed differences in the preparation step. Indeed, different matrices were used for the analysis: pure fat at NSVS, melted fat at CCL and AT at IRTA. A second trial was organised in order to circumvent the differences in sample preparation. Back fat samples from 10 entire males were lyophilised at the ALP labortary in Switzerland and were sent to the other laboratories for androstenone concentration measurement. The average concentration (s.d.) of androstenone in the freeze-dried AT samples was 0.87 (0.52), 1.03 (0.55), 0.84 (0.46) and 0.99 (0.67) μg/g at NSVS, CCL, IRTA and ALP, respectively, and the pairwise correlations between laboratories ranged from 0.92 to 0.97. Thus, this study shows the influence of the different sample preparation protocols, leading to major differences in the results, although still allowing high inter-laboratory correlations. The results further highlight the need for method standardisation and inter-laboratory ring tests for the determination of androstenone. This standardisation is especially relevant when deriving thresholds of consumer acceptance, whereas the ranking of animals for breeding purposes will be less affected due to the high correlations between method

    A New Non-Perturbative Approach to Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetime Using the Wigner Function

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    A new non-perturbative approach to quantum theory in curved spacetime and to quantum gravity, based on a generalisation of the Wigner equation, is proposed. Our definition for a Wigner equation differs from what have otherwise been proposed, and does not imply any approximations. It is a completely exact equation, fully equivalent to the Heisenberg equations of motion. The approach makes different approximation schemes possible, e.g. it is possible to perform a systematic calculation of the quantum effects order by order. An iterative scheme for this is also proposed. The method is illustrated with some simple examples and applications. A calculation of the trace of the renormalised energy-momentum tensor is done, and the conformal anomaly is thereby related to non-conservation of a current in d=2 dimensions and a relationship between a vector and an axial-vector current in d=4 dimensions. The corresponding ``hydrodynamic equations'' governing the evolution of macroscopic quantities are derived by taking appropriate moments. The emphasis is put on the spin-1/2 case, but it is shown how to extend to arbitrary spins. Gravity is treated first in the Palatini formalism, which is not very tractable, and then more successfully in the Ashtekar formalism, where the constraints lead to infinite order differential equations for the Wigner functions.Comment: LaTeX2e (uses amssymb), 36 page

    Thermodynamics of doubly charged CGHS model and D1-D5-KK black holes of IIB supergravity

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    We study the doubly charged Callan-Giddings-Harvey-Strominger (CGHS) model, which has black hole solutions that were found to be U-dual to the D1-D5-KK black holes of the IIB supergravity. We derive the action of the model via a spontaneous compactification on S^3 of the IIB supergravity on S^1*T^4 and obtain the general static solutions including black holes corresponding to certain non-asymptotically flat black holes in the IIB supergravity. Thermodynamics of them is established by computing the entropy, temperature, chemical potentials, and mass in the two-dimensional setup, and the first law of thermodynamics is explicitly verified. The entropy is in precise agreement with that of the D1-D5-KK black holes, and the mass turns out to be consistent with the infinite Lorentz boost along the M theory circle that is a part of the aforementioned U-dual chain.Comment: 21 pages, Revte

    Application of the Beer–Lambert Model to Attenuation of Photosynthetically Active Radiation in a Shallow, Eutrophic Lake

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    Models of primary production in aquatic systems must include a means to estimate subsurface light. Such models often use the Beer–Lambert law, assuming exponential attenuation of light with depth. It is further assumed that the diffuse attenuation coefficient may be estimated as a summation of scattering/absorbing constituent concentrations multiplied by their respective specific attenuation coefficients. While theoretical deviations from these assumptions have been documented, it is useful to consider the empirical performance of this common approach. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) levels and water quality conditions were recorded weekly from six to eight monitoring stations in western Lake Erie between 2012 and 2016. Exponential PAR extinction models yielded a mean attenuation coefficient of 1.55 m (interquartile range = 0.74–1.90 m). While more complex light attenuation models are available, analysis of residuals indicated that the simple Beer–Lambert model is adequate for shallow, eutrophic waters similar to western Lake Erie (R2 > 0.9 for 96% of samples). Three groups of water quality variables were predictive of PAR attenuation: total and nonvolatile suspended particles, dissolved organic substances (dissolved organic carbon and chromophoric dissolved organic matter), and organic solids (volatile suspended solids and chlorophyll). Multiple regression models using these variables predicted 3–90% of the variability in PAR attenuation, with a median adjusted R2 = 0.86. Explanatory variables within these groups may substitute for each other while maintaining similar model performance, indicating that various combinations of water quality variables may be useful to predict PAR attenuation, depending on availability within a model framework or monitoring program.Key PointsThe Beer–Lambert law effectively models photosynthetically active radiation in western Lake Erie, despite some systematic deviationsField‐obtained water quality parameters can predict photosynthetically active radiation attenuation with a high degree of confidenceSuspended particle concentration is most predictive of photosynthetically active radiation attenuation in this turbid, eutrophic basinPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147097/1/wrcr23654_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147097/2/wrcr23654-sup-0001-2018WR023024-SI.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147097/3/wrcr23654.pd