1,084 research outputs found

    A fast sorting algorithm for a hypersonic rarefied flow particle simulation on the connection machine

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    The data parallel implementation of a particle simulation for hypersonic rarefied flow described by Dagum associates a single parallel data element with each particle in the simulation. The simulated space is divided into discrete regions called cells containing a variable and constantly changing number of particles. The implementation requires a global sort of the parallel data elements so as to arrange them in an order that allows immediate access to the information associated with cells in the simulation. Described here is a very fast algorithm for performing the necessary ranking of the parallel data elements. The performance of the new algorithm is compared with that of the microcoded instruction for ranking on the Connection Machine

    Performance of short-term trend predictors for current economic analysis

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    We study the performance of several short-term trend estimators for current economic analysis. These estimators are available in X11-ARIMA, X12-ARIMA, TRAMO-SEATS and STAMP. We also include two other trend-cycle estimators obtained by post-processing seasonally adjusted data with X11ARIMA, namely, a modified Henderson nonlinear filter by Dagum (1996) DMH, and a new modified version of it, DMH-D. The estimators are applied to a number of simulated non-seasonal data of various levels of variability.

    Parallel Implementations of Cellular Automata for Traffic Models

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    The Biham-Middleton-Levine (BML) traffic model is a simple two-dimensional, discrete Cellular Automaton (CA) that has been used to study self-organization and phase transitions arising in traffic flows. From the computational point of view, the BML model exhibits the usual features of discrete CA, where the state of the automaton are updated according to simple rules that depend on the state of each cell and its neighbors. In this paper we study the impact of various optimizations for speeding up CA computations by using the BML model as a case study. In particular, we describe and analyze the impact of several parallel implementations that rely on CPU features, such as multiple cores or SIMD instructions, and on GPUs. Experimental evaluation provides quantitative measures of the payoff of each technique in terms of speedup with respect to a plain serial implementation. Our findings show that the performance gap between CPU and GPU implementations of the BML traffic model can be reduced by clever exploitation of all CPU features

    Répartition personnelle et fonctionnelle des revenus: une approche intégrée

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    L'objectif principal de cette étude est de concevoir une approche intégrée de la répartition personnelle et fonctionnelle du revenu. Les hypothèses de base sur lesquelles reposent les théories et modèles de répartition personnelle et fonctionnelle du revenu sont discutées. Une liaison entre la répartition personnelle et fonctionnelle du revenu est réalisée grâce à l'introduction d'une fonction non linéaire micro-économique génératrice du revenu (FGR) en termes de capital humain et de richesse. La fonction FGR en question est caractérisée par un taux marginal de substitution technique positif, décroissant et convexe et par une élasticité de substitution variable. La FGR permet l'estimation des taux de rendement du capital humain et de la richesse et la répartition personnelle et fonctionnelle du revenu. Par agrégation, ces résultats sont obtenus pour l'ensemble de l'économie nationale.The main purpose of this study is to provide a unified approach to the functional and personal distributions of income. The basic assumptions of the most relevant functional distribution theories and personal income distribution models are discussed. A linkage between functional and personal income distributions is achieved by introducing a non-linear microeconomic income generating function (IGF) in terms of human capital and wealth. The specified IGF has a positive, decreasing and convex marginal rate of technical substitution and fulfills the property of variable elasticity of substitution. The IGF enables the estimation of the economic agent's human capital and wealth rates of return together with their corresponding functional and personal distributions of income. By aggregation, these results are obtained for a national economy

    Hommage Ă  Maurice Allais

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    Implementation of a hypersonic rarefied flow particle simulation on the Connection Machine

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    A very efficient direct particle simulation algorithm for hypersonic rarefied flows is presented and its implmentation on a Connection Machine is described. The implementation simulates ideal diatomic Maxwell molecules with three translational and two rotational degrees of freedom. Results for a 2-D simulation of supersonic flow over a 30 deg wedge are presented and used for validation

    Hommage Ă  Maurice Allais

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    Publishing Standards for Research in Forecasting (Editorial)

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    When we first began publication of the Journal of Forecasting, we reviewed policies that were used by other journals and also examined the research on scientific publishing. Our findings were translated into a referee's rating form that was published in the journal [Armstrong (1982a)]. These guidelines were favorably received. Most referees used the Referee's Rating Sheet (Exhibit 1 provides an updated version) and some of them wrote to tell us that they found it helpful in communicating the aims and criteria of the journal.publishing standards, research, forecasting
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