45 research outputs found

    Stimulation of lymphocyte anti-melanoma activity by co-cultured macrophages activated by complex homeopathic medication

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer, and the most rapidly expanding cancer in terms of worldwide incidence. Chemotherapeutic approaches to treat melanoma have been uniformly disappointing. A Brazilian complex homeopathic medication (CHM), used as an immune modulator, has been recommended for patients with depressed immune systems. Previous studies in mice have demonstrated that the CHM activates macrophages, induces an increase in the number of leukocytes and improves the murine response against Sarcoma-180.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here we studied the interaction of mouse lymph node lymphocytes, co-cultured <it>in vitro </it>with macrophages in the presence or absence of the CHM, with B16F10 melanoma cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lymphocytes co-cultured with macrophages in the presence of the CHM had greater anti-melanoma activity, reducing melanoma cell density and increasing the number of lysed tumor cells. There was also a higher proportion of activated (CD25<sup>+</sup>) lymphocytes with increased viability. Overall, lymphocytes activated by treatment destroyed growing cancer cells more effectively than control lymphocytes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Co-culture of macrophages with lymphocytes in the presence of the CHM enhanced the anti-cancer performance of lymphocytes against a very aggressive lineage of melanoma cells. These results suggest that non-toxic therapies using CHMs are a promising alternative approach to the treatment of melanomas. In addition, they are attractive combination-therapy candidates, which may enhance the efficacy of conventional medicines by improving the immune response against tumor cells.</p

    Eficácia do emprego do espelho de Glatzel na avaliação da permeabilidade nasal Efficacy of the use of the Glatzel mirror in nasal permeability evaluation

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar a medida do escape aéreo nasal, realizada por meio espelho de Glatzel, entre crianças com e sem obstrução de via aérea superior, de acordo com o sexo e a faixa etária. MÉTODOS: Amostra composta por 43 crianças, com média de 6,9 anos, separadas em quatro grupos: com indicação cirúrgica para desobstrução de via aérea superior (grupo cirúrgico), alérgicos com manifestação de obstrução (grupo alérgico), alérgicos com obstrução e indicação de cirurgia (grupo alérgico e cirúrgico) e crianças sem obstrução (grupo controle). A medida do escape foi realizada por meio do Espelho Nasal Milimetrado de Altmann e os dados mensurados em cm² pelo software AutoCAD 2002. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e por testes de hipótese com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: O grupo controle foi o que apresentou a maior média (6,53 cm²) na medida do escape aéreo nasal, enquanto o grupo alérgico e cirúrgico apresentou a menor (3,07 cm²). As médias dos grupos alérgico e cirúrgico foram de 4,74 cm² e 5,91 cm², respectivamente. Apenas o grupo alérgico e cirúrgico apresentou diferença significante em relação ao grupo controles. Verificou-se ainda que a medida de escape não foi estatisticamente afetada pelas variáveis sexo e idade. CONCLUSÃO: O espelho de Glatzel demonstrou não ser um instrumento confiável para a avaliação da permeabilidade nasal na amostra investigada, exceto nos casos de grande obstrução nasal, ou seja, pacientes cirúrgicos e também alérgicos. Não foram observadas correlações com as variáveis: sexo e faixa etária.<br>PURPOSE: To compare the measurement of nasal air escape, carried out using the Glatzel mirror, in children with and without upper respiratory tract obstruction, according to sex and age. METHODS: The sample comprised 43 subjects, with mean age of 6.9 years, divided into four groups: children with surgical indication to clearing of the upper respiratory tract (surgical group), allergic children with upper respiratory tract obstruction (allergic group), allergic children with obstruction and surgical indication (surgical and allergic group), and children without obstruction (control group). Nasal air escape measurement was carried out using the Altmann's Millimetered Nasal Mirror, and data was measured in cm² by the AutoCAD 2002 software. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and hypotheses testing, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: The control group presented the highest mean (6.53 cm²) of nasal air escape, while surgical and allergic group presented the lowest mean (3.07 cm²). The means of the allergic group and the surgical group were 4.74 cm² and 5.91 cm², respectively. Only the surgical and allergic group presented statistically significant difference compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: The Glatzel mirror demonstrated not to be a trustworthy instrument for the evaluation of nasal permeability in the analyzed sample, except in cases of severe nasal obstruction, that is, allergic patients with surgical indication. No correlations were found with the variables sex and age

    Bite force evaluation in subjects with cleft lip and palate

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the masticatory function of subjects with cleft lip and palate by analyzing the bite force developed by these individuals. Bite force was evaluated in a group of 27 individuals with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate (14 males and 13 females - aged 18-26 years) and compared to the data achieved from a group of 20 noncleft subjects (10 males and 10 females - aged 18-26 years). Measurement was achieved on three positions within the dental arch (incisors, right molars and left molars), three times at each position considering the highest value for each one. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Mann-Whitney test ( &#945; = 5%). There was a significant deficit in bite force in male individuals with cleft lip and palate compared to the male control group (p=0.02, p=0.004, p=0.003 for incisors, right and left molars, respectively). For the female group, the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.79, p=0.06, p=0.47). In the group of individuals with clefts, 92.6% were under orthodontic treatment, which could be a reason for the present findings, since it can decrease the bite force more remarkably in males than in females. In conclusion, the bite force is significantly reduced in men when comparing the cleft group to the noncleft group. In females, this reduction was not significant in the same way. However, the main reason for this reduction and for the different behavior between genders should be further investigated

    Temporal variation of biomass and nutrient status of azolla filiculoides lam: (sal viniaceae) in a small shallow dystrophic lake

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    This study determined the temporal variation of the biomass and the concentrations of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in Azolla filiculoides Lam. in a small (0.5 ha) shallow dystrophic lake located in the city of Rio Grande (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil). Method: Sampling was conducted monthly between November 2000 and October 2001. The macrophytes were collected randomly in three replicates with a circular collector 0.3 m in diameter and subsequently washed with tap water and oven-dried at 60 °C for determination of the dry weight and the nutrient status (i.e., carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus). Primary productivity was estimated by the variation in biomass among successive samples. Results: A. filiculoides was present in the lake throughout the year and occupied between 50 and 80% of the surface area. The biomass values ranged from 34.2 g DW.m–2, recorded in May (autumn), to 170.9 g DW.m–2 in January (summer). The highest rate of primary productivity was 3.3 g DW.m–2.d–1, observed in June. The concentrations of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant ranged between 403 and 551 g.kg–1, 13.4 and 25.7 g.kg–1 and 0.5 and 1.9 g.kg–1, respectively. The water N:P ratio ranged between 19:1 and 368:1. Conclusion: The coverage of the surface of the lake by A. filiculoides throughout the study period and the nutritional status of the plant demonstrate the importance of the cycling of nutrients by macrophytes in this aquatic environment. The higher N:P ratio in the water column, compared with other neighboring environments without macrophytes, shows that the enrichment of the lake may result from the biological N-fixation activity produced by A. filiculoides.Este estudo determinou a variação temporal da biomassa e as concentrações de carbono, nitrogênio e fósforo de Azolla filiculoides Lam., em um pequeno lago raso distrófico situado no município do Rio Grande (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). Método: As amostragens foram realizadas mensalmente no período entre novembro de 2000 e outubro de 2001. As macrófitas foram coletadas aleatoriamente em três repetições, utilizando-se coletor circular de 0,3 m de diâmetro e posteriormente lavadas com água corrente e secas em estufa 60 °C para determinação do peso seco e dos nutrientes: carbono, nitrogênio e fósforo. A produção primária foi estimada pela variação de biomassa entre coletas sucessivas. Resultados: A. filiculoides esteve presente no lago durante todo o ano, ocupando sempre entre 50 e 80% da superfície do lago. Os valores de biomassa variaram entre 34,2 g PS.m–2, registrado em maio (outono) e 170,9 g PS.m–2 em janeiro (verão). A maior taxa de produtividade primária foi 3,3 g PS.m–2.d–1 foi registrada em Junho. As concentrações de carbono, nitrogênio e fósforo na planta variaram entre: 403 e 551 g. kg–1, 13,4 e 25,7 g.kg–1 e 0,5 e 1,9 g.kg–1, respectivamente. Os valores da relação N:P na coluna de água variou entre 19:1 e 368:1. Conclusão: A cobertura da superfície do lago por A. filiculoides durante todo o período do estudo e o seu estado nutricional demonstram sua importância na ciclagem dos nutrientes neste ambiente aquático. A maior relação N:P na coluna de água quando comparada a outro ambiente próximo sem a presença desta macrófita, apoia a ideia de que A. filiculoides pode ser a responsável pelo enriquecimento do lago por meio da atividade de fixação biológica de nitrogênio