97 research outputs found

    Relation of Stump Length with Various Gait Parameters in Trans-tibial Amputees

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    The purpose of this paper is evaluating the impact of stump length of unilateral below knee amputees (BKA) on different gait parameters. Nine unilateral BKA were chosen and divided into three groups comprising patients with short, medium, and long stump length. Each of them underwent gait analysis test by Computer Dynography (CDG) system to measure the gait parameters. It was found that the ground reaction force is higher in the patients with medium stump length whereas the velocity, step length both for the prosthetic and sound limb and cadence were high in longer stump length. Statistical analysis shows a significant difference (p<0.05) between the gait parameters of BKA with medium and longer stump length. The patients with longer stump length were more efficient than medium and short stump patients as they consumed comparatively lesser energy while walking with self-selected velocity and conventional (Solid ankle cushioned heel) SACH foot

    Conformal Quivers and Melting Molecules

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    Quiver quantum mechanics describes the low energy dynamics of a system of wrapped D-branes. It captures several aspects of single and multicentered BPS black hole geometries in four-dimensional N=2\mathcal{N} = 2 supergravity such as the presence of bound states and an exponential growth of microstates. The Coulomb branch of an Abelian three node quiver is obtained by integrating out the massive strings connecting the D-particles. It allows for a scaling regime corresponding to a deep AdS2_2 throat on the gravity side. In this scaling regime, the Coulomb branch is shown to be an SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R}) invariant multi-particle superconformal quantum mechanics. Finally, we integrate out the strings at finite temperature---rather than in their ground state---and show how the Coulomb branch `melts' into the Higgs branch at high enough temperatures. For scaling solutions the melting occurs for arbitrarily small temperatures, whereas bound states can be metastable and thus long lived. Throughout the paper, we discuss how far the analogy between the quiver model and the gravity picture, particularly within the AdS2_2 throat, can be taken.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figure

    A multimodal deep learning framework using local feature representations for face recognition

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    YesThe most recent face recognition systems are mainly dependent on feature representations obtained using either local handcrafted-descriptors, such as local binary patterns (LBP), or use a deep learning approach, such as deep belief network (DBN). However, the former usually suffers from the wide variations in face images, while the latter usually discards the local facial features, which are proven to be important for face recognition. In this paper, a novel framework based on merging the advantages of the local handcrafted feature descriptors with the DBN is proposed to address the face recognition problem in unconstrained conditions. Firstly, a novel multimodal local feature extraction approach based on merging the advantages of the Curvelet transform with Fractal dimension is proposed and termed the Curvelet–Fractal approach. The main motivation of this approach is that theCurvelet transform, a newanisotropic and multidirectional transform, can efficiently represent themain structure of the face (e.g., edges and curves), while the Fractal dimension is one of the most powerful texture descriptors for face images. Secondly, a novel framework is proposed, termed the multimodal deep face recognition (MDFR)framework, to add feature representations by training aDBNon top of the local feature representations instead of the pixel intensity representations. We demonstrate that representations acquired by the proposed MDFR framework are complementary to those acquired by the Curvelet–Fractal approach. Finally, the performance of the proposed approaches has been evaluated by conducting a number of extensive experiments on four large-scale face datasets: the SDUMLA-HMT, FERET, CAS-PEAL-R1, and LFW databases. The results obtained from the proposed approaches outperform other state-of-the-art of approaches (e.g., LBP, DBN, WPCA) by achieving new state-of-the-art results on all the employed datasets

    Hawking Radiation from Higher-Dimensional Black Holes

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    We review the quantum field theory description of Hawking radiation from evaporating black holes and summarize what is known about Hawking radiation from black holes in more than four space-time dimensions. In the context of the Large Extra Dimensions scenario, we present the theoretical formalism for all types of emitted fields and a selection of results on the radiation spectra. A detailed analysis of the Hawking fluxes in this case is essential for modelling the evaporation of higher-dimensional black holes at the LHC, whose creation is predicted by low-energy models of quantum gravity. We discuss the status of the quest for black-hole solutions in the context of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world model and, in the absence of an exact metric, we review what is known about Hawking radiation from such black holes

    Characterization of Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage Using Optical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Purpose: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease starting with key molecular events that ultimately lead to the breakdown of the cartilage. The purpose of this study is to use two imaging methods that are sensitive to molecular and macromolecular changes in OA to better characterize the disease process in human osteoarthritic cartilage. Procedures: Human femoral condyles were collected from patients diagnosed with severe OA during total knee replacement surgeries. T1ρ and T2 magnetic resonance measurements were obtained using a 3-Tesla whole body scanner to assess macromolecular changes in the damaged cartilage matrix. Optical imaging was performed on specimens treated with MMPSense 680 to assess the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. A linear regression model was used to assess the correlation of MMP optical data with T 1ρ magnetic resonance (MR) measurements. Slices from a representative specimen were removed from regions with high and low optical signals for subsequent histological analysis. Results: All specimens exhibit high T1ρ and T2 measurements in the range of 48–75 ms and 36– 69 ms, respectively. They also show intense photon signals (0.376 to 7.89×10 −4 cm 2) from th

    Hot Halos and Galactic Glasses

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    We initiate a systematic study of the state space of non-extremal, stationary black hole bound states in four-dimensional N = 2 supergravity. Specifically, we show that an exponential multitude of classically stable "halo" bound states can be formed between large finite temperature D4-D0 black hole cores and much smaller, arbitrarily charged black holes at the same temperature. We map out in full the regions of existence for thermodynamically stable and metastable bound states in terms of the core's charges and temperature, as well as the region of stability of the core itself. Several features of these systems, such as a macroscopic configurational entropy and exponential relaxation timescales, are similar to those of the extended family of glasses. We draw parallels between the two with a view toward understanding complex systems in fundamental physics.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, v2: typos corrected, references adde

    A Microsatellite Guided Insight into the Genetic Status of Adi, an Isolated Hunting-Gathering Tribe of Northeast India

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    Tibeto-Burman populations of India provide an insight into the peopling of India and aid in understanding their genetic relationship with populations of East, South and Southeast Asia. The study investigates the genetic status of one such Tibeto-Burman group, Adi of Arunachal Pradesh based on 15 autosomal microsatellite markers. Further the study examines, based on 9 common microsatellite loci, the genetic relationship of Adi with 16 other Tibeto-Burman speakers of India and 28 neighboring populations of East and Southeast Asia. Overall, the results support the recent formation of the Adi sub-tribes from a putative ancestral group and reveal that geographic contiguity is a major influencing factor of the genetic affinity among the Tibeto-Burman populations of India

    Relation of Stump Length with Various Gait Parameters in Trans-tibial Amputee

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    The purpose of this paper is evaluating the impact of stump length of unilateral below knee amputees (BKA) on different gait parameters. Nine unilateral BKA were chosen and divided into three groups comprising patients with short, medium, and long stump length. Each of them underwent gait analysis test by Computer Dynography (CDG) system to measure the gait parameters. It was found that the ground reaction force is higher in the patients with medium stump length whereas the velocity, step length both for the prosthetic and sound limb and cadence were high in longer stump length. Statistical analysis shows a significant difference (p<0.05) between the gait parameters of BKA with medium and longer stump length. The patients with longer stump length were more efficient than medium and short stump patients as they consumed comparatively lesser energy while walking with self-selected velocity and conventional (Solid ankle cushioned heel) SACH foot