376 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) Materi Sistem Ekskresi Manusia

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    The teacher has a very important role in the development of education, namely as a teacher and as an educator. One of the ways to develop education is in the development of the learning process. Module development is part of the development of the learning process. The module developed in this study with the Problem Based Learning (PBL). This study aims to determine the feasibility of developing a Problem Based Learning (PBL) module on Human Excretion System Material for class XI students. This type of research used in this research is development. The development model used is ADDIE development which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. Based on observations at Taman Madya Senior High School, the modules used have not been able to improve student intelligence and have not shown the integration of biological concepts. This study aims to see, the feasibility and effectiveness of the inner module can be used as an understanding of students in class XII SMA Taman Madya, on the subject matter of the Excretion System in humans. The design of this research is ADDIE. Based on the research results, it shows that the PBL-based process has been developed and is declared feasible to be tested. The quality of the module based on the results of material expert validation is Very Good (B) with a proportion of 66%, media expert is Very Good (SB) with a proportion of 76%

    Generation of thermo-sensitive allele of the TPR like protein Nup211by PCR mutagenesis

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    Motivation: TPR proteins are conserved large coiled-coil proteins that localize at the nucleoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex and participate in multiple aspects of DNA metabolism. The protein Nup211, fission yeast homolog of Mlp1/Mlp2/Tpr, participate in the mRNA export and is essential for vegetative growth. The aim of this work is to create a collection of thermo-sensitive alleles of nup211.Methods: To create the collection, we have generated a new strain with the nup211 gen tagged with GFP at the amino terminal extreme and confirmed by fluorescent microscopy that the protein Nup211 localized in the nuclear envelop. Then, we have carried out a Taq PCR-based Random Mutagenesis with reduced concentration of dATP. The PCR products were transformed into a wild type strain to generate conditional mutants. The transformants obtained whose growth was impaired at 36ÂşC were preselected as thermo-sensitive mutants. To confirm the growth deficiency of these clones, a drop assay was performed and the best candidates were selected. These thermo-sensitive mutants were cultivated at 25ÂşC as well as 36ÂşC and both cultures were subjected to various experiments in order to study any changes in the localization of Nup211.Results: Up to now, we have demonstrated by fluorescent microscopy that the thermo-sensitive mutants show a modified nuclear distribution of Nup211 and different cellular phenotype, suggesting that the differents clones might represent differents nup211 thermo-sensitive alleles. These alleles are going to be subjected to various experiments to clarify the role of the protein in the mRNA export

    Design of electron beam bending magnet system for electron and photon therapy: A simulation approach

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    The doubly achromatic electron beam bending magnet system using two sector magnets has been designed for the medical applications to treat the cancer. The aim of electron beam bending magnet system is to focus an electron beam having a spot size less than 3 mm × 3 mm, energy spread within 3% and divergence angle ≤ 3mrad at the target position. To achieve these parameters, the simulation has been carried out using Lorentz-3EM software. The beam spot, divergence angle and energy spread have been observed with respect to the variation in angles of sector magnets and drift distance. Based on the simulated results, it has been optimized that the first and second magnet has an angle 206° and 35° and the drift distance 80 mm. It is also observed that at the 1125, 1762, 2570, 3265 and 4155 Amp-turn, the optimized design produces 3369, 4972, 6384, 7584 and 9568 Gauss of magnetic field at median plane which require to bend 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 MeV energy of electron, respectively, for the electron therapy application. The output beam parameters of the optimized design are energy spread ±3%, divergence angle ~3 mrad and spot size 2.6 mm. Moreover, for 6 MV and 15 MV photon therapy applications, an electron beam of energy 6.5 MeV and 15.5 MeV extracted from magnet system and focused on the bremsstrahlung target. Various materials have been studied for photon generation using Monte Carlo based Fluka code and Tungsten material has been optimized as bremsstrahlung target which produces continuous energy bremsstrahlung spectrum. For the photon therapy, the 1233 and 3327 amp-turn, in an optimized design produces 3616 and 7785 Gauss of magnetic field at median plane require to bend 6.5 and 15.5 MeV energy of electron, respectively, which further produces bremsstrahlung radiation from Tungsten target

    A new data-driven model for post-transplant antibody dynamics in high risk kidney transplantation

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    The dynamics of donor specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies during early stage after transplantation are of great clinical interest as they are considered to be associated with short and long term outcomes (graft function and rejection). However, the limited number of such detailed donor-specific antibody (DSA) time series currently available and their diverse patterns have made the task of modelling difficult. Focusing on one typical dynamic pattern with rapid falls and stable settling levels, a novel data-driven model in the form of a third order differential equation has been developed to describe such post-transplant dynamics in DSAs for the first time. A variational Bayesian inference method has been applied to select a model and learn its parameters for 39 time series from two groups of graft recipients, i.e. patients with and without acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) episodes. Linear and nonlinear dynamic models of different order were attempted to fit the time series, and the third order linear model provided the best description of the common features in both groups. Both deterministic and stochastic parameters are found to be significantly different in the AMR and no-AMR groups. Eigenvalues have been calculated for each fitting, and phase portraits have been plotted to show the trajectories of the system states for both groups. The results from our previous study with fewer cases have been further confirmed: the time series in the AMR group have significantly higher frequency of oscillations and faster dissipation rates, which may potentially lead to better laboratory measurement strategy and a better chance of understanding the underlying immunological mechanisms

    Strategi Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Promosi Karya Seni Ukir Kayu Motif Khas Timor

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    ABSTRAK             Seni ukir kayu motif khas Timor merupakan salah satu produk  budaya asli Timor yang patut dilestarikan. Modernisasi menggerus hampir semua nilai dan aspek kehidupan, sehingga wawasan ketertarikan intens terhadap seni ukir dengan motif khas Timor sangatlah terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  1) Mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman pelestarian seni ukir kayu motif khas Timor di Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang dan 2) menyusun strategi perancangan komunikasi visual guna mendorong promosi seni ukir kayu motif khas Timor. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SWOT.        Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa strategi perancangan yakni: a) kebutuhan pembinaan berkelanjutan peningkatan kualitas karya seni dan pemanfaatan media komunikasi visual untuk mempromosikan hasil karya dari para seniman ukir, b) membangun kerja sama pihak perguruan tinggi dan lembaga adat yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap kebudayaan Timor, c) perlu ada komunitas formal seniman ukir, serta  menjalin kerja sama untuk mengagendakan promosi hasil karya seni dalam berbagai event resmi pemerintah, d) perlu melibatkan lembaga /organisasi pemberdayaan terhadap hasil karya seni, sekaligus memberikan reward kepada generasi muda produktif yang menghasilkan karya seni berkualitas tinggi, dan e) adanya  media penyampaian informasi komunikasi visual berbasis online, sebagai sarana informasi hasil karya seni. Bahkan dapat dibangun gedung pusat promosi hasil karya seni

    Subclass analysis of donor HLA-specific IgG in antibody-incompatible renal transplantation reveals a significant association of IgG4 with rejection and graft failure

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    Donor HLA-specific antibodies (DSAs) can cause rejection and graft loss after renal transplantation, but their levels measured by the current assays are not fully predictive of outcomes. We investigated whether IgG subclasses of DSA were associated with early rejection and graft failure. DSA levels were determined pretreatment, at the day of peak pan-IgG level and at 30 days post-transplantation in eighty HLA antibody-incompatible kidney transplant recipients using a modified microbead assay. Pretreatment IgG4 levels were predictive of acute antibody-mediated rejection (P = 0.003) in the first 30 days post-transplant. Pre-treatment presence of IgG4 DSA (P = 0.008) and day 30 IgG3 DSA (P = 0.03) was associated with poor graft survival. Multivariate regression analysis showed that in addition to pan-IgG levels, total IgG4 levels were an independent risk factor for early rejection when measured pretreatment, and the presence of pretreatment IgG4 DSA was also an independent risk factor for graft failure. Pretreatment IgG4 DSA levels correlated independently with higher risk of early rejection episodes and medium-term death-censored graft survival. Thus, pretreatment IgG4 DSA may be used as a biomarker to predict and risk stratify cases with higher levels of pan-IgG DSA in HLA antibody-incompatible transplantation. Further investigations are needed to confirm our results
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