81 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Bayesian Inference on a Statistical Model of Sub-Gridcolumn Moisture Variability Using High-Resolution Cloud Observations. Part 2: Sensitivity Tests and Results

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    Part 1 of this series presented a Monte Carlo Bayesian method for constraining a complex statistical model of global circulation model (GCM) sub-gridcolumn moisture variability using high-resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud data, thereby permitting parameter estimation and cloud data assimilation for large-scale models. This article performs some basic testing of this new approach, verifying that it does indeed reduce mean and standard deviation biases significantly with respect to the assimilated MODIS cloud optical depth, brightness temperature and cloud-top pressure and that it also improves the simulated rotational-Raman scattering cloud optical centroid pressure (OCP) against independent (non-assimilated) retrievals from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Of particular interest, the Monte Carlo method does show skill in the especially difficult case where the background state is clear but cloudy observations exist. In traditional linearized data assimilation methods, a subsaturated background cannot produce clouds via any infinitesimal equilibrium perturbation, but the Monte Carlo approach allows non-gradient-based jumps into regions of non-zero cloud probability. In the example provided, the method is able to restore marine stratocumulus near the Californian coast, where the background state has a clear swath. This article also examines a number of algorithmic and physical sensitivities of the new method and provides guidance for its cost-effective implementation. One obvious difficulty for the method, and other cloud data assimilation methods as well, is the lack of information content in passive-radiometer-retrieved cloud observables on cloud vertical structure, beyond cloud-top pressure and optical thickness, thus necessitating strong dependence on the background vertical moisture structure. It is found that a simple flow-dependent correlation modification from Riishojgaard provides some help in this respect, by better honouring inversion structures in the background state

    Characteristics of light-absorbing aerosol depositions over Greenland ice sheet derived from the NASA’s MERRAero aerosol reanalysis data

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OM] 極域気水圏11月16日(月) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室2(D304

    Evaluating the Impact of Aerosols on Numerical Weather Predictions

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    This presentation focused on proposed Aerosol related case studies, and details were given about participating centers and modeling systems, as well as webpage and analysis tools. Preliminary results were given with regards to a case study on the dust storm over Egypt and another case study on the extreme pollution event in China

    The GEOS-5 Aerosol Forecasting and Data Assimilation System

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    The following oralvisual presentation focused on an overview of GEOS-5 activities in relation to Aerosol forecasting and field campaigns, as well as Aerosol Reanalysis and OSSEs

    File Specification for the 7-km GEOS-5 Nature Run, Ganymed Release Non-Hydrostatic 7-km Global Mesoscale Simulation

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    This document describes the gridded output files produced by a two-year global, non-hydrostatic mesoscale simulation for the period 2005-2006 produced with the non-hydrostatic version of GEOS-5 Atmospheric Global Climate Model (AGCM). In addition to standard meteorological parameters (wind, temperature, moisture, surface pressure), this simulation includes 15 aerosol tracers (dust, sea-salt, sulfate, black and organic carbon), O3, CO and CO2. This model simulation is driven by prescribed sea-surface temperature and sea-ice, daily volcanic and biomass burning emissions, as well as high-resolution inventories of anthropogenic sources. A description of the GEOS-5 model configuration used for this simulation can be found in Putman et al. (2014). The simulation is performed at a horizontal resolution of 7 km using a cubed-sphere horizontal grid with 72 vertical levels, extending up to to 0.01 hPa (approximately 80 km). For user convenience, all data products are generated on two logically rectangular longitude-latitude grids: a full-resolution 0.0625 deg grid that approximately matches the native cubed-sphere resolution, and another 0.5 deg reduced-resolution grid. The majority of the full-resolution data products are instantaneous with some fields being time-averaged. The reduced-resolution datasets are mostly time-averaged, with some fields being instantaneous. Hourly data intervals are used for the reduced-resolution datasets, while 30-minute intervals are used for the full-resolution products. All full-resolution output is on the model's native 72-layer hybrid sigma-pressure vertical grid, while the reduced-resolution output is given on native vertical levels and on 48 pressure surfaces extending up to 0.02 hPa. Section 4 presents additional details on horizontal and vertical grids. Information of the model surface representation can be found in Appendix B. The GEOS-5 product is organized into file collections that are described in detail in Appendix C. Additional details about variables listed in this file specification can be found in a separate document, the GEOS-5 File Specification Variable Definition Glossary. Documentation about the current access methods for products described in this document can be found on the GEOS-5 Nature Run portal: http://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/projects/G5NR. Information on the scientific quality of this simulation will appear in a forthcoming NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation to be available from http://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/pubs/tm/

    Development of Gridded Innovations and Observations Supplement to MERRA-2

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    Atmospheric reanalysis have become an important source of data for weather and climate research, owing to the continuity of the data, but especially because of the multitude of observational data included (radiosondes, commercial aircraft, retrieved data products and radiances). However, the presence of assimilated observations can vary based on numerous factors, and so it is difficult or impossible for a researcher to say with any degree of certainty how many and what type of observations contributed to the reanalysis data they are using at any give point in time or space. For example, quality control, transmission interruptions, and station outages can occasionally affect data availability. While orbital paths can be known, drift in certain instruments and the large number of available instruments makes it challenging to know which satellite is observing any region at any point in the diurnal cycle. Furthermore, there is information from the statistics generated by the data assimilation that can help understand the model and the quality of the reanalysis. Typically, the assimilated observations and their innovations are in observation-space data formats and have not been made easily available to reanalysis users.A test data set has been developed to make the MERRA-2 assimilated observations available for rapid and general use, by simplifying the data format. The observations are binned to a grid similar as MERRA-2 and saved as netCDF. This data collection includes the mean and number of observations in the bin as well as its variance. The data will also include the innovations from the data assimilation, the forecast departure and the analysis increment, as well as bias correction (for satellite radiances). We refer to this proof-of-concept data as the MERRA-2 Gridded Innovations and Observations (GIO). In this paper, we present the data format and its strengths and limitations with some initial testing and validation of the methodology

    Monte Carlo Bayesian Inference on a Statistical Model of Sub-Gridcolumn Moisture Variability Using High-Resolution Cloud Observations. Part 1: Method

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    A method is presented to constrain a statistical model of sub-gridcolumn moisture variability using high-resolution satellite cloud data. The method can be used for large-scale model parameter estimation or cloud data assimilation. The gridcolumn model includes assumed probability density function (PDF) intra-layer horizontal variability and a copula-based inter-layer correlation model. The observables used in the current study are Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud-top pressure, brightness temperature and cloud optical thickness, but the method should be extensible to direct cloudy radiance assimilation for a small number of channels. The algorithm is a form of Bayesian inference with a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to characterizing the posterior distribution. This approach is especially useful in cases where the background state is clear but cloudy observations exist. In traditional linearized data assimilation methods, a subsaturated background cannot produce clouds via any infinitesimal equilibrium perturbation, but the Monte Carlo approach is not gradient-based and allows jumps into regions of non-zero cloud probability. The current study uses a skewed-triangle distribution for layer moisture. The article also includes a discussion of the Metropolis and multiple-try Metropolis versions of MCMC

    AOD Distributions and Trends of Major Aerosol Species over a Selection of the World's Most Populated Cities Based on the 1st Version of NASA's MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis

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    NASA recently extended the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application (MERRA) with an atmospheric aerosol reanalysis which includes five particulate species: sulfate, organic matter, black carbon, mineral dust and sea salt. The MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis (MERRAero) is an innovative tool to study air quality issues around the world for its global and constant coverage and its distinction of aerosol speciation expressed in the form of aerosol optical depth (AOD). The purpose of this manuscript is to apply MERRAero to the study of urban air pollution at the global scale by analyzing the AOD over a period of 13 years (2003-2015) and over a selection of 200 of the world's most populated cities in order to assess the impacts of urbanization, industrialization, air quality regulations and regional transport which affect urban aerosol load. Environmental regulations and the recent global economic recession have helped to decrease the AOD and sulfate aerosols in most cities in North America, Europe and Japan. Rapid industrialization in China over the last two decades resulted in Chinese cities having the highest AOD values in the world. China has nevertheless recently implemented emission control measures which are showing early signs of success in many cities of Southern China where AOD has decreased substantially over the last 13 years. The AOD over South American cities, which is dominated by carbonaceous aerosols, has also decreased over the last decade due to an increase in commodity prices which slowed deforestation activities in the Amazon rainforest. At the opposite, recent urbanization and industrialization in India and Bangladesh resulted in a strong increase of AOD, sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols in most cities of these two countries. The AOD over most cities in Northern Africa and Western Asia changed little over the last decade. Emissions of natural aerosols, which cities in these two regions tend to be mostly composed of, don't tend to fluctuate significantly on an annual basis

    Development of Gridded Innovations and Observations Supplement to MERRA-2

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    Atmospheric reanalysis have become an important source of data for weather and climate research, owing to the continuity of the data, but especially because of the multitude of observational data included (radiosondes, commercial aircraft, retrieved data products and radiances). However, the presence of assimilated observations can vary based on numerous factors, and so it is difficult or impossible for a researcher to say with any degree of certainty how many and what type of observations contributed to the reanalysis data they are using at any give point in time or space, or their contribution to the eventual analyzed fields. For example, quality control, transmission interruptions, and station outages can occasionally affect data availability. While orbital paths are known, drift in certain instruments, cloud clearing, and the large number of available instruments makes it challenging to know which satellite is observing any region at any point in the diurnal cycle. Furthermore, there is information from the statistics generated by the data assimilation that can help understand the model and the quality of the reanalysis. Typically, the assimilated observations and their innovations are saved in observation-space data formats and are not easily made available to reanalysis users.Here, we present an early version of a data set has been developed to make the MERRA-2 assimilated observations available for rapid and general use, by simplifying the data format. The observations are binned to a grid similar as MERRA-2 and saved as netCDF. This data collection includes the mean and number of observations in the bin as well as its variance. The data will also include the innovations from the data assimilation, the forecast departure and the analysis increment, as well as bias correction (for satellite radiances). In this paper, we present the data format (called MERRA-2 Gridded Innovations and Observations or GIO) and its strengths and limitations with some initial testing and validation of the methodology

    Preliminary Evaluation of Influence of Aerosols on the Simulation of Brightness Temperature in the NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System Atmospheric Data Assimilation System

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    This document reports on preliminary results obtained when studying the impact of aerosols on the calculation of brightness temperature (BT) for satellite infrared (IR) instruments that are currently assimilated in a 3DVAR configuration of Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)-atmospheric data assimilation system (ADAS). A set of fifteen aerosol species simulated by the Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model is used to evaluate the influence of the aerosol fields on the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) calculations taking place in the observation operators of the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) analysis system of GEOSADAS. Results indicate that taking aerosols into account in the BT calculation improves the fit to observations over regions with significant amounts of dust. The cooling effect obtained with the aerosol-affected BT leads to a slight warming of the analyzed surface temperature (by about 0:5oK) in the tropical Atlantic ocean (off northwest Africa), whereas the effect on the air temperature aloft is negligible. In addition, this study identifies a few technical issues to be addressed in future work if aerosol-affected BT are to be implemented in reanalysis and operational settings. The computational cost of applying CRTM aerosol absorption and scattering options is too high to justify their use, given the size of the benefits obtained. Furthermore, the differentiation between clouds and aerosols in GSI cloud detection procedures needs satisfactory revision