66 research outputs found

    Tarihte Hemşirelik

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    Çok eski dönemlere ait kayıtlarda hemşireliğin, ayrı bir uğraş olduğunu gösteren küçük kanıtlar olmakla birlikte; bunların sıklıkla hekimin, ebenin, rahibin ya da usta bir kadının uygulamalarının bir parçası olmaktan öteye gitmediği anlaşılmaktadır. Haçlı seferlerinden itibaren hemşirelik mesleği tarihte daha belirgin bir görünüm kazanmıştır. Haçlı seferinden dönen hacılar Paris’te “Tanrı’nın Evi” anlamına gelen bir otel kurmuşlardır. Bu otelde konaklayan hacılar Araplardan öğrendikleri şekilde hasta ve sağlıklı bireyleri birbirinden ayırmışlardır. Bu otelde gönüllü kadınlar bakım hizmeti vermektedir ve bu bakım kurallarını Augistinian kardeşler düzenlemişlerdir. Bu gönüllü kadınlar belli bir eğitimden geçirilmişlerdir ve beyaz giysiler giyerek ve kep takarak hizmet sunmuşlardır. Hastalara ilaç vermek, fiziksel bakım sağlamak ve dinsel inançları yerine getirmede yardımcı olmak gibi işlevleri yerine getirmişlerdir

    Misconceptions about family planning of women in Turkey

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    Background: The objective of this study is to investigate the myths of women about contraceptive methods.Method: This study was planned as a cross-sectional research. The study population consisted of 1335 women aged between 16 and 56 years, who attended to a family planning clinic of a state hospital in Karaman City in the southwest part of Turkey.Findings: The mean age of women has been 32,79±8,8. While 6.2% (n=84) of the women used no contraceptive method, 70.4% (n=945) of them used an effective method and 23.4% (n=312) used a traditional method. The 40.2% of women have believed in that the oral contraceptive method caused weight gain, infertility, bleeding disorders, hirsutism, cancer, irritability, malformed baby and premature menopause.  The 24,2% of women have thought of that the intrauterine devices caused bleeding disorder, moving in the body, cancer, decreased sexual desire, genital infection and  infertility.Conclusions: There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding contraception, and they can sometimes prevent a woman from making an informed choice

    Muslim women choice for gender of obstetricians and gynecologist in Turkey

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    Objective: It would generally be thought of that the Muslim women especially preferred female obstetricians/gynecologists (ob/gyn). The aim of this study is to investigate the gender preference of Turkish Muslim women regarding ob/gyn, and identify other features that affect their choice.Methods: In this study it has been included 710 women attending to gynecology and antenatal clinics and they have been asked to complete a survey questionnaire containing 16 items and requiring opinion on whether they want to be examined medically by a female or male ob/gyn and have no preference. The questions have also contained the reasons for the stated preference.Results: Of all participants, 230 (32,3%) preferred to have a female ob/gyn, 380(53,5%) declared no preference, and 100(14,2%) preferred to have a male ob/gyn. The reasons for female preference were i) having a very good communication (36%), ii) embarrassment (32%) and iii) feeling comfortable with female ob/gyn (27%). Surprisingly, only 5% women responded that the religious orders are important in their preference. The participants who have larger family, lower level of education, lower income, higher unemployment, parity of 4 and over, and first gynecological examination, have preferred female ob/gyn (p<0,05). One hundred women who preferred to be examined by a male doctor stated that the reasons for their preference were i) surgical skills (45%), ii) even tempered (35%) and iii) understanding problems better (20%).Conclusions: The majority of women have expressed no preference about gender of their ob/gyn, but a significant proportion of the remainder would prefer to be examined by a female doctor when they have been given the choice. However the religious effects on female ob/gyn preference have been found much less than the cultural effects

    Views of Turkish people on oocyte and sperm donation

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the views of the Turkish people on oocyte/sperm donation. Materials and Methods: Following informed consent, a questionnaire was given to women and their spouses who presented to obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinics of a university hospital. The data collection form consists of 35 questions about the demographics of the participants and their thoughts about oocyte/sperm donation. A total of 428 women, including 323 women and 105 men, agreed to participate in the sampling study. Results Sixty-four-point three percent of the women and 71.4% of males found use of donated oocytes/sperms in infertile couples unacceptable. Sixty-three-point one percent of the participants said that both couples receiving, and those donating oocytes/sperms should get counseling. Twenty-one point-five percent of the participants approved of infertile couples' receiving oocytes/sperms donated by their relatives (e.g. sister) and friends and 31,8% agreed about getting them from strangers. Eighty-eight-point seven percent of the primary school graduates, 73.4% of the university graduates and postgraduates, 76.7% of the employed participants, 86.2% of the participants with an income lower than their expenses and 85.1% of the participants with live children reported to unaccept donated sperms if their spouses had a problem preventing them from having a child. Conclusion: More than half of the participants declared that it was not appropriate to have children through infertile-donated oocyte/sperm

    Nurses’ attitudes and beliefs about sexual health care

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, hemşirelerin hastaların cinsel bakımına ilişkin tutum ve inançlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Bu çalışma tanımlayıcı bir araştırma olarak, Ocak - Mart 2014 tarihleri arasında bir Devlet Hastanesi’nde, çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 211 hemşire ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler “Veri Toplama For- mu” ve “Cinsel Tutum ve İnanç Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Hemşirelerin %67.3’ü hastalarla cinsel sorunları hakkında konuşmanın hemşirenin sorumluluğu olduğunu bildirmekle birlikte, yaklaşık beşte biri (%19.4) cinsel sağlık bakım hizmeti verdiğini be- lirtmiştir. Hemşirelerin yarısından fazlası (%57.3) cinsel tanılama ye- teneğine güvendiğini, ancak %76.3’ü cinsel konularla ilgili konuşmak- tan rahatsızlık hissettiğini ve %67.8’i hastaneye yatan hastaların cinsel sorunları ile ilgilenemeyecek kadar hasta olduklarını düşündüklerini bildirmiştir. Hemşirelerin cinsel sağlık bakımı verme deneyimi ile Cin- sel Tutum ve İnanç Ölçeği toplam puanları arasında anlamlı ilişki sap- tanmıştır (p<0.05). Sonuç: Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin cinsel sağlık bakımı vermeye ilişkin deneyimlerinin sınırlı olduğu ve orta düzeyde engellerinin bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma bulguları, hemşirelerin cinsel bakım engelle- rinin giderilmesine yönelik girişimlerin planlanmasında kullanılabilir.Aim: To determine attitudes and beliefs of nurses about the sexual health care of patients. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 211 public-hospital nurses who agreed to participate in the survey between January and March 2014. The data were collected on a data form developed by the researchers and on the Sexual Attitudes and Beliefs Survey. Results: The results of the study indicated that most of the nurses (67.3%) believed that discussing patients’ sexual problems is the responsibility of nurses and 19.4% of nurses only noted that they provided sexual health care. It was found that more than half of the participants (57.3%) felt con&amp;#64257; dent in diagnosing the patients’ sexual problems. On the other hand, the results also showed that most nurses (76.3%) did not feel comfortable talking about sexual issues and 67.8% of nurses felt that the patients lacked interest in their sexuality because they suffered from illnesses. A signi&amp;#64257; cant relationship was found between the experience of administering sexual health care and the Sexual Attitudes and Beliefs Survey (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: It was determined that the experience of nurses providing sexual health care is limited and that there are medium-level barriers. It has therefore been concluded that the &amp;#64257; ndings of this study are important for planning to overcome the barriers


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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Primipar Emzirme Motivasyon Ölçeği (PEMÖ)'nin geçerlik ve güvenirliğini Türkkültürü içinde incelemektir.Materyal ve Metot: Bu araştırma Aralık 2017 ve Aralık 2018 tarihleri arasında İstanbul ili Ümraniye Eğitim veAraştırma Hastanesine başvuran ve doğum sonu 6. ayında olan primipar 400 kadın ile yapılan metodolojik birçalışmadır. Çalışma verileri, “Veri Toplama Formu” ve “Primipar Emzirme Motivasyon Ölçeği” nin Türkçeversiyonu kullanılarak elde edildi. PEMÖ ölçümleri geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri yapılarak test edilmiştir.Verilerin geçerlik analizi; kapsam geçerlik indeksi, açımlayıcı faktör analizi, doğrulayıcı faktör analiziyle,güvenirlik analizi; pearson momentler çarpımı korelasyonu ve Cronbach Alfa güvenirlik katsayısı ile yapıldı.Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı/yüzde, bağımlı ve bağımsız gruplarda t testi, korelasyon analizi, Cronbachα analizi, açıklayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi kullanıldı. Dört alt boyutu olan ölçekte puanlar arttıkçamotivasyonun arttığı anlaşılmaktadır.Bulgular: PEMÖ, primiparlarda doğum sonu emzirme motivasyon düzeyini değerlendirmek için geliştirilmiş37 maddelik bir ölçektir. Ölçeğin zamana göre değişmezliğini değerlendirmek için iki hafta aralıklarla testtekrar test ölçüm yapıldı. Bunun sonucunda puan ortalamaları arasında fark bulunmamıştır (p=0,435).Ölçeğinin güvenirliğini belirlemek için yapılmış olan iç tutarlılığı analizinde güvenirlik katsayısı emzirmeyeverilen değer boyutu için α=0,884, öz-etkililik boyutu için α= 0,825, ebe desteği boyutu için α= 0,686, başarıbeklentisi boyutu için α=0,873 olarak bulunmuştur.Sonuç: PEMÖ, Türkçe versiyonunun annelerin emzirme motivasyonunu belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir biraraç olduğu belirlenmiştir.Objectives: The objective of this study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Primipara Breastfeeding_x000D_ Motivation Scale (PBMS)._x000D_ Materials and Methods: This is a methodological study conducted with 400 primiparous women who have_x000D_ applied to the Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital in the Istanbul Province between December 2017 and_x000D_ December 2018, and who are in their postnatal 6th month. The study data were obtained using the Turkish_x000D_ language version of the “Data Collection Form” and the “Primipara Breastfeeding Motivation Scale”. The PBMS_x000D_ measurements were tested by conducting validity and reliability analyses. The validity analysis for the data_x000D_ was conducted using the content validity index, the exploratory factor analysis, the confirmatory factor_x000D_ analysis, the reliability analysis, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and the Cronbach’s Alfa_x000D_ reliability coefficient. In evaluating the data, number/percentage, t-test on dependent and independent groups,_x000D_ correlation analysis, Cronbach’s α analysis, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used. It was_x000D_ understood that motivation increased parallel to an increase in points on a scale with four sub-dimensions._x000D_ Results: PBMS is a 37-item scale developed to evaluate the postnatal breastfeeding motivation in primipara._x000D_ A test-retest measurement was conducted at fortnightly intervals in order to evaluate the constancy of the scale_x000D_ in time. As a result, no difference was found between point averages (p=0.435). In the internal consistency_x000D_ analysis conducted to determine the scale’s reliability, the reliability coefficient was found as α=0.884 for the_x000D_ value ascribed to breastfeeding dimension, α= 0.825 for the self-effectiveness dimension, α= 0.686 for the_x000D_ midwife support dimension, and α=0.873 for the expectation of success dimension._x000D_ Conclusion: It was found that the Turkish language version of PBMS is a valid and reliable tool in identifying_x000D_ the breastfeeding motivation of mothers

    Hemşirelerin Araştırma Kullanım Engelleri

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    Objectives: Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to making quality decisions and providingnursing care based upon personal clinical expertise in combination with the most current, relevantresearch available on the topic. EBP can significantly affect mortality and morbidity rates and play animportant role in the reduction of geographic differences. Ten/fifteen years ago in our country, “HealthTransition Project” was launched to improve the quality of health care. Thus it should be investigated tobetter understand nurses’ current perceived barriers to research utilization. This study aim toinvestigate barriers of research utilization among nurses at a public hospital and radical changes of itshealth care system.Materials and Methods: This study was planned as a descriptive research. This study was conductedbetween the dates of February-May 2018 at a Public Hospital in Turkey. All participant who volunteeredto participate in the survey and who completed fully form were evaluated. Simple random samplingmethod was used. Data were collected using a face-to-face interview technique with the questionnairedeveloped by the researchers and Barriers to Research Utilization Scale Turkish version. The BARRIERSscale developed by Funk consists of 29 items and four subgroups. These four factors were labeled nurse,organization, innovation and communication. As obtained the scale score increases obstacle isincreasing.Results: A total of 350 nurses participated in this survey. Most of participants were undergraduate. Onaverage, they had been employed in the nursing profession for 8.6 years (range 1-30 years). A large partof the nurses was not following the publications related to the profession (75.15%) and believed that thepractical changes would provide minimal benefit (73.42%). For the organizational factors, the biggestbarriers reported were “physicians will not cooperate with implementation” (76.85%). For theinnovation factors the biggest barriers determined were “the nurse is uncertain whether to believe theresults of the research (72.57%). For the communication factors, the biggest barriers reported were“literature is not compiled in one place” (66.85%).Conclusion: Nurses have serious barriers to using research results in clinics. These barriers range fromindividual characteristics of nurses to organizational factors. Therefore, focusing only on nurses is notthe right approach in solving the problem. The only solution is to ensure secular, rational and scientificeducation for all individuals from the early childhood. Only in this way can both individual and frommanagement organizational barriers arising can be overcome.Amaç: Kanıta dayalı uygulama (KDU), konuyla ilgili mevcut en güncel araştırmalarla birlikte kaliteli_x000D_ kararlar almak ve kişisel klinik uzmanlığa dayalı hemşirelik bakımı sağlamak için bir yaklaşımdır. KDU,_x000D_ mortalite ve morbidite oranlarını önemli ölçüde etkileyebilir ve coğrafi farklılıkların azaltılmasında_x000D_ önemli bir rol oynayabilir. On-on beş yıl önce ülkemizde, sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini artırmak_x000D_ amacıyla “Sağlıkta Dönüşüm Programı" başlatılmıştır. Türkiye'deki Sağlıkta Dönüşüm Programı ile_x000D_ organizasyon yapısı ve sağlık bakım sisteminde köklü değişiklikler yapılmıştır. Bu değişim hemşirelerin_x000D_ araştırma kullanımındaki algıladıkları engelleri etkilemiş olabilir. Bu çalışmada, sağlık bakım_x000D_ sistemindeki değişiklikler sonrasında hemşirelerin araştırma kullanımının önündeki engellerin_x000D_ araştırılması amaçlanmıştır._x000D_ Materyal ve Metot: Bu araştırma tanımlayıcı tipte bir çalışmadır. Bu çalışma Şubat-Mayıs 2018 tarihleri_x000D_ arasında bir hastanede yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan ve formu eksiksiz tüm_x000D_ katılımcıların verileri değerlendirilmiştir. Örneklem seçiminde basit rastgele örnekleme yöntemi_x000D_ kullanılmıştır. Veriler, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen anket formu ve Araştırma Kullanım Bariyer_x000D_ Ölçeği Türkçe versiyonu ile toplanmıştır. Funk tarafından geliştirilen ölçek toplam 29 madde ve 4 alt gruptan oluşmaktadır. Ölçeğin alt grupları hemşirenin bireysel özellikleri, organizasyonun özellikleri_x000D_ (kurumsal sınırlamalar, engeller) inovasyonun özellikleri (araştırmanın kalitesi) ve iletişim özellikleri_x000D_ (araştırmanın sunumu, erişilebilirliği) 'dir. Ölçekten alınan puan artıkça algılanan engel artmaktadır._x000D_ Bulgular: Bu çalışma 350 hemşire ile yapılmıştır. Katılımcıların çoğu lisans mezunudur. Ortalama_x000D_ olarak, hemşirelik mesleğinde 8,6 yıldır (1-30 yıl) çalışmaktadırlar. Hemşirelerin %75,15'inin araştırma_x000D_ hakkında bilgisi yoktu ve %73,42'si pratikte yapılacak değişikliklerin yararlarının sınırlı olduğuna_x000D_ inanıyordu. Organizasyon alt grubunda en yüksek skorlu engel “hekimlerin klinikte iş birliği yapmaması_x000D_ (%76,85) idi. İnovasyon alt grubunda ise belirlenen en yüksek engelin “hemşirelerin araştırma_x000D_ sonuçlarına inanıp inanmama konusunda yaşadıkları belirsizlik (%72,57) olduğu saptandı. İletişim alt_x000D_ boyutundaki bildirilen en büyük engel “araştırmaların tek merkezde toplanmamış (%66,85) olmasıydı._x000D_ Sonuç: Hemşirelerin klinikte araştırma sonuçlarını kullanmada ciddi engelleri vardır. Bu engeller,_x000D_ hemşirelerin bireysel özelliklerinden örgütsel faktörlere kadar uzanmaktadır. Bu nedenle, yalnızca_x000D_ hemşirelere odaklanmak, sorunu çözmede doğru yaklaşım değildir. Tek çözüm, erken çocukluk_x000D_ döneminden itibaren tüm bireyler için laik, rasyonel ve bilimsel eğitim sağlamaktır. Ancak bu şekilde_x000D_ hem bireysel hem de yönetimden kaynaklanan örgütsel engellerin üstesinden gelinebilir

    The breastfeeding experiences of COVID-19-positive women: A qualitative study in Turkey

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    Aim The aim of the study was to determine the breastfeeding experiences of COVID-19-positive women. Methods This was a qualitative study of 14 women diagnosed with COVID-19. One-to-one telephone interviews were conducted and recorded. The data were analyzed thematically. Results Three main themes were identified. Theme 1 was increased emotional load, outlining the emotional effects of the disease in the women, such as feeling sad and inadequate, in addition to anxiety and fear. Theme 2 was breastfeeding during the disease, which illustrated the effects of the treatment process on the women, the disease-related symptoms, their influence on breastfeeding attitudes and behavior, and the effects of social media and television. Theme 3 was perceived social support and need, defining the social support perceived and expected by the women during isolation with needs. Conclusion Women who could not get the professional support they expected had to face the difficult choice between taking medical treatment and breastfeeding. Many women refused drug treatment for COVID-19 and continued to breastfeed with all the resultant emotional and physical difficulties, as they believed in the benefits of mother's milk. The experiences of the women were discussed with an approach that enabled developing health care services further. It was concluded that Turkish health care professionals need to develop an evidence-based and female-centered approach for COVID-19 management in breastfeeding women

    The Effect of Health Belief Model-Based Training on Cervical Cancer Screening Behaviors

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    Objective: Cervical cancer remain a major public health problem, ranking as the fourth most common cause of cancer incidence and mortality in women worldwide in 2019. Prevention and early detection of cancer are considered as critical factors in controlling the disease and increasing the survival of patients. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of Health Belief Model (HBM)-based education on cervical cancer screening behaviors. Methods: This is a descriptive type of study. The participants attended training workshops based on HBM. Data were collected by the questionnaire developed by the researchers and the Health Belief Model Scale Turkish version. Results: Twelve women (13%) from the participants had already taken the test before training. After training, the majority (n=56) of women had the Pap smear test (70%). Reasons for not getting a Pap-Smear Test (n=24) were determined as no need / no risk (n=13), no opportunity (n=7) and shyness (n=4) respectively. Conclusion: Our findings showed that the health education programs designed based on HBM could positively affect cervical cancer preventive behaviors