27 research outputs found

    Pojava mikotoksina u vodenom okolišu zbog njihove prisutnosti u usjevima

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    The aim of this study was to establish a relation between zearalenone contamination of crops in the Polish province of Wielkopolska and its occurrence in aquatic ecosystems close by the crop fields. Water samples were collected from water bodies such as drainage ditches, wells, or watercourses located in four agricultural areas. Moreover, control water samples were collected from the Bogdanka river, which was located outside the agricultural areas and near an urban area. Cereal samples were collected in the harvest season from each agricultural area close to tested water bodies. Zearalenone (ZEA) was found in all water and cereal samples. The highest concentrations were recorded in the postharvest season (September to October) and the lowest in the winter and spring. Mean ZEA concentrations in water ranged between 1.0 ng L-1 and 80.6 ng L-1, and in cereals from 3.72 ng g-1 to 28.97 ng g-1. Our results confi rm that mycotoxins are transported to aquatic systems by rain water through soil.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je pojasniti učestalost pojave mikotoksina u vodenim ekosustavima i njihove korelacije sa stupnjem zaraze žitarica (uzgajanih u blizini vodospremnika), čija su zrna onečišćena (kontaminirana) mikotoksinima te problem prolaska mikotoksina kroz tlo u vodeni okoliš (onečišćenje podzemnih voda mikotoksinima). Uzorci vode prikupljeni su u regiji Wielkopolska iz vodenih tijela poput odvodnih jaraka i zdenaca, odnosno vodotoka smještenih u područjima koja se rabe za poljoprivredu. Dio uzoraka vode prikupljen je iz rijeke Bogdanka, u rubnom području grada Poznańa. U sezoni žetve sa svake poljoprivredne površine smještene u neposrednoj blizini testiranih vodenih tijela prikupljeni su uzorci žitarica. U svim analiziranim uzorcima vode i žitarica potvrđena je prisutnost zearalenona (ZEA). Najviše koncentracije mikotoksina u uzorcima sa svih poljoprivrednih površina zabilježene su u jesen nakon sezone žetve (rujan-listopad), dok su najniže vrijednosti izmjerene zimi i u proljeće. Srednje koncentracije zearalenona u vodi bile su u rasponu od 1,0 ng L-1 do 80,6 ng L-1. U žitarica je prosječna razina zearalenona iznosila 3,72 ng g-1 do 28,97 ng g-1, što govori u prilog vjerodostojnosti naše polazišne hipoteze o prijenosu mikotoksina kroz tlo nakon njihova ispiranja s površine u jarke za odvodnju

    Acquisition of hypoxia inducibility by oxygen sensing N-terminal cysteine oxidase in spermatophytes

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    N-terminal cysteine oxidases (NCOs) use molecular oxygen to oxidise the amino-terminal cysteine of specific proteins, thereby initiating the proteolytic N-degron pathway. To expand the characterisation of the plant family of NCOs (plant cysteine oxidases [PCOs]), we performed a phylogenetic analysis across different taxa in terms of sequence similarity and transcriptional regulation. Based on this survey, we propose a distinction of PCOs into two main groups. A-type PCOs are conserved across all plant species and are generally unaffected at the messenger RNA level by oxygen availability. Instead, B-type PCOs appeared in spermatophytes to acquire transcriptional regulation in response to hypoxia. The inactivation of two A-type PCOs in Arabidopsis thaliana, PCO4 and PCO5, is sufficient to activate the anaerobic response in young seedlings, whereas the additional removal of B-type PCOs leads to a stronger induction of anaerobic genes and impairs plant growth and development. Our results show that both PCO types are required to regulate the anaerobic response in angiosperms. Therefore, while it is possible to distinguish two clades within the PCO family, we conclude that they all contribute to restrain the anaerobic transcriptional programme in normoxic conditions and together generate a molecular switch to toggle the hypoxic response

    Molecular oxygen as a signaling component in plant development

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    While traditionally hypoxia has been studied as a detrimental component of flooding stress, the last decade has flourished with studies reporting the involvement of molecular oxygen availability in plant developmental processes. Moreover, proliferating and undifferentiated cells from different plant tissues were found to reside in endogenously generated hypoxic niches. Thus, stress-associated acute hypoxia may be distinguished from constitutively generated chronic hypoxia. The Cys/Arg branch of the N-degron pathway assumes a central role in integrating oxygen levels resulting in proteolysis of transcriptional regulators that control different aspects of plant growth and development. As a target of this pathway, group VII of the Ethylene Response Factor (ERF-VII) family has emerged as a hub for the integration of oxygen dynamics in root development and during seedling establishment. Additionally, vegetative shoot meristem activity and reproductive transition were recently associated with oxygen availability via two novel substrates of the N-degron pathways: VERNALISATION 2 (VRN2) and LITTLE ZIPPER 2 (ZPR2). Together, these observations support roles for molecular oxygen as a signalling molecule in plant development, as well as in essential metabolic reactions. Here, we review recent findings regarding oxygen-regulated development, and discuss outstanding questions that spring from these discoveries

    Molecular oxygen as a signaling component in plant development

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    While traditionally hypoxia has been studied as a detrimental component of flooding stress, the last decade has flourished with studies reporting the involvement of molecular oxygen availability in plant developmental processes. Moreover, proliferating and undifferentiated cells from different plant tissues were found to reside in endogenously generated hypoxic niches. Thus, stress-associated acute hypoxia may be distinguished from constitutively generated chronic hypoxia. The Cys/Arg branch of the N-degron pathway assumes a central role in integrating oxygen levels resulting in proteolysis of transcriptional regulators that control different aspects of plant growth and development. As a target of this pathway, group VII of the Ethylene Response Factor (ERF-VII) family has emerged as a hub for the integration of oxygen dynamics in root development and during seedling establishment. Additionally, vegetative shoot meristem activity and reproductive transition were recently associated with oxygen availability via two novel substrates of the N-degron pathways: VERNALISATION 2 (VRN2) and LITTLE ZIPPER 2 (ZPR2). Together, these observations support roles for molecular oxygen as a signalling molecule in plant development, as well as in essential metabolic reactions. Here, we review recent findings regarding oxygen-regulated development, and discuss outstanding questions that spring from these discoveries

    An Improved HRPE-Based Transcriptional Output Reporter to Detect Hypoxia and Anoxia in Plant Tissue

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    Oxygen levels in plant tissues may vary, depending on metabolism, diffusion barriers, and environmental availability. Current techniques to assess the oxic status of plant cells rely primarily on invasive microoptodes or Clark-type electrodes, which are not optimally suited for experiments that require high spatial and temporal resolution. In this case, a genetically encoded oxygen biosensor is required instead. This article reports the design, test, and optimization of a hypoxia-signaling reporter, based on five-time repeated hypoxia-responsive promoter elements (HRPE) driving the expression of different reporter proteins. Specifically, this study aimed to improve its performance as a reporter of hypoxic conditions by testing the effect of different untranslated regions (UTRs) at the 5′ end of the reporter coding sequence. Next, we characterized an optimized version of the HRPE promoter (HRPE-Ω) in terms of hypoxia sensitivity and time responsiveness. We also observed that severe oxygen deficiency counteracted the reporter activity due to inhibition of GFP maturation, which requires molecular oxygen. To overcome this limitation, we therefore employed an oxygen-independent UnaG fluorescent protein-coupled to an O2-dependent mCherry fluorophore under the control of the optimized HRPE-Ω promoter. Remarkably, this sensor, provided a different mCherry/UnaG ratiometric output depending on the externally imposed oxygen concentration, providing a solution to distinguish between different degrees of tissue hypoxia. Moreover, a ubiquitously expressed UnaG-mCherry fusion could be used to image oxygen concentrations directly, albeit at a narrow range. The luminescent and fluorescent hypoxia-reporters described here can readily be used to conduct studies that involve anaerobiosis in plants

    Oxygen Sensing and Integrative Stress Signaling in Plants

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    Schmidt R, Weits DA, Feulner CFJ, van Dongen JT. Oxygen Sensing and Integrative Stress Signaling in Plants. Plant Physiology. 2018;176(2):1131-1142

    Auxin is required for the long coleoptile trait in japonica rice under submergence

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    Rice coleoptile elongation under submergence guarantees fast seedling establishment in the field. We investigated the role of auxin in influencing the capacity of rice to produce a long coleoptile under water. In order to explore the complexity of auxin's role in coleoptile elongation, we used gene expression analysis, confocal microscopy of an auxin-responsive fluorescent reporter, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS), and T-DNA insertional mutants of an auxin transport protein. We show that a higher auxin availability in the coleoptile correlates with the final coleoptile length under submergence. We also identified the auxin influx carrier AUX1 as a component influencing this trait under submergence. The coleoptile tip is involved in the final length of rice varieties harbouring a long coleoptile. Our experimental results indicate that auxin biosynthesis and transport underlies the differential elongation between short and long coleoptile-harbouring japonica rice varieties

    Hypoxic Conditions in Crown Galls Induce Plant Anaerobic Responses That Support Tumor Proliferation

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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection of wounded plant tissues causes the formation of crown gall tumors. Upon infection, genes encoded on the A. tumefaciens tumor inducing plasmid are integrated in the plant genome to induce the biosynthesis of auxin and cytokinin, leading to uncontrolled cell division. Additional sequences present on the bacterial T-DNA encode for opine biosynthesis genes, which induce the production of opines that act as a unique carbon and nitrogen source for Agrobacterium. Crown galls therefore become a very strong sink for photosynthate. Here we found that the increased metabolic demand in crown galls causes an increase in oxygen consumption rate, which leads to a steep drop in the internal oxygen concentration. Consistent with this, plant hypoxia-responsive genes were found to be significantly upregulated in crown galls compared to uninfected stem tissue. Following this observation, we aimed at understanding whether the low-oxygen response pathway, mediated by group VII ethylene response factor (ERF-VII) transcription factors, plays a role in the development of crown galls. We found that quintuple knock-out mutants of all ERF-VII members, which are incapable of inducing the hypoxic response, show reduced crown gall symptoms. Conversely, mutant genotypes characterized by constitutively high levels of hypoxia-associated transcripts, displayed more severe crown gall symptoms. Based on these results, we concluded that uncontrolled cell proliferation of crown galls established hypoxic conditions, thereby requiring adequate anaerobic responses of the plant tissue to support tumor growth