287 research outputs found

    The Features of Simile in the Novel of (Bandar Shaa/Daw-al-beit) Written by Tayeb Salih: الصورة التشبيهية في رواية (بندر شاه / ضو البيت) للطيب صالح

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى تناول الصورة التشبيهية في رواية بندر شاه (ضو البيت) للأديب الطيب صالح؛ بغية بيان مدى تناغمها مع الحال الموصوف بها وأثر ذلك في رسم الشخصيات ووصف بيئاتها، وإبراز القدرة التصويرية للطيب صالح على نقل المعاني التي يرومها، والوقوف عند مصادر التصوير الفني لديه. اتبع الباحث المنهج الوصفي وتوصَّل بعد البحث والدراسة إلى نتائج عدَّة، أهمَّها: قدرة الكاتب على انتزاعالصورة التشبيهية من البيئة وتحميلها من المعاني ما لا تحمله عشرات الألفاظ، جمعت الصورة التشبيهية بين جمال التشبيه وقوة المعنى، ودلت على قدرة الكاتب في انتقاء تشبيهاته وملائمتها للمعاني وتفصيلها عليها تفصيلاً حاذقاً يبرز مفاتنها، أوحت الصورة التشبيهية بالكثير من المعاني التي تعبر عن مخاوف الكاتب من اختلال نظام الحياة وتسارع وتيرتها في (ود حامد) وانجرافها إلى تغيير ربما يعصف بالقيم والجذور الثابتة، وهو الأمر الذي يخشاه الكاتب أن يحدث دفعة واحدة. لعبت الصور التشبيهية دورا كبيرا في تحويل شخصية "ضو البيت" إلى أسطورة ورمز عبر من خلاله الكاتب عمَّا يريد. جاءت الصورة التشبيهية - في أغلبها -حسية فيما يخصُّ جانب المُشبَّه به.The study aimed to highlight the features of simile in the novel Bandar Shaa (Daw-al-beit) written by Tayeb Salih. The purpose of the study is to report to what extent the novel is in harmony with what it describes and the effect of that on the portrait of characters and the description of their environments, reveal the pictorial capacity of Tayeb Salih to convey the meanings he wishes, and to investigate the sources of his artistic portrait. The researcher employed a descriptive method, and after the study research, the study revealed several findings. The most important of them is the capacity of the writer to elicit the features of simile from the environment to convey meanings better than thousands of words can do. The features of simile have combined the beauty of simile and the strength of meaning. Results indicated the ability of the writer to elicit his similes and make them relevant to the meanings and explain them in ingenious details that reveal their attractions. The features of simile have revealed many meanings that signify the fears of the writer, such as the disorder of lifestyle and the acceleration of its course (Wad Hamid) and its precipice to the change, which may blow constant values and roots; this is the matter that the writer apprehends to occur at one time. The features of simile have played a significant role in transforming the character of “Daw-al-beit” into a legend and icon, through which the writer expresses the meanings he wishes. Most of the features of simile were sensual, principally in the aspect of the likened character

    The use of Filmic Text in English Language Classes: Beyond Emotions a Study Carried out in a Brazilian Public School

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    This paper is an excerpt from a Master s thesis entitled The use of the filmic text during English Language classes an interface with secondary-graders emotions and focus on presenting the contributions resulting from the use of a filmic text in English classes and how the students emotions can interfere in the learning process The research was conducted in a second grade of a public high school in city of Aragua na - northern Brazil It was an interventionist research with qualitative basis and interpretative nature Considering the use of filmic text in English classes we will present the significant advances of the students in their learning with regard to the practices aimed at listening comprehension pronunciation reading and writing in English Hence these activities helped students to overcome shyness shame nervousness and fear besides contributing for elicit positive emotions such as joy and interest during the classe

    The Reality and the Level of Unemployment Problem in Jordan

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    The study aims to identify the reality and the level of the problem of unemployment in Jordan .The research concludes the following results: 1- The continuing increase in unemployment rates, for both males and females, among all age groups and at all educational levels. 2- Unemployment rates of female much higher than those of males. 3-Low rates of unemployment with aging,(i.e., the unemployment rates in the younger age groups: (15-19) and (20-24) were higher than of those of the older age groups. 4- The results indicate that the problem of unemployment from which Jordan suffered was often due to weak national economy, despite all the governmental policies  which try to solve this governorate problem, but the unemployment rate in Jordan is still high compared with the population. 5- Unemployment at the governorate level is concentrated in the governorates of the Capital, Irbid  and, Zarqa. In other words, the three governorates constitute almost two-thirds of the unemployed. This shows that the highest populous governorate has the highest levels of unemployment, more than those governorates of low population density. 6-Lack of harmonization between the needs of the labor market and educational outcomes; that led to disequilibrium between supply and demand in the Jordanian economy in the past two decades. Keywords: unemployment, governorate population, incentive, privilege, labour market, vocational training

    Middle East

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    A Case Report of Small Vessel Vasculitis Secondary to Steroids Use

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    A 47 year old Saudi male, presented to hospital* with the chief complaint of skin rash over the buttocks and lower limbs of one day duration. The rash followed steroids treatment to treat local allergic reaction to hair dye. The patient was quite well before that and his medical history, examination and laboratory investigation revealed nothing of concern. After admission, the skin rash had progressed to multiform rash and pustules following administration of methyl prednisolone 40 mg intravenously

    Application of Process Quality Control in Leather Industry

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    Quality Control is the regulatory process measuring actual quality performance, comparing it with standards, and rectifying the difference. The objective of this study was to design control charts for raw and export goat skins to ensure that non-defective items are used, and to ensure that defective items are not passed to customers. Ten random samples of raw goat skins of different sizes (32 – 125pieces) were taken and inspected, and then a control chart was drawn. For outgoing wet blue goat skin, ten samples of the same size each of (125pieces) were taken and inspected then a control chart was drawn. The results were as follow; the process involved in delivery of raw skins was out of control, because the proportion defective (0.2080) in one of the samples was located above the upper action limit. The process of outgoing skin showed stability on control chart because all samples were within control limits

    The Degree of Availability of a positive Internal Work Environment in Private Jordanian Universities in light of Some Variables from Viewpoint of Faculty Members Working in Them درجة توافر بيئة العمل الداخلية الإيجابية في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في ضوء بعض المتغيرات من وجهة نظر أعضاء هيئة التدريس العاملين فيها

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    Abstract: This study aimed to identify the degree of availability of a positive internal work environment in private Jordanian universities in light of some variables. The sample of the study, which was stratified randomly, consisted of (382) faculty members. The descriptive survey methodology was used in the present study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed and verified. The results showed that the degree of availability of a positive internal work environment in the private Jordanian universities in light of variables; decisions, communications and incentives was moderate, and the results of the study showed the presence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤ 0.05) according to sex variable in favor of the male group, The absence of statistically significant differences according to the type of college variable, and the absence of statistically significant differences according to the variable of academic rank. In light of these results, the study recommended that private Jordanian universities give a positive internal work environment a great importance to stimulate the conduct of studies and research from time to time to study the conditions of the faculty members working and their economic, social and psychological problems related to the internal work environment, and deepen the foundations of communication and involve them in making The decision is taken by taking a number of prudent educational administrative measures and procedures. ملخص: هدفت هذه الدراسة تعرف درجة توافر بيئة العمل الداخلية الإيجابية في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في ضوء بعض المتغيرات. تكونت عينة الدراسة والتي كانت طبقية عشوائية من (382) عضو هيئة تدريس. وقد تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي المسحي في الدراسة الحالية. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطوير استبانة, وتم التأكد من صدقها وثباتها. وقد أظهرت النتائج أن درجة توافر بيئة العمل الداخلية الايجابية في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في ضوء متغيرات, القرارات, والاتصالات, والحوافز جاءت متوسطة، كما أظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (α≤ 0.05) تبعاً لمتغير الجنس لصالح فئة الذكور, وعدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية تبعاً لمتغير نوع الكلية, وعدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية تبعاً لمتغير الرتبة الأكاديمية. وقد أوصت الدراسة في ضوء تلك النتائج بأن تولي الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة بيئة العمل الداخلية الإيجابية الأهمية البالغة بحيث تعمل على تحفيز إجراء الدراسات والبحوث بين الحين والآخر لدراسة ظروف أعضاء هيئة التدريس العاملين فيها ومشكلاتهم الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والنفسية الخاصة ببيئة العمل الداخلية، وتعميق أسس التواصل وإشراكهم في صنع القرار واتخاذه من خلال اعتماد مبادئ وأسس إدارية تربوية حصيفة تضمن تحقيق بيئة عمل داخلية إيجابية


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    ABSTRACT The residual stresses generated due to welding in pressure components may have several harmful effects such as decrease in the resistance to cycling load and corrosive environments. The analysis of the welding process has been developed extensively in 2D and 3D. The element movement technique has been shown to be very effective in simulating the filler material deposition leading to a reduction in the analysis time. However, when attempted for wider fields of applications, it had some limitations, especially when moving the elements towards the base-plate. In this paper, the element interaction technique is introduced utilizing the concepts of both the element movement and element birth techniques. The new technique is verified versus the currently developed procedures. In this technique, the elements of the weld pool are held in place in contact with the elements of the base-plate and the interaction is made to be a function of time. This gave several flexibilities in modeling the welding process. Hence, the technique is then used to analyze simple fillet welding of a plate and circumferential butt-welding of a pipe. INTRODUCTION The residual stresses generated during welding vary with the change in the welding parameters depending on the procedure of the joining process. Many researches have been done to investigate the residual stress for specific problem. Due to the complexity of the different applications, several assumptions and approximations, such as reducing the model from 3D to 2D, are made to facilitate the analysis. These approximations help mainly in reducing modeling efforts and analysis time. The element birth technique has been used in simulating metal deposition in both 3D and 2D models. Brown and Song [1] have used the technique in an axisymmetric simulation of a fillet-weld of ringstiffened cylinder. Wilkening and Snow [2] have also solved an axisymmetric simulation of a two-pass butt-weld of a cylinder using the element birth technique. Also, for a plate, they assumed that the through thickness variation of the residual stress is insignificant, so they modeled a single-pass butt-weld of plate using 2D plane model of the plate. Bouchard et a

    Privacy-Enhanced Machine Learning with Functional Encryption

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    Functional encryption is a generalization of public-key encryption in which possessing a secret functional key allows one to learn a function of what the ciphertext is encrypting. This paper introduces the first fully-fledged open source cryptographic libraries for functional encryption. It also presents how functional encryption can be used to build efficient privacy-enhanced machine learning models and it provides an implementation of three prediction services that can be applied on the encrypted data. Finally, the paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative approach for building privacy-enhanced machine learning models by using homomorphic encryption