11 research outputs found

    Atendimento de reabilitação à pessoa idosa vítima de acidentes e violência em distintas regiões do Brasil Rehabilitation service to the elder person victim of accidents and violence on different regions of Brazil

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    Objetiva-se descrever a estrutura e caracterizar o atendimento prestado por serviços de reabilitação que atendem idosos vítimas de acidentes e violência, baseando-se nas principais políticas públicas de saúde dirigidas à população idosa no país. Seguindo os princípios da triangulação de métodos, aplicou-se um questionário a 19 serviços de reabilitação (cinco em Manaus, sete em Recife, dois em Brasília, dois no Rio de Janeiro e três em Curitiba) composto por 27 questões referentes à estrutura e organização do serviço e registro dos dados. Foram entrevistados gestores e profissionais sobre fluxo, caracterização e especificidades do atendimento ao idoso, redes de proteção, avaliação dos serviços e sugestões. Os serviços de Manaus e Brasília estão mais bem preparados para atender aos idosos vítimas de acidentes e violência. Os de Brasília sobressaem nas questões mais específicas ao atendimento do idoso. As unidades de reabilitação de Recife apresentam-se menos preparadas, especialmente nos itens de suporte laboratorial, capacitação de profissionais para identificar e atender os casos de idosos em situação de violência, registro e análise dos dados. Conclui-se que o atendimento de reabilitação apresenta grandes fragilidades na implantação das políticas públicas e na inserção do tema da violência.<br>The purpose of this work is to describe the structure and characterize the services offered for rehabilitation of elder people, victims of accidents and violence, based on the main public policies of health for this population in Brazil. Following the principles of the triangulation method, a 27 question questionnaire was applied to 19 rehabilitation services (five in Manaus, seven in Recife, two in Brasília, two in Rio de Janeiro and three in Curitiba) about structure and organization of the service besides data registration. Managers and health professionals were interviewed about the flow, characterization and specificities of the service to elder people, protection chains, services evaluation and suggestions. Services in Manaus and Brasília are better prepared to attend elder victims of accidents and violence. The services in Brasília surpass the specific issues of elderly care. The rehabilitation units in Recife are more unprepared, especially regarding laboratorial support, qualification of professionals to identify and attend the cases of violence, registration and analysis of data. It is concluded that the rehabilitation service presents great fragility on the implantation of public policies and in insertion of the violence theme

    Study of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on cultured antennal lobe neurones from adult honeybee brains.

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    In insects, acetylcholine (ACh) is the main neurotransmitter, and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) mediate fast cholinergic synaptic transmission. In the honeybee, nAChRs are expressed in diverse structures including the primary olfactory centres of the brain, the antennal lobes (AL) and the mushroom bodies. Whole-cell, voltage-clamp recordings were used to characterize the nAChRs present on cultured AL cells from adult honeybee, Apis mellifera. In 90% of the cells, applications of ACh induced fast inward currents that desensitized slowly. The classical nicotinic agonists nicotine and imidacloprid elicited respectively 45 and 43% of the maximum ACh-induced currents. The ACh-elicited currents were blocked by nicotinic antagonists methyllycaconitine, dihydroxy-beta-erythroidine and alpha-bungarotoxin. The nAChRs on adult AL cells are cation permeable channels. Our data indicate the existence of functional nAChRs on adult AL cells that differ from nAChRs on pupal Kenyon cells from mushroom bodies by their pharmacological profile and ionic permeability, suggesting that these receptors could be implicated in different functions

    Opiate versus psychostimulant addiction: the differences do matter

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    The publication of the psychomotor stimulant theory of addiction in 1987 and the finding that addictive drugs increase dopamine concentrations in the rat mesolimbic system in 1988 have led to a predominance of psychobiological theories that consider addiction to opiates and addiction to psychostimulants as essentially identical phenomena. Indeed, current theories of addiction - hedonic allostasis, incentive sensitization, aberrant learning and frontostriatal dysfunction - all argue for a unitary account of drug addiction. This view is challenged by behavioural, cognitive and neurobiological findings in laboratory animals and humans. Here, we argue that opiate addiction and psychostimulant addiction are behaviourally and neurobiologically distinct and that the differences have important implications for addiction treatment, addiction theories and future research

    Diversity of Dopaminergic Neural Circuits in Response to Drug Exposure

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    Neurotoxicity in Psychostimulant and Opiate Addiction

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