132 research outputs found

    Modelling vehicle emissions from an urban air-quality perspective:testing vehicle emissions interdependencies

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    Abstract This thesis employs a statistical regression method to estimate models for testing the hypothesis of the thesis of vehicle emissions interdependencies. The thesis at the beginnings, reviews critically the formation of emissions in gasoline-fuelled engines, and also reviews existing and emerging models of automotive emissions. The thesis then, presents the relationships between the urban transport system and vehicle emissions. Particularly, it summarises different types of emissions and the contributory factors of the urban transport system to such emissions. Subsequently, the thesis presents the theory of vehicle emissions interdependencies and the empirical framework for testing the hypothesis of the thesis. The scope of testing the hypothesis of the thesis is only limited to gasoline-fuelled conventional vehicles in the urban transport environment. We use already available laboratory-based testing dataset of 542 passenger vehicles, to investigate the hypothesis of the thesis of vehicle emissions interdependencies. HC, CO, and NOX emissions were collected under six test drive-cycles, for each vehicle before and after vehicles were tuned. Prior to using any application, we transform the raw dataset into actionable information. We use three steps, namely conversion, cleaning, and screening, to process the data. We use classification and regression trees (CART) to narrow down the input number of variables in the models formulated for investigating the hypothesis of the thesis. We then, utilise initial results of the analysis to fix any remaining problems in the data. We employ three stage least squares (3SLS) regression to test the hypothesis of the thesis, and to estimate the maximum likelihood of vehicle variables and other emissions to influence HC, CO, and NOX emissions simultaneously. We estimate twelve models, each of which consists of a system of three simulations equations that accounts for the endogenous relations between HC, CO and NOX emissions when estimating vehicle emissions simultaneously under each test drive-cycle. The major contribution of the thesis is to investigate the inter-correlations between vehicle emissions within a well controlled data set, and to test the hypothesis of vehicle emissions interdependencies. We find that HC, CO, and NOX are endogenously or jointly dependent in a system of simultaneous-equations. The results of the analysis demonstrate that there is strong evidence against the null hypothesis (H0) in favour of the alternative hypothesis (H1) that HC, CO, and NOX are statistically significantly interdependent. We find, for the thesis sample, that NOX and CO are negatively related, whereas HC and CO emissions are positively related, and HC and NOX are positively related. The results of the thesis yield new insights. They bridge a very important gap in the current knowledge on vehicle emissions. They advance not only our current knowledge that HC, CO, and NOX should be predicted jointly since they are produced jointly, but also acknowledge the appropriateness of using 3SLS regression for estimating vehicle emissions simultaneously. The thesis measures the responses of emissions to changes with respect to changes in the other emissions. We investigate emission responses to a one percent increase in an emission with respect to the other emissions. We find the relationship between CO and NOX is of special interest. After vehicles were tuned, we find those vehicles that exhibit a one percent increase in NOX exhibit simultaneously a 0.35 percent average decrease in CO. Similarly, we find that vehicles which exhibit a one percent increase in CO exhibit simultaneously a 0.22 percent average decrease in NOX. We find that the responses of emission to changes with respect to other emissions vary with various test drive-cycles. Nonetheless, a band of upper and lower limits contains these variations. After vehicle tuning, a one percent increase in HC is associated with an increase in NOX between 0.5 percent and 0.8 percent, and an increase in CO between 0.5 percent and one percent Also, for post-tuning vehicles, a one percent increase in CO is associated with an increase in HC between 0.4 percent and 0.9 percent, and a decrease in NOX between 0.07 percent and 0.32 percent. Moreover, a one percent increase in NOX is associated with increase in HC between 0.8 percent and 1.3 percent, and a decrease in CO between 0.02 percent and 0.7 percent. These measures of the responses are very important derivatives of the hypothesis investigated in the thesis. They estimate the impacts of traffic management schemes and vehicle operations that target reducing one emission, on the other non-targeted emissions. However, we must be cautious in extending the results of the thesis to the modern vehicles fleet. The modern fleet differs significantly in technology from the dataset that we use in this thesis. The dataset consists of measurements of HC, CO, and NOX emissions for 542 gasoline-fuelled passenger vehicles, under six test drive-cycles, before and after the vehicles were tuned. Nevertheless, the dataset has a number of limitations such as limited model year range, limited representations of modal operations, and limitations of the measurements of emissions based only on averages of test drive-cycles, in addition to the exclusion of high-emitter emission measurements from the dataset. The dataset has a limited model year range, i.e., between 1980 and 1991. We highlight the age of the dataset, and acknowledge that the present vehicle fleet varies technologically from the vehicles in the dataset used in this thesis. Furthermore, the dataset has a limited number of makes - Holden, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, and Mitsubishi. There are also a limited number of modal operations. The model operations presented in the dataset are cold start, warming-up, and hot stabilised driving conditions. However, enrichment episodes are not adequately presented in the test-drive cycles of the dataset. Moreover, the dataset does not take into account driving behaviour influences, and all measurements are cycle-based averages. The emission measurements of laboratory-based testings are aggregated over a test drive cycle, and the test drive-cycle represents an average trip over an average speed. The exclusion of the measurements of high emitting vehicles from the dataset introduces further limitations. Remote sensing studies show that 20 percent of the on-road vehicle fleet is responsible for 80 percent of HC and CO emissions. The findings of the thesis assist in the identification of the best strategies to mitigate the most adverse effects of air-pollution, such as the most severe pollution that have the most undesirable pollution effects. Also, they provide decision-makers with valuable information on how changes in the operation of the transport system influence the urban air-quality. Moreover, the thesis provides information on how vehicle emissions affect the chemistry of the atmosphere and degrade the urban air-quality

    Basins and Cultivated Lands Recharge Evaluation on The Basis of Experimental & Mathematical Analysis in Hashimiya-Iraq

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    القياسات الرياضية والحقلية والدراسة المختبرية المعتمدة لتققيم صلاحية الاشكال الرياضية ضمنها نموذج هورتن في حساب الترشيح وهي معادلة الطاقة والمتعددة والمختلطة . العمل شمل قياسات الترشيح لمنطقة الهاشمية الواقعة وسط العراق والتي قسمت الى تسعة قطاعات اداريةهي الجربوعية ،الهاشمية ،النويدرة ،الطبرة ،ااسادة ،الزينية ،اج3،الفياضية والتياس.الدراسة الحالية أثبتت أن معادلة الطاقة هي الافضل حيث يصل معامل الارتباط 0.996 بينما للمتعددة والمختلطة وهورتن 0.947،0.958 و0.84 على التوالي. من الجدير بالذكر ، ان نموذج هورتن يعرض ترشيح اوطأ بعد الساعتين.عمق الترشيح الحقيقيي في الطبقة الحاملة التحت سطحية حسبت بالاعتماد على النماذج الحقلية والفحوصات المختبرية لنسيج التكوين الجيولوجي لتحديد المسامية لمنطقة الهاشمية.A mathematical, field measurements and laboratorial study was adopted to evaluate the validity of many mathematical forms including Horton Model for estimating infiltration rate and infiltration potential, they are; power, polynomial and mixed formulas. The work composed of infiltration field measurements for Hashyimia Region located in the middle of Iraq which for simplicity and accuracy is divided into nine administration agricultural sectors namely as; Jerboeyia, Hashyimia, Niwedra, Tebra, Sada, Zineyia, H3, Fayadhiya, and Bazul sectors. The current study proved that the power formula is the best fit to the measuring data than polynomial, mixed and Horton models since the power formula offers 0.996 correlation factor whereas polynomial, mixed and Horton offer 0.947, 0.958 and 0.84 respectively. It is worth to mention that in all cases Horton Model offers less infiltration potential after 2hrs since infiltration process is starte

    Musculoskeletal Disorders and Association with Social Media Use Among University Students at the Quarantine Time Of COVID-19 Outbreak

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    Introduction: COVID-19 period was characterized by lockdown and quarantine, the aim of this cross-sectional analytical study is to investigate the effect of COVID-19 quarantine on social media use, and its association with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among university students. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among Al-Quds University students. 317 students (average age of 20.34 years) participated in this study. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect data which was sent to students on social media using a simple random method in almost all academic year phases. Results: There was a statically significant increase in the following variables during quarantine compared to before (P0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in time spent on exercise before and during quarantine with average time before the quarantine of 0.80 hours to 0.7 hours during the quarantine (P>0.05). There was a statistically significant increase of severity of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) as measured by a scale of 0-10 during the quarantine (P<0.05) in terms of severity of headache (2 to 2, 78), neck pain (2.06 to 2.80), and back pain (2.17 to 3). This increase in the three dominant MSD was positively correlated with the hours of use of laptops, computers, and mobile phones, for communication and education (P<0.05). Statistically significant negative correlation was found in between night sleeping hours and severity of MSD reported by students (P<0.05). Age was correlated with less use of social media for leisure and with more exercise (P<0.05). StudentsConclusion: Quarantine increased the time of use of social media, and in turn increases the prevalence and severity of MSD among university

    Energetic Investigation and Economic Feasibility for a University Campus in Romania towards Becoming an Energy Supplier

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    This research investigates and evaluates the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) possibilities to become an energy self-supplying by building up its own power plant and becoming an energy distributor. The campus has already been connected to the national natural gas supplying pipe and the local district heating and electrical network.A set of criteria was used to evaluate the feasibility of this project. Technical, financial, and environmental considerations were taken into account to determine the most suitable solution. The feasibility study assumed three proposals of an energy supply system considered for the university buildings / campus. Gas-fired heating plant, gas-fired Internal Combustion Engine cogeneration plant and gas fired Internal Combustion Engine for cogeneration with an Organic Rankine Cycle ORC.The details of each proposal were discussed to obtain the optimum solution. Elaborate. It was found from a financial and environmental perspective that the most feasible project is gas-fired Internal Combustion Engine cogeneration, considering profit revenue from selling / exporting power to the domestic electricity grid. And the Net Present Value was around one million euros for 15 years life


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    The design of machines with permanent magnets is actively developing day by day and is often used in wind energy. The main advantages of such variable speed drives are high efficiency, high power density and torque density. When designing a wind generator with two rotors and permanent magnets, it is necessary to solve such a problem as the correct choice of the number of poles and slots to increase efficiency and minimize the cost of the machine. In this work, an improved spotted hyena optimization algorithm is used to obtain the optimal combination of slots and poles. This optimization algorithm makes it possible to obtain the number of fractional slots per pole and evaluate the operating efficiency of a wind generator with a double rotor and ferrite magnets. At the first stage of machine design, various combinations of slots are installed. Next, the optimal combination is selected from various slot-pole combinations, taking into account the Enhanced Spotted Hyena Optimization (ESHO) algorithm, in which a multi-objective function is configured. Accordingly, the multi-objectives are the integration of reverse electromotive force, output torque, gear torque, flux linkage, torque ripple along with losses. Analysis of the results obtained shows that the proposed algorithm for determining the optimal slot combination is more efficient than other slot combinations. It has also been found that the choice of slot and pole combination is critical to the efficient operation of permanent magnet machines.Projektowanie maszyn z magnesami trwałymi aktywnie rozwija się z dnia na dzień i jest często wykorzystywane w energetyce wiatrowej. Głównymi zaletami takich napędów o zmiennej prędkości są wysoka sprawność, wysoka gęstość mocy i gęstość momentu obrotowego. Podczas projektowania generatora wiatrowego z dwoma wirnikami i magnesami trwałymi konieczne jest rozwiązanie takiego problemu, jak prawidłowy dobór liczby biegunów i szczelin w celu zwiększenia wydajności i zminimalizowania kosztów maszyny. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano ulepszony algorytm optymalizacji hieny plamistej w celu uzyskania optymalnej kombinacji szczelin i biegunów. Ten algorytm optymalizacji umożliwia uzyskanie liczby ułamkowych szczelin na biegun i ocenę wydajności operacyjnej generatora wiatrowego z podwójnym wirnikiem i magnesami ferrytowymi. Na pierwszym etapie projektowania maszyny instalowane są różne kombinacje szczelin. Następnie wybierana jest optymalna kombinacja spośród różnych kombinacji szczelin i biegunów, biorąc pod uwagę algorytm Enhanced Spotted Hyena Optimization (ESHO) (ulepszony algorytm optymalizacjihieny cętkowanej hieny), w którym skonfigurowana jest funkcja wielocelowa. W związku z tym, celami wielozadaniowymi są integracja odwrotnej siły elektromotorycznej, wyjściowego momentu obrotowego, momentu obrotowego przekładni, połączenia strumienia, tętnienia momentu obrotowego wraz ze stratami. Analiza uzyskanych wyników pokazuje, że proponowany algorytm określania optymalnej kombinacji szczelin jest bardziej wydajny niż inne kombinacje szczelin. Stwierdzono również, że wybór kombinacji szczelin i biegunów ma kluczowe znaczenie dla wydajnej pracy maszyn z magnesami trwałymi

    Effect of pretreatment on the proximate composition, physicochemical characteristics and stability of <em>Moringa peregrina</em> oil

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    The present research work was intended to study the influence of roasting and germination of the kernel seeds of Sudanese Moringa peregrina on the physicochemical characteristics and the oxidative stability of the extracted oil. Roasting was carried out at 180 ˚C for 25 minutes, whereas germination was done at ambient conditions in a wet jute bag for 5–7 days. The oil was extracted using n-hexane in a Soxhlet extraction apparatus. The results show that the oil contains α-tocopherols (152mg/kg) and oleic acid (above 70%) as the major tocols and fatty acids, respectively. Germination reduced the peroxide value and increased the acid value in a significant way (p < 0.05) whereas the opposite trend was noticed in the case of roasting. It is crucial to note that, with the exception of the acid value of the germinated sample, peroxide and acid values remained below one meq O2/Kg of oil and one mg KOH/g of oil, respectively. The oxidative stability of the oil from the roasted sample was increased almost by 80% compared to the raw one. Roasting of the kernels prior to oil extraction is imperative for improving its oxidation resistance and the physicochemical characteristics


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the hydrochemistry of the western part of Huwaiza Marsh, in Maissan Governorate; southern Iraq. This study was conducted during April to August 2013, where 13 stations have been selected: four stations represent the feed water and nine stations located in the western part of Huwaiza Marsh. The total dissolved solids (TDS) range from (1175 to 1387) mg/L and from (1594 to 2481) mg/L for the feed water and Huwaiza Marsh water, respectively. Electrical conductivity (EC) values for the feed water and Huwaiza Marsh range from (1782 to 2400) μs/cm for the former and from (2630 to 3517) μs/cm for the later. The pH values range from (7.7 to 8.2) for the feed water and from (7.4 to 7.5) for the Huwaiza Marsh water. The results of chemicals analysis of dissolved cations and anions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, HCO3- and NO3-) showed different values, and the concentration is decreasing during winter season, because of the high water levels, and increasing during the summer season due to low water levels. The marsh water is unsuitable for human drinking, because most of the variable’s rates exceeded the permissible limits and they are acceptable grade for livestock and poultry

    Selection of endogenous genes for gene expression studies in Eucalyptus under biotic (Puccinia psidii) and abiotic (acibenzolar-S-methyl) stresses using RT-qPCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rust caused by <it>Puccinia psidii </it>Winter has been limiting for the establishment of new <it>Eucalyptus </it>plantations, as well as for resprouting of susceptible genetic materials. Identifying host genes involved in defense responses is important to elucidate resistance mechanisms. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR is the most common method of mRNA quantitation for gene expression analysis. This method generally employs a reference gene as an internal control to normalize results. A good endogenous control transcript shows minimal variation due to experimental conditions.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We analyzed the expression of 13 genes to identify transcripts with minimal variation in leaves of 60-day-old clonal seedlings of two <it>Eucalyptus </it>clones (rust-resistant and susceptible) subjected to biotic (<it>P. psidii</it>) and abiotic (acibenzolar-S-methyl, ASM) stresses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For tissue samples of clones that did not receive any stimulus, a combination of the <it>eEF2 </it>and <it>EglDH </it>genes was the best control for normalization. When pathogen-inoculated and uninoculated plant samples were compared, <it>eEF2 </it>and <it>UBQ </it>together were more appropriate as normalizers. In ASM-treated and untreated leaves of both clones, transcripts of the <it>CYP </it>and <it>elF4B </it>genes combined were the ones with minimal variation. Finally, when comparing expression in both clones for ASM-treated leaves, <it>P. psidii</it>-inoculated leaves, ASM-treated plus <it>P. psidii</it>-inoculated leaves, and their respective controls, the genes with the most stable expression were <it>EgIDH </it>and <it>UBQ</it>. The chitinase gene, which is highly expressed in studies on plant resistance to phytopathogens, was used to confirm variation in gene expression due to the treatments.</p


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    The design of machines with permanent magnets is actively developing day by day and is often used in wind energy. The main advantages of such variable speed drives are high efficiency, high power density and torque density. When designing a wind generator with two rotors and permanent magnets, it is necessary to solve such a problem as the correct choice of the number of poles and slots to increase efficiency and minimize the cost of the machine. In this work, an improved spotted hyena optimization algorithm is used to obtain the optimal combination of slots and poles. This optimization algorithm makes it possible to obtain the number of fractional slots per pole and evaluate the operating efficiency of a wind generator with a double rotor and ferrite magnets. At the first stage of machine design, various combinations of slots are installed. Next, the optimal combination is selected from various slot-pole combinations, taking into account the Enhanced Spotted Hyena Optimization (ESHO) algorithm, in which a multi-objective function is configured. Accordingly, the multi-objectives are the integration of reverse electromotive force, output torque, gear torque, flux linkage, torque ripple along with losses. Analysis of the results obtained shows that the proposed algorithm for determining the optimal slot combination is more efficient than other slot combinations. It has also been found that the choice of slot and pole combination is critical to the efficient operation of permanent magnet machines

    Arthroscopic decompression and notchplasty for long-standing anterior cruciate ligament impingement in a patient with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous osteochondroplasia with symmetrical involvement. It is characterized by joint pain in childhood and early adulthood with early onset of osteoarthritis, mainly affecting the hips.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 20-year-old man of Asian origin with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia presenting with bilateral knee pain, stiffness and instability found to be caused by bilateral anterior cruciate ligament impingement on abnormal medial femoral condyles. Bilateral staged arthroscopic notchplasty was performed successfully, resulting in subjective relief of pain, and improved range of movement and stability.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Care should be taken not to exclude a diagnosis of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia when few of the characteristic radiographic features are evident but clinical suspicion is high. This case highlights the scope for subjective symptomatic improvement following a minimum of surgical intervention. We recommend limiting early intervention to managing symptomatic features rather than radiographic abnormalities alone.</p