
Development of Gridded Innovations and Observations Supplement to MERRA-2


Atmospheric reanalysis have become an important source of data for weather and climate research, owing to the continuity of the data, but especially because of the multitude of observational data included (radiosondes, commercial aircraft, retrieved data products and radiances). However, the presence of assimilated observations can vary based on numerous factors, and so it is difficult or impossible for a researcher to say with any degree of certainty how many and what type of observations contributed to the reanalysis data they are using at any give point in time or space. For example, quality control, transmission interruptions, and station outages can occasionally affect data availability. While orbital paths can be known, drift in certain instruments and the large number of available instruments makes it challenging to know which satellite is observing any region at any point in the diurnal cycle. Furthermore, there is information from the statistics generated by the data assimilation that can help understand the model and the quality of the reanalysis. Typically, the assimilated observations and their innovations are in observation-space data formats and have not been made easily available to reanalysis users.A test data set has been developed to make the MERRA-2 assimilated observations available for rapid and general use, by simplifying the data format. The observations are binned to a grid similar as MERRA-2 and saved as netCDF. This data collection includes the mean and number of observations in the bin as well as its variance. The data will also include the innovations from the data assimilation, the forecast departure and the analysis increment, as well as bias correction (for satellite radiances). We refer to this proof-of-concept data as the MERRA-2 Gridded Innovations and Observations (GIO). In this paper, we present the data format and its strengths and limitations with some initial testing and validation of the methodology

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