39 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks (IEEE 802.22) for Various Network Traffics

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    In nowadays the number of wireless users and applications increases, it has become more and more difficult for the proper spectrum utilization by allocate frequencies. However measurements have shown that there is no spectrum scarcity; rather, there is inefficient utilization only. Cognitive Radio (CR) to facilitate efficient utilization of the radio spectrum in a fair-minded way and to provide highly reliable communication for all users of the networks. In this paper, a simulation framework based on NetSim simulator is proposed. This framework can be used to investigate and evaluate the impact of lower layers, i.e., data link layer and physical layer. Due to the importance of packet drop probability, delay and throughput as QoS requirements in real-time reliable applications, these metrics are evaluated over Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) through NetSim simulator. Our simulations demonstrate that the design of new networks over CRNs should be considered based on CR-related parameters such as activity model of Primary Users(PU), Secondary Users(SU),sensing time ,spectral efficiency, throughput, delay and Interference. An Analysis of the result shows that, the CBR traffic is the best in terms of throughput and spectral efficiency when the different conditions of PUs and SUs

    Study on Coastal Area Pollution by Anthropogenic Activities Along The Krishna – Eastern Delta

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    Krishna Delta is located towards 90 km southeast of Vijayawada and 50 km to the south of Machilipatnam. Krishna Eastern delta area receives large quantities of pollution due to Seawater intrusion which directly affects coastal groundwater. Another main cause of pollution is due to excessive use of pesticides, discharging of chemicals and other anthropogenic pollutants from nearby households, aqua cultures .The quality of water is getting deteriorated due to unscientific waste disposal and unethical manmade activities. The waste disposal around the water bodies may damage the groundwater aquifers and physio-chemical properties of water. By testing the Surface waters, underground waters and comparing their properties with Drinking standards of water , we can know the extent of pollution caused in the coastal areas and suggest possible remedial measures

    Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Dan Karakteristik Perusahaan Terhadap Pengungkapan Risiko Likuiditas (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Nonkeuangan yang Terindeks KOMPAS100 tahun 2017-2019)

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    This study aims to determine how good corporate governance affects the risk management committee, board size, and independent audit committee as well as company characteristics such as profitability, liquidity, type of sector, and type of auditor on the disclosure of corporate liquidity risk. This research is a quantitative research. The population in this study were non-financial companies indexed by KOMPAS100 on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2017-2019. The sample used was 109 with the sampling technique using purposive sampling method. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results showed that the risk management committee, board size, profitability, sector type and auditor type had an influence on the liquidity risk disclosure. Furthermore, the independent and liquidity audit committee has no influence on the disclosure of liquidity risk

    Pengukuran E-Loyalty Pada E-Commerce Studi Pada Ritel Online Tokopedia

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    This study aims to analyze the positive influence of information quality on e-trust on Tokopedia, to analyze the positive influence of system quality on e-trust on Tokopedia, to analyze the positive influence of service quality on e-trust on Tokopedia, to analyze the positive influence of information quality on e-statisfaction on Tokopedia. The analysis method used is quantitative with questionnaires, outer model analysis which is divided into convergent validity, discriminant validity, reliability tests, multicollinearity tests, then inner model analysis which is divided into cofficient determination , godel feasibility test (R^2goodness-fit), f-square value (F^2). And finally the uipotesis test which consists of t test (t-test), path analysis (path coefficient), indirect effects. The results in this study show that information quality has a positive effect on the e-trust of customers of Tokopedia e-commerce users, system quality does not have a positive effect on the e-trust of customers of Tokopedia e-commerce users, service quality has a positive effect on the e-trust of customers of e-commerce users Tokopedia, information quality does not have a positive effect on customer statistics customers using Tokopedia e-commerce, system quality has a positive effect on customer statistics customers using Tokopedia e-commerce, service quality does not have a positive effect on customers customer statistics of Tokopedia e-commerce users, e-trust has a positive effect on customer e-loyalty of Tokopedia e-commerce users, customer statistics have a positive effect on customer e-loyalty of Tokopedia e-commerce users


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    <p>This research critically evaluates the impact of microcredit as a poverty reduction tool in Nepal, with a specific focus on its influence on household consumption and assets. Employing multivariate techniques, the study utilizes data from the Nepal Living Standards Survey 2011, encompassing 5,988 households. Recognizing the endogeneity inherent in household microcredit participation, the research employs the instrumental variable technique (IV method). After addressing endogeneity concerns, instruments such as the distance of the bank, distance of the cooperative from the household, and the size of the household's landholding are utilized. The eligible households in the intervention group were reduced to 475 out of the total 779, while in the control group, 2,953 households were selected from the initial 5,209. The Conditional Mixed Process (CMP) estimator is employed to provide flexibility in combining continuous and binary variables in the same model. The multivariate analysis reveals a positive and significant relationship between microcredit participation and household consumption, as well as assets in the intervention group compared to the control group. Household consumption is disaggregated into food consumption, non-food consumption, and total consumption. Similarly, household assets include ownership of livestock (buffaloes, cows, sheep, etc.), transportation (cycle or motorcycle), and appliances (refrigerator, television, CD player). The results and findings, coupled with a review of relevant literature, present a comprehensive body of evidence supporting the notion that microcredit programs have the potential to increase incomes and elevate families out of poverty. This paper concludes that microcredit emerges as a viable and potentially sustainable tool for poverty reduction in Nepal.</p&gt

    Implementasi program rehabilitasi gelandangan dan pengemis di Kota Yogyakarta

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