357 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dan Inkuiri Terbimbing Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan model pembelajaran problem based learning dan inkuiri terbimbing terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi listrik dinamis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experimental dengan rancangan penelitian post-test only control group design. Data yang diperoleh berupa data hasil kemampuan berpikir kritis. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa instrumen tes kemampuan berpikir kritis. Uji hipotesis dari uji-t sampel berkorelasi menghasilkan nilai thitung sebesar 2,03 dan ttabel sebesar 1,99 dengan keputusan uji thitung > ttabel atau 2,03 > 1,99 maka H0 ditolak sehingga terdapat perbedaan antara model problem based learning dan model inkuiri terbimbing terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik kelas X SMA Negei 8 Bandar Lampung. Perbedaan tersebut dilihat dari nilai rata-rata keseluruhan dari indikator berpikir kritis yang berasal dari nilai rata-rata setiap indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis dari kedua model pembelajaran yaitu nilai rata-rata keseluruhan model problem based learning sebesar 75 dan nilai rata-rata model inkuiri terbimbing sebesar 71. Berdasarkan perbedaan nilai tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa model problem based learning lebih baik daripada model inkuiri terbimbing

    Kandungan Total Padatan Tersuspensi, Biochemical Oxygen Demand dan Chemical Oxygen Demand Serta Indeks Pencemaran Sungai Klampisan di Kawasan Industri Candi, Semarang

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    Sungai seringkali dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat pembuangan akhir dari limbah hasil kegiatan manusia, yang dapat menambah beban pencemaran. Masukan bahan-bahan dari luar baik yang berguna bagi peningkatan kondisi perairan juga memberi dampak pada penurunan kualitas perairan bila badan sungai dimasuki oleh bahan-bahan tersebut dalam konsentrasi yang berlebih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan Total Padatan Tersuspensi (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), dan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) serta menentukan nilai Indeks Pencemaran (IP) dari Sungai Klampisan yang terletak di Kawasan Industri Candi, Ngaliyan, Semarang. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel (data primer) dengan cara melakukan observasi di sekitar aliran Sungai Klampisan yang bertujuan untuk mencari lokasi sebagai obyek pengambilan sampel parameter kualitas air. Pengambilan sampel pada Sungai Klampisan dilakukan pada tiga stasiun pengamatan. Stasiun pertama berada pada bagian upper stream sungai yang alirannya terletak sebelum sumber pencemar, stasiun kedua berada pada bagian mid stream sungai yang alirannya terletak dekat dengan sumber pencemar, stasiun ketiga berada pada bagian lower stream sungai yang alirannya terletak setelah sumber tercemar. Pengambilan air sampel dilakukan pada dua titik yang memiliki jarak yang sama pada lebar penampang sungai di setiap stasiun dengan dua kali pengulangan. Kandungan TSS paling tinggi terdapat pada bulan Februari 2014 di stasiun tiga yaitu 45 mg/l sementara kandungan BOD paling tinggi terdapat pada bulan Februari 2014 di stasiun satu yaitu 20,69 mg/l dan distribusi kandungan COD paling tinggi terdapat pada bulan Januari 2014 di stasiun satu yaitu 73,5 mg/l. Sungai Klampisan termasuk dalam kriteria tercemar ringan dengan nilai Pij berkisar antara 1,0 < Pij ≤ 5,0. Rivers are often used as landfill waste from human activities , which can add to the pollution load. Supply of materials from outside which is useful for the improvement of water conditions also have an impact on river quality degradation when penetrated by these materials in excess concentrations. The purpose of this study were to determine the content of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and determine the value of Pollution Index (PI) in Candi Industrial Area, Klampisan River, Ngaliyan, Semarang. This research held on January to February 2014. Determination of sampling sites (primary data) by means of observation around Klampisan river flow which aims to find the object of location sampling for water quality parameters. Sampling was carried out on the River Klampisan at three observation stations. The first station is located at the upper stream of the river flow which is located before the sources of pollution, second station is in the mid section of the river stream flow which is located close to pollution sources, the third station is located on the lower part of the river stream whichis polluted sources. Water samples was collected on two points that have the same distance to the cross section width of the river at each station with two replications. The highest TSS content is 45mg/l in February 2014 at third station, the highest BOD content is 20.69 mg/l in February 2014 at the first station and the highest COD content is 73.5 mg/l in January 2014 at the first station. River Klampisan is included in criteria of lightly polluted with Pij values ranging between 1.0 <Pij ≤ 5.0


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    Metode invigorasi melalui perlakuan hidrasi-dehidrasi merupakan salah satu upaya peningkatan mutu benih pada benih bawang merah yang telah disimpan lama. Metode ini relatif sederhana dan mudah untuk diaplikasikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh invigorasi dengan metode hidrasi-dehidrasi dalam mempertahankan viabilitas benih bawang merah yang telah mengalami kemunduran mutu. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan yaitu tanpa hidrasi, hidrasi selama 1 jam, hidrasi selama 2 jam, dan hidrasi selama 3 jam. Data dianalisis dengan uji F dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan hidrasi-dehidrasi mampu meningkatkan persentase daya kecambah benih, nilai indeks dan uji hitung pertama. Pemberian hidrasi-dehidrasi terbaik adalah pada waktu hidrasi 2 jam. Kata kunci : bawang merah, hidrasi-dehidrasi, invigoras

    Sosialisasi HIV atau AIDS dalam Kehamilan di RT 27 RW 10 Lingkungan Tirtoudan Kelurahan Tosaren Kecamatan Pesantren Kota Kediri

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    Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PM) ini adalah memberikan informasi kesehatan mengenai HIV atau AIDS dalam kehamilan yang dapat membahayakan bayi apabila tidak mengetahui cara penanganannya dan diharapkan masyarakat tidak memberikan stigma buruk kepada penderita HIV serta menjauhi penyebab-penyebab yang dapat menjadi HIV atau AIDS. Metode yang dilakukan adalah penyuluhan kepada ibu-ibu yang berpengaruh terhadap tertularnya HIV atau AIDS ke bayi dengan memberikan Terapi ARV ( Anti Retroviral  ) sehingga dapat menekan viral load, meningkatkan kesehatan ibu hamil yang positif HIV, dan mengurangi kemungkinan penularan dari ibu ke anak. Pengobatan saat ini merekomendasikan bahwa semua perempuan hamil harus mulai Terapi ARV pada trisemester kedua. Kegiatan PM ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa hal seperti, nutrisi, kelahiran bayi, penatalaksanaan post partum serta saat menyusui pada ibu juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan bayi agar tidak terular HIV

    Increased frequency of activated CD8+ T cell effectors in patients with psoriatic arthritis

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    The aim of this study is to identify subsets of T cells differentially represented in the circulation of patients with psoriatic arthritis and to evaluate the possibility that they can recirculate between peripheral blood and the inflamed joints. We analyzed the phenotype and cytokine expression in circulating CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in 69 subjects: 28 with cutaneous psoriasis, 15 patients with psoriatic arthritis, and 26 healthy subjects. In the circulation, the percentage of each subset was compared among the groups and correlation was calculated with the serum concentration of C-reactive protein. To investigate the migration of T cells towards the inflamed joints, we performed a transwell migration assay towards patient serum and synovial fluid. In selected patients we analyzed in parallel T cells from peripheral blood and from synovial fluid. In the circulation, we found increased percentage of CD8+ CCR6+ T cell effectors expressing CD69 and of IL-17-producing T cells in patients with psoriatic arthritis. CD8+ effector/effector memory T cells showed increased migration towards synovial fluid. Finally, in synovial fluid we found accumulation of CXCR3+ CD8+ T cells and CD69+ cells. CD4+ T cells in the two compartments shared many similarities with CD8+ T cells. The results indicate a role for memory T cell effectors in systemic and joint manifestations of psoriatic arthritis

    Heat Transfer and Thermal Energy Storage Enhancement by Foams and Nanoparticles

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    The use of innovative methods for the design of heating, cooling, and heat storage devices has been mainly oriented in the last decade toward the use of nanofluids, metal foams coupled with working fluids, or phase change materials (PCMs). A network of nine Italian universities achieved significant results and innovative ideas on these topics by developing a collaborative project in the last four years, where different approaches and investigation techniques were synergically employed. They evaluated the quantitative extent of the enhancement in the heat transfer and thermal performance of a heat exchanger or thermal energy storage system with the combined use of nanofluids, metal foams, and PCMs. The different facets of this broad research program are surveyed in this article. Special focus is given to the comparison between the mesoscopic to macroscopic modeling of heat transfer in metal foams and nanofluids, as well as to the experimental data collected and processed in the development of the research

    Determining Material Response for Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) in Blast Loading Situations

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    Protecting structures from the effect of blast loads requires the careful design of all building components. In this context, the mechanical properties of Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) are of interest to designers as the membrane behaviour will affect the performance of laminated glass glazing when loaded by explosion pressure waves. This polymer behaves in a complex manner and is difficult to model over the wide range of strain rates relevant to blast analysis. In this study, data from experimental tests conducted at strain rates from 0.01 s−1 to 400 s−1 were used to develop material models accounting for the rate dependency of the material. Firstly, two models were derived assuming Prony series formulations. A reduced polynomial spring and a spring derived from the model proposed by Hoo Fatt and Ouyang were used. Two fits were produced for each of these models, one for low rate cases, up to 8 s−1, and one for high rate cases, from 20 s−1. Afterwards, a single model representing all rates was produced using a finite deformation viscoelastic model. This assumed two hyperelastic springs in parallel, one of which was in series with a non-linear damper. The results were compared with the experimental results, assessing the quality of the fits in the strain range of interest for blast loading situations. This should provide designers with the information to choose between the available models depending on their design needs

    GRAd-COV2 vaccine provides potent and durable humoral and cellular immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in randomized placebo-controlled phase 2 trial

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    The ongoing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic and heterologous immunization approaches implemented worldwide for booster doses call for diversified vaccine portfolios. GRAd-COV2 is a gorilla adenovirus-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate encoding prefusion-stabilized spike. The safety and immunogenicity of GRAd-COV2 is evaluated in a dose- and regimen-finding phase 2 trial (COVITAR study, ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04791423) whereby 917 eligible participants are randomized to receive a single intramuscular GRAd-COV2 administration followed by placebo, or two vaccine injections, or two doses of placebo, spaced over 3 weeks. Here, we report that GRAd-COV2 is well tolerated and induces robust immune responses after a single immunization; a second administration increases binding and neutralizing antibody titers. Potent, variant of concern (VOC) cross-reactive spike-specific T cell response peaks after the first dose and is characterized by high frequencies of CD8s. T cells maintain immediate effector functions and high proliferative potential over time. Thus, GRAd vector is a valuable platform for genetic vaccine development, especially when robust CD8 response is needed

    The interplay of agency, culture and networks in field evolution

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    We examine organizational field change instigated by activists. Contrary to existing views emphasizing incumbent resistance, we suggest that collaboration between incumbents and challenger movements may emerge when a movement's cultural and relational fabric becomes moderately structured, creating threats and market opportunities but remaining permeable to external influence. We also elucidate how lead incumbents' attempts at movement cooptation may be deflected through distributed brokerage. The resulting confluence of cultural and relational "structuration" between movement and field accelerates the pace but dilutes the radicalness of institutional innovation, ensuring ongoing, incremental field change. Overall, this article contributes to the emergent literature on field dynamics by uncovering the evolution and outcomes of collaborative work at the intersection of social movements and incumbent fields
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