50 research outputs found

    Insights into New Trends and Contemporary Challenges in 3D Printing in Architectural Sector

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    This chapter explores the most recent trends and challenges stemming from the integration of 3D printing within the architectural sector. The rapid evolution of additive manufacturing has brought forth innovative design possibilities, parametric modeling and sustainable material exploration. The discussion provides insights into available 3D printing technologies and methodologies for fabricating architectural products or designs, along with the advantages and challenges that must be addressed to get maximum benefits. To achieve this goal, case studies and current research are examined, with a specific focus on ongoing issues related to housing and environmental needs. Through an analysis of these developments, this contribution highlights the dynamic landscape where technology and architecture intersect, underscoring the necessity of collaborative approaches to fully realize the continuously improving and more sustainable efficiency of 3D printing in shaping the future of the construction field

    Glass Surfaces for Benefits of Daylight in Social Housing

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    Internal environment and appropriate natural lighting of the building interior largely affects the health status and course of treatment of patients with psychiatric diagnoses such as depression, Alzheimer and disorder of functions. In particolar, this paper aims to show how smart glass surfaces, allowing the entry of natural lighting, can better support therapeutic process. It is important to elaborate knowledge for optimized lighting conditions in different healthy populations as well as in patients suffering from visual impairments and circadian rhythm disorders. To contribute to the development of new technologies about smart glass surfaces related to various aspects of light conditions for different populations and patients. In the process of preparation of architectural guidelines, it is essential to summarize the findings of the researchers, technologiest, designers, doctors and other related professionals working in particular environments and based on their incentives to specify requirements the architectural or technical design of the space for elederly people


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    Il Museo di Cluny rappresenta il primo museo sulla base di un'idea di come "musealizzare contestualizzando". L'allestimento di questo "hotel particulier" è un buon esempio di integrazione tra gli aspetti tecnologici e valori culturali, in cui la sensibilità per i problemi di una illuminazione razionale, sia per applicazioni indoor che outdoor, è chiaramente definita. La luce diventa qui un indicatore di significati, un'opportunità di conoscenza e di miglioramento della conoscenza critica dei luoghi.The Musée de Cluny represents the first museum based on an idea of “museum making with context consideration”. The exhibition of this "hotel particulier" is a good example of integration between technological aspects and cultural values, in which the sensitivity for rational illumination problems, both for indoor applications and for outdoor areas, is clearly defined. The light here becomes an indicator of meanings, an opportunity of knowledge and improvement of the critical knowledge for places

    Nanostructures materials for protection and consolidation of ancient structures

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    The preservation and appreciation of the built cultural heritage is of particular interest, through researches and studies on innovative technologies. As evidenced by the good results obtained in some interventions both at national and international level, activities for the conservation of cultural heritage must be the result of synergies and collaboration of interdisciplinary groups, science and knowledge: architecture, engineering, technology, sociology, economics, urban planning, legislation must be managed and planned to work together. The theme of protection and consolidation of ancient structures, applying non-traditional technologies, requires a comprehensive overview of strategies for reliable interventions and a methodology to achieve goals that are consistent with the concept of sustainability

    L’anfiteatro romano di Londinium

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    L'anfiteatro era un edificio importante di epoca romana. Le rovine sono state scoperte solo nel 1988, quando costruttori stavano effettuando scavi per la nuova galleria d'arte. Gli archeologi hanno a lungo sospettato che la città romana di Londinium avesse un anfiteatro, ma come afferma Jenny Hall, curatrice del Museo di Londra "stavamo cercando al di fuori delle mura della città e questo anfiteatro, insolitamente, si trovava invece all'interno delle mura della città". le rovine della struttura sono stati ben conservate e musealizzate in situ, e si possono ancora vedere i resti delle mura originali, il sistema di drenaggio, e perfino la sabbia dell'arena.The amphitheatre was an important building in roman times. the ruins of the amphitheatre were only discovered in 1988, when builders were digging foundations for the new art gallery. Archaeologists had long suspected that the roman town of Londinium had an amphitheatre. but as Jenny Hall, Museum of London’s roman curator, explains, “we’d been looking outside the city wall and this amphitheatre, unusually, is inside the city wall”. the ruins of the structure have been well preserved and musealized in situ, and you can still see the remains of the original walls, drainage system, and even the sand that filled the arena

    Nanotechnology for Photovoltaic Cells and Energy Efficiency

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    The intent of this paper is to connect science and technology in order to demonstrate how, in the field of on photovoltaic technologies, thin film solar cells have been the focus of many research facilities in recent years that are working to decrease manufacturing costs and increase cell efficiency. New research suggests that it might be possible to add a nanoscopic relief pattern to the surface of solar cells that makes them non-reflective significantly boosting efficiency and at the same time making them highly non-stick and self-cleaning. The paper presents the challenges and approaches to engineer the active layer of the cell, in order to obtain cells made up of components assembled with precision on the nanometer scale and with such properties as to increase the yield of conversion of solar radiation into electricity

    Innovation in lighting for enhancing the appreciation and preservation of archaeological heritage

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    The cultural content of ancient sites highlights the importance of light, which is an essential tool for the correct appreciation of the historical value and memory of cultural heritage. This should be a new way to highlight significance of fragments in compliance of the surrounding, which has not the same characteristics, to signal a visual path, creating itineraries that involve the context. Light plays a very important role in creating emotion, suggestion, evocation and supporting the visitor experience. Innovative technological solutions should be designed taking into account the kind of landscape and morphological characteristics of the site. This paper presents the study of a sample of Italian and international case studies, seen in their historical, archaeological and museological aspects. The emphasis is on what should be the most effective lighting system for the monumental sites, one respecting the ruins and the authenticity of the site, while at the same time bringing out their architectural, historical and symbolic significance

    Nanotechnology for Cultural Heritage

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    The conservation science is one of the most complex topics in the materials science as it requires interdisciplinary expertise ranging from the architecture, the technology of materials to the advanced analytical and physical chemistry. However, the recent development has shown that the complex tasks of the conservation of the cultural heritage can be solved very effectively using novel nanomaterials and nanotechnology methods

    Simbiosi fra passato e contemporaneità nel recupero delle architetture

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    Oggigiorno, vi è la possibilità di ottenere il recupero della memoria e l'identità di una città, analizzando l'efficienza degli interventi e l'efficacia dei risultati. Partendo da una metodologia di ricerca sperimentale è possibile definire e migliorare l'ambiente costruito, sia antico che contemporaneo. Riconosciamo la necessità di un rinnovato impegno alle questioni poste dalla città contemporanea per immaginare e prefigurare nuovi scenari di “costruibilità” che tengano conto dell’efficienza energetica.Nowdays, there is the possibility to obtain the recovery of the memory and the identity of a city, considering to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of the results. Starting with an overview of experimental research methodology it is possible to define and improve the built environment, either ancient and contemporary. Today, we recognize the need for a renewed commitment to the questions posed by the contemporary city to imagine new scenarios constructability which even take care of energy efficiency

    Methodological approaches for the enhancement of cultural heritage

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    The subject of this essay starts by considering how, in many cases, artificial lighting outlines such as finding an “impalpable material” which helps to understand and enhance the ancient contexts. In general, it was demonstrated that, combining innovative technologies, light can be used to change the world, to shape cities, as well as architecture and space in general. Light can turn into concrete matter both in interiors, in archaeological and urban spaces. There is the possibility to obtain a recovery of memory and identity of a city, in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of the results. Starting with an overview of experimental research methodology it is possible to define and improve the built environment, either ancient and contemporary. Nowadays, we recognize the need for a renewed commitment to the questions posed by the contemporary city to imagine new constructability scenarios which pay attention to energy efficiency. Our century is characterized by uncertainty of a design approaches that lead different areas of the “buildable space”, then the strategic role of technological innovation is that of changing this mental attitude, maintaining the world we live in