1,348 research outputs found

    Cross Layer Aware Adaptive MAC based on Knowledge Based Reasoning for Cognitive Radio Computer Networks

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    In this paper we are proposing a new concept in MAC layer protocol design for Cognitive radio by combining information held by physical layer and MAC layer with analytical engine based on knowledge based reasoning approach. In the proposed system a cross layer information regarding signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) and received power are analyzed with help of knowledge based reasoning system to determine minimum power to transmit and size of contention window, to minimize backoff, collision, save power and drop packets. The performance analysis of the proposed protocol indicates improvement in power saving, lowering backoff and significant decrease in number of drop packets. The simulation environment was implement using OMNET++ discrete simulation tool with Mobilty framework and MiXiM simulation library.Comment: 8 page

    Ecological Instability as a Global Issue in the Select Indian Creative Writings in English

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    Ecological Instability refers to the degradation of landscapes, frequent climatic changes, global warming, pollution, disappearance of various mammals and birds, acid rains, destruction of the wild habitats, massive upheaval in the aquatic world, infertility of the soil, demolition of trees or deforestation, etc. In the recent years the entire global world has been suffering from different types of environmental catastrophes due to instabilities in the smooth mechanism of the ecosystems in both aquatic and non aquatic regions. The concrete solution or remedy lies in the fact that anyhow self centred and mechanized people happily relinquish their claim to rule over the natural resources and engage themselves in the mission of bringing stability in all parts of the global environment. The present paper brings to light the ecological Instability as an issue of the entire globe by investigating the select Indian creative writings written in English. Amitav Ghosh's The Glass Palace and Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things have unraveled the deep pressing global issue of the ecological unrest by raising the questions of exploitation and extinction of the wild animals and also the impurity or pollution in the river. The paper endeavors its best to find out the solutions to counterbalance the increasing ecological instability for the infinite existence of the Earth


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    The term media is derived from Medium, which means carrier or mode. Media denotes an item specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewers. The term was first used with the advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of time, the term broadened by the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet. Tools for social networking and social awareness are developing rapidly and evolving continuously. They are gaining popularity in a growing number of professional as well as personal activities, including scholarly research. There are social awareness tools for science researchers that facilitate collaboration, help manage references, and offer options for presenting findings in new ways.This paper discusses those tools. Evaluating and understanding their functionalities requires effort, and scientists can be reluctant to invest the necessary time to learn to use and populate them on their own. This suggests that an important role for librarians is to evaluate the many social awareness tools available, to recommend the ones that are best suited to each researcher's needs, and to help researchers use those tools effectively.In the world of today, media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain the people. It helps us to know current situation around the world. The media has a strong social and cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of public, it is widely used to convey message to build public opinion and awareness

    QoS Routing solution based on Genetic Algorithm for MANETs

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    Qos routing protocol design for mobile ad-hoc networks is more challenging than wire lane network. Mainly due to node mobility, multi hop communications, contention for channel access and lack of central ordination.QoS guarantees are required by the most of the applications. Most optimal route has to be selected from source to destination by using QoS routing protocol. Many routing protocols are designed for single QoS metric. If it requires to design routing protocol for multi constrained routing path, normal algorithms can be failed. In this paper we proposed genetic algorithm based route selection protocol to solve the multi constrained QoS route. Genetic algorithm finds the optimal route with population initialization, cross over, mutation and fitness function calculation. QoS constraints consists of end to end delay, band width, packet loss rate, node connectivity index (Ni) and dynamic resource availability. Simulations have been performed in ns-2. Performance of genetic algorithm is compared with AOMDV and results shows that genetic algorithm is giving efficient results for different metrics (delay, throughput and Delivery ratio)

    Energy Efficient QoS Routing Protocol based on Genetic Algorithm in MANET

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    Abstract- In mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), providing quality of service is more challenging than wired networks, because of multi hop communication, node connectivity and lack of central co-ordination. Mobile ad-hoc networks need sure distinctive characteristics which might cause difficulties providing QoS in such network. Coming up with of multi constrained QoS routing protocols remains troublesome. As a result of routing protocols must satisfy the numerous QoS metrics at a time. Genetic algorithm based routing protocol will give the solution for multi constrained QoS routing problem. In existing genetic algorithm based routing, achieving energy efficiency is the major drawback. To overcome this drawback, in this paper, we have proposed genetic algorithm based energy efficient QoS routing for MANET. Proposed GA based routing algorithm discovered the shortest path from source to destination, which can consumes less energy compare to existing algorithms. In this paper TCP,CBR and video sources are applied at a time then energy consumption of proposed algorithm is compared with existing normal GA based and AOMDV. Simulation results show that proposed algorithm consumes less energy towards given scenario. Simulations are performed in NS-2

    Production Function Analysis of non-member of Dairy Cooperative Society for Milch cow in district Etawah of U.P.

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    This study covered Cobb douglas production function, Tukey and Kramer analysis on Non members dairy cooperative society for milch cow in district Etawah of U.P. In study researchers have taken post- stratified into Landless, Marginal, small, medium and large herd size categories. The study effect of various factors of production in (Rs.) like Feeding cost included (dry fodder + green fodder), expenditure of concentrate included (grain + khali + mineral material and chunni / choker) and miscellaneous expenses included (labor charge and fixed cost) on milk produced by the cow of dairy cooperative society non members in annual in different categories of farmers. Further, the researchers have found out the comparative analysis of all the categories of dairy cooperative society non members. At last Tukey and Kramer test was applied on all the category of dairy cooperatives society members in milch cow to get into the depth of the problem under investigation. This study is helpful to find out the elasticity of different factors of milk production and comparative analysis in all categories of members dairy cooperative society in milch Cow by Cob douglas production function analysis

    A study on Liquidity Management of Star Cement Limited Meghalaya

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    As every enterprise knows that, working capital is the lifeblood and control of nerve centre of the business. Just as circulation of blood is the essential for maintaining life, working capital is also essential for maintaining the smooth running of the business. The importance of working capital management is indisputable; Business liability relies on its ability to effective management of receivables, inventory, and payables. By minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. Firms are able to reduce financing costs or increase the funds available for expansion. Many managerial efforts are put into bringing non-optimal level of current assets and liabilities back towards their optimal levels. Working Capital refers to the amount of capital which is readily available to an organization that is, working capital is the difference between resources in cash and readily convertible into cash (current assets) and organizational commitments for which cash will soon be required (current liabilities).Thus, working capital involves activities such as arranging the short-term finance, negotiating favourable credit terms, controlling the movement of cash, administrating accounts receivables and monitoring the investments also a great deal of time

    Study on Physical and Thermal Characteristic of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites

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    In the present work, thermal conductivity of pine wood dust (150µm mesh size) filled epoxy composites have been studied experimentally & empirically. The thermal conductivity values of PWD filled epoxy composites were calculated experimentally using guarded heat flow meter method in accordance with ASTME-1530 standard. The effects of density and filler content on the thermal conductivity of composite products were investigated and found that thermal conductivity values increases in a linear manner with density and decreases in non-linear manner with filler (PWD) content. An empirical investigation for describing thermal conductivity of PWD filled epoxy composite was compared with the experimental results and has a good agreement with it. It was also compared with other empirical equations for predicting thermal conductivity values of wood and found that thermal conductivity values obtained from empirical investigation consistently has lower values than other empirical equations. It is found that the composite density values calculated theoretically are not equal to the experimentally measured values. This difference is a measure of voids and pores present in the composites. It is also found that with the increase in filler (PWD) content from 0 vol% to 35.9 vol%, the theoretical as well as measured densities decreases by about 22%
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