18 research outputs found


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    Residu antibiotika pada susu merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan disamping jumlah dan jenis mikroba pencemar serta bahan-bahan lainnya agar konsumen terhindar dari resiko keracunan akibat menkonsumsi susu. Pemeriksaan residu antibiotika pads KUD pengepul susu sampai saat ini belum dapat dilakukan secara rutin mengingat kitt yang sampai saat ini tersedia dipasaran adalah bahan import yang harganya relatif mahal sedangkan pemeriksaan yang tanpa menggunakan kitt import terbentur masalah minimnya sarana dan prasarana laboratorium yang dimiliki oleh KUD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kitt yang harganya lebih murah, tidak memerlukan investasi peralatan yang mahal dan mudah dikerjakan sehingga diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk pengujian residu antibiotika secara rutin pads KUD penerima susu dari peternak. Dua macam kitt yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini agar peternak dan KUD sebagai konsumen dapat memilih kitt yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan yang dimiliknya. Kitt pertama merupakan metode bioassay, menggunakan bakteri B.subtilis untuk indikatornya, murah dan mudah pengerjaannya meskipun memerlukan waktu inkubasi relatif lama (minimal 3 jam) sedangkan kitt berdasar protein Stap. aureus relatip lebih praktis tetapi harganya lebih mahal. Hasil yang telah dicapai berupa isolat B.subtilis yang peka terhadap beberapa macam antibiotika dan isolat Stap. aureus serta proteinnya yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menghasilkan kitt


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    Residu antibiotika pada susu merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan disamping jumlah dan jenis mikroba pencemar serta bahan-bahan lainnya agar konsumen terhindar dari resiko keracunan akibat menkonsumsi susu. Pemeriksaan residu antibiotika pads KUD pengepul susu sampai saat ini belum dapat dilakukan secara rutin mengingat kitt yang sampai saat ini tersedia dipasaran adalah bahan import yang harganya relatif mahal sedangkan pemeriksaan yang tanpa menggunakan kitt import terbentur masalah minimnya sarana dan prasarana laboratorium yang dimiliki oleh KUD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kitt yang harganya lebih murah, tidak memerlukan investasi peralatan yang mahal dan mudah dikerjakan sehingga diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk pengujian residu antibiotika secara rutin pads KUD penerima susu dari peternak. Dua macam kitt yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini agar peternak dan KUD sebagai konsumen dapat memilih kitt yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan yang dimiliknya. Kitt pertama merupakan metode bioassay, menggunakan bakteri B.subtilis untuk indikatornya, murah dan mudah pengerjaannya meskipun memerlukan waktu inkubasi relatif lama (minimal 3 jam) sedangkan kitt berdasar protein Stap. aureus relatip lebih praktis tetapi harganya lebih mahal. Hasil yang telah dicapai berupa isolat B.subtilis yang peka terhadap beberapa macam antibiotika dan isolat Stap. aureus serta proteinnya yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menghasilkan kitt

    Molecular Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Rotavirus Infection Among Pediatric Patients in East Java, Indonesia During 2015–2018: Dynamic Changes in Rotavirus Genotypes From Equine-Like G3 to Typical Human G1/G3

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    Group A rotavirus (RVA) is the most important cause of severe gastroenteritis among children worldwide, and effective RVA vaccines have been introduced in many countries. Here we performed a molecular epidemiological analysis of RVA infection among pediatric patients in East Java, Indonesia, during 2015–2018. A total of 432 stool samples were collected from hospitalized pediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis. None of the patients in this cohort had been immunized with an RVA vaccine. The overall prevalence of RVA infection was 31.7% (137/432), and RVA infection was significantly more prevalent in the 6- to 11-month age group than in the other age groups (P < 0.05). Multiplex reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) revealed that the most common G-P combination was equine-like G3P[8] (70.8%), followed by equine-like G3P[6] (12.4%), human G1P[8] (8.8%), G3P[6] (1.5%), and G1P[6] (0.7%). Interestingly, the equine-like strains were exclusively detected until May 2017, but in July 2017 they were completely replaced by a typical human genotype (G1 and G3), suggesting that the dynamic changes in RVA genotypes from equine-like G3 to typical human G1/G3 in Indonesia can occur even in the country with low RVA vaccine coverage rate. The mechanism of the dynamic changes in RVA genotypes needs to be explored. Infants and children with RVA-associated gastroenteritis presented more frequently with some dehydration, vomiting, and watery diarrhea, indicating a greater severity of RVA infection compared to those with non-RVA gastroenteritis. In conclusion, a dynamic change was found in the RVA genotype from equine-like G3 to a typical human genotype. Since severe cases of RVA infection were prevalent, especially in children aged 6 to 11 months or more generally in those less than 2 years old, RVA vaccination should be included in Indonesia’s national immunization program

    Perbedaan Komponen Protein Sel Utuh Bakteri Salmonella typhirnurium Yang Di Isolasi Dari Penderita Diare Dan Daging Ayam Ras: Penelitian Eksplorasi Laboratorik

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    Salmonellosis is recognized to be a serious public health disease problem, affecting more people and animal than any disease problem. Salmonella is capable of causing a variety of disease syndromes : enteric fever, bacteremia, enterocolitis and focal infention. The virulence properties in S. typhimurium are often mediated by genes contained within pathogenicity islands, i.e., large, unstable segments of the chromosome. Virulence plasmid and Inv locus are also important in virulence of bacteria Environment stress affected S. typhimurium protein components. There is an accumulation of glutamate in response to osmotic stress and production of specific outer membrane protein were induced by acid adaption. Four S.typhimurium isolates are identical each other by biochemistry and serological tests, two isolates came from diarrheal stool children (H-1 and H-2) and two remaining came from chicken meat (M-1 and DS-9), respectively. Whole cells protein analysis were done by SDS-PAGE with 7,5 % acrylamide gel concentration. The result showed that S. typhimurium H-1 isolate (from diarrheal stool children) had components protein differences with another isolates (H-2., from diarrheal stool sample, M-1 and DS-9, both came from chicken meat)

    Perbedaan Komponen Protein Sel Utuh Bakteri Salmonella Typhimurium Yang di Isolasi Dari Penderita Diare dan Daging Ayam Ras: Penelitian Ekplorasi Laboratorik

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    Salmonellosis is recognized to be a serious public health disease problem, affecting more people and animal than any disease problem. Salmonella is capable of causing a variety of disease syndromes : enteric fever, bacteremia, enterocolitis and focal infention. The virulence properties in S. typhimurium are often mediated by genes contained within pathogenicity islands, i.e., large, unstable segments of the chromosome. Virulence plasmid and Inv locus are also important in virulence of bacteria Environment stress affected S. typhimurium protein components. There is an accumulation of glutamate in response to osmotic stress and production of specific outer membrane protein were induced by acid adaption. Four S.typhimurium isolates are identical each other by biochemistry and serological tests, two isolates came from diarrheal stool children (H-1 and H-2) and two remaining came from chicken meat (M-1 and DS-9), respectively. Whole cells protein analysis were done by SDS-PAGE with 7,5 % acrylamide gel concentration. The result showed that S. typhimurium H-1 isolate (from diarrheal stool children) had components protein differences with another isolates (H-2., from diarrheal stool sample, M-1 and DS-9, both came from chicken meat)

    Karakterisasi Dan Isolasi Antigen 20-21 Kda Dari Sporosoit E. Tenella Sebagai Antigen Pemeriksaan Koksidosis

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    Koksidiosis merupakan penyakit parasite yang tersebar luas dan menyebabkan angka sakit dan kematian sampai 80%. Penanganan koksidiosis meliputi perbaikan manajemen, pengobatan berdasar diagnosis yang tepat dan untuk masa depan dapat dilakukan vaksinasi. Protein dengan berat molekul 20-21 kDa yang diisolasi dari ookista E-tenella yang telah disporulasikan diharapkan mempunyai potensi sebagai immunogen sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai antigen untuk pemeriksaan dengan cara ELISA maupun sebagai kandidat vaksin

    Bacteria contamination and Cadmium heavy metal content of blood coockle (

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    This study aims to detect the food safety of blood coockle satay sold by street vendors in Surabaya Indonesia, in terms of bacterial contamination and Cadmium heavy metal content. This research is descriptive research with survey method. The sampling technique was carried out randomly from 15 street vendors, for further testing of bacterial contamination which included total bacteria, Coliform bacteria, and detection of heavy metal Cadmium (Cd) in blood coockle satay. The results showed that of all (15) satay samples studied have the average total microbes was 7.22 Log CFU/gr, Coliform bacterial contamination exceeded the maximum limit determined by the food regulatory agency Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of Republic Indonesia in 2009 ((> 3 MPN/gram). As many as 5 (33.33%) of the 15 samples of scallop satay containing heavy metal Cd exceeded the maximum limit determined by Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of Republic Indonesia in 2017 (> 0.1 mg/kg)

    Tingkat cemaran bakteri Coliform dan Escherichia coli pada makanan dan minuman sebagai dampak kondisi higiene sanitasi di Sentra Kuliner Penjaringansari, Surabaya

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    The presence of Coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in food or beverages is an indicator of poor hygiene and sanitation for food service providers. This research is an observational study, samples used were food and beverages sold by traders at the Penjaringansari culinary center in Surabaya. The aims of this study are 1). identify the hygiene and sanitation conditions of food service providers ; 2). Detecting the food safety of food and beverage products in terms of the bacterial contamination level, Coliform and Escherichia coli contamination ; 3). Knowing the relationship between the hygiene and sanitation of traders to Coliform and Escherichia coli contamination ; 4). Identify sources of bacterial contamination. The results are 41.67% of food samples contained total bacteria (range 2.7 x 104 -3.8 x 105 colonies/gram) exceeding the maximum limit of BPOM. Coliform results showed that 100% of food samples and 66.6% of drinks and snacks samples are exceeded the maximum limit of BPOM requirements (food and snack samples >3 APM/g; drinks > 0 APM/g) and 50% of the samples contained Escherichia coli exceed BPOM standards. There is a significant relationship (P<0.05) between the sanitation hygiene of traders with total Coliform and Escherichia coli contamination in food, beverages and snacks. Cutting utensils, plates, raw water and the hands of handlers are sources of Coliform contamination

    Biologi molekuler penyakit infeksi

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    xiv, 125 hlm; 18x25,5 c


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan rekayasa bioteknologi terhadap Iimbah padat rumah potong hewan. Adapun parameter yang diperiksa adalah kandungan gizi yang meliputi kadar protein, kadar Jemak, kadar bahan kering, kadar abu dan kadar serat kasar; dan juga pemeriksaan pH serta organoleptik dari bahan terse but