1,574 research outputs found

    The Strengths of Recent Latino Immigrant Parents Raising Young Children: An Application of the Concepts of Human Agency

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    Grounded in the family strengths perspective, this study focuses on the experience of first-generation immigrant parents in an effort to highlight the role of human agency in relation to family adjustment. Using a qualitative approach, this study examined the experience of 20 first-generation immigrant Latino parents of young children (ages 0-7), before and after migration, and their perceived adjustment. This approach created a holistic story of the migration process, relevant to promote civic and social participation. Several themes emerged within three cultural domains in relation to the concept of human agency: (1) pre-migration: intentionality and forethought, (2) settlement process: planning and kinship network, and (3) post-immigration: overcoming challenges and reactive adjustment. The results illustrate that recent immigrant parents are planners, thinkers, and self-regulators. The information provided here is useful to inform evidence-based practices and to inspire researchers as well as service providers

    An Examination of the Use of Pesticides in Puerto Rican Agriculture

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    This article examines the overuse of pesticides in Puerto Rican agriculture and its impact on consumer health and the environment. The purpose of this article is to spread awareness about a topic that is unknown to most of the Puerto Rican population, but plays a significant part in citizens’daily lives. It seeks to promote further research into this topic to achieve a deeper understanding of these issues and find sustainable alternatives. The objective is also to promote organic agriculture as an alternative to the current over reliance on industrial methods of agriculture used by biotech companies

    An Examination of the Use of Pesticides in Puerto Rican Agriculture

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    This article examines the overuse of pesticides in Puerto Rican agriculture and its impact on consumer health and the environment. The purpose of this article is to spread awareness about a topic that is unknown to most of the Puerto Rican population, but plays a significant part in citizens’daily lives. It seeks to promote further research into this topic to achieve a deeper understanding of these issues and find sustainable alternatives. The objective is also to promote organic agriculture as an alternative to the current over reliance on industrial methods of agriculture used by biotech companies

    Igualdad de oportunidades de la mujer para fomentar su desarrollo profesional en la institución pública: sector agrario Chachapoyas

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    This research article aims to evaluate the equal opportunities of women to promote their professional development in the public institution - Chachapoyas agricultural sector. The research was applied, non-experimental design, and correlational descriptive level. In this way it was possible to analyze the reality and observe the progress over the years on the equal opportunity of women in the field of their professional development at a national and international level, it is seen that there is an increase in the norms to achieve labor gender equality; Likewise, thanks to empowerment and the constant struggle to have opportunities, a greater number of jobs for women can be seen in the different sectors. Women today are occupying a place in the social stratum with which equality is being achieved thanks to the fact that the state has created help centers such as the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, Women's Emergency Centers and others; Government devices also allow the development of equality and inclusion between women and men, being essential to achieve gender equity.Este artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la igualdad de oportunidades de la mujer para fomentar su desarrollo profesional en la institución pública - sector agrario Chachapoyas. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada , el diseño no experimental, y de nivel descriptivo correlacional. De esta manera se pudo analizar la realidad y observar el avance a lo largo de los años sobre la igualdad de oportunidad de la mujer en el ámbito de su desarrollo profesional a nivel nacional e internacional, lo cual nos permite concluir que existen avances positivos, ya que se ve que hay un incremento de las normas para lograr la igualdad laboral de género; así mismo gracias al empoderamiento y la lucha constante por tener oportunidades se puede apreciar un mayor número de puestos de trabajo para las mujeres en los diferentes sectores. La mujer hoy en día va ocupando un lugar en el estrato social con el cual se está logrando una igualdad gracias a que el estado ha creado centros de ayuda como el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, Centros de Emergencia Mujer y otros; también los dispositivos gubernamentales permiten desarrollar la igualdad e inclusión entre las mujeres y hombres siendo esencial para lograr la equidad de género

    La importancia de las Barreras de acceso y equidad en la atención de los servicios de salud

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    Objective: To explain how "access barriers" in medical services influence the state of population health in different realities. Material and methods: Research with a deductive method, a basic study, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design, through a bibliographic review with a descriptive and retrospective emphasis; categorizing the variables of interest, under the deductive method from related research. The review was carried out during the months of June to July of the year 2022. Results: Access to care services presents multiple barriers such as financial, social, cultural, among others; which must be identified early and are not always the same or have the same magnitude in the different realities; but it is common to find that this limitation in access is usual in places far from large cities due to lack of infrastructure and specialized health professionals, it also affects vulnerable populations and the poorest. Conclusions: It was evidenced that the reduction of "access barriers" improves equity in medical services and the population's health status, there are multiple "access barriers" such as geographic, financial, social, cultural, ethnic, sexual, among others; There are multiple public management models, all implemented in accordance with their public policies in order to reduce the gaps with respect to health that exist in the different realities.Objetivo: Explicar cómo las “barreras de accesibilidad” a los servicios médicos influye sobre el estado de la salud poblacional en las diferentes realidades. Material y métodos: Investigación con método deductivo, estudio básico, de diseño no experimental y transversal, mediante la realización de una revisión bibliográfica con énfasis descriptivo y retrospectivo; categorizando las variables de interés, bajo el método deductivo desde investigaciones afines. La revisión fue realizada durante los meses de junio a Julio del año 2022.Resultados: El Acceso a servicios de atención presenta múltiples barreras como las financieras, sociales, culturales, entre otras; las cuales deben ser identificados precozmente y no siempre son las mismas ni tienen la misma magnitud en las diferentes realidades; pero es frecuente hallar que esta limitación en el acceso es usual en los lugares alejados a las grandes urbes por falta de infraestructura y profesionales especializados en salud, asimismo afecta a poblaciones vulnerables y a los más pobres. Conclusiones: Se evidenció que la disminución de las “barreras de acceso”, mejoran la equidad en los servicios médicos y el estado de salud poblacional, existen múltiples “barreras de acceso” como los geográficos, los financieros, sociales, culturales, étnicos, sexuales, entre otros; existen múltiples modelos públicos de gestión, todos implantados de acuerdos a sus políticas públicas para disminuir las brechas con respeto a la salud que existen en las diferentes realidade


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    The present descriptive comparative research aims to determine the levels of reading comprehension in university students from different regions of the Perú. We worked with a sample of 256 first-year undergraduate students from four different geographical areas of the country (Lima, Callao, Huancayo and Iquitos). Likewise, an Ad hoc test (authors: Héctor Hugo Sánchez Carlessi and Úrsula Isabel Romani Miranda) of reading comprehension was applied to four texts, which presented one literal level question, two inferential or interpretive level questions and two critical-reflective questions evaluated digitally. The results were processed with the SPSS 26 program and it showed us that there are no significant differences in the four regions, regardless of whether they are national or private universities in terms of their reading comprehension levels. However, there are significant differences between the group made up of students from private universities and the group made up of students from public universities. Likewise, the test results show a significant difference with respect to the results of Text 1 and Text 4 where students from the private university group have a significantly higher score. Finally, a public university has higher scores in reading comprehension.La presente investigación de carácter descriptivo comparativo tiene como objetivo general determinar los niveles de comprensión lectora en estudiantes universitarios de diferentes regiones del país. Se trabajó con una muestra de 256 estudiantes de pregrado primer año de cuatro zonas geográficas diferenciadas del país (Lima, Callao, Huancayo e Iquitos). Asimismo, se aplicó una prueba Ad hoc (autores: Héctor Hugo Sánchez Carlessi y Úrsula Isabel Romani Miranda) de comprensión lectora de cuatro textos los mismos que presentaron una pregunta de nivel literal, dos de nivel inferencial o interpretativa y dos preguntas críticas – reflexivas evaluada de manera digital. Los resultados se procesaron con el programa SPSS 26 y nos mostró que no existen diferencias significativas en las cuatro regiones al margen de ser universidades nacionales o privadas en cuanto a sus niveles de comprensión lectora. Sin embargo, sí existen diferencias significativas entre el grupo conformado por estudiantes de universidades privadas y el grupo conformado por estudiantes de universidades públicas. Asimismo, los resultados de las pruebas muestran una diferencia significativa respecto a los resultados del Texto 1 y del Texto 4 donde los estudiantes del grupo de universidades privadas cuentan con un puntaje significativamente mayor. Finalmente, una universidad pública tiene puntajes más altos en comprensión lectora