3,603 research outputs found

    A liberdade religiosa e a vedação de transfusão sanguínea pelas testemunhas de jeová: uma análise de precedentes dos tribunais brasileiros à luz do ordenamento constitucional de 1988

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Direito da Universidade Federal Santa Catarina tem por objeto de pesquisa realizar uma verificação do tratamento legal e jurisprudencial dos tribunais brasileiros, sob uma perspectiva constitucional no que diz respeito ao direito fundamental à liberdade religiosa, considerando as convicções religiosas dos adeptos à confissão das Testemunhas de Jeová e a negativa de tratamento médico que opere transfusões sanguíneas nesses pacientes. O método utilizado para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa será o dedutivo. Inicialmente, a pesquisa explora alguns aspectos históricos tanto numa perspectiva internacional, em sua vertente social das interações entre o Estado e as Religiões, como também num viés jurídico traçando o histórico da liberdade religiosa nas constituições brasileiras, e finalizando com o destaque conceitual para o tratamento constitucional de 1988. Após, dá-se abertura para a observação da disciplina dos direitos fundamentais pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 assegurados e a ordem pública por ela delimitada, delineando, inclusive, o sistema de resolução de conflitos das lides sob a interpretação quando da colisão entre direitos fundamentais, e, então, abre espaço para a discussão em volta da potencialidade de embate entre o direito à liberdade religiosa e os demais direitos fundamentais. Por fim, analisa um contexto social e legal interno acerca da negativa manifestada pelas Testemunhas de Jeová quanto aos tratamentos médicos que abordam as transfusões sanguíneas, bem como destaca alguns precedentes dos tribunais nacionais que enfrentaram ou enfrentam a questão, destacando os posicionamentos neles plasmados.The purpose of this paper is to conduct a verification of the legal and jurisprudential treatment of the Brazilian courts, from a constitutional perspective regarding the fundamental right to religious freedom, considering the convictions. adherents to the confession of Jehovah's Witnesses and the denial of medical treatment that operates blood transfusions in these patients. The method used for the development of the research will be deductive. Initially, a research explores some historical aspects in an international perspective, in its social aspect of the interactions between the State and the Religions, as well as in a number of legal victims of religious liberty history in the Brazilian constitutions and ending with the conceptual highlight for the constitutional treatment of 1988. After, it opens for the observation of the discipline of the fundamental rights by the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988, it is ensured and the public order delimited by it, outlining, even, the system of resolution of conflicts of the issues under interpretation when the collision between fundamental rights and then opens space for a discussion about the return of the potential to incorporate the right to religious freedom and other fundamental rights. Finally, look at an internal social and legal context regarding the denial of Jehovah's Witnesses and about physicians treating as blood transfusions, as well as some previous numbers of national courts that have faced or faced an issue, highlighting the positions them expresse

    Datos de evaluación preanestésica no influyen en el tiempo de intubación traqueal con el videolaringoscopio Airtraq® en pacientes obesos

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    ResumenObjetivoel objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia de los predictores anatómicos en la laringoscopia e intubación orotraqueal difíciles en pacientes obesos comparando el laringoscopio Macintosh y el videolaringoscopio Airtraq®.Métodosen 132 pacientes sometidos a cirugía bariátrica (índice de masa corporal≥35kg/m2), se registraron los valores de perímetro cervical, distancia mentoesternal, distancia interincisivos y puntuación de Mallampati. Los pacientes fueron aleatorizados en 2 grupos de acuerdo con el uso de los laringoscopios Macintosh (n=64) o Airtraq® (n=68) para intubación traqueal. El resultado primario fue el tiempo necesario para la intubación. Se registraron la puntuación de Cormack-Lehane, el número de intentos de intubación, el uso de lámina Macintosh y cualquier necesidad de compresión traqueal externa o la utilización de introductor del tubo traqueal. Las estrategias de intubación adoptadas y los fallos de las intubaciones también fueron recogidos en el informe.Resultadosen el grupo Macintosh, 2 pacientes presentaron fallo en la intubación y fueron incluidos como los peores casos de intubación. Los tiempos de intubación fueron 36,9±22,8s y 13,7±3,1s para los grupos Macintosh y Airtraq® (p<0,01), respectivamente. Las puntuaciones de Cormack-Lehane también fueron menores para el grupo Airtraq®. Un paciente del grupo Macintosh con fallo de intubación fue rápidamente intubado con el Airtraq®. La circunferencia cervical (p<0,01) y la distancia interincisivos (p<0,05) influyeron en el tiempo necesario para la intubación en el grupo Macintosh, pero no en el grupo Airtraq®.Conclusiónen los pacientes obesos, a pesar del aumento de la circunferencia del cuello y de la abertura limitada de la boca, el laringoscopio Airtraq® ofrece una intubación traqueal más rápida que el laringoscopio Macintosh, pudiendo servir como una alternativa cuando la laringoscopia convencional falle


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    Este artigo traz uma an&aacute;lise das particularidades e possibilidades de di&aacute;logo entre a sociologia e a educa&ccedil;&atilde;o do campo para impulsionar o desenrolar das capacita&ccedil;&otilde;es, e assim contribuir para o desenvolvimento como amplia&ccedil;&atilde;o das liberdades e como garantia de qualidade de vida. Para responder ao objetivo do artigo &eacute; feito um apanhado da bibliografia que trata do assunto, pois a pesquisa encontra-se em fase anterior a coleta e an&aacute;lise de dados. Para fins de contextualiza&ccedil;&atilde;o o estudo resgata o debate sobre juventude rural e modo de vida. Nas considera&ccedil;&otilde;es finais destaca-se que o ensino de sociologia relacionado &agrave; educa&ccedil;&atilde;o do campo pode contribuir para entender a realidade rural e garantir a qualidade da educa&ccedil;&atilde;o, a partir da sua vincula&ccedil;&atilde;o com as demandas do campo, conhecimento te&oacute;rico e concep&ccedil;&atilde;o de curr&iacute;culo formulada

    Crescimento da Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

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    In this work the growth in diameter, merchantable volume and merchantable form factor as a function of the age of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. were studied, in the area of Central Depression of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For this purpose, dominant trees were sampled, cut down and cubic scaled according to the Smalian method. Next, slices of stem were taken for annual growth rings analysis. The measurements of the growth rings were accomplished through the technique of stem analysis, by measuring four radii. The results obtained for the estimate of growth indicated that several equations can be used for this purpose with high statistical precision. The medium growth, at 30 years of age, in diameter was 36.0 cm, merchantable volume, 1.2388 m3 and merchantable form factor, 0.79, indicating great potential for commercial reforestation.No presente trabalho, foram estudados o crescimento em diâmetro, o volume comercial e o fator de forma comercial em função da idade da Grevillea robusta A. Cunn., na região da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para isto, foram amostradas três árvores dominantes, abatidas e seccionadas segundo o método de Smalian, no qual foram tomadas as fatias para análise dos anéis anuais de crescimento. As medições dos anéis de crescimento foram realizadas pela técnica de análise de tronco, com a medição de quatro raios. Os resultados obtidos para a estimativa do crescimento indicaram que várias equações poderiam ser usadas para esta finalidade, com alta precisão estatística. O crescimento médio em diâmetro, aos 30 anos de idade, foi de 36,0 cm; em volume comercial sem casca, de 1,2388 m3; e fator de forma comercial, de 0,79, o que indica ter a espécie um ótimo potencial para reflorestamentos comerciais

    The Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) scale: A methodological review

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    BACKGROUND: This paper compiles data from different sources to get a first comprehensive picture of psychometric and other methodological characteristics of the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) scale. The scale was designed and standardized as a self-administered scale to (a) to assess symptoms/complaints of aging women under different conditions, (b) to evaluate the severity of symptoms over time, and (c) to measure changes pre- and postmenopause replacement therapy. The scale became widespread used (available in 10 languages). METHOD: A large multinational survey (9 countries in 4 continents) from 2001/ 2002 is the basis for in depth analyses on reliability and validity of the MRS. Additional small convenience samples were used to get first impressions about test-retest reliability. The data were centrally analyzed. Data from a postmarketing HRT study were used to estimate discriminative validity. RESULTS: Reliability measures (consistency and test-retest stability) were found to be good across countries, although the sample size for test-retest reliability was small. Validity: The internal structure of the MRS across countries was astonishingly similar to conclude that the scale really measures the same phenomenon in symptomatic women. The sub-scores and total score correlations were high (0.7–0.9) but lower among the sub-scales (0.5–0.7). This however suggests that the subscales are not fully independent. Norm values from different populations were presented showing that a direct comparison between Europe and North America is possible, but caution recommended with comparisons of data from Latin America and Indonesia. But this will not affect intra-individual comparisons within clinical trials. The comparison with the Kupperman Index showed sufficiently good correlations, illustrating an adept criterion-oriented validity. The same is true for the comparison with the generic quality-of-life scale SF-36 where also a sufficiently close association has been shown. CONCLUSION: The currently available methodological evidence points towards a high quality of the MRS scale to measure and to compare HRQoL of aging women in different regions and over time, it suggests a high reliability and high validity as far as the process of construct validation could be completed yet

    Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in a Male Patient With Fibromuscular Dysplasia

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    A male patient presented with cardiac arrest attributed to anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction from type 1 spontaneous coronary artery dissection. Subsequent imaging confirmed fibromuscular dysplasia in noncoronary arterial segments. The patient was started on guideline-directed medical therapy and referred to cardiac rehabilitation, showing substantial improvements in clinical status. With greater awareness and advancements in imaging, spontaneous coronary artery dissection has been more frequently recognized, and although as many as 81% to 92% of all cases occur in female patients, it can be seen among men, as well. Adjunctive imaging for arteriopathies may help establish the diagnosis for equivocal causes of acute coronary syndrome in women and men

    Wood characterization using the power spectral density and phase velocity of ultrasonic signals.

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    The application of non-destructive testing (NDT) in the analysis of trees in forest plantations permits the evaluation of the wood quality, the internal defects in development or pest attack and its characterization for application as solid wood and its products. These techniques have been constantly improved with the use of computers, electronics and agricultural control levels in order to provide tools to the specialists in integrated management. The ultrasound has been used in agriculture as NDT to determine the elasticity modulus of juvenile and mature wood of pinus and other species. This study aimed to the evaluation of new techniques for characterization of wood using parameters such as the power spectral density (PSD) and phase velocity of ultrasonic signals propagating in wood. The tests were performed using a pair of ultrasonic transducers with central frequency of 50 kHz (083-067-038, GE) which were connected to an ultrasonic pulser/receiver (5077PR, Olympus). The transmitting transducer was coupled to the samples of pinus using ultrasound gel and excited with negative pulses of short duration (5 &#956;s) and high amplitude (-400 V) to generate longitudinal and shear waves. The ultrasound signals that propagated through the samples were received by the receiving transducer, amplified (20 to 40 dB), acquired in a digital scope (MSO4104B, Tektronix) and then transferred to a microcomputer. The tests have been done with 10 reference samples (healthy) and 10 attacked by wood wasps, with small holes in the bark. The transducers were placed on the samples in the axial, radial and inclined modes. The data were processed using the Matlab (Mathworks Inc.) to determine the power spectral density (PSD), the root mean square deviation index (cRMSDdB) and the phase velocity between the reference and attacked samples. The cRMSDdB calculated between the PSD of the reference and the attacked samples were generally higher for samples with higher degree of damage, however, in some cases, they were lower due to the presence of wood knots. The phase velocities were calculated in the frequency range 1-200 kHz and generally show higher values for the reference samples. The group velocities were also calculated and the results were in the range 1200-3000 m/s, indicating that these parameters can be used for wood characterization

    The emergence of family thematic in the schizophrenic speeches – a comprehensive analysis

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    Através da análise compreensiva, os autores refletem sobre o emergir da temática família nos discursos dos indivíduos denominados esquizofrênicos que se encontram fora de suas crises. Utilizando a fenomenologia enquanto caminhar metodológico, o estudo tem como proposta mostrar os modos desses sujeitos visarem a família em suas falas.Through comprehensive analysis, the authors reflect about the emergence of family thematic in the speeches of the individuals denominate schizophrenics who are out of crisis. Using phenomenology as a methodological way, the study intends to show how these subjects focuse the family in their talk
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