33 research outputs found

    Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange in children requiring emergent intubation (Kids THRIVE): a statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial

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    Published online: 31 May 2023The placement of an endotracheal tube for children with acute or critical illness is a low-frequency and high-risk procedure, associated with high rates of first-attempt failure and adverse events, including hypoxaemia. To reduce the frequency of these adverse events, the provision of oxygen to the patient during the apnoeic phase of intubation has been proposed as a method to prolong the time available for the operator to insert the endotracheal tube, prior to the onset of hypoxaemia. However, there are limited data from randomised controlled trials to validate the efficacy of this technique in children. The technique known as transnasal humidified rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) uses high oxygen flow rates (approximately 2 L/kg/min) delivered through nasal cannulae during apnoea. It has been shown to at least double the amount of time available for safe intubation in healthy children undergoing elective surgery. The technique and its application in real time have not previously been studied in acutely ill or injured children presenting to the emergency department or admitted to an intensive care unit. The Kids THRIVE trial is a multicentre, international, randomised controlled trial (RCT) in children less than 16 years old undergoing emergent intubation in either the intensive care unit or emergency department of participating hospitals. Participants will be randomised to receive either the THRIVE intervention or standard care (no apnoeic oxygenation) during their intubation. The primary objective of the trial is to determine if the use of THRIVE reduces the frequency of oxygen desaturation and increases the frequency of first-attempt success without hypoxaemia in emergent intubation of children compared with standard practice. The secondary objectives of the study are to assess the impact of the use of THRIVE on the rate of adverse events, length of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in intensive care. In this paper, we describe the detailed statistical analysis plan as an update of the previously published protocol.Shane George, Kristen Gibbons, Tara Williams, Susan Humphreys, Ben Gelbart, Renate Le Marsney, Simon Craig, David Tingay, Arjun Chavan, Andreas Schibler, for the Kids THRIVE Investigators, Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT) and the Australia, New Zealand Intensive Care Society Paediatric Study Group (ANZICS PSG). Kids THRIVE Investigators: Shane George ... Subodh Ganu et al

    Discordant identification of pediatric severe sepsis by research and clinical definitions in the SPROUT international point prevalence study

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    Introduction: Consensus criteria for pediatric severe sepsis have standardized enrollment for research studies. However, the extent to which critically ill children identified by consensus criteria reflect physician diagnosis of severe sepsis, which underlies external validity for pediatric sepsis research, is not known. We sought to determine the agreement between physician diagnosis and consensus criteria to identify pediatric patients with severe sepsis across a network of international pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). Methods: We conducted a point prevalence study involving 128 PICUs in 26 countries across 6 continents. Over the course of 5 study days, 6925 PICU patients <18 years of age were screened, and 706 with severe sepsis defined either by physician diagnosis or on the basis of 2005 International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference consensus criteria were enrolled. The primary endpoint was agreement of pediatric severe sepsis between physician diagnosis and consensus criteria as measured using Cohen's ?. Secondary endpoints included characteristics and clinical outcomes for patients identified using physician diagnosis versus consensus criteria. Results: Of the 706 patients, 301 (42.6 %) met both definitions. The inter-rater agreement (? ± SE) between physician diagnosis and consensus criteria was 0.57 ± 0.02. Of the 438 patients with a physician's diagnosis of severe sepsis, only 69 % (301 of 438) would have been eligible to participate in a clinical trial of pediatric severe sepsis that enrolled patients based on consensus criteria. Patients with physician-diagnosed severe sepsis who did not meet consensus criteria were younger and had lower severity of illness and lower PICU mortality than those meeting consensus criteria or both definitions. After controlling for age, severity of illness, number of comorbid conditions, and treatment in developed versus resource-limited regions, patients identified with severe sepsis by physician diagnosis alone or by consensus criteria alone did not have PICU mortality significantly different from that of patients identified by both physician diagnosis and consensus criteria. Conclusions: Physician diagnosis of pediatric severe sepsis achieved only moderate agreement with consensus criteria, with physicians diagnosing severe sepsis more broadly. Consequently, the results of a research study based on consensus criteria may have limited generalizability to nearly one-third of PICU patients diagnosed with severe sepsis

    The impact of fire on the quality of drooping sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) cones for the endangered Kangaroo Island glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus)

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    The Kangaroo Island glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) is an endangered subspecies that feeds almost entirely on the kernels of drooping sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata). Hence, it is highly susceptible to changes in the quantity or quality of A. verticillata. Fire has the potential to severely impact glossy black-cockatoo feeding habitat on the island, but since A. verticillata is serotinous, it is partially reliant on fire for regeneration. Here, we quantified the effects of time-since-fire (over a 60-year period) on cone quality for C. lathami halmaturinus. Cone quality in A. verticillata woodlands with a range of fire histories was examined using three measures of cone profitability: the ratio of seed-to-cone mass (Clout’s Index), the ratio of kernel-to-cone mass (Kernel Ratio) and the proportion of seeds containing kernels (Seed Fill). We then mapped the fire history of A. verticillata woodlands on Kangaroo Island before and after the 2019/20 bushfire season. We found that time-since-fire had a significant negative impact on Clout’s Index, as well as a negative but non-significant impact on Seed Fill and Kernel Ratio. This suggests that trees that have not experienced fire in over 60 years may have cones that are of lesser value to C. lathami halmaturinus. This is concerning, because up to 94% of A. verticillata woodlands not impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires are likely of a similar age class, having had no fire in over 60 years. Our findings highlight the need for ongoing assessment and management of critical habitat for this endangered subspecies