582 research outputs found

    A survey for the presence of the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in Tasmania

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    A survey confirmed the presence of the amphibian chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in a number of frog habitats dose to major cities and towns across Tasmania.The detection of chytrid infection in some remote wetlands at high altitude locations on the Tasmanian Central Plateau is of particular concern. The likely presence of chytrid infections was assessed by examining tadpoles for signs of depigmentation, thinning and asymmetry in their keratinized jaw sheaths using a hand lens. Assessing the jaw shearhs of up to 60 tadpoles combined with rhe application of rhe Taqman chytrid PCR test was a useful means of detecting the presence of chytridiomycosis at each frog habita

    Ultra-short silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator for bidirectional polarization-independent operation

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    We propose a bidirectional, polarization-independent, recirculating IQ-modulator scheme based on the silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) platform. We demonstrate the viability of the concept by using an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator, operated at 10 GBd BPSK and 2ASK-2PSK

    Optical interconnect with densely integrated plasmonic modulator and germanium photodetector arrays

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    We demonstrate the first chip-to-chip interconnect utilizing a densely integrated plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator array operating at 3 x 10 Gbit/s. A multicore fiber provides a compact optical interface, while the receiver consists of germanium photodetectors

    Methods for identifying surgical wound infection after discharge from hospital: a systematic review.

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    Background: Wound infections are a common complication of surgery that add significantly to the morbidity of patients and costs of treatment. The global trend towards reducing length of hospital stay post-surgery and the increase in day case surgery means that surgical site infections (SSI) will increasingly occur after hospital discharge. Surveillance of SSIs is important because rates of SSI are viewed as a measure of hospital performance, however accurate detection of SSIs post-hospital discharge is not straightforward. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of methods of post discharge surveillance for surgical wound infection and undertook a national audit of methods of post-discharge surveillance for surgical site infection currently used within United Kingdom NHS Trusts. Results: Seven reports of six comparative studies which examined the validity of post-discharge surveillance methods were located; these involved different comparisons and some had methodological limitations, making it difficult to identify an optimal method. Several studies evaluated automated screening of electronic records and found this to be a useful strategy for the identification of SSIs that occurred post discharge. The audit identified a wide range of relevant post-discharge surveillance programmes in England, Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; however, these programmes used varying approaches for which there is little supporting evidence of validity and/or reliability. Conclusion: In order to establish robust methods of surveillance for those surgical site infections that occur post discharge, there is a need to develop a method of case ascertainment that is valid and reliable post discharge. Existing research has not identified a valid and reliable method. A standardised definition of wound infection ( e. g. that of the Centres for Disease Control) should be used as a basis for developing a feasible, valid and reliable approach to defining post discharge SSI. At a local level, the method used to ascertain post discharge SSI will depend upon the purpose of the surveillance, the nature of available routine data and the resources available

    Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) and Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) integration

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    Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and plasmonic-organic hybrid (POH) integration combines organic clectro-optic materials with silicon photonic and plasmonic waveguides, The concept enables fast and power-efficient modulators that support advanced modulation formats such as QPSK and 16QAM

    Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) and Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) integration

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    Silicon photonics offers tremendous potential for inexpensive high-yield photonic-electronic integration. Besides conventional dielectric waveguides, plasmonic structures can also be efficiently realized on the silicon photonic platform, reducing device footprint by more than an order of magnitude. However, nei-ther silicon nor metals exhibit appreciable second-order optical nonlinearities, thereby making efficient electro-optic modulators challenging to realize. These deficiencies can be overcome by the concepts of silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and plasmonic-organic hybrid integration, which combine SOI waveguides and plasmonic nanostructures with organic electro-optic cladding materials

    How ethnic are African parties really? Evidence from Francophone Africa

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    Though African party systems are said to be ethnic, there is little evidence for this claim. The few empirical studies rarely rely on individual data and are biased in favour of Anglophone Africa. This paper looks at four Francophone countries, drawing on representative survey polls. Results reveal that ethnicity matters, but that its impact is generally rather weak and differs with regard to party systems and individual parties. ‘Ethnic parties’ in the strict sense are virtually absent. In particular, the voters’ location seems more important than ethnic affiliation. Other determinants such as regional ties, elite strategies, cross-cutting cleavages, and rational preferences deserve more attention in the future study of voting behaviour in Africa

    Femtojoule electro-optic modulation using a silicon-organic hybrid device

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    Energy-efficient electro-optic modulators are at the heart of short-reach optical interconnects, and silicon photonics is considered the leading technology for realizing such devices. However, the performance of all-silicon devices is limited by intrinsic material properties. In particular, the absence of linear electro-optic effects in silicon renders the integration of energy-efficient photonic-electronic interfaces challenging. Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration can overcome these limitations by combining nanophotonic silicon waveguides with organic cladding materials, thereby offering the prospect of designing optical properties by molecular engineering. In this paper, we demonstrate an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator with unprecedented efficiency: the 1-mm-long device consumes only 0.7 fJ bit(-1) to generate a 12.5 Gbit s(-1) data stream with a bit-error ratio below the threshold for hard-decision forward-error correction. This power consumption represents the lowest value demonstrated for a non-resonant Mach-Zehnder modulator in any material system. It is enabled by a novel class of organic electro-optic materials that are designed for high chromophore density and enhanced molecular orientation. The device features an electro-optic coefficient of r(33) approximate to 180 pm V-1 and can be operated at data rates of up to 40 Gbit s(-1)

    Integrated silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) frequency shifter

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    We demonstrate a waveguide-based frequency shifter on the silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) platform, enabling frequency shifts up to 10 GHz. Spurious side-modes are suppressed by more than 23 dB using temporal shaping of the drive signal
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