36 research outputs found

    System-Agnostic Clinical Decision Support Services: Benefits and Challenges for Scalable Decision Support

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    System-agnostic clinical decision support (CDS) services provide patient evaluation capabilities that are independent of specific CDS systems and system implementation contexts. While such system-agnostic CDS services hold great potential for facilitating the widespread implementation of CDS systems, little has been described regarding the benefits and challenges of their use. In this manuscript, the authors address this need by describing potential benefits and challenges of using a system-agnostic CDS service. This analysis is based on the authors’ formal assessments of, and practical experiences with, various approaches to developing, implementing, and maintaining CDS capabilities. In particular, the analysis draws on the authors’ experience developing and leveraging a system-agnostic CDS Web service known as SEBASTIAN. A primary potential benefit of using a system-agnostic CDS service is the relative ease and flexibility with which the service can be leveraged to implement CDS capabilities across applications and care settings. Other important potential benefits include facilitation of centralized knowledge management and knowledge sharing; the potential to support multiple underlying knowledge representations and knowledge resources through a common service interface; improved simplicity and componentization; easier testing and validation; and the enabling of distributed CDS system development. Conversely, important potential challenges include the increased effort required to develop knowledge resources capable of being used in many contexts and the critical need to standardize the service interface. Despite these challenges, our experiences to date indicate that the benefits of using a system-agnostic CDS service generally outweigh the challenges of using this approach to implementing and maintaining CDS systems

    Standards for Scalable Clinical Decision Support: Need, Current and Emerging Standards, Gaps, and Proposal for Progress

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    Despite their potential to significantly improve health care, advanced clinical decision support (CDS) capabilities are not widely available in the clinical setting. An important reason for this limited availability of CDS capabilities is the application-specific and institution-specific nature of most current CDS implementations. Thus, a critical need for enabling CDS capabilities on a much larger scale is the development and adoption of standards that enable current and emerging CDS resources to be more effectively leveraged across multiple applications and care settings. Standards required for such effective scaling of CDS include (i) standard terminologies and information models to represent and communicate about health care data; (ii) standard approaches to representing clinical knowledge in both human-readable and machine-executable formats; and (iii) standard approaches for leveraging these knowledge resources to provide CDS capabilities across various applications and care settings. A number of standards do exist or are under development to meet these needs. However, many gaps and challenges remain, including the excessive complexity of many standards; the limited availability of easily accessible knowledge resources implemented using standard approaches; and the lack of tooling and other practical resources to enable the efficient adoption of existing standards. Thus, the future development and widespread adoption of current CDS standards will depend critically on the availability of tooling, knowledge bases, and other resources that make the adoption of CDS standards not only the right approach to take, but the cost-effective path to follow given the alternative of using a traditional, ad hoc approach to implementing CDS

    Comparative physical maps derived from BAC end sequences of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Background: The Nile tilapia is the second most important fish in aquaculture. It is an excellent laboratory model, and is closely related to the African lake cichlids famous for their rapid rates of speciation. A suite of genomic resources has been developed for this species, including genetic maps and ESTs. Here we analyze BAC endsequences to develop comparative physical maps, and estimate the number of genome rearrangements, between tilapia and other model fish species. Results: We obtained sequence from one or both ends of 106,259 tilapia BACs. BLAST analysis against the genome assemblies of stickleback, medaka and pufferfish allowed identification of homologies for approximately 25,000 BACs for each species. We calculate that rearrangement breakpoints between tilapia and these species occur about every 3 Mb across the genome. Analysis of 35,000 clones previously assembled into contigs by restriction fingerprints allowed identification of longer-range syntenies. Conclusions: Our data suggest that chromosomal evolution in recent teleosts is dominated by alternate loss of gene duplicates, and by intra-chromosomal rearrangements (~one per million years). These physical maps are a useful resource for comparative positional cloning of traits in cichlid fishes. The paired BAC end sequences from these clones will be an important resource for scaffolding forthcoming shotgun sequence assemblies of the tilapia genome. (Résumé d'auteur

    MicroRNA-sequence profiling reveals novel osmoregulatory microRNA expression patterns in catadromous eel anguilla marmorata

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by post-transcriptional repression of mRNAs. Recently, several miRNAs have been confirmed to execute directly or indirectly osmoregulatory functions in fish via translational control. In order to clarify whether miRNAs play relevant roles in the osmoregulation of Anguilla marmorata, three sRNA libraries of A. marmorata during adjusting to three various salinities were sequenced by Illumina sRNA deep sequencing methods. Totally 11,339,168, 11,958,406 and 12,568,964 clear reads were obtained from 3 different libraries, respectively. Meanwhile, 34 conserved miRNAs and 613 novel miRNAs were identified using the sequence data. MiR-10b-5p, miR-181a, miR-26a-5p, miR-30d and miR-99a-5p were dominantly expressed in eels at three salinities. Totally 29 mature miRNAs were significantly up-regulated, while 72 mature miRNAs were significantly down-regulated in brackish water (10‰ salinity) compared with fresh water (0‰ salinity); 24 mature miRNAs were significantly up-regulated, while 54 mature miRNAs were significantly down-regulated in sea water (25‰ salinity) compared with fresh water. Similarly, 24 mature miRNAs were significantly up-regulated, while 45 mature miRNAs were significantly down-regulated in sea water compared with brackish water. The expression patterns of 12 dominantly expressed miRNAs were analyzed at different time points when the eels transferred from fresh water to brackish water or to sea water. These miRNAs showed differential expression patterns in eels at distinct salinities. Interestingly, miR-122, miR-140-3p and miR-10b-5p demonstrated osmoregulatory effects in certain salinities. In addition, the identification and characterization of differentially expressed miRNAs at different salinities can clarify the osmoregulatory roles of miRNAs, which will shed lights for future studies on osmoregulation in fish