444 research outputs found

    Toward an ecological aesthetics: music as emergence

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    In this article we intend to suggest some ecological based principles to support the possibility of develop an ecological aesthetics. We consider that an ecological aesthetics is founded in concepts as “direct perception”, “acquisition of affordances and invariants”, “embodied embedded perception” and so on. Here we will purpose that can be possible explain especially soundscape music perception in terms of direct perception, working with perception of first hand (in a Gibsonian sense). We will present notions as embedded sound, detection of sonic affordances and invariants, and at the end we purpose an experience with perception/action paradigm to make soundscape music as emergence of a self-organized system

    On Iterated Twisted Tensor Products of Algebras

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    We introduce and study the definition, main properties and applications of iterated twisted tensor products of algebras, motivated by the problem of defining a suitable representative for the product of spaces in noncommutative geometry. We find conditions for constructing an iterated product of three factors, and prove that they are enough for building an iterated product of any number of factors. As an example of the geometrical aspects of our construction, we show how to construct differential forms and involutions on iterated products starting from the corresponding structures on the factors, and give some examples of algebras that can be described within our theory. We prove a certain result (called ``invariance under twisting'') for a twisted tensor product of two algebras, stating that the twisted tensor product does not change when we apply certain kind of deformation. Under certain conditions, this invariance can be iterated, containing as particular cases a number of independent and previously unrelated results from Hopf algebra theory.Comment: 44 pages, 21 figures. More minor typos corrections, one more example and some references adde

    Kakutani Dichotomy on Free States

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    Two quasi-free states on a CAR or CCR algebra are shown to generate quasi-equivalent representations unless they are disjoint.Comment: 12 page

    Increases in body weight and nutritional status of transplanted Alaskan caribou

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    Body weight and natality rate in ungulates can be useful indices to nutririon, bur they may also be influenced by genetic and climatic factors. Because caribou {Rangifer tarandus granti) are distributed as discrete populations of metapopulations (i.e., herds) that are usually reproductively isolated from each other for unknown periods, it is difficult to separate the influence of genetics and nutrition on body weight, especially where historical data are lacking. To help elucidate the influence of nutrition on potential variation in body weight and natality of caribou in Alaska, we reviewed data for body weight and natality in 5 populations which resulted from Transplants to previously ungrazed ranges, or to areas where reindeer and caribou had been absent for many decades. In 2 of 5 populations body weight increased significantly, and likely increased in the other 3 populations, but data were insufficient. Natality rate increased in all 5 populations, proportion of fecund yearlings was high and 3 of the 5 newly established herds increased at about the maximum biological potential for the species (lambda=1.35). In the Adak transplant, a lactating yearling was documented. These 5 transplanted populations provide additional evidence that body weight and natality rate in Alaskan caribou are sensitive to changes in population density and relatively short-term (i.e., 10 years) increases in grazing pressure independenr of climate and genetics

    Hamiltonian Quantization of Chern-Simons theory with SL(2,C) Group

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    We analyze the hamiltonian quantization of Chern-Simons theory associated to the universal covering of the Lorentz group SO(3,1). The algebra of observables is generated by finite dimensional spin networks drawn on a punctured topological surface. Our main result is a construction of a unitary representation of this algebra. For this purpose, we use the formalism of combinatorial quantization of Chern-Simons theory, i.e we quantize the algebra of polynomial functions on the space of flat SL(2,C)-connections on a topological surface with punctures. This algebra admits a unitary representation acting on an Hilbert space which consists in wave packets of spin-networks associated to principal unitary representations of the quantum Lorentz group. This representation is constructed using only Clebsch-Gordan decomposition of a tensor product of a finite dimensional representation with a principal unitary representation. The proof of unitarity of this representation is non trivial and is a consequence of properties of intertwiners which are studied in depth. We analyze the relationship between the insertion of a puncture colored with a principal representation and the presence of a world-line of a massive spinning particle in de Sitter space.Comment: 78 pages. Packages include

    Quantification and prognostic relevance of angiogenic parameters in invasive cervical cancer.

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    Tumour stromal neovascularization was investigated in 114 invasive and 20 in situ carcinomas of the uterine cervix by staining representative sections with the specific endothelial marker anti CD31 (clone JC/70A, isotope IgG1). A digital image analyser was used to measure the immunoreactivity. The following parameters were determined in the 'hot spots': vessel counts, vessel perimeter and endothelial stained area (expressed per mm2). The results were correlated with clinical and histopathological data. There was no significant relationship between the histopathological findings (tumour histology, tumour differentiation, FIGO stage, presence of lymph node metastasis or lymphovascular space involvement) and the median vessel count. In a univariate analysis all angiogenesis parameters had prognostic value: a higher vascularity was associated with worse prognosis (P < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that vascular permeation (P < 0.001) and the median vessel count (P = 0.005) were the most important prognostic indicators. In the future these criteria may be used for selection of patients for anti-angiogenesis therapy

    Late Holocene current patterns in the northern Patagonian fjords recorded by sediment drifts in Aysén Fjord

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    Present-day circulation patterns in the southeastern Pacific Ocean are driven by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, directing subantarctic surface water into the Patagonian fjords since at least the early Holocene. In this way, bottom current patterns in the area are regulated by the regional climate, although the complex bathymetry of the fjords has a significant impact as well. To understand the potential interplay of climate, seafloor topography and circulation patterns, we study the sedimentary infill of Aysén Fjord (~45°S) and reveal the first active sediment drifts in the region. These allow constraining the present-day circulation patterns in northern Patagonia and show an incoming (southward) as well as returning (northward) flow direction. While the general sedimentary evolution of the fjord (and thus also the sediment drifts) is climate-driven (i.e., it reflects variability in southern westerly wind strength), the onset of drift formation at ~3.7 ka does not seem to have originated from an abrupt change in regional climate. Instead, we propose that a megathrust earthquake described in paleoseismic records in the area could have resulted in subsidence of one (or more) of the many bathymetric highs in the Patagonian fjords, thus contributing to enhanced spilling of subantarctic water into the fjord. This study underscores the importance of multidisciplinary research to understand past and present bottom current circulation patterns and disentangle different possible feedback mechanisms
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