466 research outputs found

    Toxicity assessment of four insecticides with different modes of action on pupae and adults of Eriopis connexa (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a relevant predator of the Neotropical Region

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    Pesticides can be toxic to nontarget organisms including the natural enemies of agricultural pests, thus reducing the biodiversity of agroecosystems. The lethal and sublethal effects of four insecticides with different modes of action— pyriproxyfen, teflubenzuron, acetamiprid, and cypermethrin— were evaluated on pupae and adults of Eriopis connexa, an effective predator in horticultural crops. Pupal survival was reduced by pyriproxyfen (26 %) and cypermethrin (41 %). Malformations in adults emerged from treated pupae were observed after acetamiprid (82.7 and 100 % for 100 and 200 mg a.i./l, respectively), pyriproxyfen (48.6 %), and cypermethrin (13.3 %) treatments. A longer mean oviposition time was also observed in adults emerged from pupae treated with cypermethrin. Moreover, the latter insecticide as well as teflubenzuron did not reduce reproductive parameters, whereas females emerged from pyriproxyfen-treated pupae were not be able to lay eggs even when females showed large abdomens. Upon exposure of adults, survival was reduced to approximately 90 % by acetamiprid, but no reduction occurred with pyriproxyfen, teflubenzuron, or cypermethrin though the fecundity at fifth oviposition time of the female survivors was reduced. Pyriproxyfen decreased the hatching at all the oviposition times tested, whereas fertility was reduced in the fourth and fifth ovipositions by teflubenzuron and in the first and third ovipositions by cypermethrin. In conclusion, all four insecticides tested exhibited lethal or sublethal effects, or both, on E. connexa. The neurotoxic insecticides were more harmful than the insect-growth regulators, and pupae were more susceptible than adults. The toxicity of insecticides on the conservation of predators in agroecosystems of the Neotropical Region is discussed.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de VectoresCentro de Investigaciones del Medioambient

    Protected agriculture matters: Year-round persistence of Tuta absoluta in China where it should not

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    Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) originates from the South American tropics but has become a major invasive pest of tomato and other Solanaceae crops worldwide. Agricultural protected facilities (APFs) such as greenhouses and plastic tunnels may provide thermal conditions that allow the survival of T. absoluta in temperate zones with cold winters. In this study, a CLIMEX model was used to investigate the dual effects of increasing use of APFs and climate warming on the potential distribution and seasonal dynamics of T. absoluta in China. Our model showed that the northern boundary for year-round population persistence in China, ignoring APFs, was approximately 30°N, covering about 21% of China’s area suitable under current climate. The modelled suitable area increased to 31% and northern boundary for year-round population persistence shifted to 40°N in 2080 under global warming. When APF refuges are included, the potential suitable area was 78% under the current climate and 79% under global warming. This suggests that, in the future, the increasing use of APFs will increase the areas at risk of T. absoluta invasion significantly more than global warming because APFs effectively protect T. absoluta from harsh northern winters. In addition, vegetable production in surrounding open fields will be at risk of invasion during milder seasons when APFs are opened and T. absoluta can disperse. Therefore, the micro-climate of APFs should be considered as part of the invasion process, and Integrated Pest Management should be simultaneously implemented inside and outside APFs for the rational management T. absoluta.This work was supported by National Key R&D program of China (2021YFD1400200). CERCA Program / Generalitat de Catalunya provided funding to JA, and ND was funded in part by the Horizon Europe project ADOPT-IPM (n◦101060430).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pyrosequencing Reveals a Shift in Symbiotic Bacteria Populations Across Life Stages of \u3cem\u3eBactrocera Dorsalis\u3c/em\u3e

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    Bactrocera dorsalis is one of the most economically important fruit flies around the world. In this study, 454 pyrosequencing was used to identify the bacteria associated with different developmental stages of B. dorsalis. At ≥ 97% nucleotide similarity, total reads could be assigned to 172 Operational Taxonomic Units belonging to six phyla. Proteobacteria dominated in immature stages while Firmicutes dominated in adult stages. The most abundant families were Enterococcaceae and Comamondaceae. The genus Comamonas was most abundant in pupae whereas completely absent in adults. Some identified species had low sequence similarity to reported species indicating the possibility of novel taxa. However, a majority sequence reads were similar to sequences previously identified to be associated with Bactrocera correcta, suggesting a characteristic microbial fauna for this insect genus. The type and abundance of different bacterial groups varied across the life stages of B. dorsalis. Selection pressure exerted by the host insect as a result of its habitat and diet choices could be the reason for the observed shift in the bacteria groups. These findings increase our understanding of the intricate symbiotic relationships between bacteria and B. dorsalis and provide clues to develop potential biocontrol techniques against this fruit fly

    Non-target effects of neurotoxic insecticides on Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis, a classical biological control agent of the spotted wing Drosophila

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    Background The spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, is an invasive pest causing significant economic losses worldwide. Current pest control strategies mainly rely on insecticides, which negatively impact fruit marketability and the sustainability of integrated pest management (IPM) programs. In addition, pesticides can have dramatic consequences on non-target species when persisting in the environment at low concentrations after field applications. In this context, chemical control can strongly interfere with the releases of the G1 strain of the Asian larval parasitoid Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis, which is currently the adopted classical biological control agent to manage D. suzukii infestations worldwide. Methods Probit analysis was used to assess the baseline toxicity of acetamiprid, cyazypyr, lambda-cyhalothrin, phosmet, and spinosad on G1 G. cf. brasiliensis adults through residual contact exposure in the laboratory. Then, adult parasitoids were exposed to insecticide low Lethal Concentrations (LC5 and LC30) and their mortality was checked daily to assess the survival of treated wasps. Results Lambda-cyhalothrin showed the highest toxicity on the parasitoid with a LC50 of 1.38 × 10–3 g active ingredient (a.i.) /L, while cyazypyr seemed the safer active ingredient with an estimated LC50 of 0.20 g a.i./L without affecting parasitoids at sublethal doses. Spinosad and phosmet significantly reduced wasp survival at both LC30 and LC5, while lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid affected parasitoid lifespan only at LC30. Spinosad, lambda-cyhalothrin and phosmet LC30 caused the major survival reductions, followed by acetamiprid LC30. The least significant reduction in parasitoid survival was 21.6% by spinosad LC5. Conclusions Overall, this study highlighted the importance of carefully selecting insecticides to minimize adverse effects on non-target organisms. In particular, cyazypyr was the most promising candidate to integrate inoculative biological control with chemical treatments. By contrast, the application of phosmet, spinosad and lambda-cyhalothrin should be avoided alongside parasitoid field releases. Although acetamiprid is less used against D. suzukii in the field than the other tested molecules, it should be used with caution due to its sublethal toxicity on the parasitoid. These results provide the first evidence of G. cf. brasiliensis susceptibility to insecticides in order to promote sustainable and efficient pest management strategies

    The impact of adult diet on parasitoid reproductive performance

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    Diet is one of the most common influences on parasitoid reproductive traits. The life span, mating ability, fecundity, fertility and sex ratio of parasitoids can be affected by the quality of the adult diet. In the field, parasitoids can rely on different hosts and non-host nutrient sources, such as floral and extrafloral nectar, hemipteran honeydew and pollen, and various artificial diets have been used in mass rearing. In addition, some parasitoid species obtain nutrients by feeding on their host while adult (host feeding). In this review, we summarize current knowledge on the impact of the adult diet on the reproductive behavior of hymenopteran and dipteran parasitoids, with a particular focus on longevity, offspring production and host searching traits. First, we focus on food preferences and learning abilities of parasitoids to discriminate high-quality diets. Second, we analyze the impact of the adult diet on longevity, examining different natural and artificial food sources as well as the effect of their concentration and frequency. Third, we highlight the impact of the adult diet on host foraging. Fourth, we review the impact of adult diet on parasitoid offspring with special reference to (1) egg load, maturation and resorption, (2) parasitism and (3) progeny production and sex ratio. Finally, a number of implications for biological control and integrated pest management are discussed

    Impact of the neonicotinoid acetamiprid on immature stages of the predator <i>Eriopis connexa</i> (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

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    Eriopis connexa is a native coccinelid predator in the Neotropical Region. In Argentina it is commonly found associated to sucking pests in several crops and among them aphids and whiteflies. These pests are usually controlled with newly developed systemic insecticides, such as the neonicotinoids. However, the compatibility between selective pesticides and natural enemies is required before incorporating them in integrated pest management (IPM) packages. Within this frame, the objective of this study was to evaluate the side effect of various concentrations/doses of one commonly used neonicotinoid in vegetal crops, acetamiprid, on immature stages of E. connexa by dipping or topical exposure for eggs and larvae, respectively. Acetamiprid reduced egg hatching from 34 to 100 %. Moreover, the embryogenesis was disrupted by insecticide at early embryo stage at all tested concentrations. Second larval instar was more susceptible to acetamiprid than the fourth one and this susceptibility was positively related with the tested concentrations. On the other hand, the survival reduction at larval stage reached 100 % from 20 mg a.i./L (10 % of maximum field concentration). Besides, the reproduction of the females developed from topical bioassays on fourth instar larvae was strongly affected, with reduction in fecundity and fertility from 22 to 44 % and from 37 to 45 %, respectively. Overall the results showed a high toxicity of acetamiprid on immature stages of E. connexa, demonstrating that this broadly used insecticide could reduce biocontrol services provided by this predator and could also likely disturb IPM programs.Centro de Investigaciones del MedioambienteCentro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore
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