18 research outputs found

    Wind farm bat fatalities in southern Brazil: temporal patterns and influence of environmental factors

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    Energy demand created by the present model of economic growth has transformed the natural land scape. Changes in megadiverse environments should be accompanied by studies that describe and predict the effects of these changes on ecosystems, underpinning the avoidance or at least the re duction of impacts and species conservation. Wind farm impacts on bats are scarcely known in Brazil. To fulfill this gap on spatiotemporal patterns in bat fatalities in a wind complex in southern Brazil were analysed. Monthly surveys were done around 129 wind towers in search for bat car casses between 2014 and 2018. The number of specimens found per species was analysed in annual sets and also seasonally to understand the influence of land use in the spatial pattern of bat fatalit ies. The activity of aerial insectivore bats was monitored using ultrasound detectors and modelled using Generalized Linear Models (GLM), using meteorological variables as predictors. As a result of 48 months of surveys, 266 carcasses of six insectivorous bat species were recorded. The highest number of fatalities belonged to Tadarida brasiliensis. Fatalities occurred exclusively between Oc tober and May (Austral Spring to Austral Autumn), mainly in towers near the closest urban centre. Most fatalities occurred in the first (69%) and fourth (17%) years of operation; fatalities were pos itively related to wind speed. Eighty-three percent of the bat activity occurred between 15 ◦C and 23 ◦C. To minimize fatalities of synanthropic bat species such as T. brasiliensis, we suggest that wind complexes should be located at least 4 km distant from the urban centres, where those species roost. Moreover, between December and March, when most species from subtropical and temper ate South America reproduce, wind towers located closer to known roosts should shut down on warmer nights, when bats are more active

    Popularidade e produtividade científica de docentes/ pesquisadores da UFRJ, Brasil: : análise cientométrica no domínio da anatomia patológica

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    A pesquisa analisa a produção cientifica na área de Medicina de docentes/pesquisadores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Anatomia Patológica (PPGAP) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de 2014-2022, a partir de indicadores de produtividade, popularidade, colaboração científica e internacionalização do conhecimento. O referencial epistemológico e empírico abrange teorias, conceitos e métodos das áreas de Bibliometria e Cientometria, na Ciência da Informação, particularmente nos modelos de produtividade e popularidade de Marshakova (1981), redes de colaboração de Bordon e Gómes (2000) e internacionalização do conhecimento de Santín, Vanz e Stumpf (2016)


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    INTRODUCTION: With the Zika Virus outbreak in 2015, there was a significant increase in cases of microcephaly, making it possible to find the virus in the nervous tissue of newborns with the disease and in the amniotic fluid of infected pregnant women. increase in pathology in newborns with Zika Virus contagion. METHODOLOGY: Retrospective cross-sectional study with data from Microcephaly Cases in the State of Maranhão from 2018 to 2021. DATASUS).RESULT: There were 81 new episodes of Microcephaly, in which 58.02% of the cases were detected in the postpartum period, 45 of the newborns were male and it was observed that 33.33% had adequate weight for the age.DISCUSSION:From the point of view that Zika virus infection causes congenital and neurological malformations in addition to microcephaly, it was possible to understand the impact that this has on the treatment of people with this disease. more specific exams that are not easily accessible for users of the Unified Health System or the private network because they do not exist in all municipalities in the state of Maranhão, in addition to the need for a multidisciplinary team which is not present in the main mesoregions of Maranhão.CONCLUSION: There is a need for increased surveillance, training and training for health professionals to be able to detect the appearance of microcephaly as soon as possibleINTRODUÇÃO: Com o surto de Zika Vírus no ano de 2015 houve um aumento expressivo nos casos de microcefalia, sendo possível encontrar o vírus no tecido nervoso dos recém-nascido com a doença e no líquido amniótico das gestantes infectadas. Assim, foi possível relacionar o aumento da patologia em RN com a contágio de Zika Vírus. A presente análise busca traçar perfil clínico-epidemiológico dessa doença em um Estado do Nordeste brasileiro. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal, de caráter retrospectivo, com os dados dos Casos de Microcefalia no Estado do Maranhão nos anos de 2018 a 2021.Disponibilizado pelo Registro de Eventos em Saúde Pública (RESP) por meio do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). RESULTADO: Constatou-se 81 novos episódios de Microcefalia, nos quais 58,02% dos casos foram detectados no pós parto,45 dos recém nascidos eram do sexo masculino e observou-se que 33,33% possuíam peso adequado para a idade. DISCUSÃO: Sob o prisma que a infecção por Zika vírus traz malformações congênitas e neurológicas além da microcefalia foi possível a compreensão do impacto que isso traz para o tratamento do portador dessa doença. Uma vez que, com o surgimento de outras anomalias é preciso de mais exames específicos que não são de fácil acesso para os usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde ou rede privada por não existir em todos os municípios do estado do Maranhão, além da necessidade de uma equipe multiprofissional que não está presente nas principais mesorregiões maranhenses. CONCLUSÃO Existe necessidade de ampliação da vigilância, capacitação e treinamento para profissionais da saúde poderem detectar o mais breve possível o surgimento da microcefalia

    Principais obstáculos que dificultam a inovação em instituições públicas da área farmacêutica no Brasil

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    Innovation in pharmaceutical industry means to discover something new with therapeutic properties. It is a fundamental demand of organizations to achieve success in the market, as it represents a competitive advantage. In general, many factors stand in the way of innovating companies, universities and research institutes. When we talk about the public sector, there are many challenges. This article aims at presenting some of the main obstacles faced by the Brazilian public pharmaceutical institutions negatively contributing to innovation: difficulties related to infrastructure; funding and purchasing processes; discrepancies between the pharmaceutical industry institutional goals and the Ministry of Health’s demands; the need to introduce quality requirements in early stages of research; and the focus on technology transfer processes as the only source for innovation. Challenges are many, but with mood and motivation, both by the involved professionals and by the Brazilian government - which must show willingness to seek strategies to modify the current scenario -, it will be possible to reach an innovation culture in Brazil.Inovação na indústria farmacêutica visa descobrir algo novo com propriedades terapêuticas. É uma exigência fundamental das organizações para alcançar o sucesso no mercado, representando, assim, uma vantagem competitiva. Em geral, muitos fatores desencadeiam as dificuldades de empresas inovadoras, universidades e institutos de pesquisa. Quando falamos sobre o setor público, há muitos desafios. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar alguns dos principais obstáculos enfrentados pelas instituições farmacêuticas públicas brasileiras que contribuem negativamente para a inovação, como dificuldades relacionadas à infraestrutura, verbas e processos de compra; discrepâncias relacionadas à ausência de alinhamento entre os objetivos institucionais e as demandas do Ministério da Saúde; à necessidade de introdução de requisitos de Qualidade nas etapas iniciais das pesquisas e ao foco nos processos de transferência de tecnologia, como única fonte de inovação. Os desafios são muitos, mas com vontade e motivação, tanto por parte dos profissionais envolvidos, quanto por parte do governo brasileiro, que deve se mostrar disposto a buscar estratégias para modificar o cenário atual, será possível a conquista da cultura da inovação no Brasil

    Orientar para prevenir:: um relato de experiência sobre o impacto da higiene na saúde de moradores de palafitas

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    Introduction: In 2020, there were more than 5 million irregular dwellings in Brazil classified as "subnormal agglomerates" located near water, also known as stilts. The houses are constructed side by side and there is, for the most part, no sewage system. Pursuing good hygiene habits and cleaning techniques leads to a significant decrease in the incidence of infectious diseases, especially diarrhea, and consequently improves health. Therefore, the activity aimed to bring knowledge and instructions on how to mitigate this reality to residents of a set of local stilts. Experience report: The activity "Hygiene and Health: guiding to prevent" was conceived and carried out by the SCORP and SCOPH committees in partnership with a non-profit social organization, held in May 2021 in person. Following the hygiene measures, the participants wore personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer and were divided into small groups. The dynamics occurred along two axes: guidance in the form of conversation with adults and playful activity with children. With the child audience, there was the development of paintings and memorization games about proper hygiene practices, and with the adults, there was an active search for parasites, infectious and contagious diseases and their aggravating conditions. At the end, personal hygiene kits were distributed to listeners as well as an educational booklet about prevention and local medical assistance. Furthermore, the impact assessment was carried out with the two action groups. Discussion: The activity was able to take a necessary theme that permeates the dignity of the residents of these areas, combining hygiene concepts and practices with playful activities and understandable content. Conclusion: The objective of informing the local population about the importance of hygiene measures for disease prevention and health maintenance was achieved and the participants were able to understand the message.Introdução: O Brasil, ainda em 2020, conta com mais de 5 milhões de moradias irregulares classificadas como "aglomerado subnormal", as palafitas. As casas são justapostas e não há, em sua maioria, rede de esgoto. Buscar bons hábitos de higiene e técnicas de limpeza acarretam em uma diminuição significativa na incidência de doenças infecciosas, sobretudo diarreias e consequentemente melhora na saúde. Com esse cenário, a atividade objetivou levar conhecimento e instruções de como mitigar essa realidade para moradores de um conjunto de palafitas local. Relato de experiência: A ação "Higiene e Saúde: orientar para prevenir" foi idealizada e executada pelos comitês SCORP e SCOPH em parceria com uma organização social sem fins lucrativos, realizada em maio de 2021 presencialmente. Seguindo as medidas de higiene, todos usaram equipamentos de proteção individual, álcool em gel e divisão em pequenos grupos. A dinâmica da ação ocorreu em dois eixos: orientações em forma de conversa com os adultos e atividade lúdica com as crianças. Com o público infantil houve elaboração de pinturas e jogos de memorização sobre as práticas adequadas de higiene e com os adultos ocorreu busca ativa sobre possíveis doenças parasitárias, infectocontagiosas e suas condições de agravo. Ao final, foram distribuídos mini-kits de higiene pessoal para os ouvintes e uma cartilha educativa sobre prevenção e auxílio médico na área descrita. Ademais, a avaliação de impacto foi executada com os dois grupos da ação. Discussão: A atividade realizada foi capaz de levar uma temática necessária que perpassa pela dignidade dos moradores dessas áreas, aliando os conceitos e práticas de higiene com atividades lúdicas e conteúdos compreensíveis. Conclusão: Foi alcançado o objetivo de informar a população local sobre a importância das medidas de higiene para a prevenção de doenças e a manutenção da saúde, fazendo com que os participantes entendessem a mensagem


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    INTRODUCTION: Congenital syphilis (CS) is a systemic infection caused by a spirochete bacterium, Treponema pallidum. This infection has intervals of activity and latency, which follows vertical transmission during pregnancy. METHODOLOGY: This is a cross-sectional, retrospective study of cases of congenital syphilis in the city of XXX, in the years 2020 and 2021. Data were obtained from SINAN, made available by DATASUS. Tabwin 3,6 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 programs were used for tabulation and data analysis. RESULTS: 304 cases of CS were reported in the years 2020 and 2021 in the city of XXXX. There is a predominance of women who declare themselves brown (83.88%), followed by self-declared white (7.23%), black (1.64%), yellow 0.65% and, finally, indigenous (1.97%). Furthermore, it was inferred that, of the 304 cases, 1 was discarded (0.32%), there were 2 cases of stillbirth/abortion due to syphilis (0.65%) and the other 301 cases (99.01%) were classified as recent congenital syphilis. Furthermore, of all cases, 279 (92.69%) evolved well; however, we do not have data on the evolution of 15 patients (4.98%). DISCUSSION: It was found that the highest rates of children diagnosed with CS are daughters of mixed race mothers. In this sense, characteristics such as low education suggest unfavorable socioeconomic conditions and difficulties in accessing health services, which may reflect the absence or reduction of care that women receive during pregnancy and childbirth, increasing the risk of inadequate prenatal care and fetal death. CONCLUSION: In view of the observed data, it was possible to verify that more than a fifth of the women only received the diagnosis of maternal syphilis at the time of delivery/curettage. Therefore, the relevance of this study is shown by tracing epidemiological factors that may influence congenital syphilis, and, based on this material, developing initiatives that can alleviate the problem.INTRODUÇÃO: A sífilis congênita (SC) é uma infecção sistêmica causada por uma bactéria espiroqueta, o Treponema pallidum. Tal infecção apresenta intervalos de atividade e latência, a qual sucede da transmissão vertical no período gestacional. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de caráter retrospectivo, dos casos de sífilis congênita no município de São Luís, Maranhão nos anos de 2020 e 2021. Os dados foram obtidos a partir do SINAN, disponibilizados pelo DATASUS. Para tabulação e análise dos dados foram utilizados os programas Tabwin 3,6 e o Microsoft Office Excel 2010. RESULTADOS: Foram notificados 304 casos de SC, nos anos de 2020 e 2021, no município de São Luís. Percebe-se um predomínio de mulheres que se autodeclaram pardas (83,88%); seguidas por autodeclaradas brancas (7,23%), raça preta (1,64%), amarela (0,65%) e, por fim, indígena (1,97%).  Ademais, depreendeu-se que, dos 304 casos, 1 foi descartado (0,32%), houve 2 casos de natimorto/Aborto por Sífilis (0,65%) e os outros 301 casos (99,01%) foram classificados como sífilis congênita recente. Além disso, do total de casos, 279 (92,69%) evoluíram bem, contudo, não se possuem dados da evolução de 15 pacientes (4,98%). DISCUSSÃO: Constatou-se  que os maiores índices de crianças diagnosticadas com SC são filhas de mães de raça parda. Nesse sentido, características como baixa escolaridade sugerem condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis e dificuldades de acesso a serviços de saúde podendo refletir na ausência ou na diminuição do cuidado que as mulheres recebem durante a gravidez e o parto, elevando o risco de assistência pré-natal inadequada e de óbito fetal. CONCLUSÃO: Diante dos dados observados, foi possível constatar que mais de um quinto das mulheres só foram receber o diagnóstico de sífilis materna no momento do parto/curetagem. Portanto, a relevância desse estudo se apresenta ao traçar fatores epidemiológicos que possam influenciar a sífilis congênita, e, com base nesse material, desenvolver iniciativas que possam amenizar a problemática

    Principais obstáculos que dificultam a inovação em instituições públicas da área farmacêutica no Brasil | Main obstacles standing in the way of innovation in public pharmaceutical institutions in Brazil

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    Inovação na indústria farmacêutica visa descobrir algo novo com propriedades terapêuticas. É uma exigência fundamental das organizações para alcançar o sucesso no mercado, representando, assim, uma vantagem competitiva. Em geral, muitos fatores desencadeiam as dificuldades de empresas inovadoras, universidades e institutos de pesquisa. Quando falamos sobre o setor público, há muitos desafios. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar alguns dos principais obstáculos enfrentados pelas instituições farmacêuticas públicas brasileiras que contribuem negativamente para a inovação, como dificuldades relacionadas à infraestrutura, verbas e processos de compra; discrepâncias relacionadas à ausência de alinhamento entre os objetivos institucionais e as demandas do Ministério da Saúde; à necessidade de introdução de requisitos de Qualidade nas etapas iniciais das pesquisas e ao foco nos processos de transferência de tecnologia, como única fonte de inovação. Os desafios são muitos, mas com vontade e motivação, tanto por parte dos profissionais envolvidos, quanto por parte do governo brasileiro, que deve se mostrar disposto a buscar estratégias para modificar o cenário atual, será possível a conquista da cultura da inovação no Brasil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Innovation in pharmaceutical industry means to discover something new with therapeutic properties. It is a fundamental demand of organizations to achieve success in the market, as it represents a competitive advantage. In general, many factors stand in the way of innovating companies, universities and research institutes. When we talk about the public sector, there are many challenges. This article aims at presenting some of the main obstacles faced by the Brazilian public pharmaceutical institutions negatively contributing to innovation: difficulties related to infrastructure; funding and purchasing processes; discrepancies between the pharmaceutical industry institutional goals and the Ministry of Health’s demands; the need to introduce quality requirements in early stages of research; and the focus on technology transfer processes as the only source for innovation. Challenges are many, but with mood and motivation, both by the involved professionals and by the Brazilian government - which must show willingness to seek strategies to modify the current scenario -, it will be possible to reach an innovation culture in Brazil

    Barriers and facilitators for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of displaced Venezuelan adolescent girls in Brazil

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    Background: the crisis in Venezuela has forced almost eight million people to flee to mainly neighbouring countries, including Brazil. Half of the displaced Venezuelans are women and girls, with adolescent girls facing distinctive challenges to their sexual and reproductive health during displacement and settlement. The aim of this study is to understand the barriers and facilitators for the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent Venezuelan girls residing in Brazil. Methods: the study used qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews with 19 Venezuelan migrant adolescent girls conducted in Boa Vista and Manaus. We analysed transcripts using thematic analysis, and mapped findings to a theoretical framework based on the Bronfenbrenner Socio-ecological Model, which we adapted to explore how intersectional vulnerabilities at the individual level interact with contextual factors creating barriers and facilitators for health and rights of migrant adolescent girls. Results: Venezuelan adolescent migrants in Brazil face practical and structural barriers in realising their sexual and reproductive health and rights in four areas: menstruation; family planning, contraception and sexually transmitted infection; prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care; and preventing gender-based violence. The reported barriers were lack of knowledge around sexual and reproductive health rights, exposure to violence and lack of access to age-appropriate healthcare services. Mitigating factors included education (both in the family setting and at school); prevention activities undertaken by health services; care provision from non-governmental organisations and international agencies; and best practices in local health services. Conclusions: host states must take action to enhance the right to sexual and reproductive health for adolescent migrants to allow them to make autonomous, independent and informed choices. A socioecological perspective on sexual and reproductive health and rights can help formulate intersectional policies that interconnect different levels of adolescent migrants’ experience.</p

    Scored patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment: Length of hospital stay and mortality in cancer patients

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective To determine the association of a scored patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment with mortality and length of hospital stay in cancer patients. Methods Cross-sectional study carried out between July and September 2014 using secondary data collection using data from 366 medical records of patients admitted to a hospital recognized as a cancer center of excellence. The present study included patients with hospital stay over than or equal three days and minimum age of 20 years. The patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment scores were calculated and compared with the patients’ clinical and anthropometric characteristics and outcomes (death and long length of stay in hospital). Results Of the 366 patients evaluated, 36.0% were malnourished. The presence of malnutrition, according to the scored patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment, was statistically associated with the presence of metastasis (52.4%). On the other hand, malnutrition, according to the body mass index in adults (55.8%) and in older elderly patients (54.2%), was associated with death (55.0%). The adjusted logistic regression model showed that the following factors were associated with prolonged hospitalization: early nutritional screening, presence of severe malnutrition, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and surgical procedures. As for mortality, the associated factors were: male reproductive system tumor, presence of metastasis, clinical treatment, prolonged hospitalization, and the presence of some degree of malnutrition. Conclusion The patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment score is an important risk marker of prolonged hospitalization and mortality rates. It is a useful tool capable of circumventing significant biases in the nutritional evaluation of cancer patients.</p></div