1,243 research outputs found

    Concept of Vasantha Ritucharya - An Overview

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    Ayurveda - The science of life has always reflected in two different of plains as “Swasthasya Swastha Rakshanam Athurasaya Vikara Prasamanam”.[1] It is well known that Ayurveda gives first priority to the preventive aspects and thus attains its first aim that is Swasthya Rakshana. Hence, when the main aim remains to be Swasthya Rakshana it in turn means homeostasis of Doshas, Dhatu and Mala. This can be only achieved by following proper Dinacharya, Rithucharya and Ratricharya. It is very essential to get accustomed to each Ritus as they are plenty of changes that are happening around the nature during each Ritu. To maintain the proper homeostasis in body it is inevitable to follow the Pathya and Apathya, Ahara-Viahara in each Ritu. All Acharyas have uniquely described regarding the same in Samhithas. Vasantha Rutu (March 15-May 15) comes under the Adanakala constituting of Chaithra and Vaishaka Masa

    Association of Inflammatory Markers with Outcome and Prognosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, which was brought on by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has created serious problems for global health. It is essential to comprehend the elements that affect the prognosis and severity of an illness. The results of COVID-19 pneumonia may be predicted by inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), serum ferritin, and serum D-dimer. Methods: To examine the relationship between these inflammatory markers and unfavourable outcomes in COVID-19 pneumonia, we carried out an 18-month observational research (February 2021 to August 2022) with 100 COVID-19-positive patients. We gathered demographic information, clinical information, and marker levels. Chi-squared tests and logistic regression were used in the statistical analysis. Results: Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia had elevated levels of CRP, ESR, LDH, ferritin, and D-dimer. Increased levels of these markers were strongly linked to unfavourable results. The odds ratios, which varied from 2.12 to 2.59, showed that patients with increased markers were more likely to experience negative outcomes. Conclusion: The clinical importance of tracking inflammatory markers in COVID-19 pneumonia patients is highlighted by our study, in its conclusion. Elevated levels of CRP, ESR, LDH, ferritin, and D-dimer may act as early markers of illness development and predictors of unfavourable results. During the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, these markers may help with risk stratification and clinical decision-making, thereby enhancing patient care. These findings need to be expanded upon and validated by additional study

    Current significance of Gara Visha and Dooshi Visha

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    In Ayurveda it has been described that the external use of powder of body parts of various insects can act as Gara Visha, here we can say about different cosmetics which contain various hazardous chemicals. Studies conducted have already confirmed that the external application of these products on the skin will absorb. Apart from air pollution and water pollution, these are thousands of harmful environmental toxins some of which we are aware of such as pesticides, chemicals, household cleansers, fertilizers etc. These are in generally everyday being absorbed into our body through various means. These toxins are having their effect on different systems of the body which will not be potent enough to cause acute ill effect, but may cause ill effect after a long duration by getting deposited inside the body. These toxins are nothing but Gara Visha which after a long period of exposure i.e., in chronic stage acts like Dooshi Visha

    Literature review on diabetic foot management by Abhyantar&Bahya application of Nyagrodhadi Kashaya w.s.r to Charak Sutrasthanokta Madhumeha.

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    Diabetes mellitus & its complications are one of the worrying health issues in this sedentary life style. Diabetic foot/ Pramehapidakais the most common complications of DM which is a type of chronic ulcer. If not treated well, it may go under gangrenous changes which can further leadto amputation of that particular body part.In Adhyaya 17th of Sutrasthana, Acharya Charaka has mentioned about Prameha pidaka which nearly resembles to Signs & symptoms of diabetic foot. Here, Acharya explains Avaranajanitmadhumeha, if not treated well, usually leads to formation of various pidaka.Bahudrava Shleshma being main important factor in pathogenesis of Prameha, we decided to study the effect of Abhyantar & Bahya application of Nyagrodhadi Kashaya Mentioned in VagbhataSutrasthan 15 -Shodhanadiganasangrahaadhyaya. Due to katu -tikta rasa&shitavirya properties of all components of this Kashaya,it can be helpful to mitigate the vitiated Kaphadosha involved in diabetic foot pathology

    Revisiting the Elements of Postmodernism in Salman Rushdie’s Shame

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    Postmodern literature is thought to be typically anti-traditional and anti-foundationalist. It can be said that the major body of postmodern literature is thought to have started from the 1950s onwards. The major postmodern literary features are metafiction, self-reflexivity, intertextuality, writerly text, hybridity, magical realism, foreshadowing, irony, parody, anti-novel, anti-hero, fabulation, surfiction, hyperreality, use of language games etc. The prominent themes in postmodern literature are such as crisis of identity, cultural hybridity, experiences of migrants and their feeling of alienation, the general feeling of rootlessness. Postmodern fiction also emphasizes the disbelief in God as well as the disbelief in the conventional notions of the unified or coherent individual. Salman Rushdie has been studied and researched as a postcolonial writer as there are obvious postcolonial themes in his novels. But we can also study him as a postmodern writer. The paper makes an attempt to discuss the postmodern literary concept of meaningless of life as prevalent in Rushdie’s Shame and to put forth Rushdie as a postmodern writer

    Understanding concept of Alcohol Addiction: Mechanism, Repercussion and Management

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    Forensic medication and toxicology is branch which manages the investigation of toxin and its treating measure. Forensic medication is considered as Agadtantra and Vidhivyadyak in Ayurveda. Alcohol is treated as toxin (neurotoxic cerebral inebriant poison) when burn-through substantially more portion and as medication in restricted portion. In the present time liquor fixation is normal, the vast majority of youth and understudy dependent on liquor yet additionally the matured individual getting dependent on it because of the present pressure full way of life for example instructive pressure, family stress and occupation stress that is the reason they dependent on liquor for bogus unwinding or joy. Liquor utilization impacts on both the amount and nature of human existence, it has ramifications for wellbeing and prosperity. Roughly 90% of consumed alcohol is oxidized in the liver, hurt reason to liver which prompts cirrhosis of liver which is hopeless. Inordinate admission of liquor, individual is such a great amount under its impact that, he lets completely go over his intellectual capacities, he can't play out the obligations on which he is locked in at specific time, and he might be wellspring of risk to himself or the others. This survey article manages how the fixation happens control of the typical individual, how alcohol perniciously follows up on the body, what impact of liquor produce on each arrangement of the body, how much amount of liquor end up being lethal for an individual, what present moment and long haul impact of liquor enslavement, its complexities readdiction procedures and substantially more, this articles presume that the wellbeing dangerous impact of liquor habit and significant of its ideal administrations


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    Senile hearing loss occurs at mid to late adult age .It onset bilateral or unilateral progressive sensori neural hearing loss. In the world more than 250 millions peoples suffering from senile hearing loss and it is second most leading cause of years lived disabilies. But there is no assured treatment for senile hearing loss. According to Ayurveda Badhirya (hearing loss) is mainly related with Vata dosha which is predominant in old age .So, as the age increases, Badhirya also increases.kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens bek) seeds are Ayurvedic medicine, Acharya Bhavprakash has mentioned properties of Kpikacchhu. Its Vatghna, Balya and Vajikar properties. In Badhirya mainly vitiated vata dosha alone or along with Kapha goes in Shabdavaha sira / strotas.Because of that margavrodh occurs and leads to Badhirya. So with help of vataghnata the balya property of kapikacchu it is useful in treatment of Badhirya . In this pilot study an attempt has been made to highlight the view of ancient and modern science concerning with conceptual understanding of its etiology, diagnosis of senile hearing loss (age related sensory neural hearing loss) and its Ayurvedic treatment. The present study has shown that the kapikacchu ghana vati is highly valuable in the management of senile hearing loss

    Alice Munro’s Runaway: Stories of Women in Dilemma

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    Alice Ann Munro, a Canadian short story writer and Nobel laureate (2013),  is the author of seven books of short stories, including the forthcoming Open Secrets, and one novel, Lives of Girls and Women. It is her miraculous gift to make her stories as real and unforgettable as our own. In Munro’s hands, the people she writes about, women of all ages and circumstances, and their friends, lovers, parents, and children, become as alive and vivid as our own kith and kin. In Alice Munro’s superb story collection, Runaway, we find stories about women of all ages and circumstances, their lives made palpable by the subtlety and empathy of this incomparable writer. Runaway is a book of extraordinary engaging stories about love and emotions and its intriguing loyalty and disloyalty, from the title story about a young woman who is incapable of leaving her husband, to three stories about a woman named Juliet and the emotions that complicate the lustre of her intimate relationships. There are eight short stories in the book. There are the infinite betrayals and surprises of love, between men and women, between friends, between parents and children that are the stuff of all our lives. My attempt in the present paper will be to investigate Munro’s inimitable style of storytelling in the present perspective in her delineation of different facets of her female protagonists in her Man Booker International Prize winner story book, Runaway

    Emergence of New Novel and Contribution of Salman Rushdie to Indian English Fiction

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    After the publication of Salman Rushdie’s second novel Midnight’s Children (1980), there is an emergence of New Fiction marking the beginning of New Era in the history of Indian Writing in English. A large number of novelists living in India and abroad write fiction in great number and thereby breaking the stigma of the marginalization of Indian English Fiction. They introduce various components of modern theories regarding the composition of the fiction. They also prove their superiority over their western counterparts by achieving remarkable recognition on international platforms and by winning various coveted awards like Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize and even Nobel Prize by V S Naipaul. These Indian English writers include Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Seth, Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Anita Desai, Kiran Desai, Pankaj Mishra, Chetan Bhagat, Rohintan Mistry, Arvind Adiga, Shashi Tharoor and many more. The New novelists of the 21st century handle the themes of globalization, Political reality and cross-culturalism more effectively and brilliantly. In the present paper the focus will be on the assessment of emergence of New Fiction with its various traitsand contribution of Salman Rushdie in Indian English Fiction in the development of New Novel

    Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy: A Pen Picture of Socio-Cultural Crisscross of Post-Colonial India

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    Vikram Seth’s prodigious and brilliant literary journey so far has encompassed several books of poetry, a travelogue, a verse novel, an epic novel, modernist fiction and a memoir-cum biography. Each book is set in a different cultural landscape and background in terms of form and genre. Every new book of Seth creates a fresh departure in form and theme. His first novel, The Golden Gate (1986) in verse about the lives of young professionals in San Francisco, established him commercially as one of the promising Indian English writers. A Suitable Boy (1993), his 1474 page voluminous second novel as a postcolonial narrative deals with the socio-political issues that covers the issues of national politics, elections in 1952, inter-sectarian animosity, the status of lower caste people, land reforms and the eclipse of feudal princes and landlords amidst four family saga. This paper is an attempt to re-examine Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy as a pen-picture of Socio-Cultural Crisscross of postcolonial India and its varied ramifications in the socio-political realms. The many different themes and episodes discussed here present an all-inclusive idea  of  socio-cultural crisscross  with  all  its  plurality,  challenges  and shortcomings to present my views and reading of A Suitable Boy as an authentic picture of post-independence India
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