202 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Shigella-Associated diarrhea in Gorgan, north of Iran

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    Objective : Shigella is an important etiological agent for diarrhea and especially dysentery. Shigellosis is an intestinal infection that is a major public health problem in many developing countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Shigella and its various species in diarrheal samples in Gorgan located in the north of Iran. Materials and Methods: Between January-December 2005, the epidemiology of Shigella- associated diarrhea was studied among 634 patients in Gorgan. The diarrheal samples accompanied with a questionnaire, which contained the demographic and main symptoms of the patients, were transported to the laboratory and inoculated in different culture media. Colonies suspected to be of Shigella were detected using differential biochemical tests and subsequently, the serotype of Shigella was defined using antisera. Results : Shigella was isolated from 56/634 diarrheal samples) (8.8%) of which S. sonnei was the predominant species (55%). Occurrence of Schigella was highest in the 2-5 years′ age group (70.9%) and highest in summer (73.2%) with the most frequent clinical manifestation being abdominal pain (67.8%). The prevalence of Shigella in males and females was 8 and 9.8% respectively, but this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: It has been shown that Shigella sonnei is the most common Shigella serogroup among 2-5 year-old children in Gorgan. It is therefore suggested that hygienic training be given to childcare attendants and the children themselves

    Pin-point effect determination using a rigorous approach

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    A new method for evaluating the pin-point effect of pile yarn of carpets before weaving has been introduced. The method has been initially accomplished by presenting a standard method for bundle preparation and consequently the pin-point index is presented by image analysis technique. To this end, yarns with different twists are heat set at various times and temperatures. Comparison of the results shows that increasing the twist, time and temperature positively contribute to the pin-point index. In the last section, an adaptive neuro fuzzy model (ANFIS) and an artificial neural network model (ANN) have been designed to predict the pin-point index of the heat set yarns based on training with the experimental data.  The input parameters are twist, time and temperature, and the output is the pin-point index. The results illustrate that the learning capability of the ANFIS model is superior and its generalization ability is slightly better than that of a standalone ANN model

    Electronic excitations stabilized by a degenerate electron gas in semiconductors

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    Excitons in semiconductors and insulators consist of fermionic subsystems, electrons and holes, whose attractive interaction facilitates bound quasiparticles with quasi-bosonic character. In the presence of a degenerate electron gas, such excitons dissociate due to free carrier screening. Despite their absence, we found pronounced emission traces in the below-band-edge region of bulk, germanium-doped GaN up to a temperature of 100 K, mimicking sharp spectral features at high free electron concentrations (3.4E19–8.9E19 cm−3). Our interpretation of the data suggests that a degenerate, three-dimensional electron gas stabilizes a novel class of quasiparticles, which we name collexons. These many-particle complexes are formed by exchange of electrons with the Fermi gas. The potential observation of collexons and their stabilization with rising doping concentration is enabled by high crystal quality due to the almost ideal substitution of host atoms with dopants.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Device

    Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation in Post-lingually Deaf Patients.

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    peer reviewed[en] INTRODUCTION: Cochlear implantation has been mentioned as the most effective therapeutic intervention in deaf patients and especially those with post-lingual deafness. We aimed to assess hearing improvement of post-lingually deaf patients after cochlear implantation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: in this cross-sectional study all the post-lingually deaf patients who had undergone cochlear implantation (CI) surgery between December 2010 and February 2016 were assessed. Patients were recalled and after explaining the study process and signing an informed consent form, an audiometry was done by a single audiologist. In addition, demographic information, cause of hearing loss, age of onset, history of hearing aid use and surgical complications were recorded in a pre-designed checklist. RESULTS: Twenty-nine male and 21 female with a mean age of 22.52±19.45 years underwent analysis. Most of patients (80%) had progressed condition since childhood. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) was the most prevalent (10%) known etiology of deafness followed by meningitis (6%), Trauma (2%) and ototoxic drugs (2%) in the remaining 20% of the patients. Patients had the highest mean (37.1±12.61 dB) in 4000 Hz frequency and the lowest mean of hearing threshold level (32.6±8.37 dB) was for 1000 Hz frequency. Mean hearing threshold level was significantly lower in patients with lower ages of cochlear implantation (p=0.435). Patients with higher ages of deafness onset showed lower degree of hearing improvement (p=0.462). CONCLUSION: The results of our study suggest that cochlear implantation significantly improves hearing function of post-lingual patients and can be considered as a certain cure for these patients in Iran

    The study of nutrition and feeding position of shrimp, cultured in IRAN

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    The culture of Iranian Shrimps began in Bushehr in 1372. Early the green or the pink tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) which were found in most habitats of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea were considered in breeding and reproduction, but due to reproduction difficulties, it was rather replaced by the Monodun imported species, then the production of the white shrimp Metapenaeus affinis and Then P.merguensis in some southern areas of the country such as Hormozgan has began in small scale,but none of these species couldn't meet the economical needs of the consumer society and they were not indelible and dominant enough in the shrimp aquaculture industry of the country until breeding of Indian White Shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) has began in large scale in the provinces of Khuzestan and Bushehr, which are seen as the heart of shrimps reproduction and breeding, and in Hormozgan and Sistan. the incidence of white spot viral syndrome (White Spot Syndrom Virus) led to the import of the western white leg shrimp from the USA (P.vannameii) by the Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO) in 1383, at the present all southern and northern breeding farms of the country (fundamental measures has been carried out in line of shrimp reproduction in Gorgan province in 1386) has put the breeding of this shrimp species as the single breeding species at top of their agenda. The subject of feeding the breeding shrimps is widespread and regarding to the non-proprietary species there are still some species which contain high protein than the other species in studying the different shrimp species requirements. In Iran due to the scarce factories producing the shrimp's food, the alimentary compound of the breeding shrimps during industrializing years of this type of breeding even after the non-aboriginal western white leg shrimp species being inclusive was stable and through different biological processes including: Naplies which feeds from its yalk and by entry into zoa stage start eating only small-sized phytoplankton. And by entry into the stage between zoa and mysis it feeds from phyto and zooplankton simultaneously and entering the post-larva stage it stars sarcophagi. and after 15 post-larva stage entering the growth and transition stage to earthen ponds feeding by concentrated industrial foods in large and small packages depending on young and adult mouth and due to feeding requirements of every stage the alimentary compound is nearly as follows: Digestible protein, energy, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals will start and the final product will be released in market Or they will be used in the later years of laying eggs and feeding for brood stock. In feeding section the details of every stage and their food's nutritional needs at each stage and will be fully described

    Apparent digestibility coefficients and nutritional value of Iranian cottonseed meal varieties for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Three different varieties of cottonseed meal (CSM) were evaluated to measure the apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of the nutrients using chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as an indigestible marker. Five experimental diets were prepared and mixed with 1% of Cr2O3, 2% of mineral and vitamin each of which were premixed. Diet 1 was used as the control diet. Diets 2, 3, 4 and 5 were formulated using 70% of the control diet together with 30% of each of the cottonseed meal Pak (CSMP), cottonseed meal Sahel (CSMS), cottonseed meal Akra (CSMA), and soya bean meal (SBM), respectively, in three replications. The ADC of the three CSM varieties was measured to be 53.8-62.7%, 60.2-66.6% and 75.6-82.4% for dry matter, fat and crude protein, respectively. Survival rate for all fishes used in this study was more than 98%. Fishes fed with the CSM diets were not significantly different compared with those fed with the SBM diet in terms of survival rate (p>0.05). Apparent protein digestibility of CSMP and CSMS showed no significant difference with SBM (p>0.05). Therefore, it could be concluded that two kinds of CSM could be used as a replacement for SBM in rainbow trout as a protein source

    Therapeutic targets for HIV-1 infection in the host proteome

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the success of HAART, patients often stop treatment due to the inception of side effects. Furthermore, viral resistance often develops, making one or more of the drugs ineffective. Identification of novel targets for therapy that may not develop resistance is sorely needed. Therefore, to identify cellular proteins that may be up-regulated in HIV infection and play a role in infection, we analyzed the effects of Tat on cellular gene expression during various phases of the cell cycle. RESULTS: SOM and k-means clustering analyses revealed a dramatic alteration in transcriptional activity at the G1/S checkpoint. Tat regulates the expression of a variety of gene ontologies, including DNA-binding proteins, receptors, and membrane proteins. Using siRNA to knock down expression of several gene targets, we show that an Oct1/2 binding protein, an HIV Rev binding protein, cyclin A, and PPGB, a cathepsin that binds NA, are important for viral replication following induction from latency and de novo infection of PBMCs. CONCLUSION: Based on exhaustive and stringent data analysis, we have compiled a list of gene products that may serve as potential therapeutic targets for the inhibition of HIV-1 replication. Several genes have been established as important for HIV-1 infection and replication, including Pou2AF1 (OBF-1), complement factor H related 3, CD4 receptor, ICAM-1, NA, and cyclin A1. There were also several genes whose role in relation to HIV-1 infection have not been established and may also be novel and efficacious therapeutic targets and thus necessitate further study. Importantly, targeting certain cellular protein kinases, receptors, membrane proteins, and/or cytokines/chemokines may result in adverse effects. If there is the presence of two or more proteins with similar functions, where only one protein is critical for HIV-1 transcription, and thus, targeted, we may decrease the chance of developing treatments with negative side effects

    Ear and Face Mucormycosis; A Case Report.

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    peer reviewedMucormycosis is an invasive fungal infection belonging to order of Mucorales which causes a high rate of mortality. This infection is mostly common in the immunosuppression conditions such as diabetes mellitus, chemotherapy, organ transplantation and hematologic malignancies

    Walk-through flat panel total-body PET: a patient-centered design for high throughput imaging at lower cost using DOI-capable high-resolution monolithic detectors.

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    PURPOSE Long axial field-of-view (LAFOV) systems have a much higher sensitivity than standard axial field-of-view (SAFOV) PET systems for imaging the torso or full body, which allows faster and/or lower dose imaging. Despite its very high sensitivity, current total-body PET (TB-PET) throughput is limited by patient handling (positioning on the bed) and often a shortage of available personnel. This factor, combined with high system costs, makes it hard to justify the implementation of these systems for many academic and nearly all routine nuclear medicine departments. We, therefore, propose a novel, cost-effective, dual flat panel TB-PET system for patients in upright standing positions to avoid the time-consuming positioning on a PET-CT table; the walk-through (WT) TB-PET. We describe a patient-centered, flat panel PET design that offers very efficient patient throughput and uses monolithic detectors (with BGO or LYSO) with depth-of-interaction (DOI) capabilities and high intrinsic spatial resolution. We compare system sensitivity, component costs, and patient throughput of the proposed WT-TB-PET to a SAFOV (= 26 cm) and a LAFOV (= 106 cm) LSO PET systems. METHODS Patient width, height (= top head to start of thighs) and depth (= distance from the bed to front of patient) were derived from 40 randomly selected PET-CT scans to define the design dimensions of the WT-TB-PET. We compare this new PET system to the commercially available Siemens Biograph Vision 600 (SAFOV) and Siemens Quadra (LAFOV) PET-CT in terms of component costs, system sensitivity, and patient throughput. System cost comparison was based on estimating the cost of the two main components in the PET system (Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) and scintillators). Sensitivity values were determined using Gate Monte Carlo simulations. Patient throughput times (including CT and scout scan, patient positioning on bed and transfer) were recorded for 1 day on a Siemens Vision 600 PET. These timing values were then used to estimate the expected patient throughput (assuming an equal patient radiotracer injected activity to patients and considering differences in system sensitivity and time-of-flight information) for WT-TB-PET, SAFOV and LAFOV PET. RESULTS The WT-TB-PET is composed of two flat panels; each is 70 cm wide and 106 cm high, with a 50-cm gap between both panels. These design dimensions were justified by the patient sizes measured from the 40 random PET-CT scans. Each panel consists of 14 × 20 monolithic BGO detector blocks that are 50 × 50 × 16 mm in size and are coupled to a readout with 6 × 6 mm SiPMs arrays. For the WT-TB-PET, the detector surface is reduced by a factor of 1.9 and the scintillator volume by a factor of 2.2 compared to LAFOV PET systems, while demonstrating comparable sensitivity and much better uniform spatial resolution (< 2 mm in all directions over the FOV). The estimated component cost for the WT-TB-PET is 3.3 × lower than that of a 106 cm LAFOV system and only 20% higher than the PET component costs of a SAFOV. The estimated maximum number of patients scanned on a standard 8-h working day increases from 28 (for SAFOV) to 53-60 (for LAFOV in limited/full acceptance) to 87 (for the WT-TB-PET). By scanning faster (more patients), the amount of ordered activity per patient can be reduced drastically: the WT-TB-PET requires 66% less ordered activity per patient than a SAFOV. CONCLUSIONS We propose a monolithic BGO or LYSO-based WT-TB-PET system with DOI measurements that departs from the classical patient positioning on a table and allows patients to stand upright between two flat panels. The WT-TB-PET system provides a solution to achieve a much lower cost TB-PET approaching the cost of a SAFOV system. High patient throughput is increased by fast patient positioning between two vertical flat panel detectors of high sensitivity. High spatial resolution (< 2 mm) uniform over the FOV is obtained by using DOI-capable monolithic scintillators
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