8 research outputs found

    Supply chain design and distribution planning under supply uncertainty (Application to bulk liquid gas distribution)

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    La distribution de liquide cryogĂ©nique en vrac , ou par camions citernes, est un cas particulier des problĂšmes d optimisation logistique. Ces problĂšmes d optimisation de chaines logistiques et/ou de transport sont habituellement traitĂ©s sous l hypothĂšse que les donnĂ©es sont connues Ă  l avance et certaines. Or, la majoritĂ© des problĂšmes d optimisation industriels se placent dans un contexte incertain. Mes travaux de recherche s intĂ©ressent aussi bien aux mĂ©thodes d optimisation robuste que stochastiques.Mes travaux portent sur deux problĂšmes distincts. Le premier est un problĂšme de tournĂ©es de vĂ©hicules avec gestion des stocks. Je propose une mĂ©thodologie basĂ©e sur les mĂ©thodes d optimisation robuste, reprĂ©sentant les pannes par des scĂ©narios. Je montre qu il est possible de trouver des solutions qui rĂ©duisent de maniĂšre significative l impact des pannes d usine sur la distribution. Je montre aussi comment la mĂ©thode proposĂ©e peut aussi ĂȘtre appliquĂ©e Ă  la version dĂ©terministe du problĂšme en utilisant la mĂ©thode GRASP, et ainsi amĂ©liorer significativement les rĂ©sultats obtenu par l algorithme en place. Le deuxiĂšme problĂšme Ă©tudiĂ© concerne la planification de la production et d affectation les clients. Je modĂ©lise ce problĂšme Ă  l aide de la technique d optimisation stochastique avec recours. Le problĂšme maĂźtre prend les dĂ©cisions avant qu une panne ce produise, tandis que les problĂšmes esclaves optimisent le retour Ă  la normale aprĂšs la panne. Le but est de minimiser le coĂ»t de la chaĂźne logistique. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s contiennent non seulement la solution optimale au problĂšme stochastique, mais aussi des indicateurs clĂ©s de performance. Je montre qu il est possible de trouver des solutions ou les pannes n ont qu un impact mineur.The distribution of liquid gazes (or cryogenic liquids) using bulks and tractors is a particular aspect of a fret distribution supply chain. Traditionally, these optimisation problems are treated under certainty assumptions. However, a large part of real world optimisation problems are subject to significant uncertainties due to noisy, approximated or unknown objective functions, data and/or environment parameters. In this research we investigate both robust and stochastic solutions. We study both an inventory routing problem (IRP) and a production planning and customer allocation problem. Thus, we present a robust methodology with an advanced scenario generation methodology. We show that with minimal cost increase, we can significantly reduce the impact of the outage on the supply chain. We also show how the solution generation used in this method can also be applied to the deterministic version of the problem to create an efficient GRASP and significantly improve the results of the existing algorithm. The production planning and customer allocation problem aims at making tactical decisions over a longer time horizon. We propose a single-period, two-stage stochastic model, where the first stage decisions represent the initial decisions taken for the entire period, and the second stage representing the recovery decision taken after an outage. We aim at making a tool that can be used both for decision making and supply chain analysis. Therefore, we not only present the optimized solution, but also key performance indicators. We show on multiple real-life test cases that it isoften possible to find solutions where a plant outage has only a minimal impact.NANTES-ENS Mines (441092314) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Optimisation de chaine logistique et planning de distribution sous incertitude d’approvisionnement

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    The distribution of liquid gazes (or cryogenic liquids) using bulks and tractors is a particular aspect of a fret distribution supply chain. Traditionally, these optimisation problems are treated under certainty assumptions. However, a large part of real world optimisation problems are subject to significant uncertainties due to noisy, approximated or unknown objective functions, data and/or environment parameters. In this research we investigate both robust and stochastic solutions. We study both an inventory routing problem (IRP) and a production planning and customer allocation problem. Thus, we present a robust methodology with an advanced scenario generation methodology. We show that with minimal cost increase, we can significantly reduce the impact of the outage on the supply chain. We also show how the solution generation used in this method can also be applied to the deterministic version of the problem to create an efficient GRASP and significantly improve the results of the existing algorithm. The production planning and customer allocation problem aims at making tactical decisions over a longer time horizon. We propose a single-period, two-stage stochastic model, where the first stage decisions represent the initial decisions taken for the entire period, and the second stage representing the recovery decision taken after an outage. We aim at making a tool that can be used both for decision making and supply chain analysis. Therefore, we not only present the optimized solution, but also key performance indicators. We show on multiple real-life test cases that it isoften possible to find solutions where a plant outage has only a minimal impact.La distribution de liquide cryogĂ©nique en « vrac », ou par camions citernes, est un cas particulier des problĂšmes d’optimisation logistique. Ces problĂšmes d’optimisation de chaines logistiques et/ou de transport sont habituellement traitĂ©s sous l’hypothĂšse que les donnĂ©es sont connues Ă  l’avance et certaines. Or, la majoritĂ© des problĂšmes d’optimisation industriels se placent dans un contexte incertain. Mes travaux de recherche s’intĂ©ressent aussi bien aux mĂ©thodes d’optimisation robuste que stochastiques.Mes travaux portent sur deux problĂšmes distincts. Le premier est un problĂšme de tournĂ©es de vĂ©hicules avec gestion des stocks. Je propose une mĂ©thodologie basĂ©e sur les mĂ©thodes d’optimisation robuste, reprĂ©sentant les pannes par des scĂ©narios. Je montre qu’il est possible de trouver des solutions qui rĂ©duisent de maniĂšre significative l’impact des pannes d’usine sur la distribution. Je montre aussi comment la mĂ©thode proposĂ©e peut aussi ĂȘtre appliquĂ©e Ă  la version dĂ©terministe du problĂšme en utilisant la mĂ©thode GRASP, et ainsi amĂ©liorer significativement les rĂ©sultats obtenu par l’algorithme en place. Le deuxiĂšme problĂšme Ă©tudiĂ© concerne la planification de la production et d’affectation les clients. Je modĂ©lise ce problĂšme Ă  l’aide de la technique d’optimisation stochastique avec recours. Le problĂšme maĂźtre prend les dĂ©cisions avant qu’une panne ce produise, tandis que les problĂšmes esclaves optimisent le retour Ă  la normale aprĂšs la panne. Le but est de minimiser le coĂ»t de la chaĂźne logistique. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s contiennent non seulement la solution optimale au problĂšme stochastique, mais aussi des indicateurs clĂ©s de performance. Je montre qu’il est possible de trouver des solutions ou les pannes n’ont qu’un impact mineur

    Robust optimization of inventory routing for bulk gas distribution

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    CD-ROMInternational audienceWe address the 'rich' (i.e., with real-world features and constraints) inventory routing problem for bulk gas distribution under uncertainty. We consider that the uncertainty occurs on the supply side and consists of outages at the production plant. We propose a general methodology for generating, classifying and selecting 'robust' solutions: solutions that are less impacted when uncertain events occur such asplant outages. This methodology is applied to real data provided by the Air Liquide company in the context of bulk gas distribution, and we show that for a relatively small increase in cost, the robustness of routes and schedules for the bulk gas distribution with regard to possible plant outages is improved. Results show that we can reduce the extra cost induced by plant outage, while only slightlyincreasing the cost in the cases where no outages occur

    An iterated local search heuristic for multi-capacity bin packing and machine reassignment problems

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an efficient Multi-Start Iterated Local Search for Packing Problems (MS-ILS-PPs) metaheuristic for Multi-Capacity Bin Packing Problems (MCBPP) and Machine Reassignment Problems (MRP). The MCBPP is a generalization of the classical bin-packing problem in which the machine (bin) capacity and task (item) sizes are given by multiple (resource) dimensions. The MRP is a challenging and novel optimization problem, aimed at maximizing the usage of available machines by reallocating tasks/processes among those machines in a cost-efficient manner, while fulfilling several capacity, conflict, and dependency-related constraints. The proposed MS-ILS-PP approach relies on simple neighborhoods as well as problem-tailored shaking procedures. We perform computational experiments on MRP benchmark instances containing between 100 and 50,000 processes. Near-optimum multi-resource allocation and scheduling solutions are obtained while meeting specified processing-time requirements (on the order of minutes). In particular, for 9/28 instances with more than 1000 processes, the gap between the solution value and a lower bound measure is smaller than 0.1%. Our optimization method is also applied to solve classical benchmark instances for the MCBPP, yielding the best known solutions and optimum ones in most cases. In addition, several upper bounds for non-solved problems were improved