175 research outputs found

    Mapping Tasks to Interactions for Graph Exploration and Graph Editing on Interactive Surfaces

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    Graph exploration and editing are still mostly considered independently and systems to work with are not designed for todays interactive surfaces like smartphones, tablets or tabletops. When developing a system for those modern devices that supports both graph exploration and graph editing, it is necessary to 1) identify what basic tasks need to be supported, 2) what interactions can be used, and 3) how to map these tasks and interactions. This technical report provides a list of basic interaction tasks for graph exploration and editing as a result of an extensive system review. Moreover, different interaction modalities of interactive surfaces are reviewed according to their interaction vocabulary and further degrees of freedom that can be used to make interactions distinguishable are discussed. Beyond the scope of graph exploration and editing, we provide an approach for finding and evaluating a mapping from tasks to interactions, that is generally applicable. Thus, this work acts as a guideline for developing a system for graph exploration and editing that is specifically designed for interactive surfaces.Comment: 21 pages, minor corrections (typos etc.

    Trends and Techniques in Visual Gaze Analysis

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    Visualizing gaze data is an effective way for the quick interpretation of eye tracking results. This paper presents a study investigation benefits and limitations of visual gaze analysis among eye tracking professionals and researchers. The results were used to create a tool for visual gaze analysis within a Master's project.Comment: pages 89-93, The 5th Conference on Communication by Gaze Interaction - COGAIN 2009: Gaze Interaction For Those Who Want It Most, ISBN: 978-87-643-0475-

    Security problems with a chaos-based deniable authentication scheme

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    Recently, a new scheme was proposed for deniable authentication. Its main originality lied on applying a chaos-based encryption-hash parallel algorithm and the semi-group property of the Chebyshev chaotic map. Although original and practicable, its insecurity and inefficiency are shown in this paper, thus rendering it inadequate for adoption in e-commerce.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, latex forma

    Who benefits from Visualization Adaptations? Towards a better Understanding of the Influence of Visualization Literacy

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    The ability to read, understand, and comprehend visual information representations is subsumed under the term visualization literacy (VL). One possibility to improve the use of information visualizations is to introduce adaptations. However, it is yet unclear whether people with different VL benefit from adaptations to the same degree. We conducted an online experiment (n = 42) to investigate whether the effect of an adaptation (here: De-Emphasis) of visualizations (bar charts, scatter plots) on performance (accuracy, time) and user experiences depends on users' VL level. Using linear mixed models for the analyses, we found a positive impact of the De-Emphasis adaptation across all conditions, as well as an interaction effect of adaptation and VL on the task completion time for bar charts. This work contributes to a better understanding of the intertwined relationship of VL and visual adaptations and motivates future research.Comment: Preprint and Author Version of a Short Paper, accepted to the 2022 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS

    Der Einsatz von Desktop-VR fĂŒr E-Commerce-Anwendungen - Konzepte fĂŒr dreidimensionale ProduktprĂ€sentationen

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    Zusammenfassung: 'Die PrĂ€sentation von Produkten in gegenwĂ€rtigen E-Commerce Anwendungen erfolgt in der Regel durch Bilder und Texte. Dabei werden die Möglichkeiten heutiger multimedialer Technologien nicht oder nur unzureichend genutzt. Insbesondere im Hinblick auf das Medium 3D-Grafik fĂ€llt dies besonders auf, obwohl Internet-taugliche 3D-Grafikformate entwickelt werden, die es gestatten, nicht nur dreidimensionale ProduktprĂ€sentationen, sondern auch komplette Nutzerschnittstellen auf Basis interaktiver Echtzeitgrafik zu realisieren. Dabei wird die gegenwĂ€rtig stark steigende Grafikperformance von PCs bei gleichzeitig sinkenden Kosten schon in naher Zukunft eine neue Klasse von interaktiven 3D-Anwendungen möglich machen, die fĂŒr eine breite Nutzerschicht zugĂ€nglich sind. Neben der Technologieentwicklung bedarf es aber auch konzeptioneller Vorarbeiten zum effektiven Einsatz dieses Mediums. In diesem Artikel werden auf Grundlage der Analyse des Standes der Technik gegenwĂ€rtiger Internet- Angebote Konzepte und Anforderungen fĂŒr kĂŒnftige 3D-PrĂ€sentationsumgebungen entwickelt, wobei zur Illustration ein komplett mit dreidimensionaler Echtzeitgrafik realisierter Prototyp einer ProduktprĂ€sentation vorgestellt wird

    Das Potential von Virtual Communities auf Basis von Distributed Virtual Environments fĂŒr Kundengewinnung und -bindung

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    Zusammenfassung: 'In diesem Artikel soll der Einsatz von Distributed Virtual Environments (DVE) zur Bildung von Virtual Communities (VC) fĂŒr kommerzielle Interessen untersucht werden. Nach der Charakterisierung von VC und DVE wird deren Symbiose zum Zweck der Kundengewinnung und -bindung im Consumer-Bereich untersucht. Dabei wird eine kritische Bewertung erster Prototypen und die Analyse der damit verbundenen technologischen, psychologisch-soziologischen und marketing-strategischen Probleme vorgenommen. Auf dieser Basis erfolgt abschließend die Diskussion eines Vorgehensmodells fĂŒr den Aufbau DVE-basierter Gemeinschaften zur kommerziellen Nutzung und die Spezifikation eines Anforderungskataloges fĂŒr erfolgreiche DVE in diesem Sektor

    TouchNoise: A Particle-based Multitouch Noise Modulation Interface

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    ABSTRACT We present the digital musical instrument TouchNoise that is based on multitouch interaction with a particle system. It implements a novel interface concept for modulating noise spectra. Each particle represents a sine oscillator that moves through the two-dimensional frequency and stereo panning domain via Brownian motion. Its behavior can be affected by multitouch gestures allowing the shaping of the resulting sound in many different ways. Particles can be dragged, attracted, repelled, accentuated, and their autonomous behavior can be manipulated. In this paper we introduce the concepts behind this instrument, describe its implementation and discuss the sonic design space emerging from it

    Implementing new technologies in publishing : enhanced printed books

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    Although reading e-books is becoming more popular, printed books are still dominant medium in the publishing industry. This paper describes an experimental project that implements new technologies in printed textbook publishing. A textbook for a university course was published and its content was enriched with three innovative possibilities that include usage of tablets, smartphones or personal computers. QR codes are printed in the book in order to extend content by linking the reader to verified internet sources. In addition, web application was developed to help in the learning process – the application is a quiz composed of ten one-choice questions for each book chapter (with 250 questions in the database that will be upgraded periodically). Prior to publication, the application was tested and the results showed that students are ready to accept new ways of learning. The application is a single-page application that executes its logic on client-side and is written mostly in vanilla JavaScript. Besides QR codes and web application, social networking is used to accomplish interaction between readers, author and publisher. Usage of social networks and application converts a printed book into an integrating resource
