112 research outputs found

    Towards Learning Terminological Concept Systems from Multilingual Natural Language Text

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    Terminological Concept Systems (TCS) provide a means of organizing, structuring and representing domain-specific multilingual information and are important to ensure terminological consistency in many tasks, such as translation and cross-border communication. While several approaches to (semi-)automatic term extraction exist, learning their interrelations is vastly underexplored. We propose an automated method to extract terms and relations across natural languages and specialized domains. To this end, we adapt pretrained multilingual neural language models, which we evaluate on term extraction standard datasets with best performing results and a combination of relation extraction standard datasets with competitive results. Code and dataset are publicly available

    Northern Ireland and Brexit: the European Economic Area option. EPC Discussion Paper, 7 April 2017

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    On 23 June 2016 voters in the United Kingdom (UK) voted on whether to remain in or leave the European Union (EU). The overall UK vote was 51.9% in favour of leaving. As a consequence, the UK government has recently triggered Article 50 TEU and is preparing to begin the formal process of withdrawal. In doing so, consideration is being given to the terms of the 'divorce' as well as the nature and content of the UK's post-'Brexit' relationship with the EU. In Northern Ireland, 56% voted to remain in the EU. Brexit poses major challenges for Northern Ireland. It threatens to hinder access to the EU market and especially cross-border trade with the rest of Ireland, disrupt significantly integrated cross-border markets and supply- and production-chains, and impede the movement of workers and people more generally across the border. It raises questions about the future of the Common Travel Area and the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement as well as cooperation on policing and criminal justice matters. The challenges cannot be easily dismissed. The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire, has admitted with regard to the movement of goods across the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland: 'I agree with those who say that this presents one of the most complex challenges in our preparations for Exit'.1 In some ways the most obvious way to mitigate some of the key impacts of Brexit on Northern Ireland is for Northern Ireland to join the European Economic Area (EEA). This paper sets out the case and addresses the difficulties.2 The uniquenes

    LED-FISH: Fluorescence microscopy based on light emitting diodes for the molecular analysis of Her-2/neu oncogene amplification

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    Light emitting diodes (LED), which are available as small monochromatic light sources with characteristic features such as maximum illumination power combined with minimum energy consumption and extremely long lifespan have already proved as a highly potential low-cost alternative for specific diagnostic applications in clinical medicine such as tuberculosis fluorescence microscopy. Likewise, the most reliable evaluation of Her-2/neu (c-erbB2) gene amplification, which has been established in the last few years for routine diagnosis in clinical pathology as determinant towards Herceptin-based treatment of patients with breast cancer, is based on fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and corresponding high priced fluorescence equipment. In order to test the possibility to utilize the advantages of low-cost LED technology on FISH analysis of c-erbB2 gene expression for routine diagnostic purposes, the applicability of a standard bright field Carl Zeiss Axiostar Plus microscope equipped with a Fraen AFTER* LED Fluorescence Microscope Kit for the detection of Her-2/neu gene signals was compared to an advanced Nikon Eclipse 80i fluorescence microscope in combination with a conventional 100W mercury vapor lamp. Both microscopes were fitted with the same Quicam FAST CCD digital camera to unequivocally compare the quality of the captured images. C-erbB2 gene expression was analyzed in 30 different human tissue samples of primary invasive breast cancer, following formalin fixation and subsequent paraffin-embedding. The Her2/neu gene signals (green) were identifiable in the tumor cells in all cases and images of equal quality were captured under almost identical conditions by 480 nm (blue) LED module equipped standard Axiostar microscope as compared to conventional fluorescence microscopy. In this first attempt, these monochromatic LED elements proved in principle to be suitable for the detection of Her-2/neu gene expression by FISH. Thus, our own experiences emphasize the high potential of this technology to provide a serious alternative to conventional fluorescence microscopy in routine pathology; representing a sustainable technological progress, this low-cost technology will clearly give direction also to the growing field of molecular pathology

    On the significance of Surfactant Protein-A within the human lungs

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    Surfactant Protein-A (SP-A) is the most prominent among four proteins in the pulmonary surfactant-system. SP-A is expressed by alveolar epithelial cells type II as well as by a portion of non small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC)

    Enhanced molecular analyses by combination of the HOPE-technique and laser microdissection

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    As part of an investigation aimed at illuminating the possibilities and limits of the HOPE-fixation and paraffin-embedding technique we here describe a novel procedure which was developed in order to combine the benefits of the HOPE-technique with the capabilities of laser microdissection. The presented procedure avoids the need for amplification of template-RNA thus facilitating reliable and reproducible results. The excellent preservation of nucleic acids, proteins, and morphology in HOPE-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues enhances the molecular applications available to date with materials acquired by laser microdissection when compared to formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, thus substantially extending the methodological panel in tissue based research

    Archäologie als Kunst. Archäologische Objekte und Verfahren in der bildenden Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart

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    Der Band enthält Beiträge zu zwei Veranstaltungen, die ausgehend von Ausstellungen in Köln und Salzburg die Wiedergabe archäologischer Objekte und Verfahrens­ weisen in der Bildenden Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart behandelten. Die Beiträge des ersten Teils zeigen, wie sich die Vor­ stellungen des G. B. Piranesi von der Größe Roms in seinen hybriden Antikenrekonstruktionen und in seinen antikisierenden Reliefs niederschlugen. Auch die gleich­ zeitig entstandenen Korkmodelle sowie Daktyliotheken, Wandgemälde, Figuren und Gefäße aus Porzellan visuali­ sierten Wissen von der römischen Antike, hielten es in der aktuellen Lebenswelt der Zeitgenossen präsent, regten zum Gespräch darüber an und formatierten so den historischen Diskurs. Die Beiträge des zweiten Teils gehen von der Frage aus, was es für die Archäologie als Wissenschaft bedeutet, wenn zeitgenössische Künstler ihre Gegenstände, Metho­den und Ordnungssysteme aufnehmen und weiterent­ wickeln