27 research outputs found

    Smart-shopping: aplicación de un protocolo de firma de contratos multi-two-party atómico

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    El avance de Internet y las tecnologías de comunicaciones está disminuyendo cada vez más la distancia entre consumidores y proveedores, hasta el punto que cualquier proveedor que lo desee puede ofrecer sus productos directamente al consumidor final. Esto supone a la vez una ventaja y una desventaja para el consumidor. Por un lado, le permite comparar los precios de distintos proveedores, pero por otra parte la gran cantidad de oferta puede complicar este proceso. Un caso particularmente interesante es la situación en la que el consumidor quiera un producto multi servicio, como los paquetes turísticos, formados por vuelos, hoteles, excursiones, etc. En este artículo presentamos una modificación sobre un protocolo multi-two-party atómico, que permite al consumidor automatizar la función búsqueda, negociación y compra (firma de un contrato), manteniendo la equitatividad y atomicidad en la transacción

    Fair exchange in e-commerce and certified e-mail, new scenarios and protocols

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    We are witnessing a steady growth in the use of Internet in the electronic commerce field. This rise is promoting the migration from traditional processes and applications (paper based) to an electronic model. But the security of electronic transactions continues to pose an impediment to its implementation. Traditionally, most business transactions were conducted in person. Signing a contract required the meeting of all interested parties, the postman delivered certified mail in hand, and when paying for goods or services both customer and provider were present. When all parties are physically present, a transaction does not require a complex protocol. The participants acknowledge the presence of the other parties as assurance that they will receive their parts, whether a signature on a contract, or a receipt, etc. But with e-commerce growing in importance as sales and business channel, all these transactions have moved to its digital counterpart. Therefore we have digital signature of contracts, certified delivery of messages and electronic payment systems. With electronic transactions, the physical presence is not required,moreover, most of the times it is even impossible. The participants in a transaction can be thousands of kilometers away from each other, and they may not even be human participants, they can be machines. Thus, the security that the transaction will be executed without incident is not assured per se, we need additional security measures. To address this problem, fair exchange protocols were developed. In a fair exchange every party involved has an item that wants to exchange, but none of the participants is willing to give his item away unless he has an assurance he will receive the corresponding item from the other participants. Fair exchange has many applications, like digital signature of contracts, where the items to be exchanged are signatures on contracts, certified delivery of messages, where we exchange a message for evidence of receipt, or a payment process, where we exchange a payment (e-cash, e-check, visa, etc.) for digital goods or a receipt. The objective of this dissertation is the study of the fair exchange problem. In particular, it presents two new scenarios for digital contracting, the Atomic Multi- Two Party (AM2P) and the Agent Mediated Scenario (AMS), and proposes one optimistic contract signing protocol for each one. Moreover, it studies the efficiency of Multi-Party Contract Signing (MPCS) protocols from their architecture point of view, presenting a new lower bound for each architecture, in terms of minimum number of transactions needed. Regarding Certified Electronic Mail (CEM), this dissertation presents two optimistic CEMprotocols designed to be deployed on thecurrent e-mail infrastructure, therefore they assume the participation of multiple Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs). In one case, the protocol assumes untrusted MTAs whereas in the other one it assumes each User Agent (UA) trusts his own MTA. Regarding payment systems, this dissertation presents a secure and efficient electronic bearer bank check scheme allowing the electronic checks to be transferred fairly and anonymously.L’ús d’Internet en l’àmbit del comerç electrònic està experimentant un creixement estable. Aquest increment d’ús està promovent lamigració de processos tradicionals i aplicacions (basades en paper) cap a un model electrònic. Però la seguretat de les transaccions electròniques continua impedint la seva implantació. Tradicionalment, la majoria de les transaccions s’han dut a terme en persona. La firma d’un contracte requeria la presència de tots els firmants, el carter entrega les cartes certificades enmà, i quan es paga per un bé o servei ambdós venedor i comprador hi són presents. Quan totes les parts hi són presents, les transaccions no requereixen un protocol complex. Els participants assumeixen la presència de les altres parts com assegurança que rebran el que esperen d’elles, ja sigui la firma d’un contracte, un rebut d’entrega o un pagament. Però amb el creixement del comerç electrònic com a canal de venda i negoci, totes aquestes transaccions s’hanmogut al seu equivalent en el món electrònic. Així doncs tenim firma electrònica de contractes, enviament certificat de missatges, sistemes de pagament electrònic, etc. En les transaccions electròniques la presència física no és necessària, de fet, la majoria de vegades és fins it tot impossible. Els participants poden estar separats permilers de kilòmetres, i no és necessari que siguin humans, podrien sermàquines. Llavors, la seguretat de que la transacció s’executarà correctament no està assegurada per se, necessitem proporcionar mesures de seguretat addicionals. Per solucionar aquest problema, es van desenvolupar els protocols d’intercanvi equitatiu. En un intercanvi equitatiu totes les parts involucrades tenen un objecte que volen intercanviar, però cap de les parts implicades vol donar el seu objecte si no té la seguretat que rebrà els objectes de les altres parts. L’intercanvi equitatiu té multitud d’aplicacions, com la firma electrònica de contractes, on els elements a intercanviar son firmes de contractes, enviament certificat demissatges, on s’intercanvien unmissatge per una evidència de recepció, o un procés de pagament, on intercanviemun pagament (e-cash, visa, e-xec, etc.) per bens digitals o per un rebut. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és estudiar el problema de l’intercanvi equitatiu. En particular, la tesi presenta dos nous escenaris per a la firma electrònica de contractes, l’escenari multi-two party atòmic i l’escenari amb agents intermediaris, i proposa un protocol optimista per a cada un d’ells. A més, presenta un estudi de l’eficiència dels protocols de firma electrònica multi-part (Multi-Party Contract Signing (MPCS) protocols) des del punt de vista de la seva arquitectura, presentant una nova fita per a cada una, en termes de mínim nombre de transaccions necessàries. Pel que fa al correu electrònic certificat, aquesta tesi presenta dos protocols optimistes dissenyats per a ser desplegats damunt l’infraestructura actual de correu electrònic, per tant assumeix la participació demúltiples agents de transferència de correu. Un dels protocols assumeix que cap dels agents de transferència de correu participants és de confiança,mentre que l’altre assumeix que cada usuari confia en el seu propi agent. Pel que fa a sistemes de pagament, la tesi presenta un esquema de xec bancari al portador, eficient i segur, que garanteix que la transferència dels xecs es fa demanera anònima i equitativa

    My Email Communications Security Assessment (MECSA): 2018 Results

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    This JRC technical report presents the results obtained by the My Email Communications Security Assessment (MECSA) tool. MECSA is an online1 tool developed by the Joint Research Centre to assess the security of email communications between email providers. Email communications continue to be one of the most widespread forms of digital communications with thousands of millions of emails exchanged on a daily basis. It is estimated that 72% of the European population use email either in mobile phones, tablets or computers. It is the means of digital communication used by most Europeans on a daily basis (Special Eurobarometer 462, 2017. Published July 2018.) MECSA is the outcome of our research on the security of email communications. It servers a triple purpose. Firstly, it allows us to monitor the adoption of modern email security standards in the current ecosystem of email providers, assessing their capability to protect the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the email exchange amongst them. Secondly, MECSA aims to become a one-stop shop for email users to receive an indication of the capability of their email providers to protect their email exchange in the communication with other providers of the ecosystem. Finally, MECSA aims to become a reference tool for professionals and a mean to promote the adoption of modern email security standards in Europe.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit

    Privacy safeguards and online anonymity

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    In a world that is increasingly more connected, digital citizens, actively or passively accept to transmit information, part of which are “personal data”. This information is often collected and elaborated by third parties to infer further knowledge about users. The act of gathering the data is commonly called “tracking” and can be performed through several means. The act of analysing and processing those data and relate them to the individual is called “profiling”. The aim of this JRC Technical report is to be an instrument of support for the Digital Citizens to help them to protect and to manage their privacy during online activities. After a brief introduction in Chapter 1, the following chapter is dedicated to the description of two legitimate use-cases to track and profile users on-line, namely target advertising and personalisation of the user experience. Chapter 3 and 4 identify and analyse the set of techniques currently used by online digital providers to track citizens and profile them based on their online behaviour. Chapter 5 deals with some of the available tools cited in chapter 6 that could be helpful to protect the privacy while browsing online. Chapter 6 aims to raise awareness among users and provide some guidelines to address specific issues related to privacy through a multidisciplinary approach. The report concludes highlighting the importance of raising awareness among digital users and empower them through education, technical and legal tools, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to overcome possible privacy issues.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit

    Cybersecurity, our digital anchor: A European perspective

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    The Report ‘Cybersecurity – Our Digital Anchor’ brings together research from different disciplinary fields of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It provides multidimensional insights into the growth of cybersecurity over the last 40 years, identifying weaknesses in the current digital evolution and their impacts on European citizens and industry. The report also sets out the elements that potentially could be used to shape a brighter and more secure future for Europe’s digital society, taking into account the new cybersecurity challenges triggered by the COVID-19 crisis. According to some projections, cybercrime will cost the world EUR 5.5 trillion by the end of 2020, up from EUR 2.7 trillion in 2015, due in part to the exploitation of the COVID-19 pandemic by cyber criminals. This figure represents the largest transfer of economic wealth in history, more profitable than the global trade in all major illegal drugs combined, putting at risk incentives for innovation and investment. Furthermore, cyber threats have moved beyond cybercrime and have become a matter of national security. The report addresses relevant issues, including: - Critical infrastructures: today, digital technologies are at the heart of all our critical infrastructures. Hence, their cybersecurity is already – and will become increasingly – a matter of critical infrastructure protection (see the cases of Estonia and Ukraine). - Magnitude of impact: the number of citizens, organisations and businesses impacted simultaneously by a single attack can be huge. - Complexity and duration of attacks: attacks are becoming more and more complex, demonstrating attackers’ enhanced planning capabilities. Moreover, attacks are often only detected post-mortem . - Computational power: the spread of malware also able to infect mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) devices (as in the case of Mirai botnet), hugely increases the distributed computational power of the attacks (especially in the case of denial of services (DoS)). The same phenomenon makes the eradication of an attack much more difficult. - Societal aspects: cyber threats can have a potentially massive impact on society, up to the point of undermining the trust citizens have in digital services. As such services are intertwined with our daily life, any successful cybersecurity strategy must take into consideration the human and, more generally, societal aspects. This report shows how the evolution of cybersecurity has always been determined by a type of cause-and-effect trend: the rise in new digital technologies followed by the discovery of new vulnerabilities, for which new cybersecurity measures must be identified. However, the magnitude and impacts of today's cyber attacks are now so critical that the digital society must prepare itself before attacks happen. Cybersecurity resilience along with measures to deter attacks and new ways to avoid software vulnerabilities should be enhanced, developed and supported. The ‘leitmotiv’ of this report is the need for a paradigm shift in the way cybersecurity is designed and deployed, to make it more proactive and better linked to societal needs. Given that data flows and information are the lifeblood of today’s digital society, cybersecurity is essential for ensuring that digital services work safely and securely while simultaneously guaranteeing citizens’ privacy and data protection. Thus, cybersecurity is evolving from a technological ‘option’ to a societal must. From big data to hyperconnectivity, from edge computing to the IoT, to artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing and blockchain technologies, the ‘nitty-gritty’ details of cybersecurity implementation will always remain field-specific due to specific sectoral constraints. This brings with it inherent risks of a digital society with heterogeneous and inconsistent levels of security. To counteract this, we argue for a coherent, cross-sectoral and cross-societal cybersecurity strategy which can be implemented across all layers of European society. This strategy should cover not only the technological aspects but also the societal dimensions of ‘behaving in a cyber-secure way’. Consequently, the report concludes by presenting a series of possible actions instrumental to building a European digital society secure by design.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit

    Prognostic model to predict postoperative acute kidney injury in patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery based on a national prospective observational cohort study.

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    Background: Acute illness, existing co-morbidities and surgical stress response can all contribute to postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery. The aim of this study was prospectively to develop a pragmatic prognostic model to stratify patients according to risk of developing AKI after major gastrointestinal surgery. Methods: This prospective multicentre cohort study included consecutive adults undergoing elective or emergency gastrointestinal resection, liver resection or stoma reversal in 2-week blocks over a continuous 3-month period. The primary outcome was the rate of AKI within 7 days of surgery. Bootstrap stability was used to select clinically plausible risk factors into the model. Internal model validation was carried out by bootstrap validation. Results: A total of 4544 patients were included across 173 centres in the UK and Ireland. The overall rate of AKI was 14·2 per cent (646 of 4544) and the 30-day mortality rate was 1·8 per cent (84 of 4544). Stage 1 AKI was significantly associated with 30-day mortality (unadjusted odds ratio 7·61, 95 per cent c.i. 4·49 to 12·90; P < 0·001), with increasing odds of death with each AKI stage. Six variables were selected for inclusion in the prognostic model: age, sex, ASA grade, preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate, planned open surgery and preoperative use of either an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin receptor blocker. Internal validation demonstrated good model discrimination (c-statistic 0·65). Discussion: Following major gastrointestinal surgery, AKI occurred in one in seven patients. This preoperative prognostic model identified patients at high risk of postoperative AKI. Validation in an independent data set is required to ensure generalizability

    HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4

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    In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100 km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opportunities of these two colliders, and a high-energy LHC, based on FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the third volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the hadron collider FCC-hh. It summarizes the FCC-hh physics discovery opportunities, presents the FCC-hh accelerator design, performance reach, and staged operation plan, discusses the underlying technologies, the civil engineering and technical infrastructure, and also sketches a possible implementation. Combining ingredients from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high-luminosity LHC upgrade and adding novel technologies and approaches, the FCC-hh design aims at significantly extending the energy frontier to 100 TeV. Its unprecedented centre-of-mass collision energy will make the FCC-hh a unique instrument to explore physics beyond the Standard Model, offering great direct sensitivity to new physics and discoveries

    FCC Physics Opportunities: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1

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    We review the physics opportunities of the Future Circular Collider, covering its e+e-, pp, ep and heavy ion programmes. We describe the measurement capabilities of each FCC component, addressing the study of electroweak, Higgs and strong interactions, the top quark and flavour, as well as phenomena beyond the Standard Model. We highlight the synergy and complementarity of the different colliders, which will contribute to a uniquely coherent and ambitious research programme, providing an unmatchable combination of precision and sensitivity to new physics

    FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider – Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2

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    HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider – Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4

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    In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100 km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opportunities of these two colliders, and a high-energy LHC, based on FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the third volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the hadron collider FCC-hh. It summarizes the FCC-hh physics discovery opportunities, presents the FCC-hh accelerator design, performance reach, and staged operation plan, discusses the underlying technologies, the civil engineering and technical infrastructure, and also sketches a possible implementation. Combining ingredients from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high-luminosity LHC upgrade and adding novel technologies and approaches, the FCC-hh design aims at significantly extending the energy frontier to 100 TeV. Its unprecedented centre-of-mass collision energy will make the FCC-hh a unique instrument to explore physics beyond the Standard Model, offering great direct sensitivity to new physics and discoveries