7,615 research outputs found
Circular 70
This report describes one aspect of successful air transport
developed over the past 20 years in Alask
The degree of an eight-dimensional real quadratic division algebra is 1, 3, or 5
A celebrated theorem of Hopf, Bott, Milnor, and Kervaire states that every
finite-dimensional real division algebra has dimension 1, 2, 4, or 8. While the
real division algebras of dimension 1 or 2 and the real quadratic division
algebras of dimension 4 have been classified, the problem of classifying all
8-dimensional real quadratic division algebras is still open. We contribute to
a solution of that problem by proving that every 8-dimensional real quadratic
division algebra has degree 1, 3, or 5. This statement is sharp.Comment: 8 page
Circular 75
Record keeping is an important tool in the management
of any productive enterprise. In the area of reindeer
herding, consistent and accurate record keeping can provide
valuable information for making profitable herd management
decisions. Making the right decisions can mean the
difference between a non-productive herd and one that
yields high profits. In this paper, it will be shown how
keeping records can contribute to decision making and how
computers can help the record keeping process
Circular 74
In 1985, members of the Applied Reindeer Research
Project at the University of Alaska Fairbanks obtained and
reviewed a Scandinavian instructional video1 on reindeer
herding in Norway. This video described a structure that
was developed and used by the Scandinavian reindeer
industry to prevent injuries during corralling by segregating
fawns from adults. The following is a description of how the
fawn separator is built, how it works, and its current use in
western Alaska
Relation between stress heterogeneity and aftershock rate in the rate-and-state model
We estimate the rate of aftershocks triggered by a heterogeneous stress
change, using the rate-and-state model of Dieterich [1994].We show that an
exponential stress distribution Pt(au) ~exp(-tautau_0) gives an Omori law decay
of aftershocks with time ~1/t^p, with an exponent p=1-A sigma_n/tau_0, where A
is a parameter of the rate-and-state friction law, and \sigma_n the normal
stress. Omori exponent p thus decreases if the stress "heterogeneity" tau_0
decreases. We also invert the stress distribution P(tau) from the seismicity
rate R(t), assuming that the stress does not change with time. We apply this
method to a synthetic stress map, using the (modified) scale invariant "k^2"
slip model [Herrero and Bernard, 1994]. We generate synthetic aftershock
catalogs from this stress change.The seismicity rate on the rupture area shows
a huge increase at short times, even if the stress decreases on average.
Aftershocks are clustered in the regions of low slip, but the spatial
distribution is more diffuse than for a simple slip dislocation. Because the
stress field is very heterogeneous, there are many patches of positive stress
changes everywhere on the fault.This stochastic slip model gives a Gaussian
stress distribution, but nevertheless produces an aftershock rate which is very
close to Omori's law, with an effective p<=1, which increases slowly with time.
We obtain a good estimation of the stress distribution for realistic catalogs,
when we constrain the shape of the distribution. However, there are probably
other factors which also affect the temporal decay of aftershocks with time. In
particular, heterogeneity of A\sigma_n can also modify the parameters p and c
of Omori's law. Finally, we show that stress shadows are very difficult to
observe in a heterogeneous stress context.Comment: In press in JG
Occasional Publications on Northern Life, No. 04
The need to exchange information on research in reindeer and
caribou diseases became apparent to investigators attending the Second
International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium in Roros, Norway, in 1979.
Initially, bibliographies were to be exchanged by being submitted to and
subsequently distributed by workers at the University of Alaska. When
the bibliographies were submitted, it seemed sensible to computerize the
lists to facilitate searches for specific information in the future. An
apparently simple task became amazingly complex. This is the resultant collection of publications by
reindeer/caribou disease researchers. Because researchers in wildlife
diseases tend to work on more than one species or topic, out of interest
or necessity, a decision was made to include all of a person's
references rather than to limit them to strictly reindeer/caribou
The authors hope this will provide a good basis for exchange of
information among all those interested in reindeer/caribou diseases
Charge Transport in Polymer Ion Conductors: a Monte Carlo Study
Diffusion of ions through a fluctuating polymeric host is studied both by
Monte Carlo simulation of the complete system dynamics and by dynamic bond
percolation (DBP) theory. Comparison of both methods suggests a multiscale-like
approach for calculating the diffusion coefficients of the ion
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