513 research outputs found

    A formalism for specification of Java API interfaces

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    Corecursive featherweight Java revisited

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    We describe a Java-like calculus which supports cyclic data structures, and offers a mechanism of flexible regular corecursion for their manipulation. The calculus enhances an earlier proposal by a more sophisticated reduction semantics, which filters out, by an additional check, some spurious results which were obtained in the previous model

    Content Analysis and Social Network Analysis: a Two-phase Methodology in Obtaining Fundamental Concepts of Coopetition

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    This study introduces a two-phase methodology in obtaining fundamental concepts from literature. Content analysis performed in the first phase leads to the most frequent concepts scholars used in scrutinizing a theme. Social networkanalysis in the second phase results a network of the relationships between concepts and examines the importance of every concept in the network. To elucidate the advantage of the methodology, the study applies the methodology onCoopetition – to cooperate and compete simultaneously – literature. Ten most frequent concepts occur in the coopetition literature are: Competition, Cooperation, Coopetition, Knowledge, Market, Network, Relationships, Resources, Strategy and Value. Under the social network analysis terms, the importance of every concept in the network is denoted in degree, closeness and betweenness centrality measures. Ranging from the most important concepts to the least are Relationships, Strategy, Resources, Competition, Cooperation, Coopetition, Market, Network, Value and Knowledge.Keywords: content analysis, social network analysis, coopetitio

    Structural models of the different trimers present in the core of phycobilisomes from <i>Gracilaria chilensis</i> based on crystal structures and sequences

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    Phycobilisomes (PBS) are accessory light harvesting protein complexes that directionally transfer energy towards photosystems. Phycobilisomes are organized in a central core and rods radiating from it. Components of phycobilisomes in Gracilaria chilensis (Gch) are Phycobiliproteins (PBPs), Phycoerythrin (PE), and Phycocyanin (PC) in the rods, while Allophycocyanin (APC) is found in the core, and linker proteins (L). The function of such complexes depends on the structure of each component and their interaction. The core of PBS from cyanobacteria is mainly composed by cylinders of trimers of α and β subunits forming heterodimers of Allophycocyanin, and other components of the core including subunits αII and β18. As for the linkers, Linker core (LC) and Linker core membrane (LCM) are essential for the final emission towards photoreaction centers. Since we have previously focused our studies on the rods of the PBS, in the present article we investigated the components of the core in the phycobilisome from the eukaryotic algae, Gracilaria chilensis and their organization into trimers. Transmission electron microscopy provided the information for a three cylinders core, while the three dimensional structure of Allophycocyanin purified from Gch was determined by X-ray diffraction method and the biological unit was determined as a trimer by size exclusion chromatography. The protein sequences of all the components of the core were obtained by sequencing the corresponding genes and their expression confirmed by transcriptomic analysis. These subunits have seldom been reported in red algae, but not in Gracilaria chilensis. The subunits not present in the crystallographic structure were modeled to build the different composition of trimers. This article proposes structural models for the different types of trimers present in the core of phycobilisomes of Gch as a first step towards the final model for energy transfer in this system

    Educational games as a motivational tool: Considerations on their potential and limitations

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    There is considerable interest in leveraging video games to support students’ motivation. This involves employment of educational (serious) and entertainment games. However, while evidence indicates that games can enhance learning outcomes, doubts persist about whether they retain their enjoyable character in formal learning contexts. This study was carried out within the H2020 Gaming Horizons project, which involved a review of academic literature on the role of games in society, as well as 73 semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders, including players and educators, investigating their positions on game-related issues. The interviews suggested that players tend to view game-based learning – and specifically serious games at school – with scepticism. This is partly attributable to the perception that serious games have lower production values than entertainment games, and that gaming, as a voluntary, self-driven activity, clashes with the structured nature of school. Some educators reported individual and gender differences in the motivating power of games. However, the use of entertainment games to foster learning outcomes was seen favourably. Two focus groups devoted to the issue highlighted the need for carefully tailoring the gaming experience to both context and student, and the importance of developing a sustainable business model for enhancing serious games quality

    Library not found: The disconnect between gaming research and development

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    Video games clearly have great educational potential, both for formal and informal learning, and this avenue is being thoroughly investigated in the psychology and education literature. However, there appears to be a disconnect between social science academic research and the game development sector, in that research and development practices rarely inform each other. This paper presents a two-part analysis of this communicative disconnect based on investigations carried out within the H2020 Gaming Horizons project. The first part regards a literature review that identified the main topics of focus in the social sciences literature on games, as well as the chief recommendations authors express. The second part examines 73 interviews with 30 developers, 14 researchers, 13 players, 12 educators, and 4 policy makers, investigating how they perceived games and gaming. The study highlights several factors contributing to the disconnect: different priorities and dissemination practices; the lag between innovation in the games market and research advancements; low accessibility of academic research; and disproportionate academic focus on serious games compared to entertainment games. The authors suggest closer contact between researchers and developers might be sought by diversifying academic dissemination channels, promoting conferences involving both groups, and developing research partnerships with entertainment game companies

    Tecnologias sociais: as organizações não governamentais no enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas e na promoção de desenvolvimento humano

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    De acordo com o quarto relatório do Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as regiões semiáridas do mundo estarão entre as mais afetadas pelos impactos das mudanças climáticas globais. Estudos realizados pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), em 2007, confirmam que, no Nordeste brasileiro, não apenas choverá menos e mais irregularmente, mas, também, haverá mais secas, devido ao aquecimento da temperatura. Diante dos diversos impactos sociais, ambientais e econômicos possíveis nesses cenários, é de fundamental importância a verificação de alternativas sustentáveis para o semiárido brasileiro. Este artigo tem por objetivo avaliar o potencial de algumas das tecnologias sociais (TS) de convivência com o semiárido, desenvolvidas por diversas organizações, para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas e a promoção de desenvolvimento humano. Constata-se que as TS tem grande potencial para auxiliar na mitigação e na adaptação das mudanças climáticas, ao mesmo tempo que promovem melhorias na qualidade de vida das localidades onde estão sendo desenvolvidas