333 research outputs found

    Implications of Palm Kernel Shell-Filled Plastic Bottles on the Structural Behavior of Concrete Slab

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    The implications of palm kernel shell (PKS)-filled plastic bottles on the structural behaviour of concrete slabs were carried out by comparing the flexural performance of conventional solid concrete slabs to concrete slabs incorporated with plastic bottles filled with palm kernel shells and placed vertically, horizontally, and diagonally at the neutral axis of the slab as per Bubble Deck Slab technology. One-way slab specimens of size 700 × 300 × 150 mm thick were produced and subjected to a four-point flexural load test. Findings from the study indicated that: (1) The PKS-filled bottle slabs deflected more than the conventional solid slab, hence making them more flexible than the conventional slabs and, as such, giving the occupants enough time to evacuate. (2) The flexural strengths of the PKS-filled bottle slabs exceeded those of conventional slabs by 18.3% and 10.9%, respectively, for five and ten percentages of the volume of slab concrete occupied. (3) The condition of the PKS, either dry or saturated, coupled with the bottle arrangement (either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal), does not, however, cause any significant change to the performance of the PKS filled bottle slabs in terms of load carrying capacity, deflection, and strength. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-03-016 Full Text: PD

    Sustainability Performance of Voided Concrete Slab Using Waste Plastic Bottles

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    The present study is aimed at investigating the cost assessment of incorporating waste plastic bottles in the manufacture of voided concrete slabs; assessing the depth ratio vis-à-vis the cost reduction of incorporating waste plastic bottles in the manufacture of voided concrete slabs; assessing the energy consumption and CO2 emission obtained by incorporating waste plastic bottles in the manufacture of voided concrete slabs; and evaluating the impact of the depth ratio on embodied energy consumption and CO2 emission. The study was conducted on five types of slab specimens made: (1) conventional solid slab specimens; (2) slab specimens incorporated with 5% air-filled plastic bottles; and (3) slab specimens incorporated with 10% air-filled plastic bottles. Slab specimens of size 1000×1000×150 mm thick incorporated with 0, 5, and 10% waste plastic bottles were considered for the analysis of sustainability with respect to cost, energy, and CO2 savings. As part of the findings, it was revealed that the incorporation of waste plastic bottles into concrete slabs results in a reduction in the cost and volume of concrete. Again, using recycled plastic bottles in the slabs saved money, but for each percentage of bottles used, additional materials (plastic bottles, chicken wire, etc.) and labour were needed, which added to the cost. It was also revealed that embodied energy and CO2 emissions decrease as the percentage of plastic bottles in the slab increases. The study has confirmed that the void slab made with plastic bottles is more sustainable than the traditional solid slab system when it comes to cost, energy use, and CO2emissions. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-11-09 Full Text: PD

    Factors inhibiting students’ ICT knowledge acquisition and utilization at Oguaa School for the Deaf in Ghana

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    This paper reports part of a graduate thesis which investigated students’ ICT knowledge, skills, and utilization at Oguaa School for the Deaf in the Central Region of Ghana. A randomly selected sample of 40 students completed researcher-developed questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that majority of the students were novice in ICT knowledge and utilization; they only had access to computers during ICT lessons. They lacked access to functional computers for private studies, training, and interest in ICT usage for learning. The researchers concluded that the students could not confidently and creatively use ICT for learning. It was recommended that the school extended ICT application to other subjects.Keywords: ICT knowledge, utilization, Oguaa, Dea

    Analysis of the thermomechanical inconsistency of some extended hydrodynamic models at high Knudsen number

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    There are some hydrodynamic equations that, while their parent kinetic equation satisfies fundamental mechanical properties, appear themselves to violate mechanical or thermodynamic properties. This article aims to shed some light on the source of this problem. Starting with diffusive volume hydrodynamic models, the microscopic temporal and spatial scales are first separated at the kinetic level from the macroscopic scales at the hydrodynamic level. Then we consider Klimontovich’s spatial stochastic version of the Boltzmann kinetic equation, and show that, for small local Knudsen numbers, the stochastic term vanishes and the kinetic equation becomes the Boltzmann equation. The collision integral dominates in the small local Knudsen number regime, which is associated with the exact traditional continuum limit. We find a sub-domain of the continuum range which the conventional Knudsen number classification does not account for appropriately. In this sub-domain, it is possible to obtain a fully mechanically-consistent volume (or mass) diffusion model that satisfies the second law of thermodynamics on the grounds of extended non-local-equilibrium thermodynamics

    Business Strategy and Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

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    The relationship between business strategies and sustainability of microfinance institutions was investigated. The research was based on both qualitative and quantitative approaches. First a qualitative interview was conducted by interviewing 14 executives of sampled microfinance institutions with a focus on the business strategies they employ to keep them viable vis a vis the factors; effective screening mechanisms, enforcing group collateral, regular clients’ meetings, minimization of default rates, intensification of peer monitoring and financial product innovation. This was followed by a self-administered survey involving 130 MFIs. The study revealed all the six factors were significant to the sustainability of MFIs in Ghana

    Reinterpreting Shock Wave Structure Predictions using the Navier-Stokes Equations

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    Classical Navier-Stokes equations fail to predict shock wave profiles accurately. In this paper, the Navier-Stokes system is fully transformed using a velocity variable transformation. The transformed equations termed the re-casted Navier-Stokes equations display physics not initially included. We then analyse the stationary shock structure problem in a monatomic gas by solving both the classical and the re-casted Navier-Stokes equations numerically using a finite difference global solution (FDGS) scheme. The numerical results are presented for different upstream Mach numbers ranging from supersonic to hypersonic flows. We found that the re-casted Navier-Stokes equations show better agreements with the experimentally measured density and reciprocal shock thickness profiles

    Influence of Environmental and Governance Factors on Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

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    This study examines the environmental and governance factors and how they affect sustainability of Microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Ghana. Microfinance institutions like any other system are affected by peculiar environmental and governance factors which determine to a large extent how it survives. The study therefore measures seven variables by testing seven hypotheses from a survey data of 114 MFIs in Ghana. The study revealed that even though there was a positive and significant relationship between sustainability and improved regulatory framework, loan recovery, quality of staff and the MFIs ability to create jobs for their clients, existence of Board of Directors, and increased competition, do not impact on sustainability. Recommendations on how to enhance the environmental and governance factors to ensure sustainability of MFIs have been made. Key words: sustainability, environment, governance, microfinanc

    Effects of Ergonomic Intervention on the Improvement of Low-back Disorders, Perceived Health Status and Overall Working Ability among Kitchen Staff : One year follow-up study

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.The thesis is about a one year follow-up ergonomic intervention study on the improvement of low back disorders, perceived health status and overall working ability, among various kitchen institutions in Finland, with the ultimate aim of meeting the requirements of workers’ capabilities by addressing their issues and the working environment; the match between personnel and equipments usage, work processes and environment. LBP is a typical MSD which may be characterised by periodic and protracted pains, stresses and strains around the low back often as a result of fitting workers in working environments whose design falls short of targeted ergonomic standards. Effective ergonomic changes can be attained by means of technical, administrative and socioeconomic procedures. Workers involvement in the planning and implementation of possible changes effects ergonomic efficiency. Individual physical attributes and habits ought to be taken into consideration to better understand and assess the effect of ergonomic intervention programs. Effective ergonomic approach is realised through a reduction in MSD (eg. LBP) cases and associated pain reduction, minimal absenteeism, perceived health improvement and hence, improved work ability. Linear mixed models was the main statistical analyses employed in modelling the mean changes in low back pain, as well as accounting for the covariances in the repeated measures. The statistical results revealed that, generally, there was an improvement in low back pain, reduced LBP sick leaves, among the intervention group compared to that of the control group. These differences, however, were often not, statistically, significant. Further, the intervention group excelled in their respective perception of health (in terms of aspects of quality of life). It is recommended that work organization be improved in the direction of elevated levels of WPFs, which are keys to job satisfaction and LBP recovery. Larger sample size is required in guaranteeing further and detailed analyses to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the interrelationships among many underlying constructs associated with MSDs, and their progression, for the effective evaluation of intervention progra

    Interface tactile pour la saisie guidée de connaissances

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    International audienceIn recent years, artificial intelligence tools have democratized and are increasingly used by people who are not experts in the field. These artificial intelligence tools, like rule-based or constraint-based systems require the input of human expertise to replicate the desired reasoning. Despite the explosion of new devices and new input paradigms, such as tablets and other touch interfaces, it seems that the usability of these tools have not taken advantage of these recent advances. In this article, we illustrate our concept with the rule edition in a fuzzy expert system. The special feature of fuzzy logic is that these rules look closer to natural language than classical logic. We present our work that involves the use of new touch interfaces to edit a fuzzy rule base with one finger. We end this section by the evaluation of the interface with a user panel.Au cours de ces dernières années, les outils d'intelligence artificielle se sont démocratisés et sont de plus en plus sou-vent utilisés par des personnes qui ne sont pas expertes du domaine. Parmi ces outils d'intelligence artificielle, les systèmes à base de règles ou de contraintes nécessitent la saisie de l'expertise humaine afin de reproduire le comporte-ment souhaité. Malgré l'explosion des nouveaux périphé-riques et de nouveaux paradigmes de saisie, comme les tablettes et autres interfaces tactiles, l'ergonomie de ces outils semble ne pas avoir profité de toutes ces avancées récentes. Dans cet article, nous prenons l'exemple d'un système expert flou pour lequel il faut rédiger des règles. La particu-larité de la logique floue est que ces règles sont construites d'une manière plus proche du langage naturel qu'en lo-gique classique. Nous présentons notre travail qui consiste en l'exploitation des nouvelles interfaces tactiles afin de rédiger une base de règles floues avec un seul doigt. Nous terminons cet article par l'évaluation de l'interface auprès d'un panel d'utilisateurs

    The use of maize tassel as an agricultural by-product to ameliorate heavy metals in contaminated groundwater

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    The presence of heavy metals in drinking water usually tends to pose some adverse effects to the consumers. It is in the light of this that maize tassel which is usually an agricultural by product was used to remove mercury arsenic, manganese and lead from contaminated water. Maize tassel was milled into fine powder. A laboratory simulated contamination of the above mentioned metals was prepared to a concentration of 2.000  mg/L. Groundwater contaminated samples were also obtained and run through 20.0g of the powdered maize tassel at specific time steps of 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes respectively. The water that drained out of the tassel was then analyzed for the amount of metals remaining in it using Shimadzu Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer model AA6300. The concentrations of arsenic, manganese lead and mercury in the laboratory  simulated solution after it had passed through the maize tassel for a period of 60 minutes was 0.001 mg/L, 0.005 mg/L, 0.203 mg/L and 0.020 mg/L respectively. The concentrations of arsenic, manganese, lead and mercury in the contaminated groundwater after passing through the tassel  was 0.0005 mg/L, 0.0021 mg/L, 0.050 mg/L and 0.025 mg/L respectively
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