53 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Digital Loyalty Program Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Studi Kasus Tokopedia

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    Dalam bisnis digital seperti marketplace, pengaruh dari program loyalitas terhadap kepuasan pelanggan belum dieksplorasi dengan baik karena bentuknya yang tidak berwujud dan tidak berhubungan secara langsung dengan pelanggan. Pengaruh dari program loyalitas terhadap loyalitas serta kepuasan pelanggan dalam e-commerce digital di Indonesia menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini. Tokopedia memiliki beberapa program loyalitas digital di antaranya adalah Toko Points, Toko Loyalty, e-coupon, e-newsletter, dan flash sale. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan survei dengan metode distribusi online kepada pelanggan Tokopedia, dengan jumlah sampel 384 responden. Analisis regresi linier berganda digunakan untuk menguji variabel Digital Loyalty Program (X) terhadap variabel kepuasan Pelanggan (M) sebagai mediasi dan variabel Loyalitas Pelanggan (Y). Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa variabel Digital Loyalty Program (bersama dengan seluruh program loyalitas Tokopedia) mempengaruhi kesetiaan pelanggan serta kepuasan pelanggan Tokopedia. Variabel kepuasan pelanggan pada penelitian ini juga berperan menjadi mediasi yang menjelaskan bahwa variabel Digital Loyalty Program secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi variabel Loyalitas Pelanggan melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan Tokopedia

    Penggunaan Washer Khusus (Besar) Pada Sambungan Baja Cold-Formed

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    . Bolt Connection Design for cold-formed steel could not use friction mechanism (AISI 2001). On other side, bearing mechanism which is based on bolt diameter and plate thickness indicates inefficiency of bolt USAge because of the minimum size of cold-formed steel plate thickness then fracture happens on plate side. Therefore the improvement of connection strength is needed. The improvement of friction strength which is neglected before could be done by using special washer (large) to enlarge plane of friction of connection

    Distorsi Sambungan Baut Akibat Curling Dan Pencegahannya Studi Kasus Sambungan Pelat Tipe Geser (Lap-joint) Dengan Baut Tunggal

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    . The phenomena of curling seldom happened on failure behavior of hot-rolled steel plate bolts connection, but relatively common found on the failure of cold-formed bolts connection (Cornell 1954; Roger-Hancock 2000; AISI 2001; Wallace et.al 2001), that relatively thin. So, it is interesting to find the curling phenomena on single bolts connection experiment (Dewobroto, 2009) that consist of hot-rolled steel plate. Also the final failure mechanism is different from the common mechanism of failure of bolts steel connection (Vinnakota, 2006), so it is to be questionable. Issues that are going to viewed are: (1) What caused curling to occur; (2) Was the same cause result distortion on the connection; (3) What are the strategies to overcome it. This paper will report the result of numerical simulation that suppose to resolve the question, also explains the benefit of using minimum bolt requirement, in a certain configuration on lap joint that can effectively avoid the distortion of the connection due to influence of curling

    Pengaruh Pemakaian Baut Mutu Tinggi Dan Baut Biasa Terhadap Kinerja Sistem Sambungan Dengan Ring-Khusus-Beralur

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    . The washer replacement with a specially-grooved-washer will increase performance of steel sheets bolted connection system, in terms of strength, stiffness, and ductility (Dewobroto, 2009). To install the connection system, it needs an initial pressure to create a groove on the steel sheet that match with the special-groovedwasher. The grooved is regarded as a key mechanism of the system. According to the experimental data, the failure location of steel sheet, that is considered determining the connection strength, occurs in the grooved region (Dewobroto, 2009), that is far from the hole of the bolt. Therefore, the bolt does not appear to contribute directly to the collapse of the system. It looks only to establish and maintain the groove in the steel sheet. herefore, it raises the question, why the system should use high strength bolts. If it can be changed with the ordinary bolt, then the system will be more economical. To answer it, then made an experimental test to study the influence of : (AISC, 2010) pretension high strength bolt, and (Dewobroto, 2009) ordinary bolts, to the performance of the bolted connection system with a special-grooved-washer. The results show, a pretension is very important, and it can only be effective if used a high strength bolt


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    “Tradisi Selasa Wage” atau biasa masyarakat sekitar dan para pedagang kaki lima area Malioboro dengan julukan “Jogja Reresik Malioboro Selasa Wage”, salah satu aktivitas sosial dimana kendaraan umum tidak diperbolehkan untuk melintas atau melewati sepanjang Jalan Malioboro, sehingga para wisatawan baik dari lokal maupun mancanegara yang sedang berlibur di Malioboro sangat menikmati suasana tradisional tersebut.  Tujuan penciptaan ini adalah menjadikan sebuah media yang dapat mengembangkan sebuah ide, konsep, gagasan, dan teknik lukis dalam menciptakan suatu karya. Mengekspresikan sebuah konsep pada moment aktivitas “Tradisi Selasa Wage” dalam sajian karya lukis kontemporer. Menggali proses kreatif secara Teknik yang pada akhirnya dapat menemukan sebuah karakter yang khas dalam proses kreatifnya. Penciptaan karya ini yang terinspirasi dari aktivitas masyarakat Malioboro melakukan gotong royong, guna untuk menjaga kelestarian, kebersihan lingkungan sepanjang jalan Malioboro. Metode penciptaan dengan melakukan eksplorasi, dari segi eksplorasi visual, eksplorasi bentuk, eksplorasi konsep, eksplorasi teknik, dan analisis data yang meliputi data premier, data sekunder. Tema yang dipilih adalah pengenalan tradisi di daerah Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan suasana kegiatan Tradisi Selasa Wage di Malioboro yang menjadi objek dalam membuat karya-Karya seni Lukis, yang menghasilkan sebanyak 7 karya lukisan dengan berbagai jenis ukuran dan teknik, diantaranya yang berjudul Gelap Malam Tengah Kota, Hiburan Jalanan, Guyup Rukun, Reresik Malioboro, Tarian Anak, Talk Show, dan Berjalan Bebas.   "Tuesday Wage Tradition" or commonly the local community and street vendors in the Malioboro area with the nickname "Jogja Reresik Malioboro Tuesday Wage", one of the social activities where public vehicles are not allowed to pass or pass along Jalan Malioboro, so tourists both local and foreigners who are on vacation in Malioboro really enjoy the atmosphere of this tradition. The purpose of this creation is to make a medium that can develop an idea, concept, ideas, and painting techniques in creating a work. Expressing a concept at the moment of the “Tuesday Wage Tradition” activity in the presentation of contemporary paintings. Exploring the creative process technically which in the end can find a specific characteristic in the creative process.The creation of this work was inspired by the activities of the Malioboro people doing mutual cooperation, in order to maintain sustainability, clean the environment along the Malioboro road. The creation method is by exploring, in terms of visual exploration, form exploration, concept exploration, technical exploration, and data analysis which includes premier data, secondary data. The chosen theme is the introduction of traditions in the Yogyakarta area, the atmosphere of the Tuesday Wage Tradition activities in Malioboro which are the objects in making works.7 painting works with various types of sizes, techniques, and creation of works in 2021 entitled Dark Midnight City, Street Entertainment, Guyup Rukun, Malioboro Rehearsal, Children's Dance, Talk Show, and Free Walkin

    The Influence of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention of Local Personal Care Products

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    Nowadays, Personal care products grow rapidly every year even in a red ocean industry. With changes in this digital era, personal care companies have to innovate in order to survive and grow. One of the ways is the use of digital marketing. There are many ways to do digital marketing and one of the popular methods is social media influencers. However, with so many new influencers on social media, marketers find it challenging to choose the right influencers to promote their products because not every influencer brings a significant impact. Choosing the wrong influencers could cause the business to lose money and harm the image of a product or a brand. On the other hand, choosing the right influencers may lead to the popularity of the product and an increase in sales. Based on that, this research is focusing on the influencers from the consumer’s point of view, in order to know the type of influencers that fit with the product offered. This research is based on literature study that describes Influencer credibility has a positive impact on consumers' purchase intention, attitude towards products, and advertising. Moreover, Influencer credibility could describe and evaluate an influencer based on their attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise


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    Resensi Buku Judul Buku :  Dinamika Budaya Indonesia dalam Pusaran Pasar Global Editor :  Novi Anoegrajekti, Sri Ningsih, S. Nawiyanto, Sudartomo Macaryus Penerbit :  Penerbit Ombak Tahun Terbit/Hlm :  2014/xxii+1408; 16x24 c

    Simulasi Numerik berbasi Komputer sebagai Solusi Pencegah Bahaya Akibat Kegagalan Bangunan

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    Kegagalan bangunan karena strukturnya gagal berfungsi dapat menimbulkan kerugian harta benda, bahkan korban jiwa. Oleh karena itu perlu diantisipasi secara cermat. Bangunan yang didesain terhadap beban-beban rencana dari code-code yang ada, belum dapat menjamin sepenuhnya bebas dari segala risiko kegagalan bangunan, karena penyebabnya kompleks. Salah satu strategi mengantisipasi risiko dapat dimulai dari tahap perencanaan. Langkah pertama yang penting adalah memperkirakan penyebab kegagalan sehingga dapat dibuat simulasi kejadiannya. Selain simulasi fisik (eksperimen) maka simulasi numerik berbasis komputer menjadi alternatif lain yang canggih dan relatif murah. Makalah ini akan membahas seberapa jauh teknologi komputer dapat dipakai sebagai simulasi terjadinya kegagalan bangunan sehingga solusi efektif pencegahannya dapat diupayakan


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    Some would claim that science and technology contradict the life of faith, or that the one is more important or higher than the other. Such dualism/dichotomy may result from the pressure of atheism or the friction between various convictions in which scientists work. This writing suggests a healthier attitude towards science and technology for people of faith, where science, technology, and faith are approached without the crippling sacred/secular dichotomy. The concept of cultural mandate (Kuyper) provides a model for cultivating intellectuality, passion and humility as a divine mandate in faithful stewardship towards nature. A well-rounded scientist or engineer must be also aware of the ethical challenges in his or her field.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Ada yang mengklaim bahwa sains dan teknologi berkontradiksi dengan kehidupan iman, atau bahwa yang satu lebih penting atau lebih tinggi dari yang lain. Dualisme/dikotomi demikian dapat muncul dari tekanan paham ateisme atau gesekan dari berbagai keyakinan tempat ilmuwan beraktivitas. Tulisan ini mengusulkan suatu sikap yang lebih sehat terhadap sains dan teknologi untuk orang percaya, di mana sains, teknologi dan iman didekati tanpa dikotomi sakral/sekuler yang melumpuhkan. Konsep mandat budaya (Kuyper) menyediakan model untuk mengusahakan intelektualitas, gairah & kerendahan hati sebagai mandat ilahi dalam penatalayanan yang setia kepada alam. Seorang ilmuwan atau insinyur yang lengkap juga harus peka pada berbagai tantangan etika dalam bidangnya
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