226 research outputs found

    Impact of the prior school environment on academic achievement of students at the secondary stage in Punjab (Pakistan)

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    This study investigates the impact of the prior school environment on academic achievement of students at the secondary stage in Punjab (Pakistan). School environment is a very important school resource input. All the indicators of school environment collectively produce an academic environment that is helpful for the student achievement. The present school environment of a session is the prior school environment for the next session. Therefore, this study used mean of the prior five years results of SSC examination. Population of the study comprised all secondary and higher secondary schools and secondary students in Punjab. Overall, a total of 288 schools, and then 20 students from each school were randomly selected as the sample of the study. The longitudinal data of academic achievement in the form of aggregate marks of the annual examinations of the Classes VI, VII, & VIII as prior achievement and that of the Class X as academic achievement of the same students through “Result Sheet”. The data were summarized at school level and then analyzed collectively. Pearson correlation was used to find out the relationship (association) of the prior school environment with academic achievement. Furthermore, Stepwise Regression analysis with linear function was used to find out the differential impact (causal-relationship) of the prior school environment on academic achievement. The results of the study show that the prior school environment is an important predictor of academic achievement for arts students; however, it has some insignificant positive impact on academic achievement of science students. The insignificant and weak causal-relationship for science students may be improved if the indicators of school environment are properly defined and improved up to the higher standards. Prior school environment is very helpful in producing the present school environment. In this way, both the present and the prior school environments are important. The policy implications of the study are that the prior school environment provides the accelerating or the declining trend of academic achievement of students.prior school environment; relationship (association); impact; academic achievement;

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Nelayan di Desa Pohuwato Timur Kecamatan Marisa Kabupaten Pohuwato

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    The welfare of fishermen is strongly influenced by their catch. If their catch a lot, so their income was also good and otherwise. This research aims to determine the factors that affect the income of fishermen and determine the factors that most influence on the income of fishermen in the village of East Pohuwato. The sampling technique in this research is using simple random sampling. The total sample of 76 respondents. The analysis tool used to test the hypothesis used multiple analysis or multiple regression. The results showed that of the five independent variables is capital, work experience, the distance of fishing, catch, and the prices are simultaneously significant effect on the income of fishermen. Meanwhile is partially variables that significantly affect the income of fishermen in the village of East Pohuwato is capital, their catch, and the price. While the variable of work experience and the distance of fishing in partial not significant effect on the income of fishermen village East Pohuwato


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    Adam Smith as the founder of modern economics laid the basic foundation for economic development through the capitalist system in which capital factor used as a measuring tool for economic success. One opinion of Adam Smith "the theory of invivisble hand" in economic activity every individual has the full authority of his property and free use of economic resources in ways that he likes, disregarding the interests of the general public. This shows that capitalism has the right to have a peribadi an unlimited of the means of production, which is the driving force personal profit. Islam is essentially bringing the teachings to human life that comes the Koran and Hadith. Economic activity in the view of Islam is the guidance of life, in addition it is also a suggestion that has a dimension of worship. Wealth (material wealth) is trustworthy, thus the mandate that God bestowed it must be used together, not to suck other people or enslave other people. Islam allows every person to own property in person, but as it also enjoins on his property was to be used collectively (together), alms or spend a portion of such property in Allah. Economic activity in the view of Islam is not only material but more than that - "material plus" -. Islam has always stressed that every person living in a lawful manner. Islam also does not prohibit untukmelakukan economic activity, but Islam provides guidance and guidance in the form of Islamic values.


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    Total Quality Management (TQM) merupakan suatu pendekatan dalam menjalankan usaha yang mencoba memaksimumkan daya saing organisasi melalui perbaikan terus menerus atas produk, jasa, tenaga kerja, proses dan lingkungan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Membuktikan secara empiris apakah penerapan Total Quality Management (TQM) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial dan apakah penerapan TQM dan gaya kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial pada PT. Samsung Elektronik Indonesia. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu Regresi Linier Sederhana dan Moderated Regression Analyze (MRA) dikarenakan dengan analisis ini kita dapat membuktikan pengaruh TQM terhadap kinerja serta apakah gaya kepemimpinan merupakan variabel moderating terhadap hubungan TQM dan kinerja manajerial. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan TQM memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial, dan bahwa Gaya kepemimpinan bukan merupakan variabel moderating dalam hubungan antara TQM dan Kinerja Manajerial. Hambatan yang terjadi pada PT. Samsung Elektronik Indonesia adalah bahwa pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan kuisioner sehingga apabila terdapat kesalahan menjawab dari responden mempunyai pengaruh terhadap data yang diperoleh dan juga peneliti memiliki keterbatasan untuk memberikan kuisioner kepada Branch Manager maupun Wakil. Kata Kunci : Total Quality Management, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Kinerja Manajerial, PT. Samsung Elektronik Indonesia


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    Adam Smith as the founder of modern economics laid the basic foundation for economic development through the capitalist system in which capital factor used as a measuring tool for economic success. One opinion of Adam Smith "the theory of invivisble hand" in economic activity every individual has the full authority of his property and free use of economic resources in ways that he likes, disregarding the interests of the general public. This shows that capitalism has the right to have a peribadi an unlimited of the means of production, which is the driving force personal profit. Islam is essentially bringing the teachings to human life that comes the Koran and Hadith. Economic activity in the view of Islam is the guidance of life, in addition it is also a suggestion that has a dimension of worship. Wealth (material wealth) is trustworthy, thus the mandate that God bestowed it must be used together, not to suck other people or enslave other people. Islam allows every person to own property in person, but as it also enjoins on his property was to be used collectively (together), alms or spend a portion of such property in Allah. Economic activity in the view of Islam is not only material but more than that - "material plus" -. Islam has always stressed that every person living in a lawful manner. Islam also does not prohibit untukmelakukan economic activity, but Islam provides guidance and guidance in the form of Islamic values.

    Alih Kode Pada Artis Indonesia

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    This skripsientitled Code Switching in Indonesian Artist: Sociolinguistic Analysis. The aim of this research is to identify, analyze and describe the code switching appeared in some Indonesian Artist Utterance and explain the reason for the phenomena mentioned above. The theories that are used in this research are by Hoffman (1991) and Fishman (1876) and this research used a descriptive method. The data was taken from Youtube. The result of this research shows that there are two kinds of code switching, Intra-sentential switching and Inter-sentential switching. The reasons of the code switching in artist through its speaker, listener or opponent saying, changing situations of the presence of the third person, the formal changes into the informal, change of subject, and its prestigious

    Design And Analysis Of Controller For A Continuos Stirred Tank Reactor Via State Space Approach

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    The main purpose of this project is to design a controller for a continuous stirred tank reactor via state-space approach. The monitoring and controlling of plant’s process variable can be achieved by using the software in the instrumentation and control industry

    Prior achievement is the indicator of use of school resources and the predictor of academic achievement in Punjab (Pakistan)

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    This study investigates whether prior achievement or the prior ability is the important indicator of the use of school resource inputs and the predictor of academic achievement at secondary level in Pakistan. Prior achievement is the cumulative function of all the current and prior resource inputs i.e. family inputs, SES, peers' effect and SRIs. Prior achievement is an indicator of learning or an aptitude to learn and use the SRIs effectively. Population of the study comprised all secondary and higher secondary schools and secondary students in Punjab. Overall, a total of 288 schools, and then 20 students from each school were randomly selected as the sample of the study. The longitudinal data of academic achievement in the form of aggregate marks of the annual examinations of the Classes VI, VII, & VIII as prior achievement and that of the Class X as academic achievement of the same students through “Result Sheet”. The data were summarized at school level and then analyzed collectively. Pearson correlation was used to find out the relationship (association) of prior achievement with the academic achievement. Furthermore, Stepwise Regression analysis with linear function was used to find out the differential impact (causal-relationship) of prior achievement on the academic achievement. The results of the study show that the prior achievement has a significant differential impact of prior achievement on academic achievement. It is derived that prior achievement plays a major role in producing academic achievement and that it is a very important predictor of academic achievement. The policy implication of this study is that is that students with the standard prior achievement must be ensured as the admission criteria at secondary stage. Likewise, this policy must be implied to all the levels of education

    Mis-allocation of student teacher ratio, class size and per student expenditure leads to the wastage of school resource inputs and lower academic achievement: an issue of resource management

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    This study was conducted to find out the impact of student teacher ratio, class size and per student expenditure on the academic achievement of students at secondary stage in Punjab (Pakistan). Student teacher ratio, class size and per student expenditure are very important school resource inputs. The lesser student teacher ratio and class size, and the higher per student expenditure are very effective for producing higher level of academic achievement; however, it depends upon their proper allocation among schools. Population of the study comprised all secondary and higher secondary schools, secondary teachers and secondary students in Punjab. Overall, a total of 288 schools, then 20 students and 10 teachers from each school were randomly selected as the sample of the study. The study identified the student teacher ratio and class size through school profile proforma. The longitudinal data of academic achievement in the form of aggregate marks of the annual examinations of the Classes VI, VII, & VIII as prior achievement and that of the Class X as academic achievement of the same students through “Result Sheet”. The data were summarized at school level and then analyzed collectively. Stepwise Regression analysis with linear function was used to find out the differential impact of student teacher ratio and class size on the academic achievement. The study found that there is much variation and misallocation in student teacher ratio, class size and per student expenditure among schools. The study found that misallocation of student teacher ratio, class size and per student expenditure leads to the wastage of resources and lower level of academic achievement. Reduction in student teacher ratio and class size, and addition in per student expenditure are very expensive; therefore, policy can be decided considering the funds constraints. However, allocation of student teacher ratio, class size and per student expenditure can be equalized within the scarce funds. This equal allocation of these resource inputs may lead to the effective use of school resource inputs and produce higher level of academic achievement


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    Perkawinan merupakan sebuah kontrak antara dua orang pasang­an yang terdiri dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang per­empuan dalam posisi yang setara. Seorang perempuan se­bagai pihak yang sederajat dengan laki-laki dapat menetap­kan syarat-syarat yang diinginkan sebagaimana juga laki-laki. Per­kawinan secara mendasar berarti melibatkan diri dengan pem­bicaraan mengenai kasih sayang (mawaddah wa rahmah), dan hal inilah yang me­rupa­kan pokok pondasi suatu per­kawinan. Dengan demikian hubungan antara suami dan isteri adalah hubungan horizontal bukan hubungan vertikal, sehingga tidak terdapat kondisi yang mendominasi dan didominasi. Semua pihak setara dan sederajat untuk saling bekerja sama dalam se­buah ikatan cinta dan kasih sayang. Permasalahan perkawinan seringkali menjadi pemicu muncul­nya isu ketidaksetaraan dalam keluarga, padahal sejatinya Islam membawa norma-norma yang mendukung terciptanya suasana damai, sejahtera, adil dan setara dalam keluarga. Untuk men­jawab berbagai berbagai pertanyaan seputar ke­duduk­an laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hukum perkawinan Islam, tulisan ini akan mengungkapkan tentang berbagai ke­setaraan dalam hukum per­kawinan yang selayaknya dipahami agar tidak menimbulkan pandangan yang berat sebelah ter­hadap kelompok jender tertentu
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