8 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being

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    Subjective well-being merupakan bagaimana individu mengevaluasi hidupnya. Subjective well-being melibatkan evaluasi pada dua komponen, yaitu kognitif dan afektif .Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hasil-hasil penelitian (literature review) mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being pada individu.Penelusuran literatur dilakukan pada database elektronik SAGE Journals, ProQuest, dan Science Direct dengan menggunakan kata kunci “subjective well-being”.Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa subjective well-being dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being terdiri dari kebersyukuran, forgiveness, personality, self-esteem dan spiritualitas sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari dukungan sosial

    The correlation between work motivation and job satisfaction of the academic staffs

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    Work motivation is one important factors of job satisfaction. This research aims to determine the correlation between work motivation and job satisfaction of the academic staffs. The research subjects consisted of 40 academic staffs who have already worked for at least 1 year in University X Yogyakarta. Those subjects were chosen by simple random sampling technique. In addition, work motivation and job satisfaction scales were used to collect the data. Pearson’s product moment analyzed the data of this research. The results show that the coefficient between work motivation and job satisfaction is 0.689 with a significance level of 0.000 (p<0.05). It can be inferred that there is a very significant positive relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction of the academic staffs in University X Yogyakarta. In other words, the higher the work motivation, the higher the job satisfaction of the academic staffs

    The role of work discipline and autonomy on employee performance: A case of private university in Indonesia

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    Employee performance is an important component in the organization, so organizations need to pay attention to factors that can improve employee performance. This study aimed to examine the role of work discipline and organizational autonomy on employee performance. The participants of this study were employees at the University of X Yogyakarta, with a total of 49 employees. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using the work discipline scale, organizational autonomy scale, and performance scale, analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques. The results showed that 1) There was a relationship between work discipline and autonomy simultaneously on performance with p = .007 (p <.01), 2) There is a very significant positive relationship between work discipline and performance with p = .003 (p .01). Simultaneously, work discipline and autonomy contributed 19.3% to employee performance. Work discipline contributed more dominantly to employee performance (10.8%) than autonomy to employee performance (8.5%). Based on the results, employee performance can be predicted based on work discipline and organizational autonomy

    Analysis of validity and reliability of the subjective well-being scale

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the construct validity and reliability of the subjective well-being scale and test the components and indicators that make up the subjective well-being variables. Subjective well-being is measured by two components, namely life satisfaction and affective (positive and negative affect). The present study utilized the data collection method constructed in the subjective well-being scale. Participants involved within this research were students of Ali Maksum Krapyak Islamic boarding school and Al-Mahalli Islamic boarding school in Yogyakarta, amounting to 100 students. Research data were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the SmartPLS 3.2.8 program. Based on the results of data analysis, the components and indicators that comprise the subjective well-being variables are declared valid and reliable. Out of the two components, the more dominant component that reflects the subjective well-being scale is affective with loading factor of 0.984. This put life satisfaction as the weaker reflecting component with a loading factor value of 0.923. These results indicate that all components and indicators are able to reflect and construct subjective well-being variables. Thus it is determined that the measurement model can be accepted as the theories that designate the subjective well-being variables are in accordance with the empirical data obtained from subjects

    Subjective well-being: Mental health study among student in the Islamic boarding school

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the model of the influence of family social support, gratitude, and self-acceptance on subjective well-being in student in Islamic boarding schools. The population in this study was all student of class VII in boarding school X and boarding school Y in Yogyakarta, with a total of 430 students. The sample in this study was 150 students. The sampling technique used for this study was cluster random sampling. The data were collected by using several instruments in the form of scales. The scales consisted of family social support scale, gratitude scale, self-acceptance scale, and subjective well-being scale. Data analysis was performed by testing the outer model and the inner model. The data were analyzed using structural equation model (SEM) through the Smart Partial Least Square 3.2.8 program. The results of this study suggested that the formation of a model of the influence of family social support, gratitude, and self-acceptance on subjective well-being fits with empirical data obtained. In other words, there was a significant positive correlation between all variables being studied and subjective well-being. The theoretical model formed in this study was considered fit, so it can be used as a valid model reference in investigating adolescents' subjective well-being


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Ahmad Dahlan di dusun Jarah II berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Semua program kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa KKN mendapat apresiasi dari masyarakat dusun Jarah II. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan antusias dan partisipasi dari masyarakat dalam mengikuti kegiatan selama KKN berlangsung. Adapun kegiatan tersebut antara lain Penyuluhan Pertanian, Penyuluhan Kesehatan, Tabligh Akhbar, Jalan Sehat, Festival Anak Sholeh (FAS), Outbond, Pengolahan Mocaf, Lomba Gerak dan Lagu, dan Lomba Tonis

    Membangun Kekuatan Mental Pada Gen Z Di Era Digital di Panti Baitul Walad Samarinda

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    Sosialisasi mengenai kesehatan mental dan cara untuk meningkatkan kemandirian merupakan hal yang penting untuk diberikan terutama pada Generasi Z yang digadang-gadang terlalu bergantung pada teknologi serta karena stigma negatif yang telah menyebarluas mengenai masalah kesehatan mental membuat mereka enggan untuk mencari pertolongan ke tenaga profesional seperti psikiater dan psikolog, karenanya kami para penulis memutuskan untuk mengadakan kegiatan Talk Show dengan tema “Membangun Kemandirian Melalui Regulasi Emosi pada Remaja” dalam meningkatkan “Kekuatan Mental Pada Gen Z di Era Digital” sebagai salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan mental health bagi generasi zoomer sebagai solusi bagi remaja generasi Z untuk mengetahui pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mental pada usia dini. Metode pengabdian ini berupa penyuluhan di salah satu panti di Samarinda yaitu Panti Baitul Walad. Hasil dari kegiatan ini ialah: terlaksananya Talk Show kami di Panti Baitul Walad dengan peserta sekitar 50 orang yang merupakan campuran siswa MTS dan SD pada Minggu, 12 November 2023. Keterlibatan generasi Z di panti Baitul Walad diharapakan bisa lebih bersikap bijaksana terhadap adanya teknologi yang berkembang pesat, dan membuka pola pikir agar generasi Z tidak mudah berpikir instan karna segala sesuatu yang diinginkan harus melalui sebuah proses yang mengorbankan apa yang kita miliki

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Subjective Well-being

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    Subjective well-being merupakan bagaimana individu mengevaluasi hidupnya. Subjective well-being melibatkan evaluasi pada dua komponen, yaitu kognitif dan afektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hasil-hasil penelitian (literature review) mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being pada individu.Penelusuran literatur dilakukan pada database elektronik SAGE Journals, ProQuest, dan Science Direct dengan menggunakan kata kunci subjective well-being.Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan bahwa subjective well-being dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being terdiri dari kebersyukuran, forgiveness, personality, self-esteem dan spiritualitas sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari dukungan sosial