3,719 research outputs found

    Comparison of two different debonding techniques in orthodontic treatment

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate whether and how the adhesive bond failure site varied in relation to the material used for the orthodontic bonding and debonding technique applied

    The influence of a new clinical motion for endodontic instruments on the incidence of postoperative pain

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    Previous studies showed that motor motions play an important role in determining apical extrusion of debris. Therefore a new clinical motion (MIMERACI) has been proposed. The basic idea is to progress slowly (1mm advancement), and after each 1mm, to remove the instrument from the canal, clean flutes and irrigate. The aim of the study was to prove whether the clinical use of MIMERACI technique would influence or not postoperative pain.MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 teeth requesting endodontic treatment were selected for the study and divided into two similar groups based on anatomy, pre-operative symptoms and vitality, presence or absence of periapical lesion. All teeth were shaped, cleaned and obturated by the same operator, using the same NiTi instruments. The only difference between the two groups was the instrumentation technique: tradional (group A) vs MIMERACI (group B). Assessment of postoperative pain was performed 3 days after treatment. Presence, absence and degree of pain were recorded with a visual analogue scale (VAS), validated in previous studies. Collected data statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA post hoc Tukey test. RESULTS: For VAS pain scores MIMERACI technique showed significantly better results than group A (p=0,031). Overall, both incidence and intensity of symptoms were significantly lower. Flare ups occurred in 3 patients, but none treated with the MIMERACI Technique. CONCLUSIONS: Since extruded debris can elicit more postoperative pain, results obtained by using MIMERACI technique are probably due to many factors: better mechanical removal and less production of debris and more efficient irrigation during instrumentation

    Boosting the voltage gain of graphene FETs through a differential amplifier scheme with positive feedback

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    We study a possible circuit solution to overcome the problem of low voltage gain of short-channel graphene FETs. The circuit consists of a fully differential amplifier with a load made of a cross-coupled transistor pair. Starting from the device characteristics obtained from self-consistent ballistic quantum transport simulations, we explore the circuit parameter space and evaluate the amplifier performance in terms of dc voltage gain and voltage gain bandwidth. We show that the dc gain can be effectively improved by the negative differential resistance provided by the cross-coupled pair. Contact resistance is the main obstacle to achieving gain bandwidth products in the terahertz range. Limitations of the proposed amplifier are identified with its poor linearity and relatively large Miller capacitance.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Rationale and study design of intravenous loop diuretic administration in acute heart failure. DIUR-AHF

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    Aims: Although loop diuretics are the most commonly used drugs in acute heart failure (AHF) treatment, their short-term and long-term effects are relatively unknown. The significance of worsening renal function occurrence during intravenous treatment is not clear enough. This trial aims to clarify all these features and contemplate whether continuous infusion is better than an intermittent strategy in terms of decongestion efficacy, diuretic efficiency, renal function, and long-term prognosis. Methods and results: This is a prospective, multicentre, randomized study that compares continuous infusion to intermittent infusion and a low vs. high diuretic dose of furosemide in patients with a diagnosis of acute heart failure, BNP ≥ 100 pg/mL, and specific chest X-ray signs. Randomization criteria have been established at a 1:1 ratio using a computer-generated scheme of either twice-daily bolus injection or continuous infusion for a time period ranging from 72 to 120 h. The initial dose will be 80 mg/day of intravenous furosemide and, in the case of poor response, will be doubled using an escalation algorithm. A high diuretic dose is defined as a furosemide daily amount >120 mg/day respectively. Conclusions: Continuous and high dose groups could reveal a more intensive diuresis and a greater decongestion with respect to intermittent and low dose groups; high dose and poor loop diuretic efficiency should be related to increased diuretic resistance, renal dysfunction occurrence, and greater congestion status. Poor diuretic response will be associated with less decongestion and an adverse prognosis

    Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Charging based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

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    This paper presents a decentralized Model Predictive Control (MPC) for Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) charging, in presence of both network and drivers' requirements. The open loop optimal control problem at the basis of MPC is modeled as a consesus with regularization optimization problem and solved by means of the decentralized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). Simulations performed on a realistic test case show the potential of the proposed control approach and allow to provide a preliminary evaluation of the compatibility between the required computational effort and the application in real time charging control system

    Ensuring the Stability of Power Systems Against Dynamic Load Altering Attacks: A Robust Control Scheme Using Energy Storage Systems

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    This paper presents a robust protection scheme to protect the power transmission network against a class of feedback-based attacks referred in the literature as "Dynamic Load Altering Attacks" (D-LAAs). The proposed scheme envisages the usage of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) to avoid the destabilising effects that a malicious state feedback has on the power network generators. The methodologies utilised are based on results from polytopic uncertain systems, invariance theory and Lyapunov arguments. Numerical simulations on a test scenario validate the proposed approach

    In vitro evaluation of carrier based obturation technique: a CBCT study

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    AIM: The goal of the study was to compare the ability of two different carrier based obturation (CBO) techniques to reach working length and fill in three-dimensions root canal systems, by using CBCT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-six extracted molars were scanned with CBCT and 40 curved canals were selected (between 30° and 90°) and divided in two similar groups (n=20). All canals were prepared up to size 25 taper .06 using nickel-titanium instrumentation. The canals in the Group SC were obturated using Soft-Core obturators (Kerr, Romulus, Mi, USA), while Group TH canals (n= 20) were obturated using Thermafil Endodontic Obturators (Tulsa Dental Products, Tulsa, OK, USA), strictly following manufacturers' instructions for use. The obturations were analyzed by means of CBCT to measure the distance from the apical limit of obturation to the apical foramen and the presence of voids inside root canals. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the two groups in the mean distance of the apical extent of the obturation (t test, p>0.05). Overfilling occurred in only 3 cases (2 in Group TH and 1 in Group SC). The percentages of voids in both groups were very low with no significant difference (Z test, p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The two tested CBO techniques showed similar positive results in terms of performance, even if, after checking with verifiers, in most cases the size of the selected Soft-Core obturator was one size smaller than Thermafil

    Decentralised Model Predictive Control of Electric Vehicles Charging

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    This paper presents a decentralised control strategy for the management of simultaneous charging sessions of electric vehicles. The proposed approach is based on the model predictive control methodology and the Lagrangian decomposition of the constrained optimization problem which is solved at each sampling time. This strategy allows the computation of the charging profiles in a decentralised way, with limited information exchange between the electric vehicles. The simulation results show the potential of the proposed approach in relation to the problem of shaving the aggregated power withdrawal from the electricity distribution grid, while still satisfying drivers’ preferences for charging

    Subacromial space in adult patients with thoracic hyperkyphosis and in healthy volunteers.

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    The assumption that subacromial space decreases in patients with thoracic hyperkyphosis arises from sporadic and personal observations. The purpose of this study was to compare width of subacromial space calculated on radiographs and CT scans of a high number of patients with thoracic hyperkyphosis that registered on exams of healthy volunteers. We measured the subacromial space, using Petersson's method, on radiographs of 47 patients with idiopathic or acquired thoracic hyperkyphosis and of 175 healthy shoulder volunteers. Both groups were further distinguished considering gender and age. Females with hyperkyphosis were also divided in two subgroups: those with a kyphotic curve of less (24 patients) or more (19 patients) than 50 degrees , respectively. Subacromial space of all patients and of 21 volunteers was also evaluated using CT. Acromio-humeral space was less wide in patients with hyperkyphosis with respect to coeval volunteers of the same gender; in females and in subjects older than 60. Subacromial width of females with hyperkyphosis whose curve was more than 50 degrees was significantly narrower (p<0.05) than that measured on radiograms or CT scans of females with a less severe spinal deformity. Decrease of subacromial space may be attributed to less posterior tilting of the scapula and to dyskinesis of the scapular movement. Scapular malposition causes an anomalous orientation of the acromion that may contribute to subacromial impingement. Patients with thoracic hyperkyphosis greater than 50 degrees had a subacromial space narrower than that measured in patients with a less severe kyphosis. This suggests that subacromial width is directly related to severity of thoracic kyphosis. Because hyperkyphosis of patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures may worsen over the time, subacromial decompression could give only temporary shoulder pain relief
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