70 research outputs found

    “Porque eu escolho”: motivos para as mulheres escolherem academias de ginástica boutique

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the women’s perspective about boutique fitness center and explain their opinions through service quality dimension and demands of these customers. Methodology/Approach: The study was in qualitative research technique and phenomenology pattern was used. The study sample consisted of 9 female customers of a private boutique fitness centers selected. The data was collected through face-to-face interview and content analysis method was used in the analysis of the data. Main results: The results show that female participants’ opinions about preferring the boutique fitness centers are linked in the sub-themes as Socialization, Physical Changes, Location & Transport, Security, Customer-oriented, Environment and Program of the theme Preference Reasons. In conclusion, the most significant factors affecting participants to take part in boutique fitness centers are physical changes, socialization and program. Theoretical and methodological contributions: The paper theoretically contributes to the literature related to boutique fitness centers by revealing reasons for female customers to choose boutique fitness centers in terms of experiential point of view.Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio es investigar las percepciones de las mujeres sobre los gimnasios boutiques y explicar sus opiniones a través de la dimensión de la calidad del servicio y las demandas de estos clientes. Metodología / Enfoque: El estudio utilizó la técnica de investigación cualitativa y se utilizó el patrón fenomenológico. La muestra del estudio consistió en nueve clientas de un gimnasio boutique privado. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevista presencial y se utilizó el método de análisis de contenido en el análisis de los datos. Contribuciones teóricas y metodológicas: Los resultados muestran que las opiniones de las participantes femeninas sobre la preferencia por los gimnasios boutique están vinculadas en los subtemas como socialización, cambios físicos, ubicación y transporte, seguridad, orientación al cliente, medio ambiente y programa. En conclusión, los factores más importantes que afectan a los participantes a participar en los gimnasios boutique son los cambios físicos, la socialización y el programa. Contribuciones teóricas y metodológicas: El artículo contribuye a la literatura relacionada con los centros de fitness boutique, en cuanto a las principales razones por las que las mujeres eligen un centro de fitness boutique desde el punto de vista experiencial.Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a perspectiva das mulheres sobre academia boutique e explicar suas opiniões através da dimensão da qualidade do serviço e das demandas dessas clientes. Metodologia/Abordagem: O estudo foi na técnica de pesquisa qualitativa e foi utilizado o padrão fenomenológico. A amostra do estudo consistiu em nove clientes do sexo feminino de uma boutique privada de academias de ginástica selecionadas. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista face a face e o método de análise de conteúdo foi utilizado na análise dos dados. Principais resultados: Os resultados mostram que as opiniões das participantes do sexo feminino sobre a preferência pelas academias boutique estão vinculadas nos subtemas como Socialização, Mudanças Físicas, Localização e Transporte, Segurança, Orientação para o Cliente, Meio Ambiente e Programa do tema Motivos de Preferência. Em conclusão, os fatores mais significativos que afetam os participantes a participar de academias de ginástica boutique são mudanças físicas, socialização e programa. Contribuições teórico-metodológicas: O artigo contribui com a literatura relacionada às academias boutique, a respeito dos principais motivos pelos quais as mulheres escolhem uma academia boutique do ponto de vista experiencial

    Crypto money applications in financial markets: factors affecting crypto money prices

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    Text in Turkish; Abstract: Turkish and EnglishIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 119-129)ix, 132 leavesTeknolojinin gelişimine bağlı olarak internet kullanımın yaygınlığı ve günümüz koşulları e-ticaretin yaygınlaşmasında büyük rol oynamaktadır. Bu gelişimin beraberinde kripto para birimleri de yaygınlaşmaya başlamaktadır. Kriptografik sistemlerden yararlanan, merkezi bir otoriteye bağlı olmayan, güvenlik seviyesi diğer paralara göre daha fazla olan sanal paralar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bitcoin ile tanınan ve binlerce çeşidi bulunan kripto paralar, yüksek işlem hacmi ile kendinden söz ettirmeye devam ettirmektedir. Bu para birimlerine olan ilginin artmasıyla birlikte yatırımcılar da kendilerine yeni bir portföy yaratmaya başlamışlardır. Bu çalışmada kripto para piyasasında işlem hacmi ve piyasa değeri yüksek olan yedi kripto paranın altın ve brent petrol arasındaki ilişkisi VAR modeli kullanılarak analiz edilmektedir. Johansen eş bütünleşme testleri ve Granger nedensellik testleri yapılarak ölçütler arasında ki ilişkiler değerlendirilmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda ise kripto paraların sadece yatırım alternatifi olarak kullanılabileceği öngörülmektedir.Depending on the development of technology, the prevalence of internet use and today's conditions play a major role in the spread of e-commerce. With this development, cryptocurrencies are also beginning to spread. It is defined as virtual coins that take advantage of cryptographic systems, which are not tied to a central authority, and whose security level is greater than that of other coins. With the increase in interest in these currencies, investors have started to create a new portfolio for themselves. In this study, the relationship between the gold and brent oil of the seven cryptocurrencies with high trading volume and high market value in the crypto money market is analyzed using the VAR model. Johansen cointegration tests and Granger causality tests are conducted to evaluate the relationships between the criteria. As a result of the study, it is predicted that crypto money can only be used as an investment alternative

    1920’lerde Ankara’nın konut mimarisi: yeni başkentin yerleşim bölgelerinde konut tipleri

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    The focus of this paper is the residential architecture of the capital city Ankara during the 1920s, which is investigated as part of the development of the city after the foundation of the Turkish Republic. It initially defines the main settlement zones of contemporary Ankara that transformed and were formed in relation with the contemporary development plans implemented to direct the urban growth. The construction of new single houses and apartments as the main housing types of the period in the defined settlement zones of the historical and the developing parts of the city is then analyzed in order to understand how the increase in population and the resultant housing need in the new capital city affected the change in its built environment. In this frame of analysis, the paper aims to evaluate the new housing production during the first decade of the capital city Ankara by examining the old city-Ulus that transformed and the new city-Yenişehir that was formed in this process, and also considering the simultaneous un-planned transformation of the vineyards and formation of shed-houses in the peripheries of the city centerMakale, başkent Ankara’nın 1920’lerde üretilen konut mimarlığına odaklanmakta ve bu üretimi, kentin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşu sonrasındaki gelişiminin bir parçası olarak incelemektedir. Makalede öncelikle Ankara’nın kentsel büyümesini yönlendirmek için uygulamaya konan gelişme planlarıyla ilişkili olarak dönüşen ve oluşturulan ana yerleşim bölgeleri tanımlanmaktadır. Ardından, nüfus artışı ve dolayısıyla ortaya çıkan konut ihtiyacının, yeni başkentin yapılı çevresindeki değişimi nasıl etkilediğini anlamak için, dönemin ana konut tipleri olarak yeni tekil konut ve apartmanların kentin tarihi ve gelişen kısımlarının tanımlanan yerleşim bölgelerindeki inşası irdelenmektedir. Bu analiz çerçevesinde, başkent Ankara’nın ilk on yılında gerçekleştirilen yeni konut üretimini, bu süreçte dönüşen eski şehir-Ulus ile oluşturulan Yenişehir’i inceleyerek ve kent merkezinin çeperlerinde yer alan bağlar bölgesinin eşzamanlı dönüşümü ile barakaların oluşumunu da göz önüne alarak değerlendirmeyi hedeflemektedir

    The Reengineering of X Bank

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    The recent economic crisis in Turkey has plunged its financial institutions into turmoil. In this case, a recently bankrupted bank has been appropriated by Central Bank, a government-run institution similar to the US Treasury Department. A major contributor to the bankruptcy of the acquired bank is surmised to be its defaulted loans, which resulted from poorly organized processes. Consequently, this study follows the theorized journey of the reengineering of the loans process in order to make the procured bank profitable for resale. The following are explored in detail: the current loans procedure, a proposed simplified loans process, and the transition between the two to make the new system a reality

    Anatomy of master knot of henry: A morphometric study on cadavers

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    WOS: 000433350100010PubMed ID: 29366540Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the features of flexor hallucis longus (FHL), flexor digitorum longus (FDL) and flexor digitorum accessorius (FDA) muscles with relevance to the tendon grafts and to reveal the location of Master Knot of Henry (MKH). Methods: Twenty feet from ten formalin fixed cadavers were dissected, which were in the inventory of Anatomy Department of Medicine Faculty, Mersin University. The location of MKH was identified. Interconnections of FHL and FDL were categorized. According to incision techniques, lengths of FHL and FDL tendon grafts were measured. Attachment sites of FDA were assessed. Results: MKH was 12.61 +/- 1.11 cm proximal to first interphalangeal joint, 1.75 +/- 0.39 cm below to navicular tuberosity and 5.93 +/- 0.74cm distal to medial malleolus. The connections of FHL and FDL were classified in 7 types. Tendon graft lengths of FDL according to medial and plantar approaches were 6.14 +/- 0.60cm and 9.37 +/- 0.77cm, respectively. Tendon graft lengths of FHL according to single, double and minimal invasive incision techniques were 5.75 +/- 0.63cm, 7.03 +/- 0.86cm and 20.22 +/- 1.32 cm, respectively. FDA was found to be inserting to FHL slips in all cases and it inserted to various surfaces of FDL. Conclusion: The exact location of MKH and slips was determined. Two new connections not recorded in literature were found. It was observed that the main attachment site of FDA was the FHL slips. The surgical awareness of connections between the FHL, FDL and FDA, which participated in the formation of long flexor tendons of toes, could be important for reducing possible loss of function after tendon transfers postoperatively