45 research outputs found

    Associations between sleep quality and domains of quality of life in a non-clinical sample: results from higher education students

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    The association between sleep quality and quality of life (QoL) in clinical samples diagnosed with sleep disorders, mental disorders, or other medical conditions has been widely investigated. However, few studies focused on this relationship in samples of mostly young and healthy adults. This study analyzed the associations between sleep quality and several dimensions of QoL in higher education students and examined whether or not sleep quality would significantly predict QoL after statistically controlling for psychopathological symptoms

    O ensino da psicofarmacologia na formação inicial dos psicólogos portugueses: Estado da arte

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    Psychopharmacology is an important scientific field for psychologists’ practice. Over the last years, in several countries, there has been given an increasing importance to psychopharmacological training for psychologists. The aim of this paper was to perform a study recurring to an exhaustive analysis of the curricula of all Portuguese Higher Education institutions that teach Bachelorʼs and Masterʼs Degrees in psychology to verify which of them offer curricular units on psychopharmacology. For that purpose, data from Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) site and webpages from higher education institutions were collected during the month of July, 2021. The results indicate that training in psychopharmacology does exist, however, it is scarce. Within the 97 Bachelor and Master Degree courses in psychology analyzed, only 11 curricular units about psychopharmacology were identified. From those, three are taught at the same institution. Overall, these data suggest that the training in psychopharmacology given to psychology students is residual. At the end of the article, we discuss implications of these results for psychologistsʼ training and potential consequences for the professional practice of Portuguese psychologists.A psicofarmacologia representa, cada vez mais, uma área de conhecimento com importantes implicações na atuação profissional dos psicólogos. Em vários países, tem-se assistido, ao longo dos últimos anos, a uma crescente importância dada à formação em psicofarmacologia para psicólogos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento dos planos curriculares de todas as instituições de Ensino Superior portuguesas que lecionam cursos de licenciatura e mestrado em psicologia de modo a verificar quais destes incluem unidades curriculares sobre psicofarmacologia. Para tal, foram recolhidos dados através do sítio da Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) e dos sítios oficiais das instituições de Ensino Superior durante o mês de julho de 2021. Os resultados observados indicam que a formação em psicofarmacologia, apesar de existir, é em número reduzido. Num total de 97 cursos de licenciatura e mestrado em psicologia analisados, apenas 11 unidades curriculares relacionadas com psicofarmacologia foram identificadas, sendo que três destas são ministradas na mesma instituição. No geral, estes  dados sugerem que a formação em psicofarmacologia dada nas formações iniciais dos psicólogos, apesar de existir, é ainda residual. No final do artigo, são referidas as implicações dos resultados para os currículos da formação dos psicólogos bem como perspetivadas consequências para a prática profissional da psicologia

    Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep (BaSIQS): Reliability, initial validity and normative scores in higher education students

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    Based on successive samples totaling more than 5000 higher education students, we scrutinized the reliability, structure, initial validity and normative scores of a brief self-report seven-item scale to screen for the continuum of nighttime insomnia complaints/perceived sleep quality, used by our team for more than a decade, henceforth labeled the Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep (BaSIQS). In study/sample 1 (n = 1654), the items were developed based on part of a larger survey on higher education sleep-wake patterns. The test-retest study was conducted in an independent small group (n = 33) with a 2-8 week gap. In study/sample 2 (n = 360), focused mainly on validity, the BaSIQS was completed together with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). In study 3, a large recent sample of students from universities all over the country (n = 2995) answered the BaSIQS items, based on which normative scores were determined, and an additional question on perceived sleep problems in order to further analyze the scale's validity. Regarding reliability, Cronbach alpha coefficients were systematically higher than 0.7, and the test-retest correlation coefficient was greater than 0.8. Structure analyses revealed consistently satisfactory two-factor and single-factor solutions. Concerning validity analyses, BaSIQS scores were significantly correlated with PSQI component scores and overall score (r = 0.652 corresponding to a large association); mean scores were significantly higher in those students classifying themselves as having sleep problems (p < 0.0001, d = 0.99 corresponding to a large effect size). In conclusion, the BaSIQS is very easy to administer, and appears to be a reliable and valid scale in higher education students. It might be a convenient short tool in research and applied settings to rapidly assess sleep quality or screen for insomnia complaints, and it may be easily used in other populations with minor adaptations.Projects: LEIES (FCGPortugal); SPASHE (FCT-Portugal); Research Units CCPSF / CIECC (FCT-Portugal)

    Approach to synchronous liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma - results from a Portuguese reference center

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    About 15%-25% of patients with colorectal cancer, have synchronous liver metastases. The best surgical approach for the patients with asymptomatic primary colorectal tumor and synchronous liver metastases is still the subject of much debate. We aimed to evaluate the perioperative and long-term results as well as to identify possible prognostic factors of the two strategies:&nbsp; liver- first and synchronous resection. Observational, retrospective study, which included patients with synchronous liver metastases from colorectal cancer, who underwent liver surgery between January 2016 and December 2021, in a Portuguese reference center. Patients were divided into two groups according to the therapeutic approach (synchronous resections vs Liver First) and into three groups according to the hepatic tumor burden (single liver lesion versus more than three liver lesions versus bilobar lesions). To determine the overall and disease-free survival, Kaplan-Meier curves and the log-rank test were performed and, to identify factors with an impact on the prognosis, a univariate and multivariate analysis were performed with the application of Cox regression (significance of 5%). Among the 46 patients included, 54,4% underwent the liver-first approach and 21 patients (45.7%) underwent simultaneous resection. The liver-first group had a greater number of patients with primary rectal tumor (84% vs.14.3%; p&lt;0.001), with more than 3 hepatic lesions (56% vs.14%; p=0.004) and with more extensive hepatic resection. As for postoperative morbimortality, no statistically significant difference was observed between the two approaches (p=0.514). The median overall survival was similar even when considering the hepatic tumor burden (35.0 months (95%CI 15.91- 54.09) in the liver-first group vs. 48.0 months (95%CI 21.69-74.96) in the synchronous resection group; p=0.145). The same was observed for the median disease-free survival (16.0 months (95% CI 0-32.7) vs. 23.0 months (95% CI 16.3-29.7) p=0.651, respectively). The two strategies showed similar morbidity. No statistically significant difference was observed with regard to overall and disease-free survival even when the hepatic tumor burden was considered. One-year and three-year survival were also similar. However, it should be stressed that, the choice of the surgical approach for each group did not took into account the hepatic tumor burden, which we believe it is essential in choosing the best surgical approach.The existence of a multidisciplinary team is fundamental for the therapeutic success of these patients

    Programa Municípios verdes: Um instrumento de incentivo municipal para sustentabilidade / Green Municipalities Program: A municipal incentive instrument for sustainability

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    Em toda sociedade, verifica-se uma crescente intenção de ações em busca de resultados no âmbito ambiental, um anseio por mudanças no modo de estruturar as regiões diante de cenários de desmatamentos e queimadas. Busca-se interagir o espaço verde com propostas socioambientais. Acredita-se em uma mudança desse cenário, a criação de um programa que busca em diversos setores colocar em prática ações para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável, é apresentado neste artigo. Nesse cenário, merece destaque o Programa Municípios Verdes, do Estado do Pará, o qual está estruturado de tal maneira a incluir, na luta contra o desmatamento, tanto diversos níveis de governo como diversos setores da sociedade, e adota o fortalecimento da gestão ambiental municipal não só como um de seus eixos de atuação, mas como uma de suas metas. Assim, o PMV se revela, em verdade, como uma política pública que concretiza ações coordenadas, incentiva a municipalização da gestão ambiental e garante o fortalecimento da autonomia municipal por meio de atividades de proteção ambiental, buscando melhorias a curto e longo prazo, para que sirva de modelo para outros programas no âmbito municipal, estadual ou federal que possam surgir

    Population-based study in a rural area: methodology and challenges

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o planejamento, a amostragem, os aspectos operacionais do campo e a amostra obtida durante pesquisa realizada na zona rural, especificando e discutindo as principais dificuldades logísticas peculiares a esses locais e as soluções adotadas. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro e junho de 2016, foi realizado inquérito transversal de base populacional, com amostra representativa da população com 18 anos de idade ou mais residente na zona rural de Pelotas (cerca de 22 mil), RS, Brasil. Foram coletadas informações demográficas, socioeconômicas e relacionadas à saúde, como consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, consumo de cigarros, sintomas depressivos, qualidade da alimentação, qualidade de vida, atividade física, satisfação com a unidade de saúde, excesso de peso ou obesidade e problemas do sono. RESULTADOS: Em 720 domicílios amostrados, 1.697 indivíduos foram identificados e 1.519 foram entrevistados (89,5%). O estudo, inicialmente, sorteou 24 setores e propôs-se a visitar 42 domicílios/setor, mas foram necessárias adequações metodológicas, especialmente a redução do número de domicílios por setor (de 42 para 30) e a identificação de núcleos habitacionais nos setores. As principais razões para as adequações foram dificuldade de acesso aos locais, grandes distâncias entre residências, equívocos nos dados geográficos disponíveis via satélite (não condiziam com a realidade) e alto custo. CONCLUSÕES: O prévio reconhecimento detalhado do ambiente de pesquisa foi fundamental para a tomada de decisão perante às inconsistências geográficas entre mapas e território. As estratégias e técnicas dos estudos na zona urbana não são aplicáveis à zona rural no que tange ao contexto observado em Pelotas. As medidas adotadas, mantendo o rigor metodológico, foram fundamentais para garantir a execução do estudo no tempo planejado e com os recursos financeiros disponíveis.OBJECTIVE: To describe the planning, sampling, operational aspects of the field, and the sample obtained during a research conducted in a rural area, specifying and discussing the main logistical difficulties unique to these places and the solutions adopted. METHODS: We carried out a population-based, cross-sectional survey between January and June 2016, with a representative sample of the population aged 18 years or over living in the rural area of Pelotas (approximately 22,000 individuals), State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We collected demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related information, such as alcohol consumption, cigarette consumption, depressive symptoms, quality of diet, quality of life, physical activity, satisfaction with the health unit, overweight or obesity, and sleep problems. RESULTS: In the 720 domiciles sampled, 1,697 individuals were identified and 1,519 were interviewed (89.5%). The study initially drew 24 census tracts and proposed the visit to 42 households per tract; however, we need to adjust the method, such as decreasing the number of households per census tract (from 42 to 30) and identifying housing centers in each tract. The main reasons for these changes were difficulty accessing the area, large distances between households, misconceptions in the satellite data available (which did not fit the reality), and high cost of the field work. CONCLUSIONS: The previous detailed recognition of the research environment was crucial for decision making as the maps and territory had geographical inconsistencies. The strategies and techniques used in studies for the urban area are not applicable to the rural area given the outcomes observed in Pelotas. The decisions taken, keeping the methodological rigor, were essential to ensure the timely execution of the study with the financial resources available

    Response of the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum to Photooxidative Stress Resulting from High Light Exposure

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    The response of microalgae to photooxidative stress resulting from high light exposure is a well-studied phenomenon. However, direct analyses of photosystem II (PSII) D1 protein (the main target of photoinhibition) in diatoms are scarce. In this study, the response of the diatom model species Phaeodactylum tricornutum to short-term exposure to high light was examined and the levels of D1 protein determined immunochemically. Low light (LL) acclimated cells (40 µmol photons m−2 s−1) subjected to high light (HL, 1,250 µmol photons m−2 s−1) showed rapid induction of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and ca. 20-fold increase in diatoxanthin (DT) concentration. This resulted from the conversion of diadinoxanthin (DD) to DT through the activation of the DD-cycle. D1 protein levels under LL decreased about 30% after 1 h of the addition of lincomycin (LINC), a chloroplast protein synthesis inhibitor, showing significant D1 degradation and repair under low irradiance. Exposure to HL lead to a 3.2-fold increase in D1 degradation rate, whereas average D1 repair rate was 1.3-x higher under HL than LL, leading to decreased levels of D1 protein under HL. There were significant effects of both HL and LINC on P. tricornutum maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), showing a reduction of active PSII reaction centres. Partial recovery of Fv/Fm in the dark demonstrates the photosynthetic resilience of this diatom to changes in the light regime. P. tricornutum showed high allocation of total protein to D1 and an active D1-repair cycle to limit photoinhibition

    Evaluation of Depression, Anxiety and Sleep Quality in the Brazilian Population During Social Isolation Due to the New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic: the DEGAS-CoV Study/ Avaliação da Depressão, Ansiedade e Qualidade do Sono na População Brasileira Durante o Isolamento Social Devido à Nova Pandemia do Coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2): o Estudo DEGAS-CoV

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    Introduction: The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has caused distress and repercussions in mental and physical health of individuals. Depression, anxiety and worsening of sleep quality have been reported in several recent articles that surveyed populations all over the globe. Our work meant to access, through a cross-sectional study, these disorders in the Brazilian population, through the application of an online questionnaire conducted on the second trimester of 2020. Materials and Methods: We applied an online questionnaire, filled with questions regarding social, economic, financial, educational and health status, as well as questions from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), and from the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).Results: We collected 2,695 valid answers, from April 24th to May 31st, 2020. Age ranged from 18 to 79 years, mean of 31.3. Women were 76.3%, men 23.7%. Symptoms of Anxiety were found in 56.5%, of depression in 46.1%, and of bad sleep in 49.2%. Some groups were more prone than others to one or more of those conditions, such as: younger people, women, mestizos, people with lesser years of education, of lower income or whose income dropped significantly during the pandemic, caregivers, students, sedentary or people practicing less physical activity, people who followed more hours of news of COVID-19 and those less engaged in social and instrumental activities.Conclusion: anxiety, depression and bad sleep quality were significantly high in our survey. Mental and sleep health is heterogeneously affected among individuals, depending on social, economic, financial, educational and health status

    Current and novel therapeutic opportunities for systemic therapy in biliary cancer

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    Biliary tract cancers (BTCs) are a group of rare and aggressive malignancies that arise in the biliary tree within and outside the liver. Beyond surgical resection, which is beneficial for only a small proportion of patients, current strategies for treating patients with BTCs include chemotherapy, as a single agent or combination regimens, in the adjuvant and palliative setting. Increased characterisation of the molecular landscape of these tumours has facilitated the identification of molecular vulnerabilities, such as IDH mutations and FGFR fusions, that can be exploited for the treatment of BTC patients. Beyond targeted therapies, active research avenues explore the development of novel therapeutics that target the crosstalk between cancer and stroma, the cellular pathways involved in the regulation of cell death, the chemoresistance phenotype and the dysregulation of RNA. In this review, we discuss the therapeutic opportunities currently available in the management of BTC patients, and explore the strategies that can support the implementation of precision oncology in BTCs, including novel molecular targets, liquid biopsies and patient-derived predictive tools