11,756 research outputs found
Monte Carlo Simulations of Ultrathin Magnetic Dots
In this work we study the thermodynamic properties of ultrathin ferromagnetic
dots using Monte Carlo simulations. We investigate the vortex density as a
function of the temperature and the vortex structure in monolayer dots with
perpendicular anisotropy and long-range dipole interaction. The interplay
between these two terms in the hamiltonian leads to an interesting behavior of
the thermodynamic quantities as well as the vortex density.Comment: 10 figure
Influence of temperature and light on total phenolic compounds during natural orange juice storage
Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Magnetic friction due to vortex fluctuation
We use Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation to study a magnetic
tip-sample interaction. Our interest is to understand the mechanism of heat
dissipation when the forces involved in the system are magnetic in essence. We
consider a magnetic crystalline substrate composed of several layers
interacting magnetically with a tip. The set is put thermally in equilibrium at
temperature T by using a numerical Monte Carlo technique. By using that
configuration we study its dynamical evolution by integrating numerically the
equations of motion. Our results suggests that the heat dissipation in this
system is closed related to the appearing of vortices in the sample.Comment: 6 pages, 41 figure
Conformal entropy from horizon states: Solodukhin's method for spherical, toroidal, and hyperbolic black holes in D-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetimes
A calculation of the entropy of static, electrically charged, black holes
with spherical, toroidal, and hyperbolic compact and oriented horizons, in D
spacetime dimensions, is performed. These black holes live in an anti-de Sitter
spacetime, i.e., a spacetime with negative cosmological constant. To find the
entropy, the approach developed by Solodukhin is followed. The method consists
in a redefinition of the variables in the metric, by considering the radial
coordinate as a scalar field. Then one performs a 2+(D-2) dimensional
reduction, where the (D-2) dimensions are in the angular coordinates, obtaining
a 2-dimensional effective scalar field theory. This theory is a conformal
theory in an infinitesimally small vicinity of the horizon. The corresponding
conformal symmetry will then have conserved charges, associated with its
infinitesimal conformal generators, which will generate a classical Poisson
algebra of the Virasoro type. Shifting the charges and replacing Poisson
brackets by commutators, one recovers the usual form of the Virasoro algebra,
obtaining thus the level zero conserved charge eigenvalue L_0, and a nonzero
central charge c. The entropy is then obtained via the Cardy formula.Comment: 21 page
Evaluation of the quality of life and associated factors of a group of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis in the northern region of Portugal: a cross-sectional pilot study
Children/adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF) have psychological and physical difficulties that have a severe impact on their health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
To evaluate the impact of CF on HRQoL in a pediatric age sample by identifying major determinants and comparing the HRQoL reports of children and their parents.
A sample of 27 children/adolescents was included in a cross-sectional observational study. Inclusion criteria were age between 4 and 18 years, diagnosis of CF, and the attendance of a caregiver in patients younger than 14 years. A questionnaire was applied to assess sociodemographic data and nutritional status. HRQoL was evaluated using the Portuguese revised version of the CF questionnaire (CFQ-R). Spearman correlations were calculated to analyze the agreement between children's and parents' reports. Spearman correlations and Mann–Whitney U tests were performed to identify associations between HRQoL domains and determinants.
The scores of CFQ-R domains were high, with the lowest median value being 66.67. It was found positive moderate associations between children's and parents' reports in 3 domains (P < .05): eating disturbances, body image, and respiratory symptoms. The median scores were similar in the eating disturbances (approximately 80.00) and in the respiratory symptoms (83.33). However, there is a consistent difference of 14.07 in the body image domain. Current age, physical activity, and iron were positively associated with HRQoL, whereas age at diagnosis was negatively associated.
These findings reinforce the importance to evaluate HRQoL during childhood and adolescence and to invest in this public health theme
Magnetic strings in anti-de Sitter General Relativity
We obtain spacetimes generated by static and spinning magnetic string sources
in Einstein Relativity with negative cosmological constant. Since the spacetime
is asymptotically a cylindrical anti-de Sitter spacetime, we will be able to
calculate the mass, momentum, and electric charge of the solutions. We find two
families of solutions, one with longitudinal magnetic field and the other with
angular magnetic field. The source for the longitudinal magnetic field can be
interpreted as composed by a system of two symmetric and superposed
electrically charged lines with one of the electrically charged lines being at
rest and the other spinning. The angular magnetic field solution can be
similarly interpreted as composed by charged lines but now one is at rest and
the other has a velocity along the axis. This solution cannot be extended down
to the origin.Comment: Latex, 26 page
Phase Separation and the Phase Diagram in Cuprates Superconductors
We show that the main features of the cuprates superconductors phase diagram
can be derived considering the disorder as a key property of these materials.
Our basic point is that the high pseudogap line is an onset of phase separation
which generates compounds made up of regions with distinct doping levels. We
calculate how this continuous temperature dependent phase separation process
occurs in high critical temperature superconductors (HTSC) using the
Cahn-Hilliard approach, originally applied to study alloys. Since the level of
phase separation varies for different cuprates, it is possible that different
systems with average doping level pm exhibit different degrees of charge and
spin segregation. Calculations on inhomogeneous charge distributions in form of
stripes in finite clusters performed by the Bogoliubov-deGennes superconducting
approach yield good agreement to the pseudogap temperature T*(pm), the onset of
local pairing amplitudes with phase locked and concomitantly, how they develop
at low temperatures into the superconducting phase at Tc(pm) by percolation.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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