35 research outputs found

    Genetics and genomics in Brazil: a promising future

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    The authors would like to express their gratitude to Celia P. Koiffmann for a critical review of the manuscript. M. R. P. B., D. B., and L. A. B. are funded by FAPESP and CNPq

    Enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis type I among patients followed within the MPS Brazil network

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare lysosomal disorder caused by deficiency of alpha-L-iduronidase. Few clinical trials have assessed the effect of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for this condition. We conducted an exploratory, open-label, non-randomized, multicenter cohort study of patients with MPS I. Data were collected from questionnaires completed by attending physicians at the time of diagnosis (T1; n = 34) and at a median time of 2.5 years later (T2; n = 24/34). The 24 patients for whom data were available at T2 were allocated into groups: A, no ERT (9 patients; median age at T1 = 36 months; 6 with severe phenotype); B, on ERT (15 patients; median age at T1 = 33 months; 4 with severe phenotype). For all variables in which there was no between-group difference at baseline, a delta of ≄ ± 20% was considered clinically relevant. The following clinically relevant differences were identified in group B in T2: lower rates of mortality and reported hospitalization for respiratory infection; lower frequency of hepatosplenomegaly; increased reported rates of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and hearing loss; and stabilization of gibbus deformity. These changes could be due to the effect of ERT or of other therapies which have also been found more frequently in group B. Our findings suggest MPS I patients on ERT also receive a better overall care. ERT may have a positive effect on respiratory morbidity and overall mortality in patients with MPS I. Additional studies focusing on these outcomes and on other therapies should be performed.Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare lysosomal disorder caused by deficiency of alpha-L-iduronidase. Fewclinical trials have assessed the effect of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for this condition. We conducted an exploratory, open-label, n3712329CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçã

    SĂ­ndrome de Cornelia de Lange: anĂĄlise de uma sĂ©rie de 33 pacientes em um centro de referĂȘncia

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    Introdução A SĂ­ndrome de Cornelia de Lange (CdLS) (OMIM: 122470) Ă© uma doença genĂ©tica rara com quadro clĂ­nico e fenĂłtipo variĂĄveis, compreendendo um grupo de doenças denominado coesinopatia. Entre suas principais caracterĂ­sticas destacam-se: deficiĂȘncia intelectual, dĂ©ficit de crescimento, doença do refluxo gastroesofĂĄgico, hipertricose, dismorfismos faciais e anomalias em membros superiores. A suspeita diagnĂłstica da sĂ­ndrome pode ser dificultada especialmente nos quadros mais atenuados, prejudicando o seguimento clĂ­nico dos pacientes. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi determinar os principais achados clĂ­nicos e fenotĂ­picos em uma sĂ©rie de pacientes com o diagnĂłstico clĂ­nico da sĂ­ndrome Cornelia de Lange, MĂ©todos: Foram avaliados 33 pacientes com diagnĂłstico clĂ­nico e/ou molecular de sĂ­ndrome de Cornelia de Lange (18 mulheres e 15 homens) com idades entre 1 mĂȘs e 43 anos. Aplicou-se um escore clĂ­nico visando a categorização dos pacientes baseado em Kline et al (2018). Esta ferramenta utiliza sinais clĂ­nicos, previamente estabelecidos em um consenso de especialistas, para determinar as formas clĂĄssicas (n: 23), nĂŁo clĂĄssicas (n:6) e os casos que, apesar de nĂŁo se enquadrarem nestas categoriais, tambĂ©m deveriam ser testados molecularmente para a sĂ­ndrome (n: 4). Resultados: Atraso do desenvolvimento/deficiĂȘncia intelectual, distĂșrbios de comportamento, dĂ©ficit de crescimento e doença do refluxo gastroesofĂĄgico foram as comorbidades mais prevalentes. Entre as dismorfias destacamos: sinofris, micrognatia, narinas antevertidas e comissura labial desviada para baixo. ConclusĂ”es: Os dados clĂ­nicos obtidos revelaram uma grande heterogeneidade de apresentação da sĂ­ndrome. A utilização de escores clĂ­nicos podem auxiliar no diagnĂłstico da sĂ­ndrome de Cornelia de Lange

    Alternative laronidase dose regimen for patients with mucopolysaccharidosis I: a multinational, retrospective, chart review case series

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    Background: Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with laronidase (recombinant human alpha-L-iduronidase, Aldurazyme (R)) is indicated for non-neurological signs and symptoms of mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I). The approved laronidase dose regimen is weekly infusions of 0.58mg/kg, however, patients and caregivers may have difficulty complying with the weekly regimen. We examined clinical outcomes, tolerability, compliance, and satisfaction in a series of patients who switched to every other week infusions. Methods: This multinational, retrospective, chart review case series analyzed data from 20 patients who had undergone ERT with laronidase 0.58mg/kg weekly for more than one year, and who then switched to 1.2mg/kg every other week. Results: The majority of patients had attenuated MPS I phenotypes (9 with Hurler-Scheie and 8 with Scheie syndromes) and 3 patients had severe MPS I (Hurler syndrome). Most patients presented with organomegaly (17/ 20), umbilical and/or inguinal hernia (16/20), cardiac abnormalities (17/20), musculoskeletal abnormalities (19/20), and neurological and/or developmental deficits (15/20). Following laronidase treatment, signs stabilized or improved. No deterioration or reversal of clinical outcome was noted in any patient who switched from the weekly dose of 0.58mg.kg to 1.2mg/kg every other week. There were no safety issues during the duration of every other week dosing. Patient compliance and satisfaction with the dosing regimen were greater with every other week dosing than weekly dosing. Conclusions: An alternative dose regimen of 1.2mg/kg laronidase every other week was well tolerated and clinically similar to the standard dose for patients who were stabilized with weekly 0.58 mg/kg for one year or more. When an individualized approach to laronidase therapy is necessary, every other week dosing may be an alternative for patients with difficulty receiving weekly infusions.Sanofi GenzymeSanofi Genzyme, Cambridge, MA, USAFiocruz MS, Inst Nacl Saude Mulher Crianca & Adolescente Fern, BR-21045900 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Bahia, Dept Pediat, Serv Genet Med, Salvador, BA, BrazilHosp Clin Alegre, Med Genet Serv, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilComenius Univ, Childrens Hosp, Dept Pediat 2, Bratislava, SlovakiaWestmead Hosp, Dept Med Genet, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaUniv Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, AustraliaUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pediat, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pediat, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Early hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with severe mucopolysaccharidosis II : 7 years follow-up

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II - Hunter syndrome) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency in the enzyme iduronate-2 sulfatase (I2S), leading to the accumulation of the glycosaminoglycans, affecting multiple organs and systems. Enzyme replacement therapy does not cross the blood brain barrier, limiting results in neurological forms of the disease. Another option of treatment for severe MPS, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has become the treatment of choice for the severe form of MPS type I, since it can preserve neurocognition when performed early in the course of the disease. To date, only few studies have examined the long-term outcomes of HSCT in patients with MPS II. We describe the seven-year follow-up of a prenatally diagnosed MPS II boy with positive family history of severe MPS form, submitted to HSCT with umbilical cord blood cells at 70 days of age. Engraftment after 30 days revealed mixed chimerism with 79% donor cells; after 7 years engraftment remains at 80%. I2S activity 30 days post-transplant was low in plasma and normal in leukocytes and the same pattern is observed to date. At age 7 years growth charts are normal and he is very healthy, although mild signs of dysostosis multiplex are present, as well as hearing loss. The neuropsychological evaluation (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition - WISC-IV), disclosed an IQ of 47. Despite this low measured IQ, the patient continues to show improvements in cognitive, language and motor skills, being quite functional. We believe that HSCT is a therapeutic option for MPS II patients with the severe phenotype, as it could preserve neurocognition or even halt neurodegeneration, provided strict selection criteria are followed