266 research outputs found

    Pasqualino Settebellezze: Italian Identity through Holocaust Tragedy

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    Merging process models and plant topology

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    The paper discusses the merging of first principles process models with plant topology derived in an automated way from a process drawing. The resulting structural models should make it easier for a range of methods from the literature to be applied to industrial-scale problems in process operation and design. © 2011 Zhejiang University


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    Four Pleistocene bathyal molluscan assemblages from southern Italy (Calabria and Messina area) were studied. One hundred and thirty-six species were recorded. Twenty-four were classified and described in detail and thirty-five were illustrated. The following new combinations are pro posed: Solariella marginulata (Philippi, 1844), Iphitus tenuisculptus (Seguenza, 1876), Benthomangelia tenuicostata (Seguenza, 1879), Chrysallida microscalaria (Seguenza, 1876), Ennucula corbuloides (Seguenza, 1877), Ennucula rotundata (Seguenza, 1877), Thestyleda cuspidata (Philippi, 1844), Katadesmia confusa (Seguenza, 1877), Austrotindaria pusio (Philippi, 1844), Austrotindaria salicensis (Seguenza, 1877). Comments concerning the taxonomy of Fissurisepta Seguenza, 1862, Solariella Wood, 1842, Ennucula Iredale, 1931, Thestyleda Iredale, 1929, Ledella Verrill & Bush, 1897, Yoldiella Verrill & Bush, 1897, Bathyspinula Filatova, 1958, Katadesmia Dall, 1908, Austrotindaria Fleming, 1948 and Cadulus Philippi, 1844 are included. The assemblages are dominated by nuculoids and fit the general compositional pattern of the deep-sea molluscan communities. A paleodepth of 500-600 m is inferred for two assemblages, whereas a greater depth, pro bably not exceeding 1,000 m, is suggested for the other two. Taxonomic affinities with northeast Atlantic and more generally with World Ocean deep-sea molluscan faunas are remarkable. The Plio-Quaternary evolution of the deep Mediterranean benthos is discussed.   &nbsp

    Application of T6 Heat Treatment on the AlSi9Cu3 (Fe) Casting Alloy and the Effect of Copper Content

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    AlSi9Cu3 (Fe) foundry alloy is commonly used to produce components by High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) for automotive and electrical industries. Mostly for cost reasons, the Cu content is held at the minimum of the compositional range foreseen by the standards. The strength of the metal is then quite low and therefore the components are used only in low or non-stressed applications. The experimental results of the present paper show that in the as cast temper, the percentage of Cu has little effect on strength. It is suggested that alternative alloys for HPDC with lower or no Cu content be adopted for non-stressed components. In the last 15 years, it has been demonstrated that Al-Si-Cu alloys for HPDC may successfully heat-treated by unconventional T6 without causing surface blistering or dimensional instability. Despite the new opportunities, there have been few industrial applications. Instead, the present authors believe possible new technological outcomes for unconventional T6, and have therefore experimented with the AlSi9Cu3 (Fe) alloy with different Cu contents. By using SEM-EDX microanalysis to get Cu composition maps in the alloy microstructure, a T6 heat treatment with lower solubilization temperature and shorter soaking time to avoiding blistering has been identified. Tensile test confirmed the effectiveness of unconventional T6 and showed a strong increase in the elastic limit of the material. The results also show that the best effect is obtained by increasing the Cu content as much as possible. It is therefore possible to produce components for highly stressed structural applications in T6 treated AlSi9Cu3 (Fe) alloy

    Biological Systems Workbook: Data modelling and simulations at molecular level

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    Nowadays, there are huge quantities of data surrounding the different fields of biology derived from experiments and theoretical simulations, where results are often stored in biological databases that are growing at a vertiginous rate every year. Therefore, there is an increasing research interest in the application of mathematical and physical models able to produce reliable predictions and explanations to understand and rationalize that information. All these investigations are helping to overcome biological questions pushing forward in the solution of problems faced by our society. In this Biological Systems Workbook, we aim to introduce the basic pieces allowing life to take place, from the 3D structural point of view. We will start learning how to look at the 3D structure of molecules from studying small organic molecules used as drugs. Meanwhile, we will learn some methods that help us to generate models of these structures. Then we will move to more complex natural organic molecules as lipid or carbohydrates, learning how to estimate and reproduce their dynamics. Later, we will revise the structure of more complex macromolecules as proteins or DNA. Along this process, we will refer to different computational tools and databases that will help us to search, analyze and model the different molecular systems studied in this course

    Estudio del desarrollo del BIM en conjunto con el blockchain en el sector de la construcción

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    A través del presente Trabajo Final de Máster se realizó una investigación de cómo se encuentra actualmente la implementación de dos nuevas tecnologías, el BIM y el Blockchain, en el sector de la construcción que, al trabajar conjuntamente, podrían traer grandes beneficios al sector. Por un lado, el BIM (Building Information Modeling) es una metodología de trabajo de manera colaborativa que trabaja transversalmente en todas las áreas de un proyecto de construcción (Arquitectura, Instalaciones y Estructura). El BIM empezó hacer popular en el año 2002 y se ha ido implementando a lo largo del tiempo especialmente en el Reino Unido y Europa. Por otro lado el Blockchain es una tecnología que nace a finales del 2008, justo después de la crisis financiera del sector inmobiliario, en donde una persona conocida bajo el pseudónimo Satoshi Nakamoto publica un documento llamado “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” en donde crea una criptomoneda llamada Bitcoin, cuyo funcionamiento es a través del Blockchain, que se puede definir como un libro de contabilidad digital que no es controlado por un servidor central, por lo tanto se caracteriza por tener una red descentralizada, compuesta por una gran cantidad de ordenadores, con la función de registrar en orden cronológico todas las transacciones e intercambio de información que se realicen en unos bloques. Luego de haber investigado de distintas fuentes, incluyendo entrevistas, se decidió separar el análisis en estos tres puntos: i) Cómo el Blockchain puede trabajar usando la metodología BIM trabajando en un Entorno Común de Datos descentralizado. ii) El uso de los smart contracts durante todo el ciclo de del proyecto, desde la etapa de diseño, hasta la etapa de mantenimiento. iii) El uso del Blockchain con el BIM para mejorar la cadena de suministro de los objetos y materiales usados en la construcción. Finalmente, una vez analizado estos tres puntos, se determinó que al trabajar con BIM y Blockchain, éstas traerían varias ventajas a sector, como, por ejemplo, el ahorro de tiempo y dinero mediante el uso de los smart contracts a la hora de finalizar un trabajo, por otro lado, en general se tendría una mejor trazabilidad y control de los elementos que involucran una obra, ya sea el personal, los materiales, equipos etc

    La Vegetazione marina bentonica nel Mediterraneo: 1.: sopralitorale e mesolitorale: proposte di aggiornamento

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    In questo primo contributo gli autori presentano un aggiornamento degli aggruppamenti vegetali marini del sopralitorale e del mesolitorale del Mediterraneo. Nel piano sopralitorale è stata riconosciuta la presenza di una sola associazione; nel piano mesolitorale di otto associazioni: tre nel sottopiano superiore e cinque nel sottopiano inferiore. A phytosociological revision of both supralittoral and midlittoral marine algal communities from the Mediterranean Sea, is presented. In all, nine associations can be recognized: one in the supralittoral zone; three in the upper and five in the lower midlittoral zone

    Multitarget microangiopathy in a young healthy man with COVID-19 disease: A case report.

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    A 41‑year‑old man presented to the emergency department complaining of decrease of vision in his left eye. Initial examination was consistent with retrobulbar optic neuritis, and an intravenous drip of methylprednisolone was started. On the third day, the fundus examination revealed the appearance of multiple Purtscher‑like cotton‑wool spots in the posterior pole and nasally to the optic disc, slight retinal whitening around the fovea, and cherry‑red spot. The patient reported flu‑like symptoms, and he tested positive at PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test for 2019‑nCoV (2019 novel coronavirus) infection. Assuming possible 2019‑nCoV‑related vascular damage, we prescribed low‑molecular‑weight heparin. The lesions were regressing at follow‑up, and we registered a complete visual recovery

    Epidemiology, clinical features, and surgical outcomes of acute acquired concomitant esotropia associated with myopia

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    Purpose: To analyze epidemiology, clinical features, and surgical outcomes of type III acute acquired concomitant esotropia (Bielschowsky esotropia (BE)). Methods: The medical charts of patients diagnosed with acquired concomitant esotropia between 2013 and 2021 were reviewed. Assessed data were age, gender, age at diplopia onset, age at the diagnosis, refraction, visual acuity, neuroimaging, diplopia onset, angle of deviation, stereopsis, surgical procedure, amount of surgery, and relapse of diplopia after surgery. Moreover, we investigated the correlation between the use of electronic devices and the onset of diplopia. Results: One hundred seventeen patients (mean age 35.07 ± 15.81 years) were included in the study. The mean delay to the diagnosis was 3.29 ± 3.62 years. Myopia range was 0 to 17 diopters spherical equivalent. 66,3% spent more than 4 hours a day using laptops, tablets, or smartphones at the onset of diplopia, and 90,6% presented a subacute onset. None showed neurologic signs or symptoms. Patients who underwent surgery were ninety-three, with a rate of surgical success of 93.6%, and a relapse rate of 17.2%. A negative correlation resulted between pre-operative deviation and age at diagnosis (ρ = -0.261; p<0.05), whereas factors associated with surgical failure were older age at diplopia onset (p = 0.042) and longer delay between onset and diagnosis (p = 0.002). Conclusion: We registered an outstanding increase in prevalence of BE, which could be related to the exponential increase in the use of electronic devices for professional, educational, and recreational purposes. A prompt diagnosis and an augmented dose of surgery allows good motor and sensory results