879 research outputs found

    The Association Between Health Literacy and Diet Adherence Among Primary Care Patients with Hypertension

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    This study examines the association between health literacy and adherence to low-salt diet practices among individuals with hypertension. Health literacy is the ability of individuals to understand and utilize health information. We surveyed 238 patients with hypertension from a primary care clinic in Charlotte, NC. We assessed health literacy and self-reported low-salt diet. Logistic regression was used to model the relationship between health literacy and low-salt diet adherence. Respondents were primarily female (67.3%) and black (80%). Black Americans were less likely to have adequate health literacy as compared to white Americans (21.8% vs. 55.8%). The study found no association between adequate health literacy and adherence to a low-salt diet (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 0.36-3.10) after adjusting for confounders. This study addresses the conflicting findings for health literacy in two related areas: chronic illness self-care, and nutrition/diet skills. Additional research is warranted among black Americans given their increased risk of hypertension, low rates of diet adherence and previous findings of positive associations between health literacy and nutrition skills

    Composition I

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    Combining frequency and time domain approaches to systems with multiple spike train input and output

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    A frequency domain approach and a time domain approach have been combined in an investigation of the behaviour of the primary and secondary endings of an isolated muscle spindle in response to the activity of two static fusimotor axons when the parent muscle is held at a fixed length and when it is subjected to random length changes. The frequency domain analysis has an associated error process which provides a measure of how well the input processes can be used to predict the output processes and is also used to specify how the interactions between the recorded processes contribute to this error. Without assuming stationarity of the input, the time domain approach uses a sequence of probability models of increasing complexity in which the number of input processes to the model is progressively increased. This feature of the time domain approach was used to identify a preferred direction of interaction between the processes underlying the generation of the activity of the primary and secondary endings. In the presence of fusimotor activity and dynamic length changes imposed on the muscle, it was shown that the activity of the primary and secondary endings carried different information about the effects of the inputs imposed on the muscle spindle. The results presented in this work emphasise that the analysis of the behaviour of complex systems benefits from a combination of frequency and time domain methods

    Seasonal Changes in Sleep, RPE, and Scoring Percentage in Division One Collegiate Female Basketball Players

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    Basketball season occurs over several months and involves heavy traveling, training, competing, and scholarly duties. These demands do not allow much time for rest and recovery. A lack in the quantity and quality of sleep can reduce the ability to manage stress and reduce recovery from training and competition. This can affect the health and well-being of the athlete and their success on the court. In college, sleep schedules may change from high school by staying up later and sleeping in more. College students typically sleep between six and seven hours a night which is less than the recommended nine hours (Eaton, 2007). The question appears to be whether a lack of sleep influences perceived exertion during training, competition and performance. There have been many studies examining the relationship between sleep hygiene and illness but less on performance (Damien, 2007). Twelve female basketball athletes recorded the number of hours of sleep, RPE following practice, and scoring percentage every day for six weeks. Statistical analysis was conducted to note difference in RPE, sleep, and scoring percentage. There was no significant difference in all variables across the six weeks of the in-season

    Tectonic: a networked, generative and interactive, conducting environment for iPad

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    This paper describes the concept, implementation and context of Tectonic: Rodinia for four realtime composer-conductoors and ensemble. In this work, an addition to the reqertoire of the Decibel Scoreplayer, iPads art networked together using the bonjour protocol to manage connectivity over the network. Unlike previous Scoreplayer works, Rodinia combines conductor view control interfaces, performer view notation interfaces and an audience view overview interface, separately identified by manual connection and yet mutually interactive. Notation is communicated to an ensemble via scores independently generated in realtime in each performer view and amalgamated schematically in the :audience view interface. Interaction in the work is enacted through a collision avoidant algorithm that modifies the choices of each conductor by deflecting the streams of notation according to evaluation of the Mass and proximity to other streams, reflecting the concept of shifting Tectonic plates that crush and reform each other\u27s placement

    The Decibel ScorePlayer - A Digital Tool For Reading Graphic Notation

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    In 2009, the Decibel new music ensemble based in Perth, Western Australia was formed with an associated manifesto that stated “Decibel seek to dissolve any division between sound art, installation and music by focusing on the combination of acoustic and electronic instruments” [1]. The journey provided by this focus led to a range of investigations into different score types, resulting in a re-writing of the groups statement to “pioneering electronic score formats, incorporating mobile score formats and networked coordination performance environments” [2]. This paper outlines the development of Decibel’s work with the ‘screen score’, including the different stages of the ‘Decibel ScorePlayer’, an application (App) for reading graphic notation on the iPad. The paper proposes that the Decibel ScorePlayer App provides a new, more accurate and reliable way to coordinate performances of music where harmony and pulse are not the primary elements described by notation. It features a discussion of selected compositions facilitated by the application, with a focus on the significance of the application to the author’s own compositional practices. The different stages in the development, from prototype score player to the establishment of a commercialized ‘Decibel ScorePlayer’, are outlined in the context of practice led investigations


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    This study investigated between-bowler movement variability of wrist and elbow kinematics during new ball swing bowling. A 3D motion analysis system captured the bowling action and ball trajectory of 11 pre-elite and elite fast bowlers delivering outswing. Kinematics were normalised to 100% of the delivery stride between back foot contact and ball release. A statistical parametric mapping approach using one-way ANOVAs investigated inter-individual movement variability. Significant differences were found in all kinematic parameters except for wrist radial/ulnar deviation angular velocity with bowlers using small amounts in either direction at the beginning of the phase. This study highlights that high-level athletic performance can be achieved using different movement variations and future research should include individual analyses of fast bowlers

    Re-living First Year -the first weeks

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    Abstract Using data from a survey and interviews with Firs

    Procesos gubernamentales que contribuyen a la gestión de residuos sólidos: una necesidad en la provincia de San Martín 2020

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    This research was proposed with the objective of knowing the governmental processes that favor the management of solid waste as part of a need in the province of San Martín, seeking to identify which are the main intervening processes within municipal management, which makes it possible the integral operational operation of solid waste management, effectively using state resources in the economic, logistical and human resources part, to provide adequate attention to citizens, focused on a circular economy; It is of a simple descriptive nature, with data collection from journals with relevant information on the results, the selection of journals is focused on rescuing the realities of American countries (North, Center and South). Among the results, it can be mentioned that the new forms of governance with comprehensive approaches and new economic visions with the circular approach are decisive for providing functionality in the various administrative processes geared to the efficiency of the local government system in all its areas. as well as the operational part and active participation of citizens as main actors in the processes of municipal public management, provides a comprehensive vision to improve the conditions of all services, since researchers need to improve institutional conditions, mainly in their structure and functionality, can generate fundamental changes for organizational restructuring, which will facilitate the rapprochement between the government and the citizenry.La presente investigación fue planteada con el objetivo de conocer los procesos gubernamentales que favorecen la gestión de los residuos sólidos como parte de una necesidad en la provincia de San Martín, buscando identificar cuáles son los principales procesos intervinientes dentro de la gestión municipal, que hace posible el funcionamiento operativo integral de la gestión de residuos sólidos, utilizando de manera efectiva los recursos del estado en la parte económica, logística y de recursos humanos, para brindar una atención adecuada a la ciudadanía, enfocados en una economía circular; es de carácter descriptiva simple, con levantamiento de datos de revistas con información relevante en los resultados, la selección de las revistas están enfocadas en rescatar realidades de países Americanos (Norte, centro y sur). Entre los resultados se puede mencionar que las nuevas formas de gobernanza con enfoques integrales y nuevas visiones económicas con el enfoque circular, son determinantes para brindar la funcionalidad en los diversos procesos administrativos engranados con la eficiencia del sistema de los gobiernos locales en todas sus áreas, así también la parte operacional y participación activa de la ciudadanía como actores principales en los procesos de la gestión pública municipal, brinda una visión integral para mejorar las condiciones de todos los servicios, pues los investigadores precisan que mejorar las condiciones institucionales, principalmente en su la estructura y funcionalidad, puede generar cambios fundamentales para la reestructuración organizacional, que facilitara el acercamiento entre el gobierno y la ciudadanía