1,574 research outputs found

    TUIs vs. GUIs : comparing the learning potential with preschoolers

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    In an effort to better understand the learning potential of a tangible interface, we conducted a comparison study between a tangible and a traditional graphical user interface for teaching preschoolers (In Portugal, children enter preschool at the age of three and they attend it till entering school, normally at the age of six) about good oral hygiene. The study was carried with two groups of children aged 4 to 5 years. Questionnaires to parents, children’s drawings, and interviews were used for data collection and analysis and revealed important indicators about children’s change of attitude, involvement, and preferences for the interfaces. The questionnaires showed a remarkable change of attitude toward tooth brushing in the children that interacted with the tangible interface; particularly children’s motivation increased significantly. Children’s drawings were used to assess their degree of involvement with the interfaces. The drawings from the children that interacted with the tangible interface were very complete and detailed suggesting that the children felt actively involved with the experience. The results suggest that the tangible interface was capable of promoting a stronger and long-lasting involvement having a greater potential to engage children, therefore potentially promoting learning. Evaluation through drawing seems to be a promising method to work with preliterate children; however,it is advisable to use it together with other methods.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT

    PrĂĄticas terapĂȘuticas tradicionais: uso e conhecimento de plantas do cerrado no estado de Pernambuco (Nordeste do Brasil)

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    Este trabalho visa registrar as prĂĄticas terapĂȘuticas da comunidade CatolĂ© utilizando a diversidade local das plantas medicinais verificando a versatilidade das espĂ©cies, consenso de uso e conhecimento dos informantes. Foram registradas 46 espĂ©cies nativas com fins medicinais, pertencentes a 42 gĂȘneros e 26 famĂ­lias com destaque para Fabaceae. Dez espĂ©cimes apresentaram grande versatilidade de uso, no entanto Ximennia americana L. e Croton heliotropiifolius Kunth., apresentaram os maiores valores de IR (2,0 e 1,65). As indicaçÔes terapĂȘuticas foram agrupadas em 15 categorias de sistemas corporais, com maior fator de consenso entre os informantes para; Doenças infecciosas e parasitĂĄrias (1,0), Transtorno do sistema respiratĂłrio (0,82) e Doenças das glĂąndulas endĂłcrinas, da nutrição e do metabolismo (0,81). Devido Ă  diversidade de espĂ©cies nativas registradas, pode-se concluir que a preservação dessa ĂĄrea Ă© de grande importĂąncia para a conservação da biodiversidade local e os informantes envolvidos possuem um vasto conhecimento da vegetação contribuindo para o conhecimento de plantas potencialmente Ășteis do cerrado

    Parkinsonian phenotype in Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3): a two-case report

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    Background: Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder of late onset, which is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the coding region of the ATXN3 gene. This disease presents clinical heterogeneity, which cannot be completely explained by the size of the repeat tract. MJD presents extrapyramidal motor signs, namely Parkinsonism, more frequently than the other subtypes of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias. Although Parkinsonism seems to segregate within MJD families, only a few MJD patients develop parkinsonian features and, therefore, the clinical and genetic aspects of these rare presentations remain poorly investigated. The main goal of this work was to describe two MJD patients displaying the parkinsonian triad (tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity), namely on what concerns genetic variation in Parkinson's disease (PD) associated loci (PARK2, LRRK2, PINK1, DJ-1, SNCA, MAPT, APOE, and mtDNA tRNAGln T4336C). Case presentation: Patient 1 is a 40 year-old female (onset at 30 years of age), initially with a pure parkinsonian phenotype (similar to the phenotype previously reported for her mother). Patient 2 is a 38 year-old male (onset at 33 years of age), presenting an ataxic phenotype with parkinsonian features (not seen either in other affected siblings or in his father). Both patients presented an expanded ATXN3 allele with 72 CAG repeats. No PD mutations were found in the analyzed loci. However, allelic variants previously associated with PD were observed in DJ-1 and APOE genes, for both patients. Conclusions: The present report adds clinical and genetic information on this particular and rare MJD presentation, and raises the hypothesis that DJ-1 and APOE polymorphisms may confer susceptibility to the parkinsonian phenotype in MJD

    Parkour as a donor sport for athletic development in youth team sports: insights through an ecological dynamics lens

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    Analyses of talent development in sport have identified that skill can be enhanced through early and continued involvement in donor sports which share affordances (opportunities for action) with a performer's main target sport. Aligning key ideas of the Athletic Skills Model and ecological dynamics theory, we propose how the sport of parkour could provide a representative and adaptive platform for developing athletic skill (e.g. coordination, timing, balance, agility, spatial awareness and muscular strength). We discuss how youth sport development programmes could be (re) designed to include parkour-style activities, in order to develop general athletic skills in affordance-rich environments. It is proposed that team sports development programmes could particularly benefit from parkour-style training since it is exploratory and adaptive nature shapes utilisation of affordances for innovative and autonomous performance by athletes. Early introduction to varied, relevant activities for development of athleticism and skill, in a diversified training programme, would provide impetus for a fundamental shift away from the early specialisation approach favoured by traditional theories of skill acquisition and expertise in sport

    Herbal therapy associated with antibiotic therapy: potentiation of the antibiotic activity against methicillin – resistant Staphylococcus aureus by Turnera ulmifolia L

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Staphylococcus </it>genus is widely spread in nature being part of the indigenous microbiota of skin and mucosa of animal and birds. Some <it>Staphylococcus </it>species are frequently recognized as etiological agents of many animal and human opportunistic infections This is the first report testing the antibiotic resistance-modifying activity of <it>Turnera ulmifolia </it>against methicillin-resistant <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>– MRSA strain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study an ethanol extract of <it>Turnera ulmifolia </it>L. and chlorpromazine were tested for their antimicrobial activity alone or in combination with aminoglycosides against an MRSA strain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The synergism of the ethanol extract and aminoglycosides were verified using microdillution method. A synergistic effect of this extract on gentamicin and kanamycin was demonstrated. Similarly, a potentiating effect of chlorpromazine on kanamycin, gentamicin and neomycin, indicating the involvement of an efflux system in the resistance to these aminoglycosides.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is therefore suggested that extracts from <it>Turnera ulmifolia </it>could be used as a source of plant-derived natural products with resistance-modifying activity, constituting a new weapon against the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics demonstrated in MRSA strains.</p

    The role of P2 receptors in controlling infections by intracellular pathogens

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    A growing number of studies have demonstrated the importance of ATPe-signalling via P2 receptors as an important component of the inflammatory response to infection. More recent studies have shown that ATPe can also have a direct effect on infection by intracellular pathogens, by modulating membrane trafficking in cells that contain vacuoles that harbour intracellular pathogens, such as mycobacteria and chlamydiae. A conserved mechanism appears to be involved in controlling infection by both of these pathogens, as a role for phospholipase D in inducing fusion between lysosomes and the vacuoles has been demonstrated. Other P2-dependent mechanisms are most likely operative in the cases of pathogens, such as Leishmania, which survive in an acidic phagolysosomal-like compartment. ATPe may function as a ‘danger signal–that alerts the immune system to the presence of intracellular pathogens that damage the host cell, while different intracellular pathogens have evolved enzymes or other mechanisms to inhibit ATPe-mediated signalling, which should, thus, be viewed as virulence factors for these pathogens
