895 research outputs found

    Assay of proteolytic enzyme(s) from Neurospora crassa

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    Assay of proteolytic enzyme(s) from Neurospora crass

    Epidemiology and Immune Pathogenesis of Viral Sepsis

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    Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Sepsis can be caused by a broad range of pathogens; however, bacterial infections represent the majority of sepsis cases. Up to 42% of sepsis presentations are culture negative, suggesting a non-bacterial cause. Despite this, diagnosis of viral sepsis remains very rare. Almost any virus can cause sepsis in vulnerable patients (e.g., neonates, infants, and other immunosuppressed groups). The prevalence of viral sepsis is not known, nor is there enough information to make an accurate estimate. The initial standard of care for all cases of sepsis, even those that are subsequently proven to be culture negative, is the immediate use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. In the absence of definite diagnostic criteria for viral sepsis, or at least to exclude bacterial sepsis, this inevitably leads to unnecessary antimicrobial use, with associated consequences for antimicrobial resistance, effects on the host microbiome and excess healthcare costs. It is important to understand non-bacterial causes of sepsis so that inappropriate treatment can be minimised, and appropriate treatments can be developed to improve outcomes. In this review, we summarise what is known about viral sepsis, its most common causes, and how the immune responses to severe viral infections can contribute to sepsis. We also discuss strategies to improve our understanding of viral sepsis, and ways we can integrate this new information into effective treatment

    Spatial mode approaches to enhancing transport communications capacities

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    Transport communications systems face challenges relating to the number, density and velocity of passengers. In the rail environment, it would be advantageous to be able to provide broadband-like data connectivity to all passengers. Due to the limited number of connection points into trackside fibre-optic cables (ca. one per 5 km), and the limited spacing possible between trackside-to-train links (ca. 100m due to fog), novel solutions for track-side communications backbones are needed. We estimate the total capacity as being in the order of 40 Gbit/s, which requires the investigation of novel means of providing spectral efficiency. Spatial modes offer significant benefits, but also bring challenges such as requiring large antenna apertures, which may be tackled by using partial aperture antenna approaches or by employing lenses

    Histidinol dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa

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    Histidinol dehydrogenase from Neurospora crass

    Computing the Largest Empty Rectangle

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    We consider the following problem: Given a rectangle containing N points, find the largest area subrectangle with sides parallel to those of the original rectangle which contains none of the given points. If the rectangle is a piece of fabric or sheet metal and the points are flaws, this problem is finding the largest-area rectangular piece which can be salvaged. A previously known result [13] takes O(N2)O(N^2 ) worst-case and O(Nlog⁥2N)O(N\log ^2 N) expected time. This paper presents an O(Nlog⁥3N)O(N\log ^3 N) time, O(Nlog⁥N)O(N\log N) space algorithm to solve this problem. It uses a divide-and-conquer approach similar to the ones used by Bentley [1] and introduces a new notion of Voronoi diagram along with a method for efficient computation of certain functions over paths of a tree

    Performance analysis of an orbital angular momentum multiplexed amplify-and-forward radio relay chain with inter-modal crosstalk

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    The end-to-end spectral efficiency and bit error rate (BER) of an amplify-and-forward (AF) radio relay chain employing orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing is presented. The inherent divergence of a beam carrying OAM is overcome by means of a lens. Modelled and measured inter-modal crosstalk levels are incorporated into the analysis. The results show that an end-to-end spectral efficiency of up to 8 bits s−1 Hz−1 is achievable using four OAM modes to multiplex four parallel data streams over 20 hops, provided that the detrimental effects of inter-modal crosstalk are mitigated. The spectral efficiency is expected to scale further by using more OAM modes. The BER profile along the relay chain is analysed for each of the four OAM modes

    The Suppression and Extinction of Class A Fires Using Water Sprays

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    Water has long been the agent of choice for fighting Class' A' fires In fact the thermal characteristics of water make it ideally suitable as an extinguishing agent for most types of fire, whether it is used to extract heat directly from the flames, the hot products of combustion or from the surface of the fuel The phase change from liquid water to water vapour (steam) is particularly effective in extracting thermal energy and the production of large quantities of water vapour may further contribute to fire extinguishment by inerting the surrounding atmosphere, especially where the fire is confined to some extent The literature review which forms the basis of this report has been conducted in order to establish the current state-of-the-art regarding the use of water sprays for the suppression and extinction of Class' A' fires It is concluded that the current state-of-the-art is close to the point where a description of fire extinction can be given from the initiation of suppression to the point of final extinguishment. this is a stated FRDG objective However. certain gaps in the knowledge base still exist and these are highlighted. provisional recommendations are made for the direction of future research in these areas

    SOBA: sequence ontology bioinformatics analysis

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    The advent of cheaper, faster sequencing technologies has pushed the task of sequence annotation from the exclusive domain of large-scale multi-national sequencing projects to that of research laboratories and small consortia. The bioinformatics burden placed on these laboratories, some with very little programming experience can be daunting. Fortunately, there exist software libraries and pipelines designed with these groups in mind, to ease the transition from an assembled genome to an annotated and accessible genome resource. We have developed the Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical summary of an annotated genome. We envisage its use during annotation jamborees, genome comparison and for use by developers for rapid feedback during annotation software development and testing. SOBA also provides annotation consistency feedback to ensure correct use of terminology within annotations, and guides users to add new terms to the Sequence Ontology when required. SOBA is available at http://www.sequenceontology.org/cgi-bin/soba.cgi
