8 research outputs found

    Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on hearing

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    Objectives: Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) use with high dose and long time for chronic inflammation. It was well known that these drugs have ototoxic effects. The more study about ototoxic effects of acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) and quinine has been at the literature. In this study, the effects to hearing of NSAID except ASA and quinine were evaluated

    Can the blood groups be a risk factor in noise-ınduced hearing loss?

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    Yüksek şiddetteki gürültü işitme kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Bireysel faktörler bu etkilenmenin derecesini belirleyici olabilir. Kan gruplan da bireye özgü faktörler arasında sayılabilir. Bu çalışmada amaç gürültülü bir iş yerinde çalışan işçilerde ortaya çıkan işitme kaybının kan gruplarına göre dağılımını saptamaktı. Gürültü düzeyi 85-95 dB arasında değişen bir kağıt fabrikasında günde 8 saat çalışan 148 işçi değerlendirmeye alındı. İşçilerin hepsi erkekti. Ortalama yaşları 40 (dağılım 20-56 yaş) idi. İşçilerin ortalama çalışma süresi 15,5 (1-22 yıl) yıl idi. Çalışma grubundaki tüm işçilerin saf ses odyogramları elde edildi ve kan grupları belirlendi. Yüzkırksekiz işçinin 85’inde (%57,4) yüksek frekanslarda (3000-6000 Hz) sensörinöral işitme kaybı saptandı. İşçilerin 45’inde (%30) kan grubu 0 iken, 33’ünde (%22) B grubu, 15’inde (%10) AB grubu, 55’i (%37) A grubu idi. Bunların içinde kan grubu 0 olan 45 kişinin 31 ’inde (%68), B grubu olan 33 işçinin 18’inde (%54), AB grubu olan 15 işçinin 8’inde (%53) ve A grubu olan 55 işçinin 27’sinde (%54) sensörinöral işitme kaybı saptandı. Tüm gruplar işitme kaybı açısında kendi aralarında değerlendirildiklerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Ancak toplumun ve olguların büyük kısmını oluşturan 0 kan grubu ile A kan grubuna sahip kişiler, işitme kaybı açısında kendi aralarında değerlendirildiklerinde 0 kan grubuna sahip kişilerde işitme kaybı oranı daha fazla olarak saptandı (p<0.05). 0 kan grubuna sahip olmak GBİK’nm gelişiminde rol oynayan bir risk faktörü olabilir.Severe high noise may ca use hearing loss. Ind ividu al factors ca n determine the severity of hear ing loss. Blood gro ups ca n a lso be considered among these indi vidual factors . In this study, we aim to determine the blood group distr ibution amo ng the wo rkers who had acquired hearing loss while working in the noisy wo rki ng area . 148 wo rkers; who has been working for 8 ho urs/day in a paper factory that has a 85-95 dB noise level we re incl uded into the study. All of the wo rkers were male and their mean age was 40 yea rs (range 20-56 years). Mean wo rking time was 15.5 years (range 1-22 years). Pure tone audiograms and blood group types of all workers in the study gro up were obtai ned. Sensorineura l hear ing loss at hig h frequencies (30 00-6000 Hz) were detected in 85 of 148 wo rkers (%57.4) . The blood gro up distr ibut ion amo ng the wo rkers was as following; 45 workers (%30) we re 0, 33 were (%22) B, 15 were (%10) AB and 55 were (%37) A blood group. Sensorineural hearing loss was detected in 3 1 of 45 (%68) workers who are 0, in 18 of 33 (%5 4) wo rkers who are B, in 8 of 15 (%53) wo rkers who are AB and in 27 of 55 (% 54) workers who are A blood gro up. No statistica lly significa nt differen ce was determined when all groups we re eva luated wit h eac h oth er. But, when we eva luate the peopl e who are A and 0 blood group eac h other, that are also the maj or group of the whole society and the study subjects, in the point of hearin g loss, hearing loss rate was more in the peopl e who have 0 blood gro up type (

    Attenuated cardiovascular response to sympathetic system activation during exercise in patients with dialysis-induced hypotension

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    Background: We wished to investigate potential causes of dialysis-induced hypotension (DIH), including the attenuated cardiovascular response to sympathetic system activation during exercise and myocardial dysfunction. Methods: This study included 26 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with DIH, 30 ESRD patients without DIH (Non-DIH), and 30 control subjects. Each patient was evaluated with echocardiography and a symptom-limited treadmill stress test. The chronotropic index (CRI), heart rate recovery (HRR), systolic blood pressure response to exercise (SBP response), and tissue Doppler systolic myocardial velocities were calculated. Results: The HRR and velocities were reduced in dialysis patients compared to controls; however, they were similar in patients with and without DIH. Patients with DIH had the lowest CRI compared to theNon-DIH group (0.62 ± 0.15 vs. 0.73 ± 0.17, p = 0.020) and controls (0.62 ± 0.15 vs. 0.86 ± 0.11, p < 0.001). Similarly, patients with DIH had the lowest SBP response values compared to the Non-DIH (34.88 ± 15.01 vs. 55.67 ± 25.42, p = 0.002) and controls (34.88 ± 15.01 vs. 59.70 ± 23.04, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Patients with DIH have inadequate sympathetic activity of the cardiovascular system during exercise and impaired left ventricular systolic function. Both factors could contribute to the development of hypotension during hemodialysis

    Normal neonatal electroencephalography and maturation of electroencephalography during neonatal period

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    Despite evolving technologies, electroencephalography (EEG) remains a powerful tool for neurological diagnosis and prognosis in both preterm and term neonates. Neonatal EEG is different from children and adult's EEG technically and also because it changes week by week as a result of brain maturation and growth. An EEG finding normal in a developmental stage may be abnormal in a different developmental stage owing to these rapid changes of brain growth. So it is important to know normal patterns of neonatal EEG in different conceptional weeks and behavioral states (sleep, awakeness). In this section, technical and qualitative features of normal neonatal EEG will be mentioned, normal graphoelements and maturational changes on the EEG background of neonates going through preterm to term age will be described

    Characteristics of pediatric multiple sclerosis: The Turkish pediatric multiple sclerosis database

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    Objective To document the clinical and paraclinical features of pediatric multiple sclerosis (MS) in Turkey. Methods Data of MS patients with onset before age 18 years (n = 193) were collected from 27 pediatric neurology centers throughout Turkey. Earlier-onset (<12 years) and later-onset (?12 years) groups were compared. Results There were 123 (63.7%) girls and 70 (36.3%) boys aged 4–17 years, median 14 years at disease onset. Family history of MS was 6.5%. The first presentation was polysymptomatic in 55.4% of patients, with brainstem syndromes (50.3%), sensory disturbances (44%), motor symptoms (33.2%), and optic neuritis (26.4%) as common initial manifestations. Nineteen children had facial paralysis and 10 had epileptic seizures at first attack; 21 (11%) were initially diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Oligoclonal bands were identified in 68% of patients. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed periventricular (96%), cortical/juxtacortical (64.2%), brainstem (63%), cerebellum (51.4%), and spinal cord (67%) involvement. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) were abnormal in 52%; serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were low in 68.5% of patients. The earlier-onset group had a higher rate of infection/vaccination preceding initial attack, initial diagnosis of ADEM, longer interval between first 2 attacks, and more disability accumulating in the first 3 years of the disease. Conclusion Brainstem and cerebellum are common sites of clinical and radiological involvement in pediatric-onset MS. VEP abnormalities are frequent even in patients without history of optic neuropathy. Vitamin D status does not appear to affect the course in early disease. MS beginning before 12 years of age has certain characteristics in history and course

    Re-examining the characteristics of pediatric multiple sclerosis in the era of antibody-associated demyelinating syndromes.

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    Background: The discovery of anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-IgG and anti-aquaporin 4 (AQP4)-IgG and the observation on certain patients previously diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) actually have an antibody-mediated disease mandated re-evaluation of pediatric MS series. Aim: To describe the characteristics of recent pediatric MS cases by age groups and compare with the cohort established before 2015. Method: Data of pediatric MS patients diagnosed between 2015 and 2021 were collected from 44 pediatric neurology centers across Turkiye. Clinical and paraclinical features were compared between patients with dis-ease onset before 12 years (earlier onset) and >= 12 years (later onset) as well as between our current (2015-2021) and previous (< 2015) cohorts. Results: A total of 634 children (456 girls) were enrolled, 89 (14%) were of earlier onset. The earlier-onset group had lower female/male ratio, more frequent initial diagnosis of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), more frequent brainstem symptoms, longer interval between the first two attacks, less frequent spinal cord involvement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and lower prevalence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-restricted oligoclonal bands (OCBs). The earlier-onset group was less likely to respond to initial disease-modifying treatments. Compared to our previous cohort, the current series had fewer patients with onset < 12 years, initial presentation with ADEM-like features, brainstem or cerebellar symptoms, seizures, and spinal lesions on MRI. The female/male ratio, the frequency of sensorial symptoms, and CSF-restricted OCBs were higher than reported in our previous cohort. Conclusion: Pediatric MS starting before 12 years was less common than reported previously, likely due to exclusion of patients with antibody-mediated diseases. The results underline the importance of antibody testing and indicate pediatric MS may be a more homogeneous disorder and more similar to adult-onset MS than previously thought

    Oral Research Presentations

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