156 research outputs found

    An Analysis of H.264/AVC Encryption Techniques

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    The video coding standards are developed to satisfy the requirements of different applications for various purposes, higher coding efficiency, better picture quality, and more error robustness. The new international video coding standard H.264/AVC aims at having significant improvements in coding efficiency, and error robustness in comparison with the previous standards. Most of the video compression algorithms are designed based on the H.264/AVC. In this paper, the video encryption techniques of H.264/AVC are analyzed. Performance analysis of the three algorithms namely Selective, Layered and NaEF;ve is reported and its strength is discussed

    An Efficient Approach to Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining

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    The vulnerabilities associated with large databases is increasing with the passage of time and sharing of data over a network becomes a critical issue for every organization. When we talk about data mining approaches,there has been a tremendous success. But when we see the other side of the coin, it has put the databases and its sensitive information on the verge of being modified or altered by unwanted sources. The major problem is still out in there in the middle and we need to create a balance between the data mining results with the appropriate time management to hide the data. The main focus should be on how we can keep our sensitive data private and the sensitive information could not be revealed through data mining techniques with ease. In this thesis, we focus on hiding the sensitive data with a much faster pace as compared to hiding counter algorithm


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    Diabetes has become a dreadful disease in this era. It is also described in Ayurvedic texts in terms of Madhumeha. Diabetes Mellitus is disease known from the dawn of civilization. Sedentary life style, lack of exercise, faulty dietary habits, improper medication & urbanization precipitate the disease. It is estimated that the total number of people with diabetes will rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million by 2030. As per WHO report, currently half a billion people (12% of the worlds population) are considered obese. As obesity is the one of the root cause of the disease. Observing the current status of prevalence and morbidity of the disease proper medication for the disease is mandatory. In the present study, Madhumeha Nashini Gutika a herbomineral preparation and Darvyadi Kwath (both mentioned in Ayurvedic texts) were selected for clinical trial. The study comprised of a series of 60 patients of Madhumeha. The patients were selected from OPD and IPD of Kayachikitsa of Rishikul Government Ayurvedic P.G. College & Hospital. After evaluating the total effect of therapies it was observed that the Madhumeha Nashinh Gutika & Darvyadi Kwath (Combined therapy) provided better relief to the patients of Madhumeha in comparison to single group therapy

    DeepSum: A Deep Learning Framework for Summarizing Animal Behavior

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    The burgeoning field of ethology necessitates efficient tools for analyzing extensive video recordings of animal behavior, as manually sifting through hours of footage is both time-consuming and susceptible to observer bias. Here we present an innovative deep learning framework tailored for summarizing animal behavior videos, aiming to distill lengthy recordings into concise, informative segments. Leveraging the latest advancements in hierarchical video summarization, our approach employs a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformer models to extract and understand complex spatial-temporal patterns inherent in animal movements and interactions. The model is designed to recognize and prioritize key behavioral events, ensuring the retention of critical moments in the summarized output. Additionally, an attention mechanism is incorporated to adaptively focus on salient features, enhancing the model’s capability to discern subtle yet significant behavioral nuances. We assess our framework on a range of datasets containing different species and behavioral situations, and find that it outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques in terms of accuracy, coherence, and informativeness of the generated summaries. In addition to providing a consistent, objective method of analyzing animal behavior, DeepSum dramatically reduces the amount of manual labor needed for behavioral analysis, opening the door for advancements in ethological research and wildlife conservation

    A randomized comparative study of effect of intramuscular valathemate bromide (epidosin) and intramuscular camylofin dihydrochloride (anafortan) on cervical dilatation in labour

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    Background: Our aim is to search for a good cervical dilating agent which is not only more efficacious in cervical dilatation but also effective in relieving pain during labour with no or very little harmful effects on mother and foetus.Methods: The type of study was simple randomized comparative study. The present study was conducted in R. N. T. Medical College, Udaipur between October 2019 and December 2020. 118 patients were selected randomly. Two groups were made each consisting of 59 patients. First group received intramuscular camylofin dihydrochloride, second group received intramuscular (IM) valethamate bromide. Patients included in study group were: primigravidae/multigravidae, singleton full term gestation (37-40 weeks) with vertex presentation, cervical dilatation of ≥3 cm and patient excluded from study group with preclampsia, eclampsia, antepartum haemorrhage, any obstetric complications: cephalo pelvic disproportion, abnormal presentations.Results: Mean duration of active phase of first stage of labor was shorter in group I (313.17 minutes) than in group II (356.3 minutes) but not statistically significant. Mean cervical dilatation rate was significantly more in group I (2.02 cm/hour) than group II (1.81 cm/hour). Anafortan was effective in pain relief with mean pain score 5.31±1.06 while mean pain score for epidosin group was 7.37±1.07.Conclusions: In our study we observed that intramuscular camylofin dihydrochloride (anafortan) was more efficacious than IM valethamate bromide (epidosin) in shortening the duration of labor as well as in pain relief


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    Sheetpitta is a Tridoshaja disorder having predominance of Pitta and Vayu and Rasa and Rakta are main Dushyas it can be clinically correlated with urticaria. Urticaria is a dermal vascular reaction of the skin characterized by the appearance of itchy wheals. A 50 year old female patient presented with following complaint - on and off reddish rashes on whole over the body associated with severe itching since four months. She was clinically diagnosed as Sheetpitta or urticaria. The patient was treated with Panchkarma chikitsa and some Ayurvedic Sanshamana drugs. Initially the patient had been administered Snehana with Panchtiktaghrita, Further, Virechana was done with Hritaki (Terminalia chebula), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa) and Nishotha (Operculina terpethum) kwath (decoction) followed by Sanshaman therapy. The follow up was done for two months during which she had no episodes of rashes or itching. The results of the treatment were encouraging and there were no side effects during the therapy.

    Enhancement of Cellulase Activity from a New Strain of Bacillus subtilis by Medium Optimization and Analysis with Various Cellulosic Substrates

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    The cellulase activity of Bacillus subtilis AS3 was enhanced by optimizing the medium composition by statistical methods. The enzyme activity with unoptimised medium with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was 0.07 U/mL and that was significantly enhanced by CMC, peptone, and yeast extract using Placket-Burman design. The combined effects of these nutrients on cellulase activity were studied using 22 full factorial central composite design. The optimal levels of medium components determined were CMC (1.8%), peptone (0.8%), and yeast extract (0.479%). The maximum enzyme activity predicted by the model was 0.49 U/mL which was in good agreement with the experimental value 0.43 U/mL showing 6-fold increase as compared to unoptimised medium. The enzyme showed multisubstrate specificity, showing significantly higher activity with lichenan and β-glucan and lower activity with laminarin, hydroxyethylcellulose, and steam exploded bagasse. The optimised medium with lichenan or β-glucan showed 2.5- or 2.8-fold higher activity, respectively, at same concentration as of CMC

    A comparative study between total laparoscopic hysterectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy for benign uterine pathologies at tertiary care institute, Udaipur

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    Background: Hysterectomy is one of the most commonly performed procedures in gynaecological surgery. The most common indication is benign uterine disease. As the time is passing trend is towards those approaches which are minimally invasive, less painful, have less complications, less blood loss and are more cosmetic. Thus, total laparoscopic hysterectomy has gained popularity. The purpose of this study was to compare the 2 different routes of hysterectomy.Methods: In this prospective randomized observational study patients undergoing both the types of hysterectomy, that is, TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy) and TLH (total laparoscopic hysterectomy) during 2 year period at Rajkiya Pannadhay Mahila Chikitsalaya RNT medical college Udaipur were included in the study. 50 women (25 in each group) aged between 31-72 years were included into the study.Results: We observed that duration of surgery was found to be longer in TLH than TAH (112.56±19.45 min versus 57.9±19.26 min, P<0.001 (HS)). The length of hospital stay was less in TLH than TLH (p=0.0001) and the amount of intra-operative blood loss were also less in TLH than TAH (163.60±44.15 versus 313.20±123.48 ml, p<0.001). TLH group had early ambulation compared to TAH group (2.24±0.44 day versus 3.12 ±0.33 day, p<0.001), difference on the basis of length of hospital stay was highly significant which was shorter in TLH than TAH (4.40±1.15 versus 10.32±8.19 days, respectively; p<0.001). In current study patient satisfaction level was found highly significant between TLH and TAH (100% versus 56%, p<0.001).Conclusions: TLH is a safe and effective method of doing hysterectomy. The present study concluded that TLH is associated with less hospital stay, less blood loss, less use of analgesics, early ambulation, early start of oral feed, and better patient satisfaction.

    Comparative Study of Various Reactive MANET Protocols

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    Wireless ad hoc network acquired attention of research, as it does not require any infrastructure for its connectivity. So, it works independently with certain number of mobile nodes. The nodes used in the ad hoc are autonomous nodes which work as both the host and the route. The flexibility of nodes affects both the source and destination. Adaptive routing protocol establish specifically for the use of ad hoc environment that have at least one receiver .In this paper for the experimental purpose, Researcher studies about the adaptive routing protocol of the ad hoc network and compare its two protocol AODV which is a single path, loop free protocol while AOMDV uses multipath to communicate between single node and destination. Due to limited resources in MANETs the routing is vital issue

    Building Socio-culturally Inclusive Stereotype Resources with Community Engagement

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    With rapid development and deployment of generative language models in global settings, there is an urgent need to also scale our measurements of harm, not just in the number and types of harms covered, but also how well they account for local cultural contexts, including marginalized identities and the social biases experienced by them. Current evaluation paradigms are limited in their abilities to address this, as they are not representative of diverse, locally situated but global, socio-cultural perspectives. It is imperative that our evaluation resources are enhanced and calibrated by including people and experiences from different cultures and societies worldwide, in order to prevent gross underestimations or skews in measurements of harm. In this work, we demonstrate a socio-culturally aware expansion of evaluation resources in the Indian societal context, specifically for the harm of stereotyping. We devise a community engaged effort to build a resource which contains stereotypes for axes of disparity that are uniquely present in India. The resultant resource increases the number of stereotypes known for and in the Indian context by over 1000 stereotypes across many unique identities. We also demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of such expanded resources for evaluations of language models. CONTENT WARNING: This paper contains examples of stereotypes that may be offensive